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Büchner J. (2011) Age Relations, Mineral-Chemical and Isotopic Investigations on Basaltic gem Stone Zircons from Eastern Germany
Büchner J, Tietz O, Seifert W, Gerdes A & Linnemann U

Buchner S. (2013) X-Ray Study of High Pressure Induced Densification of Lithium Disilicate Glass
Buchner S, Pereira AS, Lima JCD & Balzaretti NM

Bucholz Claire (2019) Emergence of Continents Above Sea-Level Influences Composition of Sediment Melts
Liebmann J, Spencer C, Kirkland C, Bucholz C, He X, Tang L, Santosh M, Xia X, Martin L & Evans N
Gatti E, Bucholz C, Guan Y, Zhang Y, Gaetani G & Eiler J
(2018) Oyxgen Fugacity at the Base of the Talkeetna Arc, Alaska
Bucholz C & Kelemen P
(2018) A Phanerozoic Increase in Arc Rock Oxidation State
Stolper D & Bucholz C
(2017) Determining Magma Ascent Rates from Diffusive D/H Fractionation in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Gaetani G, Bucholz C, Le Roux V, Klein F, Wallace P, Sims K & Ghiorso M
(2014) Volatile Records in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions: What Can We Actually Learn from Them?
Bucholz C, Gaetani G, Behn M, Shimizu N, Newville M & Monteleone B
(2014) Many Roads Lead to Granite: A Field Study of a High-K LLD
Bucholz C, Jagoutz O & Schmidt M
(2013) Reading the Melt Inclusion Record of Pre-Eruptive Magmatic Volatiles
Gaetani G, Bucholz C, Rose-Koga E, Shimizu N, Koga K & Monteleone B

Bucholz Claire E (2023) Fractional Crystallization and Open System Processes of H2O-Poor Primitive Basalt at the Jurassic Emigrant Gap Intrusive Complex, Sierra Nevada Batholith, California
Ryan-Davis J, Bucholz CE & Sisson TW
(2022) Iron Isotopes in Mantle and Cumulate Xenoliths from Adak Island, Central Aleutians
Sosa ES, Bucholz CE, Hernández-Montenegro JD, Tissot FLH, Kipp MA, Kay SM & Kay R
(2022) Fractionation of Iron Isotopes between Strongly Peraluminous Granites and their Sedimentary Sources: A Case Study of the Archean Ghost Lake Batholith
Bucholz CE, Hernández-Montenegro JD, Sosa ES, Tissot FLH & Kipp MA
(2022) Coevolution of the Sedimentary and Granite Phosphorus Records
Bucholz CE, Liebmann J & Spencer C
(2022) Temporal Evolution of Sr Isotopes in Island Arc Rocks
Bednarick A, Bucholz CE, Stolper D & DePaolo DJ

Bucholz Claire E. (2020) S Isotopes in Archean & Proterozoic Strongly Peraluminous Granites
Bucholz CE, Biasi JA, Beaudry P, Ono S, Liebmann J & Spencer CJ
(2020) Is Paleoproterozoic Atmospheric Oxygenation Linked to the Emergence of Continents Above Sea-Level? Evidence from Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopic Signatures in Archean to Proterozoic Sediment-Derived Granitoids
Liebmann J, Spencer CJ, Bucholz CE, Kirkland CL, Martin L, Xia X-P & Kitchen N

Buchs B. (2012) Biomineralization of Selenium: Proteins as the Reason for Altered Colloidal Stability of Nanoparticle Suspensions
Buchs B, Evangelou MWH, Corvini PFX & Lenz M

