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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Bukowiecki N. (2011) Cloud Condensation Nuclei Concentrations and Actual Supersaturations in Real Clouds
Baltensperger U, Jurányi Z, Emanuel H, Gysel M, Bukowiecki N & Weingartner E
(2009) Hourly-Size Segregated Sampling of Trace Elements and Subsequent Source Apportionment
Richard A, Furger M, Bukowiecki N, Lienemann P, Nachtegaal M, Prevot A & Baltensperger U

Bul'bak T. (2017) Carbon and Nitrogen Speciation in C-O-H-N Fluids at 5.5-7.8 GPa
Sokol A, Tomilenko A, Bul'bak T & Palyanov Y
(2007) An Experimental Basis for Eco-Safe Geoconservation of Radioactive Nuclides in Aluminosilicate Matrixes Based on Fusible Bentonites
Kovalev V, Bul'bak T, Boguslavsky A, Reverdatto V & Polyansky O

Bulaev A. (2018) Microbial Fe(II) Oxidation and Heavy Metal Precipitation in Rio Tinto (Spain)
Abramov S, Grimm L, Schädler F, Tejada J, Bulaev A, Thorwarth H, Amils R, Kleindienst S & Kappler A

Bulanova Galina (2022) Paleozoic Subduction into the Deeper Mantle Recorded by Superdeep Diamonds
Timmerman S, Pearson DG, Koornneef JM, Harlou R, Nowell GM, Thomson AR, Kohn SC, Davies JHFL, Davies GR, Krebs MY, Zhang Q, Milne SE, Stachel T, Harris JW, Kaminsky F, Bulanova G, Smith CB, Burnham A & Walter MJ
(2019) Helium Isotope Signatures of the Mantle Transition Zone
Timmerman S, Honda M, Burnham A, Amelin Y, Woodland S, Pearson G, Jaques L, Le Losq C, Bennett V, Bulanova G, Smith C, Harris J & Tohver E
(2019) Water Content of Silicate Mineral Inclusions in Superdeep Diamonds from Juina, Brazil
Thomson A, Hauri E, Shirey S, Walter M, Kohn S, Bulanova G, Smith C & Wang J

Bulanova Galina P. (2018) Modelling the Temperature History of Mantle Lithosphere Using FTIR Maps of Diamonds
Kohn S, Speich L, Bulanova G, Smith C, Gress M & Davies G
(2016) The Fate of Carbon in Deeply Subducted Oceanic Crust
Walter M, Thomson A, Bulanova G, Smith C, Burnham A, Brooker R & Kohn S
(2015) Water Dissolved in Silicate Mineral Inclusions in Diamonds
Kohn SC, Bulanova G & Smith C
(2015) High Resolution FTIR Mapping of Natural Diamonds
Speich L, Kohn SC, Walter MJ, Bulanova GP & Smith CB
(2014) Water Content of Stishovite, Majorite, and Perovskite Inclusions in Juina Superdeep Diamonds
Shirey S, Hauri E, Thomson A, Bulanova G, Smith C, Kohn S & Walter M
(2013) Platelet Degradation in Diamonds. Insights from Infrared Microscopy and Implications for the Thermal Evolution of Cratonic Mantle
Kohn S, Wibberley E, Smith C, Bulanova G & Walter M
(2013) Diamonds and their Inclusions from Dachine, French Guiana: A Record of Paleoproterozoic Subduction
Walter M, Smith C, Bulanova G, Mikhail S & Kohn S
(2013) An Experimental Investigation of the Formation Mechanisms of Superdeep Diamonds
Thomson A, Walter M, Kohn S, Bulanova G & Smith C
(2013) The Redox State of Diamond-Forming Fluids: Constraints from Fe3+/Fe2+ of Garnets
Burnham A, Kohn S, Potiszil C, Walter M, Bulanova G, Thomson A & Smith C
(2013) Water Content of Inclusions in Superdeep Diamonds
Shirey SB, Hauri EH, Thomson AR, Bulanova GP, Smith CB, Kohn SC & Walter MJ
(2012) Evidence for the Role of Carbonate Melts in the Origin of Superdeep Diamond Inclusions from the Juina-5 Kimberlite, Brazil
Thomson A, Walter M, Kohn S, Russell B, Bulanova G, Araujo D & Smith C
(2012) Multiple Growth Events in Diamonds from Murowa; Evidence from FTIR Mapping of N and H Defects
Kohn S, Bulanova G, Smith C, Walter M, Marks A & McKay A
(2011) Subducted Oceanic Crust Exhumed from the Lower Mantle
Kohn S, Walter M, Araujo D, Bulanova G & Smith C
(2009) Growth of Diamonds in Subduction Zones? Evidence from Zoning of Nitrogen Defects
Kohn S & Bulanova G
(2007) No Evidence of Diffusive Homogenisation of Carbon Isotopes in Yakutian Diamonds
Wiggers de Vries D, Davies G, Bulanova G & Pearson G
(2005) Archean Mantle beneath the Halls Creek Mobile Zone, W. Australia Revealed by Re-Os Isotopes
Luguet A, Pearson DG, Jaques AL, Bulanova GP, Smith CB, Roffey S & Rayner MJ
(2000) Re-Os Isotope Constraints on the Age of Siberian Diamonds
Pearson DG, Bulanova G, Shirey S, Carlson R, Milledge J & Barashkov Y

