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Bruant E. (2015) The Geodynamic Setting of Continental Crust Generation Through Pb Isotopes on Mineral Inclusions within Zircon
Delavault H, Dhuime B, Hawkesworth C, Cawood P, Marschall H, Bruant E, Kemp T &  EIMF

Brubaker T. (2017) Lake Effect Winter Precipitation and Regional Ground Water Hydrology: Perspectives from Stable Isotopes
Hurst S, Krishnamurthy RV & Brubaker T

Brucato John (2017) European Sample Return Missions and the Curation in Europe of Material Returned from Space
Russell S, Smith C, Hutzler A, Meneghin A, Brucato J, Ferriere L, Gounelle M, Westall F, Berthoud L & Grady M

Brucato John Robert (2022) Earliest Fossil Record of Cyanobacterial Microbialites >120 Myr Before the Great Oxygenation Event
Hickman-Lewis K, Gasparotto G, Maris A, Poggiali G, Brucato JR, Baneschi I, Boschi C, Siketić Z, Jakšić M, Barac M, Brajković M, Krmpotić M, Ghica D, Stefan M & Cavalazzi B
(2021) Assessing the Analytical Potential of Optical Tweezers for Sample Return Missions
Musolino A, Magazzù A, Bronte Ciriza D, Suttle MD, Rotundi A, Brucato JR, Polimeno P, Saija R, Iatì MA, Foti A, Donato M, Gucciardi PG, Maragò OM & Folco L

Bruce D. (2009) Spatial Distribution of Arsenic in Groundwater and its Impact on Human Health
Khan NI, Owens G & Bruce D

Bruce G. (2017) Online Geoscience Offline
Horodyskyj L, Bruce G, McAllister L, Semken S, Anbar A & Hosman L

Bruce Leslie (2017) Effects of Deep Degassing on H2O/Ce in Ocean Island Basalts
Lassiter J & Bruce L

Bruce Loryn (2011) Diamondiferous Conglomerate Preserves Evidence for Kimberlite and the Deep Cratonic Root of the Mesoarchean Southern Superior Craton
Kopylova M, Afanasiev V, Bruce L & Ryder J

Bruce R. (2003) Permian-Triassic Magnetostratigraphy in the Karoo Basin of South Africa
de Kock M, Beukes N, Hancox J, Kirschvink J, Neveling J & Bruce R

Bruce Z. (2006) Automated mining of detrital zircons from Jack Hills, Western Australia: Flash geochronology with SHRIMP II.
Holden P, Ireland T, Bruce Z & Harrison M

Brüchert V. (2023) Trace Element (Ag, Cd, Re) Enrichment Patterns in Organic-Rich Sediments from the Benguela Upwelling System
Gäng F, Warnatz J, Pahnke K, Brüchert V, Lahajnar N & Böning P
(2022) Geochemical Characterization of Sediments from the Benguela Upwelling System (BUS): New Insights into Lithogenic Inputs and Enrichment Mechanisms of Trace Elements (Ba, U, Ni)
Gäng F, Böning P, Brüchert V, Lahajnar N & Pahnke K
(2021) The Critical Role of Sediment Nutrient Cycling for the Nutrient Budget of the Laptev and East Siberian Shelf Sea
Sun X, Humborg C, Mörth C-M & Brüchert V
(2018) Using an Isotope, Reaction-Transport Model to Assess Controls on the Efficiency of Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in Baltic Sea Sediments
Lapham L, Alperin M, Fossing H, Ferdelman T, Brüchert V, Rehder G & Jørgensen BB
(2017) What Controls Ikaite (CaCO36H2O) Formation in Ikka Fjord, Greenland?
Stockmann G, Tollefsen E, Skelton A, Brüchert V, Balic-Zunic T, Langhof J & Skogby H
(2017) Manganese, Iron, and Sulfate Reduction Rates in Terrestrial Carbon-Dominated Siberian Arctic Shelf and Slope Sediment
Brüchert V, Sawicka J, Sun X, Bröder L, Mörth M, Humborg C, Joye S & Samarkin V
(2017) Early Diagenesis of Silica in the Arctic Ocean Sediments Inferred by Porewater Stable Silicon Isotopes
Sun X, Humborg C, Mörth C-M & Brüchert V
(2017) Benthic-Pelagic Coupling in the East Siberian Sea from Nitrate Isotopes
Fripiat F, Declerq M, Sapart C, Anderson L, Bruechert V, Deman F, Fonseca-Batista D, Humborg C, Roukaerts A & Dehairs F
(2013) Seasonal Methane Fluxes and Sulfate Reduction Rates in a Eutrophied Baltic Estuarine System
Sawicka JE, OIsson C & Brüchert V
(2013) Iron and Manganese Reduction and Associated Phosphorus Release in Coastal Baltic Sea Sediment
Downs K & Bruchert V
(2013) A Constant Flux of Diverse Anaerobic Thermophilic Endospores into Cold Marine Sediments
Hubert CR, Bell E, de Rezende JR, Hanson CA, Suárez-Suárez A, Head IM, Loy A, Müller A, Baranyi C, Ferdelman TG, Nickel M, Vandieken V, Arnosti C, Brüchert V, Finster K, Kjeldsen KU & Barker Jørgensen B
(2009) Sulfide-Oxidizing Bacteria Mediate Apatite Formation in Phosphorite-Bearing Sediments of the Namibian Upwelling System – Evidence from 33P-Labeling Experiments
Brüchert V, Goldhammer T, Ferdelman T & Zabel M
(2007) Stable Sulfur and Carbon Isotopes of Pore-Water and Solid-Phase Compounds in Sediments of the Chapopote Asphalt Volcano, Southern Gulf of Mexico
Wilhelm T, Bruechert V, Pape T, Schubotz F, Hinrichs K-U & Kasten S
(2004) Organic Sulfur in Namibian Shelf Sediments – Rates and Processes
Dübecke A & Brüchert V
(2004) Dynamics of Methane and Hydrogen Sulphide in the Water Column and Sediment of the Namibian Shelf
Bruechert V, Currie B, Peard K & Endler R
(2002) RNA as a Biomarker: Isolation of Small-Subunit Ribosomal RNA for Stable Isotopic Characterization
MacGregor BJ, Brüchert V, Fleischer S & Amann R
(2000) Dynamics of Dissolved Inorganic and Organic Sulfides in Upwelling Sediments off Namibia
Brüchert V, Neumann K & Jørgensen BB

