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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Brussee N. (2016) Impact of Wettability on Two Phase Flow at the Pore Scale
Ruecker M, Bartels W-B, Berg S, Mahani H, Ott H, Georgiadis A, Brussee N, Coorn A, van der Linde H, Hinz C, Jacob A, Wagner C, Henkel S, Enzmann F, Bonnin A, Stampanoni M, Hassanizadeh SM & Blunt M

Brusset S. (2004) Nd and Sr Isotopes, Trace and Major Elements Geochemistry of Neogene Sediments of Western Amazonia
Roddaz M, Viers J, Pinto L, Baby P, Brusset S & Hérail G

Brustel C. (2019) Felsic Rocks on Mars
Flahaut J, Brustel C, Payet V, Allemand P & Quantin C

Bruthans J. (2023) Synglaciogenic Late Ediacaran Cap Carbonate of Hormuz Formation (Southern Iran)
Adineh S, Petrash D, Závada P, Heuss-Aßbichler S, Bruthans J & Daëron M

Bruun Hansen H.C. (2009) Biogeochemistry of Electron Transfer at the Iron Oxide – Solution Interface in Sediments
O'Connell D, Mark Jensen M, Thamdrup B, Jakobsen R, Bender Koch C, Postma D & Bruun Hansen HC
(2008) Gibbs Free Energy of Formation for Sulphate Green Rust
Ayala-Luis KB, Bender Koch C & Bruun Hansen HC
(2004) Reductive Dechlorination of Trichloroacetic Acid by Green Rusts
Erbs M, Guldberg S & Bruun Hansen H

Bruxelles L. (2021) Impact of Intraterrestrial Microbial Life on Rock Weathering at Depth: Case Studies from Cave Environments
Pisapia C, Menez B, Bruxelles L, Watkinson M, Champollion C, Vernant P, Doerflinger E, Bouquerel H, Isambert A, Lecourt L & Gérard E

Bruya J. (2005) Fuel/Hydrocarbon Fingerprinting
Bruya J, Benson B & Johnson K

Bruyere C. (2020) Microorganisms in the Critical Zone: An ASSET Case Study for Sample Processing and Data Workflows, Synthesis, and Dissemination
Aronson E, Maltz M, Garijo D, Arogyawsamy K, Dove N, Mayorga E, Freund H, Bruyere C & Daniels M

Bruzac Sandrine (2019) Copper, Zinc and Lead Isotopes in Mollusks to Trace Metallic Marine Coastal Contaminations
Ponzevera E, Araujo D, Brach-Papa C, Briant N, Chouvelon T, Sireau T, Bruzac S, Rozuel E & Knoery J

Bruzac Sylvain (2010) Transport and Ion Exchange between Na+ and Ca2+ in Vermiculite: Modeling of Experimental Data Obtained for Static and Stirred Flow-Through Reactor Methods
Tertre E, Pacreau M, Bruzac S, Ferrage E & Prêt D

Bryan A. (2018) Redox Cycling Control on the Cadmium-Isotope Composition of Waters, Porewaters, and Sediments in the Saanich Inlet
Bryan A, Dickson A, Sorensen J, Porcelli D, Van Den Boorn S & Henderson G
(2017) Controls on the Cadmium-Isotope Composition of Modern Marine Sediments
Bryan A, Dickson A, Henderson G, Porcelli D, Slomp C, Homoky W, Dowdall F & Van Den Boorn S
(2016) Cd Isotope Signatures of Seawater, Suspended Particulate Matter, and Surface Sediments from the UK GEOTRACES 40°S Transect
Bryan A, Dowdall F, Henderson G, Porcelli D, Dickson A & Van Den Boorn S
(2016) Isotopic Constraints on the Biogeochemical Cycle of Ba in the South Atlantic
Bridgestock L, Hsieh Y-T, Henderson G, Porcelli D, Homoky W & Bryan A

Bryan B. (2019) Molybdenum Isotope Systematics of Exhumed Oceanic Crust as a Probe of Slab Dehydration
Chen S, Hin R, John T, Brooker R, Bryan B, Niu Y & Elliott T

Bryan C (2003) Geochemical Reactions in Nanopores and Nanotubes
Wang Y, Xu H, Bryan C, Gao H & Chen T