Bulat S. (2010) Helium Isotope in the Accreted Ice of Subglacial Lake Vostok (Antarctica)
Jean-Baptiste P, Fourré E, Petit J-R, Bulat S, Alekina I & Lipenkov V
(2009) Life Detection Strategy for Subglacial Lake Vostok, Antarctica: Lessons for Jovian Moon Europa
Bulat S, Alekhina I & Petit J-R

Bulatov T. (2023) Volcanic Eruptions Records in the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Bazhenov Formation of Western Siberia
Yermakov Y, Bulatov T, Kulikova A, Gareev B & Spasennykh M

Bulatov V (2006) Redox melting and composition of near liquidus melts of C-O-H-bearing peridotite
Brey GP, Bulatov V & Girnis A

Bulatov Vadim (2017) Experimental Modeling of Sediment-Peridotite Interaction in a Thermal Gradient
Woodland A, Girnis A, Bulatov V, Brey G, Höfer H & Gerdes A
(2015) Experimental Modeling of Sediment–peridotite Interaction Under Temperature-Gradient Conditions
Bulatov V, Girnis A, Woodland A & Brey G

Bulbak T. (2020) Hydrogenation of Graphite, Diamond, Carbonates and Iron Carbides as the Source of Hydrocarbons in the Upper Mantle
Sokol I, Sokol A, Zaikin P, Tomilenko A & Bulbak T

Buldovicz S. (2017) Cryovolcanism on the Earth: Origin of a Giant Crater in the Yamal Peninsula (Russia)
Bychkov A, Vorobyev S, Buldovicz S, Khilimonyuk V & Ospennikov E

Bulkan Ö. (2015) A High Resolution Elemental Record of Lake Bafa Sediments (Turkey)
Yalamaz B, Bulkan Ö, Çagatay MN & Acar D

Bull A. (2015) Highlights from the GEOTRACES International Programme
Masferrer Dodas E, Bull A, Jeandel C, Henderson GM & Geotraces G

Bull C. (2010) Neutron Diffraction Studies of Amorphous Materials Under Pressure
Wilding M, Guthrie M, Bull C & Tucker M

Bull Ian (2017) Tracing Methane Emissions from Temperate Wetlands
Lengger S, Lim K, Hornibrook E, Peacock M, Bull I, Evershed R & Pancost R
(2011) Organic Geochemical Analysis of the Impact of Cadaver Burial on Soil
Ismail SS, Bull I & Evershed R

Bull Ian D. (2020) Investigation of Microbial Communities and Micronutrients in Sheep Manure Fertilized Soils with a pH Gradient
Isik T, Buss HL & Bull ID

Bull S. (2013) Four Cycles of Oxygenation in the Phanerozoic
Large R, Halpin J, Danyushevsky L, Maslennikov V, Bull S, Gregory D, Lyons T & Lounejeva E
(2010) Pyrite is the Key: Insights into Ore Forming Processes at Bendigo, Australia Using LA-ICPMS Trace Element and Isotope Methods
Thomas H, Large R & Bull S

Bullard J. (2018) Measuring and Interpreting the Dissolution Rates of Cementitious Silicate and Aluminate Minerals
Bullard J & Brand A
(2018) Applications of in situ Digital Holographic Microscopy in Geochemistry and Civil Engineering
Brand A & Bullard J

