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Buckby T. (2001) Responses to Flooding in an Acidic River: RI?o Tinto, Southwest Spain
Buckby T, Hodson ME, Black S & Coleman ML
(2000) Processes of Persistent Heavy Metal Contamination in the Río Tinto, South West Spain
Buckby T, Black S & Coleman M

Buckendorf L. (2014) Relationships between Particle Size, Arsenic Concentration, Surface Area, and Bioaccessibility of Mine Tailings from the Empire Mine, CA
Buckendorf L & Kim C
(2014) Transport, Bioaccessibility and Risk Assessment of Fine-Grained Arsenic-Bearing Mine Tailings
Kim C, Anthony T, Buckendorf L, O'Connor K & Rytuba J

Bücker J. (2021) Tellurium and Related Element Fractionation in Porphyry-Epithermal Systems, Limnos Island, Greece
Börner F, Keith M, Bücker J, Voudouris PC, Klemd R & Haase KM

Bücker M. (2015) Noninvasive Characterization of Biogeochemical Hotspots Using Induced Polarization Imaging
Wainwright H, Flores-Orozco A, Bücker M, Dafflon B, Chen J, Hubbard S & Williams K

Bücking C. (2009) On the Role of Outer Membrane Cytochromes in the Exoelectrogenic Activity of S. oneidensis
Bücking C, Popp F, Richter K & Gescher J

Buckingham F.L. (2021) Characterising Rates and Chemistry of Basalt Dissolution in Agriculture Soil Cores to Assess Potential of Enhanced Weathering
Buckingham FL, Holdship P, Renforth P & Henderson GM

Buckle T. (2023) Developing Reusable Tools for Geochemical Data in Python: The Pyrolite Roadmap
Williams M, Buckle T & Nathwani C
(2022) Domaining of Downhole Geochemical Data – An Automated Approach Applied to the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex
Buckle T, Motta JG, Hughes HSR, Andersen JCØ, Lloyd A, DuPreez L & Acheampong K

Buckley B. (2013) Asian Monsoon Circulation Strength Inferred from Multicentury Tree-Ring Stable Isotope Chronologies from Southeast Asia
Anchukaitis K, Gagen M, Martin-Benito D, Buckley B, Ummenhofer C & LeGrande A

Buckley C. (2022) Automated Mineralogy to Characterize Residence of Lead in Fine Grained Sediment along a River Impacted by Historic Lead Mining in Southeast Missouri, USA
Mills C, Stricker C, Buckley C, Pfaff K, Livingston K, Schumacher J, Morrison J, Kane T & Campbell KM

Buckley D. (2017) Soil Aggregation as a Scale-Dependent Process to Stabilize Organic Matter
Lehmann J, Possinger A, Webster T & Buckley D

Buckley N. (2019) Hydrogen Sulfide as a Trace Metal Ligand in the Surface Pacific Ocean
Cutter G & Buckley N
(2019) Can Hydrogen Sulfide in Oxygen-Deficient Zones Affect Metal Cyling?
Buckley N & Cutter G

Buckley W. (2015) A Sediment Trap Evaluation of B/Ca in Planktonic Foraminifera as a Carbonate System Proxy
Osborne E, Thunell R, Bizimis M, Buckley W & Cai W-J
(2013) New Insights into Simultaneous Determination of Mass-Dependent Isotopic Fractionation and Radiogenic Isotope Variations of Strontium by Multi-Collector ICPMS
Scher H, Griffith E & Buckley W

Buckling A. (2019) Community Coalescence and Transplanting of Acidophilic Communities
Sbaffi T, Sierocinski P, Bryan C & Buckling A

Buckman J. (2017) Weathering of Shales in Outcrops: The Importance of Carbonate for Preserving Inorganic Geochemical Proxies
Mahoney C, März C, Buckman J & Wagner T

Buckman S. (2023) Geodynamic Implications of Granites in the Lachlan Orogen, Eastern Gondwana
Zhang Q, Buckman S, Nutman A, Mitchell RN & Li X-H

Buckner C. (2015) Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Coupled to Iron Reduction via Cycling of Sulfur
Buckner C, Ferdelman T, Kuypers M & Milucka J

Buckwalter-Davis M. (2012) Using Automated Mineralogy to Evaluate Bioaccessibility of Pb-Bearing Mine Waste
Buckwalter-Davis M, Jaggard H, Morman S, Plumlee G & Jamieson H

