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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Bruni Elena Tariro (2023) Grain Size Specific Authigenic Nd Isotope Compositions in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean – Ubiquity of Authigenic Phases and Impacts of Boundary Exchange Processes
Rickli J, Tallon M, Bamberg C, Suhrhoff TJ, Bruni ET, Bröder L & Eglinton TI
(2021) Exploring Hydrodynamic Controls on Organic-Rich Sediments Under Oxygen-Deficient Marine Settings
Bruni ET, Blattmann TM, Haghipour N & Eglinton TI
(2021) New Insights into the Role of Alkenone-Mineral Associations and Hydrodynamic Processes on Uk’37-temperatures Recorded in Marine Sediments
Ausin B, Haghipour N, Bruni ET & Eglinton TI

Brüning S. (2011) Exploring the Mobility of Actinyl Ions in the Biogeosphere: A Spectroscopic and Theoretical Study of U(VI) Complexes with Organic Phosphate Groups
Foerstendorf H, Tsushima S, Brüning S & Li B

Brünjes J. (2019) Transformations of Dissolved Petroleum Compounds at a Natural Asphalt Seep in the Gulf of Mexico
Brünjes J, Seidel M, Gan S, Song M, Dittmar T & Schubotz F

Brünjes R. (2018) Effect of Water Treatment on the Gadolinium Cycle
Brünjes R & Hofmann T
(2015) Investigating Bank Infiltration Using Gadolinium as Anthropogenic Tracer
Brünjes R, Bichler A & Hofmann T

Brunner A. (2018) Refining Models of the Lunar Bombardment History Using the Laser Microprobe 40Ar/39Ar Method
Hodges K, Mercer C, Brunner A, McDonald C & van Soest M

Brunner B. (2018) Carbonate Associated Sulfate as a Chemostratigraphic Tool
Brunner B, Bergersen E, Steinmann J & Riedinger N
(2018) Ghost-Hunting in the Sulfur Cycle: Lessons for Biosignature Research
Brunner B, Labrado AL & Arnold GL
(2017) Geochemical Reconstruction of Paleoceanographic Conditions during Mississippian Limestone Deposition
Steinmann J, Riedinger N, Grammer GM & Brunner B
(2013) Apparent Inverse Carbon Isotope Effects during the Anerobic Oxidation of Methane
Yoshinaga M, Wegener G, Holler T, Goldhammer T, Brunner B, Pohlman J, Kuypers M, Hinrichs K-U & Elvert M
(2013) Chances and Challenges in Applying Sulfur-Oxygen Isotope Relationships of Sulfate to Studying Sulfur Cycling in Engineered Environments
Brunner B
(2013) Sneaky Sulfate Signals: Isotope Fingerprints Reveal Cryptic Pathways
Arnold GL & Brunner B
(2013) Lifestyles of the Slow and Lonely – A Story Told by Sulfate Isotopes
Brunner B
(2011) Long-Term Development of Diagenetic Signals of Past Sulfate-Methane Transition Zones in Subseafloor Sediments
Wehrmann L, März C, Meister P, Ockert C, Brunner B, Gussone N, Teichert B & Ferdelman T
(2009) The Imprint of Methane Seepage on Geochemical Processes in Cold-Water Coral Mounds on Pen Duick Escarpment, Gulf of Cadiz
Wehrmann LM, Templer SP, Maignien L, Bernasconi S, Brunner B & Ferdelman T
(2009) Dissimilatory Sulfate Reduction: Why is the Oxygen Isotope Equilibrium Value Where it is?
Brunner B, Goldhammer T, Templer S & Bernasconi S
(2009) Degree of Pyritization and 34S-Values Record Suboxic Conditions in Eastern Equatorial Pacific Sediments (ODP Site 1226)
Meister P, Freund S, Wehrmann L, Brunner B & Ferdelman T
(2009) Phosphate Oxygen Isotopes and Microbial Activity in the Marine Subsurface
Goldhammer T, Brunner B, Ferdelman T & Zabel M
(2002) Imbalances in the Sulfur Cycle: Important Players in the Carbon-System?
Brunner B, Wissler L, Bernasconi S, Weissert H & D'Argenio B