Bryan Charles (2020) In situ Raman Characterization of Stainless Steel in MgCl2 Rich Brine
Schaller R, Katona R, Bryan C & Knight A

Bryan Chris (2019) Community Coalescence and Transplanting of Acidophilic Communities
Sbaffi T, Sierocinski P, Bryan C & Buckling A

Bryan E. (2017) Probing the Groundwater Cycle on Carbonate Islands Using Si and Li Isotopes, Rottnest Island, Australia
Martin A, Meredith K, Baker A, Bryan E & Norman M

Bryan Nicholas (2018) Plutonium Leaching from Cemented Radioactive Waste
Law K, Parry S, Bryan N, Heald S, Charnock J, Heath S, Knight D, O'Brian L, Fuller A, Law G & Livens F
(2016) The Stability of Colloidal U(VI) Nanoparticles Under Alkaline Conditions in the Presence of Quartz, Orthoclase, & Cement Phases
Hibberd R, Law G, Bryan N, Bots P, Marshall T, Shaw S & Morris K
(2016) Heavy Metal and Radionuclide Immobilization in Nuclear Waste Disposal via the Biodegradation of Isosaccharinic Acid
Kuippers G, Bryan N, Morris K & Lloyd JR
(2012) Radium Interactions with Iron (Oxy)hydroxide Minerals
Sajih M, Bryan N, Vaughan D, Descostes M, Phrommavanh V & Morris K
(2009) Uranium Stability in Near-Surface Environments: Lessons from the Study of Depleted Uranium Munitions
Vaughan D, Alvarez R, Bryan N, Fomina M, Gadd G, Handley-Sidhu S, Keith-Roach M, Livens F & Lloyd J
(2008) Geochemical and Microbial Controls of the Decomposition and Dispersion of Depleted Uranium in the Environment: Experimental Studies
Vaughan D, Alvarez R, Bryan N, Fomina M, Gadd G, Handley-Sidhu S, Keith-Roach M, Livens F & Lloyd J
(2006) Modelling the mobility of metallic pollutants in the environment.
Farrelly DH, Bryan ND & Abrahamsen LG

Bryan Nick (2023) Colloidal Particulates in Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage: From Fundamental Properties to Effluent Treatment
Neill T, Foster C, Shaw S, Bryan N & Morris K
(2015) Transport and Accumulation of Stable Metals and Radionuclides in Loch Etive and Anglesey
Al-Qasmi H, Law G, Fifield K, Bryan N & Livens F
(2015) Investigation of the Biodegradation of Isosaccharinic Acid and its Degradation Products in the Far Field of Geological Disposal
Kuippers G, Bryan N & Lloyd J

Bryan Scott (2020) The August 2019 Eruption of Volcano 0403-091: A Well-Constrained Pumice Raft Forming Eruption
Yeo I, McIntosh I, Bryan S, Dunbabin M, Tani K & Collins P

Bryan Scott E (2022) Havre 2012 Pink Pumice is Evidence of a Short-Lived, Deep-Sea, Magnetite Nanolite-Driven Explosive Eruption
Knafelc J, Bryan SE, Jones MMW, Gust D, Mallmann G, Cathey H, Berry A, Ferré E & Howard DL
(2017) Detrital Rutile Geochemistry and Geochronology from Metasediments of the Thomson Orogen, Australia
Siegel C, Bryan S & Allen C
(2015) Zircon Morphologies and Compositions: Tools to Detect Antecrystic Zircons in Granitic Rocks
Siégel C, Bryan SE & Allen CM
(2013) Crustal Evolution during Granite Emplacement: Inheritance and Development of Heat-Producing Element Enrichment
Marshall V, Knesel K, Bryan S, Allen C & Uysal T
(2013) Heat Producing Element Enrichment in Granitic Rocks & Zircon Hf Isotopic Constraints on Crustal Evolution in NE Queensland, Australia
Siégel C, Bryan SE, Allen CM, Purdy DJ & Gust DA

Bryan Sean (2011) The Relationship between Δ14C and δ13C of DIC in the LGM Ocean
Bryan S, Lehman S & Marchitto T
(2011) Low Latitude Surface Ocean Contribution to the Deglacial Atmospheric Radiocarbon Decline
Marchitto T, Lehman S, Lindsay C, Bryan S, Ortiz J & van Geen A
(2008) Precise Calibration of Oxygen Isotope Paleotemperature Equations for Several Taxa of Benthic Foraminifera
Marchitto T, Bryan S, Curry W, Lynch-Stieglitz J & Lund D