Buczkó N. (2022) Radiological Assessment of Natural and Artificial Radionuclides in Attic Dust and Urban Soil Samples in a Former Heavy Industrial City (Salgótarján, Hungary)
Tserendorj D, Szabó KZ, Völgyesi P, Cong Nguyen T, Hatvani IG, Buczkó N, Abbaszade G, Salazar N & Szabó C

Bud'ko S. (2020) A Thermodynamic Solution Model for Li-Free Tourmaline
Roozen S, van Hinsberg VJ, Dachs E, Benisek A, Grevel K-D, Ryan DH & Bud'ko S

Buda G. (2015) Geochronology Aimed Pre-Examination of Zircon Crystals from Variscan Granitoids by Combination of EPMA, Raman and PL Spectroscopy
Kis A, Weiszburg T & Buda G

Budakoglu M. (2017) Altered Alkaline Pyroclastics Related Lree Enrichment At Derekoy Region, Isparta, SW Turkey
Kocaturk H, Unluer AT, Doner Z, Kirikoglu S, Kumral M & Budakoglu M
(2014) Distribution of Platinum Group Elements (PGE) in Chromites from Some Selected Areas from Denizli and Mugla Provinces, SW Turkey
Doner Z, Kiran Yildirim D, Kan Bostanci A, Kumral M & Budakoglu M
(2014) Investigation of Geochemistry and Subsurface Modeling of Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposit in Tepeoba-Havran, NW Turkey
Kiran Yildirim D, Akay AK, Bonab T, Abdelnasser A, Kumral M & Budakoglu M
(2014) Geochemical Investigations of Egrigoz Granitoid-Hosted Cu-Pb-Zn Mineralization at the Northern Margin of Tauride-Anatolide Platform: A Case Study from Tavsanli Zone, Kutahya, Turkey
Kumral M, Abdelnasser A, Kan Bostanci A, Doner Z, Budakoglu M & Karaman M
(2013) The Platinum Group and Precious Metals Contents of Mugla-Ortaca (Turkey) Area Chromites
Karabel B, Gumus L, Kiran Yildirim D, Uzasci Sultanyan S, Budakoglu M & Kumral M
(2013) Mineralogical, Petrographical and Geochemical Investigation of Tefenni-Burdur Chromite Occurences, Turkey
Kan Bostanci A, Kiran Yildirim D, Karaman M, Sert AS & Budakoglu M
(2013) Organic Genesis of the Sulphur Occurences and their Relationship with Black Shales in the Isparta Region, SW, Turkey
Kumral M & Budakoglu M
(2013) Production of the Sodium Sulphate from Acıgöl by Solution Mining Method, Denizli, Turkey
Uzasci Sultanyan S, Karabel SB, Kiran Yildirim D, Budakoglu M, Kumral M & Karaman M

Budashkina V. (2013) Evaluation of Atmospheric Flows of Mineral Substances in the South-Eastern Coast of Baikal Lake during the Last 200 Years
Budashkina V & Bobrov V

Budd A. (2009) Australia's High Heat Producing Granites: Importance, Distribution and Genesis
Champion D, Budd A, Schofield A, Meixner T & Lambert I
(2006) Geochronology of Mesoproterozoic gold mineralization in the Gawler Craton, and temporal links with the Gawler Range Volcanics
Fraser G, Skirrow R & Budd A
(2006) A- & I-type subdivision of the Gawler Ranges-Hiltaba Volcano-Plutonic Association
Budd AR

Budd D.A. (2014) Persistent Shallow Magma Storage beneath Katla Volcano
Budd D, Troll V & Dahren B
(2012) Reconstructing the Toba Magmatic System: Insights from Stable Isotope Geochemistry
Budd D, Troll V, Jolis E, Deegan F, Smith V, Whitehouse M, Harris C, Freda C, Hilton D & Halldorsson S
(2011) Probing the Toba Super-Eruption: Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry of Zoned Quartz Phenocrysts
Budd D, Troll V, Muñoz-Jolis E, Deegan F, Smith V, Whitehouse M, Freda C, Harris C & Hilton D
(2010) Bed-Scale Reaction Transport Modeling of Dolomitization Reveals the Emergence of Self-Organizing Patterns
Budd DA & Park AJ

Budd P. (2002) Reconstructing Anglo-Saxon Immigration and Residential Mobility from O-, Sr- and Pb-Isotope Analysis
Budd P, Montgomery J, Evans J, Chenery C & Powlesland D
(2000) Sr and Pb Isotopes for Tracking Human Historical and Ancient Migrations
Montgomery J, Evans J & Budd P

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