Brunner I. (2013) Role of Carboxylates Released by Microorganisms and Roots of Alpine Pioneer Plants in Mobilising Phosphorus and Metal Cations during Early Soil Formation
Luster J, Göransson H, Olde Venterink H, Brunner I & Frey B
(2009) Pioneering Fungi and their Role in Initial Weathering of Damma Glacier Forefield Granite in the Swiss Alps
Brunner I, Ploetze M, Zumsteg A, Furrer G & Frey B
(2009) Primary Microbial Succession in a Glacier Forefield
Zumsteg A, Brunner I, Furrer G, Plötze M & Frey B

Brunner P. (2023) Gases as Artificial Tracers to Study SW-Gw Interactions
Blanc T, Peel M, Brennwald M, Kipfer R & Brunner P
(2022) Explicit Simulation of Environmental Tracers with a Physically Based Integrated Surface and Subsurface Flow Model
Delottier H, Peel M & Brunner P
(2022) Explicit Simulation of an Artificial Tracer Experiment: What Insights can be Gained by Assimilating Tracer Measurements in Physically-Based Numerical Models?
Peel M, Delottier H, Schilling OS, Blanc T, Brennwald M, Kipfer R & Brunner P
(2022) Buried Paleo-Channel Identification via Dissolved Atmospheric Noble Gases and Preferred Anisotropy Pilot Point Inversion
Schilling OS, Partington D, Doherty J, Kipfer R, Hunkeler D & Brunner P
(2021) Detection of a Previously Unknown Deep-Water Source for Mt. Fuji’s Freshwater Springs via Dissolved Noble Gases, Microbial DNA and Vanadium
Schilling OS, Nagaosa K, Brennwald M, Brunner P, Kipfer R & Kato K
(2021) Using Helium as Artificial Tracer to Characterize Surface Water – Groundwater Interactions
Peel M, Blanc T, Brennwald M, Brunner P & Kipfer R
(2016) Using Isotopic Data for the Calibration of a Coupled Surface Water-Groundwater Model
Schilling OS, Partington D, Gerber C, Purtschert R, Kipfer R, Hunkeler D & Brunner P
(2015) The Influence of Groundwater Abstraction on Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in the Emmental
Schilling O, Gerber C, Purtschert R, Kipfer R, Hunkeler D & Brunner P

Brunner S. (2009) Effect of Humic Acid Redox Status on the Sorption of Organic Pollutants
Aeschbacher M, Brunner S, Schwarzenbach RP & Sander M

Bruno H. (2023) Titanium Isotope Insights into the Formation and Evolution of Sanukitoid Magmas
Spencer L, Albert C, Williams HM, Nebel O, Parkinson IJ, Smithies H, Bruno H, Fowler M, Moreira H, Lissenberg J & Millet M-A