Bryanskaya A. (2019) Fate of Elements in Marine Systems: Evidence from Salt Lake Sediments
Lazareva E, Bryanskaya A, Taran O, Chikunov A, Rozanov A, Surkov O, Peltek S & Zhmodik S
(2013) A Cyano-Bacterial Community as a Possible Agent of Ge Аccumulation in Coal
Lazareva E, Bryanskaya A, Morozova V, Babkin I, Tikunova N, Taran O, Shuvaeva O & Zhmodik S
(2009) Composition and Functioning of Microbial Communities Depending on Geochemical Conditions
Bryanskaya A, Lazareva E, Barkhutova D, Pestunova O, Zhmodik S & Repin V
(2009) Modern Thermofilic Cyanobacterial Mats: Geochemical Features
Lazareva E, Bryanskaya A, Zhmodik S, Pestunova O, Ponomarchuk V, Semionova D, Barkhutova D & Melgunov M
(2008) Carbon Isotope Composition in Microbial Mats and Travertine of BRZ
Lazareva E, Bryanskaya A, Zhmodik S, Ponomarchuk V, Barkhutova D & Semionova D

Bryansky N. (2016) The Metal Contents of Solutions Formed Fluorite-Leucophanite-Melinophane-Eudidymite Ores of Ermakovka Beryllium Deposit Using LA-ICP-MS (West Transbaikalia, Russia)
Damdinova L, Damdinov B & Bryansky N

Bryant B. (2005) The Life History and Stock Structure of Groundfish from Stable Isotopic Analysis of Otoliths
Gao Y, Svec R, Joner S & Bryant B

Bryant C. (2018) Old Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Mackenzie River Basin: A Smoking gun for the Degradation of Aged Organic Matter?
Hilton R, Tipper E, Galy V, Garnett M, Dellinger M, Schwab M, Tank S, Bryant C, Ascough P & Eglinton T
(2017) Understanding Surface Water Incursion in a Shallow, Arsenic-Affected Aquifer in Cambodia: An Application of Geochemical Tracers
Richards LA, Magnone D, Sovann C, Sültenfuß J, Boyce AJ, Bryant C, van Dongen BE, Ballentine CJ & Polya DA
(2014) Widespread Export of Permafrost-Derived Organic Carbon by the Mackenzie River: A Carbon Dioxide Sink Rather Than Source?
Hilton R, Galy V, Dellinger M, Gaillardet J, Bryant C, ORegan M & Grocke D
(2012) Erosion of Organic Matter in a Tropical Mountain Catchment: Implications for Carbon Delivery from the Andes to the Amazon River
Clark KE, Hilton RG, West AJ, Malhi Y, Grocke DR, Bryant C, Robles A, Rao Y & New M
(2011) Erosion in the Arctic: Enhanced Carbon Sequestration Associated with High Latitude Warmth?
Hilton RG, Galy V, Gaillardet J, Calmels D, Grocke DR & Bryant C
(2011) Anthropogenically Induced Changes in Groundwater Flow Regimes in Shallow High Arsenic Aquifers: Evidence from 3H and 14C Data
Lawson M, Ballentine C, Polya D, Bryant C & Boyce A
(2011) Toward Establishing Precise Chronologies for the Integration of Late Pleistocene Palaeoclimate Archives: An Example from Suigetsu SG06, Japan
Smith V, Mark D, Staff R, Blockley S, Bronk Ramsey C, Bryant C, Nakagawa T, Kim KH, Weh A, Takemura K & Danhara T
(2010) Provenancing Arsenic Release and Organic Matter in Shallow Groundwaters of South and South East Asia
Lawson M, Ballentine C, Polya D, Bryant C & Boyce A
(2010) Turnover of Mineral-Free and Mineral-Associated Organic Matter in a Soil Warming Experiment in Northern Sweden
Fröberg M, Bryant C & Kleja DB
(2008) Molecular and Isotopic Characterization of N-Alkanes in a Humic-Rich, Urbanised Estuary
Ahad J, Slater G, Ganeshram R, Ertunc T & Bryant C
(2003) Li Isotopic Variations in Eastern Australian Granites
Bryant C, Chappell B, Bennett V & McCulloch M

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