Buchs David (2013) Evidence for Global Metasomatic Enrichment in Oceanic Lithosphere
Pilet S, Abe N, Rochat L, Buchs D & Baumgartner PO
(2011) Evidence for Metasomatic Enrichment in the Oceanic Lithosphere and Implication for the Generation of Enriched Reservoirs
Pilet S, Buchs D, Cosca M, Flores K, Bandini A & Baumgartner P
(2011) Petit Spot-Like Volcanoes Exposed in Costa Rica
Buchs D, Pilet S, Baumgartner P, Cosca M, Flores K & Bandini A
(2006) Late Cretaceous Construction of the SW Margin of the Caribbean Plate
Buchs D, Baumgartner P & Arculus R

Buchs David M. (2019) Magmatic Changes in Central Panama as an Indicator of Subduction Dynamics and Breakup of Farallon Plate
Wang J, Buchs D, Kerr A, Coombs H, Miranda R, Coronado M, Rios X, Chichaco E & Redwood S
(2019) Magmatic Record of Subduction Initiation along the Caribbean Oceanic Plateau
Brims JC, Buchs DM, Kerr AC & Tapia A
(2019) Late Cretaceous Emergence of the Caribbean Oceanic Plateau and Panama Volcanic Arc and Palaeogeographic Implications
Buchs DM, Brims JC, Wang J, Kerr AC, Kukoč D, Baumgartner PO, Spezzaferri S, Tapia A, Rodríguez G, Miranda R, Irving D & Coronado M

Buchs N. (2011) Cross Calibration of a Pb Multi Ion Counting Array on TIMS
Buchs N, Tuttas D & Bouman C

Buchshtav T. (2019) Kinetics and Mechanism of Polysulfides Formation by a Reaction between Hydrogen Sulfide and Orthorhombic Cyclooctasulfur
Avetisyan K, Buchshtav T & Kamyshny A
(2017) The Decomposition of Dimethylpolysulfanes in Aqueous Systems in the Absence of Solar Irradiation: Kinetics, Products and Mechanisms
Buchshtav T & Kamyshny A

Buchwald C. (2020) Dual Nitrate Isotope Constraints on the Origin of Nutrients in Baffin Bay and in the Labrador Sea
Kienast M, Lehmann N, Buchwald C, Davin S, Granger J & Sherwood O
(2017) Looking at Reaction Signatures of Chemodenitrification Through a Multi-Isotopic Lens
Wankel S, Buchwald C, Karolewski J, Grabb K & Hansel C
(2017) N Isotope Isotopic Effects in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Oxygen Deficient Zone
Devol A, Fuchsman C, Casciotti K & Buchwald C
(2013) The 15N and 18O Isotopic Signature of Abiotic Reduction of Nitrite by Iron
Buchwald C, Hansel C, Johnston D & Wankel S

Buchwaldt R. (2005) Geochemistry and Geochronology of a Miocene Volcanic Suite from Mt. Tsaratanana, Northern Madagascar
Buchwaldt R, Tucker RD & Dymek RF

Buchwalter D. (2014) Mobilization and Bioaccumulation of Trace Elements from Coal Fly Ash
Rivera N, Duckworth O, Buchwalter D, Scheibener S & Hesterberg D
(2012) Solubilization of Trace Elements from Coal Fly Ash in Relation to Chemical Speciation
Kaur N, Hesterberg D, Duckworth O, Buchwalter D & Ward C

Buchwitz M. (2023) Inversion of Permafrost Methane Emissions Using TM5-MP/4DVAR with TROPOMI Measurements
Parraguez S, Daskalakis N, Kanakidou M, Vrekoussis M, Segers A, Schneising O & Buchwitz M

Buck Cliffton (2010) Comparative Estimates of the Flux of Bioactive Trace Elements to the Upper Water Column in the Pacific Ocean
Milne A, Buck C, Measures C & Landing W
(2010) Aerosol Impacts on Marine Phytoplankton
Paytan A, Mackey K, Reistetter E & Buck C
(2009) Global Patterns of Dust Deposition Deduced from Dissolved Al in the Surface Ocean
Measures C, Landing B, Buck C, Brown M, Hiscock B, Grand M, Hatta M & Gosnell K