Bruno J. (2020) Experimental Evidence for Coffinite Formation from UO2+x
Alby D, Szenknect S, Mesbah A, Lin J, Duro L, Lopez-Garcia M, Zetterström-Evins L, Wang C, Ewing R, Dacheux N & Bruno J
(2019) The Contribution of Geochemistry to Circular Economy: Promises and Challenges
Bruno J
(2019) The Contribution of Surface Geochemistry to Nuclear Waste Management. Tribute to George Calas
Bruno J
(2017) The Thermodynamics of Uranium(IV) Oxide in Aqueous Solutions. Myths and Realities
Bruno J & Spahiu K
(2017) Mechanisms for UO2 Alteration to Coffinite: Reconciling the Laboratory and Natural Analogue Evidences
Bruno J, Duro L & Zetterström Evins L
(2015) Modeling Degradation of Cement at Different pCO2 in Flow-Through Conditions
Borkel C, Grivé M & Bruno J
(2013) Gas Discharges for Continental Spain: Geochemical and Isotopic Features
Vaselli O, Nisi B, Tassi F, Darrah T, Bruno J, Elio J, Grandia F & Del Villar LP
(2013) The Stability of Uraninite in Anaerobic Conditions: Revisiting Cigar Lake and Oklo Natural Analogues
Bruno J & Spahiu K
(2013) Assessment of the Evolution of the Redox Conditions in a Low and Intermediate Level Nuclear Waste Repository (SFR1, Sweden)
Duro L, Domènech C, Grivé M, Roman-Ross G, Bruno J & Källström K
(2012) On the Use of Hydrochemical Mixing Models to Conceptualize Hydrogeology in Fractured Rocks
Bruno J, Molinero J, Trinchero P & de Vries LM
(2012) From Aqueous to Solid Solutions: A Process Understanding of Trace Metal Incorporation into Solid Structures
Bruno J
(2009) Trace Element Behaviour in Connection to the Geological Storage of CO2. Lessons from Natural Analogues
Bruno J, Grandia F & Vilanova E
(2007) Modelling of Radium-Barium Sulphate Co-precipitation in the Near Field of a HLNW Repository
Grivé M, Grandia F, Merino J, Duro L & Bruno J
(2007) Modelling of Denitrification Plumes Induced by Organic Matter Injection in Aquifers
Grandia F, Domènech C, Jordana S, Coscera G, Arcos D, Duro L, Guimerà J & Bruno J
(2005) Geochemical Modelling Challenges in the Sitting of Deep (and not so Deep) Repositories for Spent Fuel Disposal
Bruno J
(2005) Presentation of the Funmig Integrated Project within the 6TH FP of the EC
Buckau G, Duro L, Kienzler B & Bruno J
(2004) Sorption and Reduction of Uranium at the Surface of Anoxically Produced Steel Corrosion Products
Duro L, Rovira M, de Pablo J, El Aamrani S, Grivé M & Bruno J
(2004) Evaluation of Current Zr(IV) Solubility Data and their Influence on the Stability of Aqueous and Solid Hydroxides
Domènech C, Duro L, Ripoll S, Bruno J & Giffaut E
(2004) Radionuclides Sorption onto Mineral Surfaces. The Role of Carbonate as the Linkage between Uranium and Iron Cycling
Grivé M, Duro L, de Pablo J & Bruno J
(2003) Geochemical Issues in Deep Underground Disposal of Wastes
Chapman N & Bruno J
(2002) Geochemical Model of the Granite-Bentonite-Groundwater at Ƒspˆ (LOT Experiment)
Arcos D, Bruno J & Karnland O
(2000) Experimental and Modeling Study of the Interaction between Uranium(vi) and Magnetite
El Aamrani F, Casas I, De Pablo J, Duro L, Grivé M & Bruno J

Bruno M. (2020) The Influence of Ca-Mg Disorder on the Growth of Dolomite
Bruno M
(2014) Modelling Olivine Surface Properties: Assessment of Methods and Tools
Demichelis R, Bruno M, Massaro FR, Prencipe M, De La Pierre M & Nestola F
(2013) Crystallographic Relationships between Diamond and its Olivine Inclusions. An Update
Nestola F, Nimis P, Milani S, Angel RJ, Bruno M & Harris JW

Bruns M.A. (2007) Biogeochemistry of Metalliferous Peat Cores: Distribution of Zn, S, Mn, Fe and dsrAB Genes and Sulfur and Zinc Speciation
Martinez CE, Yoon S-J, Yáñez C, Martínez-Villegaz N & Bruns MA
(2005) Microbial Fe Cycling in Deep Regolith
Buss H, Bruns MA, Schultz M, Mathur C, Moore J & Brantley S