Bulle F. (2007) Unravelling the Origin of Zircon from Sheared and Altered Ultramafic Rocks of the Cycladic Blueschist Belt: A Record of Fluid Infiltration?
Bulle F & Bröcker M

Bullen D. (2016) Combining Microstructural and Isotopic Analysis of Baddeleyite to Unravel Solar System Bombardment
White L, Darling J, Moser D, Reinhard D, Horstwood M, Bullen D, Barker I, Prosa T, Olson D, Larson D, Clifton P, Lawrence D & Martin I

Bullen J. (2019) Surface Complexation Model for Zn Adsorption on Goethite in 0.1–0.7 M NaCl Solution
Hanif M, Weiss D, Bullen J, Kirby M & Kirk G

Bullen M. (2019) Chromium Isotope Constraints on the Late Paleoproterozoic Marine Redox: Evidence from ~1.64 Ga Carbonates of the Greater McArthur Basin, Australia
Farkas J, Toledo G, Klaebe R, Frei R, Collins A, Cox G, Blades M, Bullen M, Guiliano W, Samanta M, Edgoose C & Smith B

Bullen Thomas (2019) Insight from Metal and Nonmetal Isotopes for Barite Formation
Griffith E, Paytan A, Wortmann U, Eisenhauer A, Scher H & Bullen T