Buck Clifton (2023) Early Observations of Aerosols from the Hawaii Aerosol Time-Series
Kollman C, Marsay C, Ohnemus D, Bates E, Stephens M & Buck C
(2023) Radium-224: A Potential New Tracer for Aerosol Deposition to the Surface Ocean
Kollman C, Ohnemus D, Charette MA & Buck C
(2019) The Air-Sea Chemical Exchange in the Arctic Ocean: Lessons Learned from the 2015 GN01 US GEOTRACES Cruise
Gao Y, Marcay C, Yu S, Fan S, Mukherjee P, Buck C & Landing W
(2017) Aerosol Deposition and Fractional Solubility of Trace Elements in the Remote Ocean
Buck C, Landing W, Aguilar-Islas A, Marsay C & Kadko D
(2017) Evaluation of Labile Iron Processing in Atmospheric Models
Ito A, Myriokefalitakis S, Kanakidou M, Mahowald N, Baker A, Jickells T, Sarin M, Bikkina S, Gao Y, Shelley R, Buck C, Landing W, Bowie A, Perron M, Meskhidze N, Johnson M, Feng Y & Duce R

Buck E. C. (2001) Ion Exchange during Alteration of Metamict Microlite
Gieré R, Buck EC, Williams CT, Reusser E, Marques J, Guggenheim R & Mathys D

Buck Edgar (2017) Uranium Uptake and Redistribution during Phase Transformation and Oriented Attachment of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
Soltis J, McBriarty M, Qafoku O, Spurgeon S, Buck E, De Yoreo J & Ilton E

Buck K (2006) Iron Cycling within the Columbia River plume: The role of tidal mixing and upwelling.
Lohan M, Buck K, Berger C, Aguilar-Islas A, Sohst B, Smith G & Bruland K

Buck Kristen (2018) Characterizing the Reversibility of Ligand-Mediated Adsorption of Iron onto Ferrihydrite Particles
Amaral V, Buck K & Lam P
(2017) Iron-Binding Organic Ligands in the Oceans: Insights from U.S. GEOTRACES Field Efforts and Shipboard Experimental Studies
Buck K, Mellett T, Till C, King A & Barbeau K
(2015) Organic Complexation of Dissolved Iron from the U.S. GEOTRACES Cruise (GP16) in the South Pacific
Buck K, Sohst B & Sedwick P
(2014) Linking Trace Metal Geochemistry and Microbial Metagenomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone
Glass J, Ranjan P, Ganesh S, Seston S, Buck K & Stewart F

Buck Kristen N. (2019) A High-Resolution Biogeochemical Surface Transect of the Florida Current of the Southern Gulf Stream along 26.8°N between Southeast Florida and the Bahamas
Conway T, Mellett T, Summers B, Schlaiss R, Buck K, Knapp A & Rosenberg A
(2019) An Experimental Study of Trace Metal Regeneration and Implications for the Amazon River Estuary
Hollister AP, Buck KN, Hubbard K, Robert M, Tilney CL, Schlosser C, Martha G & Koschinsky A

Buck M. (2022) Methylmercury Formation is Controlled by Mercury Speciation and Abundance of Hg Methylators in Stratified Brackish Waters of Baltic Sea
Feng C, Capo E, Bravo AG, Bertilsson S, Soerensen A, Pinhassi J, Buck M, Karlsson C, Hawkes J & Björn E

Buck W.R. (2012) Buoyant Asthenosphere Affects Mid-Ocean Ridge Depths and Melt Patterns
Buck WR, Small C & Ryan WBF

Bucka F.B. (2022) Disentangling the Interplay of Soil Organic Carbon Storage and Structure Dynamics Through Explicit Spatial Modeling at the Pore Scale
Zech S, Schweizer SA, Bucka FB, Ray N, Koegel-Knabner I & Prechtel A

Buckau G. (2005) Presentation of the Funmig Integrated Project within the 6TH FP of the EC
Buckau G, Duro L, Kienzler B & Bruno J

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