Bruns Stefan (2019) Use of X-Ray µ-CT to Trace the Transport Behaviour of Sulfidised Zerovalent Iron in Porous Media
Schiefler A, Tobler D, Tuxen N, Dæssing-Overheu N, Mueter D, Bruns S & Osholm Sørensen H
(2017) Visualising Individual Microbial Cells Inside Rock Pores
Tobler DJ, Sørensen HO, Bruns S, Jha D, Yang Y & Stipp SLS
(2017) Predicting Macroscale Properties of Rocks from Nanoscale Data
Sørensen HO, Bruns S, Dalby KN, Müter D, Uesugi K & Stipp SLS
(2016) Why pH Buffering may Lead to a More Homogeneous Rock Dissolution
Sørensen HO, Yang Y, Bruns S & Stipp SLS
(2015) Nanotomography: Resolution, Scale, and Physical Properties
Jha D, Osholm Sørensen H, Müter D, Bruns S, Dalby KN & Stipp SLS

Bruns Stephan (2020) Eoarchean Iron Metabolism?
Hassenkam T, Tsai E, Osholm H, Dalby K, Mackenzie D, Holler M, Ferreira D, Grolimund D, Bruns S & Rosing M

Brunstad H. (2017) Clumped Isotope Characterization of Authigenic Carbonates and Methane in Cold Seep Environments
Thiagarajan N, Cremiere A, Lepland A, Brunstad H & Eiler J
(2016) Boron Isotope Composition of Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonates: Tracer for Fluid Sources
Crémière A, Rae J, Lepland A, Millar I, Bau M, di Primio R & Brunstad H
(2013) U-Th Systematics and Chronology of of CH4-derived CaCO3 Crusts of the Barents Sea
Sahy D, Lepland A, Noble S, Condon D & Brunstad H
(2013) Dating the Collapse of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet Using CH4-Derived Carbonate Crusts from the Barents Sea
Lepland A, Chand S, Sahy D, Noble SR, Condon DJ, Martma T, Pedersen JH, Sauer S, Brunstad H & Thorsnes T

Brunstad K.A. (2005) Making Space for Magma beneath the Jemez Mountains Volcanic Field: Implications for Chemical Diversity
Brunstad KA, Wolff JA & Watkinson AJ

Brunstein D. (2011) Irregular Retreat of Tropical Glaciers during the Holocene
Jomelli V, Khodri M, Favier V, Brunstein D, Ledru MP, Wagnon P, Blard PH, Sicart JE, Braucher R, Grancher D, Bourles D, Barconnot P & Vuille M

Brusca L. (2023) Shallow Hydrothermal Vent System at Panarea Island (Italy): A Multidisciplinary Study Based on Geochemical, Geophysical and Biochemical Aspects in an Extreme Marine Environment
Sposito F, Gallo AM, Longo M, Brusca L, Lazzaro G, Sciré Scappuzzo S, Caruso CG, Alduina R, Arculeo M & Italiano F
(2022) Rare Earth Elements Behavior at Poás Hyperacid Crater Lake (Costa Rica) during a Cycle of Frequent Phreatic Eruptions (2008-2016)
Pappaterra S, Inguaggiato C, Rouwet D, Mora-Amador R, Ramírez-Umaña C, González G, Brusca L, Peiffer L, Levresse G & Bellomo S
(2022) REE Mobility in the Hyperacid Brine of Kawah Ijen Crater Lake (Java, Indonesia) during the Precipitation of Sulfate Minerals
Inguaggiato C, Pappaterra S, Peiffer L, Apollaro C, Brusca L, De Rosa R, Rouwet D, Caudron C & Suparjan S
(2019) REE Fractionation in Hyperacid Sulphate Waters during the Gypsum Precipitation in Volcanic Hydrothermal Systems
Inguaggiato C, Iñiguez E, Peiffer L, Kretzschmar T, Brusca L, Mora-Amador R, Ramirez C, Bellomo S, Gonzalez G & Rouwet D
(2019) Geochemistry of REE and Trace Elements in Shallow Hydrothermal Vent System at Panarea Island (Italy)
Sposito F, Longo M & Brusca L
(2017) Magmatic and Meteoric Fluids in the Italian Apennines: Geochemistry of the Epithermal Environments of Vulcano and Campi Flegrei Volcanoes
Nadeau O, Mick E, Robidoux P, Grassa F & Brusca L
(2015) Volatile Plume Derived Elements in Groundwater of Mt. Etna Volcano
Liotta M, D'Alessandro W, Bellomo S & Brusca L
(2015) Water-Rock Interaction in Pantelleria Hydrothermal System (Italy). The Behaviour of Zr, Hf and REE
Inguaggiato C, Censi P, Zuddas P, Brusca L, D'Alessandro W & Pecoraino G
(2014) Monitoring of Dissolved Helium Isotope Ratios in Etnean Groundwaters
Longo M, Bellomo S, Brusca L, D'Alessandro W, Paonita A & Rizzo A
(2009) Methane Fluxes from the Soils in Active Volcanic Areas: The Case of Pantelleria Island (Italy)
D'Alessandro W, Bellomo S, Brusca L, Longo M, Martelli M & Pecoraino G
(2007) Is Lichades the Northern End of the Hellenic Volcanic Arc? Clues from Helium Isotopic Composition in Gases
D'Alessandro W, Brusca L & Kyriakopoulos K