Bruchs J. (2022) Carbonate Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry of the Interior Kalahari Plateau
Musa S, Linol B, Upadhyay D, Jeffcoate A, Bruchs J & Tripati AE

Bruckel Karoline (2020) Insights into Oxygen Fugacity and Charge Effects on Diffusion from Thermal Diffusion Experiments
Lin X, Lundstrom C, Krawczynski M, Lesher C & Bruckel K
(2020) Insight into Mush Zone Processes: Si Isotope Offsets between Minerals of the Fish Canyon Tuff
Brückel K & Lundstrom C

Bruckel Karoline M (2022) Fe Isotope Ratios of Magnetite as a Tool for Tracking Mush-To-Magma Processes
Bruckel KM & Lundstrom C
(2022) Making Silicic Magmas: It’s Igneous but Maybe a lot Colder Than you Think
Lundstrom C, Bruckel KM, Velazquez-Sanchez MG, Ortega K, Roden N, Manselle P, Campe C & Marks C
(2021) The Fish Canyon Tuff an Erupted Pluton? – Insights from Fe Isotopes
Bruckel KM & Lundstrom C

Brückmann W. (2007) Geochemistry of Cold Vent Fluids at the Central American Convergent Margin
Hensen C, Wallmann K, Schmidt M, Liebetrau V, Fehn U, Garbe-Schönberg D & Brückmann W

Bruckner M. (2018) Resources for Teaching Nanoscience Across the Geoscience Curriculum
Mogk D, Hochella M, Ranville J & Bruckner M
(2018) Using the CLEAN Collection to Build Three-Dimensional Lessons to Teach the Climate System
Ledley TS, Gold AU, Niepold F, Taylor J, Kirk K, Bruckner M & Fox S

Bruderer S. (2015) Snowlines in Embedded Disks
Harsono D, Bruderer S & van Dishoeck E

Brueckner H.K. (2008) Li Isotopes in HP-Lt Rocks: Insights into the Role of Sediment-Derived Fluids
Simons KK, Harlow GE, Brueckner HK, Goldstein SL, Sorensen SS, Hemming NG & Langmuir CH
(2005) Mantle and Crustal Metasomatism of Garnet-Bearing Peridotite in the Western Gneiss Region of the Norwegian Caledonides
Brueckner HK, Carswell DA, Griffin WL, Medaris Jr. LG & Beyer EE
(2000) Geochemistry and Age Patterns of Garnet Peridotite in Subducted Continental Crust
Brueckner HK

Brueckner J. (2007) Evidence of Ancient Water on Mars by the APXS Onboard the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity
Brueckner J, Dreibus G, Gellert R & Zipfel J

Brueckner Stefanie (2012) Mineralogical and Geochemical Evidence for Syngenetic Precious Metal Enrichment in a Deformed Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) System
Brueckner S, Piercey S, Sylvester P, Maloney S & Pilgrim L

Brueckner Stefanie M (2023) The Formation of Stratabound V Rich Highly Metalliferous Black Shales
Gregory DD, McGill D, Concepcion DBC, Reynolds MA, Schuth S, Martin AN & Brueckner SM

Bruefach A. (2018) Photochemistry of Ferrihydrite in the Protein Cage of Ferritin for Chromate Reduction
Cerkez E, Bruefach A, Alimohammadi F, Valentine A & Strongin D

Brueseke M (2013) Laser 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Supervolcanoes and Super Gold Deposits along the Trace of the Miocene Yellowstone Hotspot
Hames W, Brueseke M & Saunders J
(2012) Mid-Miocene Volcanism in the Owyhee Mountains (ID) and Implications for Coeval Epithermal Precious Metal Mineralization
Hasten Z, Brueseke M, Saunders J & Hames W
(2010) Volatility of Metals during Subduction-Related “Distillation" and the Geochemistry of Epithermal Ores
Saunders J & Brueseke M
(2005) Mid-Miocene Basalt Driven Volcanic Field Development in the Pacific Northwest, USA
Brueseke M & Hart W
(2005) Revisiting the Tectonomagmatic Implications of Oregon Plateau Basaltic Volcanism
Hart W, Brueseke M, Shoemaker K & Bondre N

Brueseke Matthew (2023) Temporal Evolution of the Swell and Magmatic Fluxes along the Louisville Hotspot Chain
Adam C, Smith MN, Kempton PD & Brueseke M

Brueske A. (2019) Uranium Isotope Fractionation Across the GOE Boundary: Insights from a New Dataset and Changepoint Analyses
Martin A, Brueske A, Lazarov M & Weyer S
(2017) Correlated Mo and U Isotope Signatures in Sediments from the Black Sea and the Cariaco Basin
Weyer S, Brueske A, Neubert N, Schulte V, Zok D, Dellwig O, Planavsky N & Lyons T
(2013) Ca, Mo and U Isotopes Suggest Neoproterozoic-Like Ocean Conditions during the Late Permian Mass Extinction
Silva JC, Payne J, Wignall P, Newton R, Neubert N, Brueske A, Eisenhauer A, Weyer S, Fietzke J & Maher K

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