Bullen Thomas D. (2015) Controls on the Ca-Sr-Ba Stable Isotope Composition of the Exchange Pool along a Soil Climosequence
Bullen T, Chadwick O & Fitzpatrick J
(2013) A "non-Chons" Stable Isotope View on Weathering and Hydrology
Bullen T
(2013) The Societal Impact of Urban and Environmental Geochemistry: Pathways to Success
Bullen T
(2013) Comparison of δ53Cr Ratios between Geogenic and Anthropogenic Chromium in Central European Waters
Novak M, Chrastny V, Farkas J, Bullen TD, Cadkova E, Szurmanova Z, Tylcer J, Erbanova L, Prechova E & Pasava J
(2013) Metal Isotopic Distributions in Mycorrhizal Trees: Weathering Manifestations and within-Plant Fractionations
Bryce J, Hobbie E, Bullen T, Blichert-Toft J, Colpaert J, Hoff C, Meana-Prado MF, Telouk P & Vadeboncoeur M
(2012) Marine Terrace Soils along the West Coast of North America: A Weathering Archive?
Schulz M, Lawrence C, Stonestrom D, Bullen T, Harden J, White A, Fitzpatrick J & Masiello C
(2012) A Sr Isotope Survey of a Marine Terrace Chronosequence: Equilibrium Interrupted
Fitzpatrick J, Schulz M, Bain D, Bullen T & White A
(2012) Investigating Controls on Calcium Isotope Ratios in Marine Carbonates and Barite Across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Griffith E, Fantle M, Bullen T, Eisenhauer A & Paytan A
(2012) Landscape-Scale Pedogenic Relationships between Soil Carbon and Secondary Metal Oxides in Hubbard Brook Podzols, Northeastern US
Bourgault R, Ross D, Bailey S, Brousseau P, Gannon J, McGuire K & Bullen T
(2012) Determining Solute Sources and Water Flowpaths in Catchments Using the Ca-Sr-Ba Multi-Tracer
Bullen T, Bailey S & McGuire K
(2011) The Expansion of Metal Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry into Biomedicine
Bullen T & Croteau M-N
(2010) Stable Isotope Signals of Metal Contaminants in the Environment: The Search Continues
Bullen T & Widory D
(2010) Evidence of Iron Isotope Fractionation due to Biologic Lifting in a Soil Chronosequence
Schulz M, Bullen T, White A & Fitzpatrick J
(2009) Multi-Isotopic (H, O, C, S, Li, B, Si, Sr, Nd) Approach for Geothermal Fluid Characterization in Iceland
Millot R, Àsmundsson R, Négrel P, Sanjuan B & Bullen T
(2009) Lab vs Field Granite Weathering: A 12 Year Experiment
White A, Vivit D, Schulz M, Fitzpatrick J & Bullen T
(2009) Formation Fluids-CO2-Sediment Interactions: Minimizing Environmental Impacts of CO2 Storage
Kharaka Y, Cole D, Thordsen J, Kakouros E & Bullen T
(2009) δ53Cr Mixing, Fractionation and Exchange in Contaminant Plumes
Izbicki J, Bullen T, Martin P & Schroth B
(2009) Multi-Isotope Approaches for Identification of Metal Contamination Sources in Environmental Systems
Bullen T, Widory D & Petelet-Giraud E
(2008) Evidence for a Dynamic Marine Calcium Cycle during the Past 30 Million Years from a Record of Calcium Isotopes in Marine Barite
Griffith E, Paytan A & Bullen T
(2008) Chemical Interactions in Rainfall/Shallow Soil Pore Water in Coastal Watersheds
White A, Bullen T, Vivit D & Schulz M
(2008) Chromium Mobilization from the Unsaturated Zone
Izbicki J, Kulp T, Bullen T, Ball J & O'Leary D
(2007) Potential Environmental Issues of CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers: Geochemical Results from the Frio Brine Pilot Tests, Texas, USA
Kharaka Y, Thordsen J, Hovorka S, Cole D, Phelps T & Bullen T
(2006) Isotopic fractionation of tellurium during reduction of Te(IV) and Te(VI) to Te(0)
Bullen T, Baesman S, Oremland R & Aggarwal J
(2006) Distinguishing Between Lithogenic and Biogenic Processes in Soil Weathering Environments
White A, Schulz M, Vivit D, Bullen TD & Aggarwal J
(2005) Seawater Calcium Isotopes from Marine Barite: A Potential Record of Carbonate Deposition in the Oceans
Morris E, Paytan A & Bullen T
(2005) Weathering and Uptake of Silicon in the Santa Cruz Terraces: New Evidence from Silicon Isotopes
Aggarwal J, White A & Bullen T
(2005) Cr Isotopes as Indicators of Cr(VI) Reduction and Contaminant Sources
Johnson T, Bullen T, Ellis A, Sikora E & Kitchen J
(2005) Tracing Sources, Movement, and Fate of Hexavalent Cr in Ground Water Using Cr Stable Isotope Variations
Ball J, Izbicki J, Bullen T & Johnson T
(2005) The Relationships between Groundwater Discharge and the Lower Jordan River
Farber E, Vengosh A, Gavrieli I, Marei A, Bullen T, Mayer B, Holtzman R, Segal M & Shavit U
(2005) Chromium Isotope Fractionation during Oxidation of Cr(III) by Manganese Oxides
Bain D & Bullen T
(2004) Initial Results Describing the Scales of Contempory and Geologic Weathering on Marine Terraces, Santa Cruz, California, USA
White A, Schulz M, Vivit D, Bullen T & Blum A
(2004) Fe Isotopic Composition of Rivers
Fantle M, Bullen T & Depaolo D
(2003) Ca Isotope Fractionation during Ca-Carbonate Precipitation: There’s More to it Than Temperature
Bullen T, Kim S & Paytan A
(2003) Geochemical and Isotopic (Sr, B, O, H) Characterization of Groundwater from the Lower Cretaceous Sandstone Aquifer in the Negev and Arava Valley, Israel
Henig S, Vengosh A, Ganor J & Bullen T
(2002) SHRIMP RG Measurements of 87Sr/86Sr in Granitoid Calcites; Implications for Calcite Petrogenesis
Schulz M, White A, Bacon C, Weber P & Bullen T
(2002) Iron Isotope Fractionation: Does Equilibrium or Disequilibrium Rule?
Bullen T, White A, Mandernack K & Witte K
(2002) Cr Stable Isotopes: Measurement, Systematics and Applications
Johnson TM, Ellis AS & Bullen TD
(2001) Bacterial Influences on the Concentration of Trace Metals and the Isotopic Composition of Fe Released from Minerals into Solution
Guynn RL, Brantley SL, Liermann L, Bullen TD, Anbar A & Barling J
(2000) A Model Describing Differential Rates of Feldspar Weathering in Granitic Regoliths
White A, Bullen T, Schulz M, Blum A, Huntington T & Peters N
(2000) Fractionation of Fe Isotopes by Soil Microbes and Organic Acids
Brantley S, Liermann L, Guynn R & Bullen T

Bullister J.L. (2014) Increasing Pollutant N in the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans
Kim I-N, Lee K, Karl DM, Kim T-W & Bullister JL

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