Bruschini E. (2016) High-Pressure Elastic Properties of Synthetic (Mg, Fe2+)Al2O4 Spinel Crystals by Brillouin Spectroscopy
Andreozzi GB, Bruschini E, Speziale S, Reichmann H-J & Bosi F

Brush L. (2005) Predicting Actinide Solubilities in Various Solutions up to Concentrated Brines: The Fracture-Matrix Transport (FMT) Code
Xiong Y, Nowak EJ & Brush L

Brüske A. (2019) Vanadium Isotopes of the Yangtze River System, China
Schuth S, Brüske A, Hohl S, Jiang S-Y, Gregory D, Viehmann S & Weyer S
(2019) Redox Conditions in the Black Sea during Eemian and Holocene Sapropel Formation
Wegwerth A, Eckert S, Dellwig O, Schnetger B, Severmann S, Weyer S, Brüske A, Kaiser J, Köster J, Arz HW & Brumsack H-J
(2018) The Onset of Oxidative Weathering Traced by Uranium Isotopes
Brüske A, Albut G, Schuth S, Schoenberg R, Beukes N, Hofmann A, Nägler T & Weyer S
(2017) Constraints on Metal Mobilization in Archean and Early Proterozoic Marine Sediments from Uranium Isotopes
Brüske A, Schuth S, Albut G, Schoenberg R, Beukes N, Hofmann A, Nägler T & Weyer S
(2016) Towards an Improved Understanding of the Mo and U Isotope Proxies Using Correlated Mo-U Isotope Signatures
Weyer S, Brüske A, Montoya Pino C, Xu L, Neubert N, Schuth S, van de Schootbrugge B, Pross J, Oschmann W & Lehmann B
(2015) Vanadium Isotopes – A Potential New Proxy for Paleo-Oceanography
Brüske A, Schuth S, Xu L, Arnold M-C, Pierau N & Weyer S

Bruský I. (2011) Modeling of Column Experiments – Influence of Glass Micro Balls
Žabka V, Bruský I & Šembera J

Brussaard C. (2018) Dissolved Iron in the Amundsen Sea
Middag R, Bertrand E, Brussaard C, Eich C, Gerringa L, Jung J, Lee S, Lee Y, van Manen M, McCain S, Pont S, Reichart G-J & Tian H-A

Brusseau M. (2019) Fate of Energetic Compounds as Influenced by Environmental Conditions
Dontsova K, Taylor S, Hunt E, Qin C, Brusseau M, SImunek J, Troya D & Wang Y

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