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My Goldschmidt

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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Brown W. (2022) Fossil Carbon Release and Exports from Subsurface Sedimentary Bedrock Weathering in Mountainous Watersheds
Wan J, Tokunaga TK, Dong W, Beutler C, Newman AW, Brown W, Bill M, Druhan JL, Henderson AN, Harvey-Costello N, Hubbard S & Williams KH
(2019) Quantifying Rock-Nitrogen Export from a Shale Hillslope to Floodplain in the East River Watershed, Colorado
Wan J, Tokunaga T, Bouskill N, Tfaily M, Brown W, Dong W, Maavara T, Henderson A, Williams K & Hubbard S

Brown Jr G.E. (2017) Alteration of Porosity and Permeability within a Shale Matrix during Hydraulic Fracturing
Li Q, Jew A, Harrison A, Kiss A, Brown Jr. G, Bargar J & Maher K
(2017) Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of Metal Isotope Fractionation Using Spectroscopic and Theoretical Approaches
Maher K, Wasylenki L, Nelson J, Joe-Wong C, Bargar J & Brown Jr. G
(2017) Partitioning of Uranyl between Ferrihydrite and Humic Substances at Acidic and Circum-Neutral pH
Dublet G, Lezama Pacheco J, Bargar JR, Fendorf S, Kumar N, Lowry GV & Brown GE
(2017) Geochemistry of Shale-Fluid Reactions at Pore and Fracture Scales
Bargar J, Jew A, Harrison A, Kiss A, Kohli A, Li Q, Maher K & Brown G
(2017) My Adventures with X-Rays in Real and Reciprocal Space in Pursuit of More and More Knowledge About Less and Less
Brown G
(2017) Fate of Arsenic during Sulfidation of FeIII-(oxyhydr)oxides
Kumar N, Noël V & Brown G
(2017) Quantum Dots Fate at the Biofilm/Mineral Interface
Desmau M, Gélabert A, Levard C, Ona Nguema G, Sivry Y, Vidal V, Eng P, Stubbs J, Charron G, Brown GE & Benedetti M
(2016) From Garnierite Toward Pyrite: A Journey at the Molecular Level that Depicts the Crystal-Chemistry of Nickel in New Caledonia
Juillot F, Fritsch E, Morin G, Dublet G, Noel V, Ona-Nguema G, Marchand C, Ikogou M, Brest J, Belin S, Proux O, Hazemann J-L, Olivi L, Kappen P, Marakovic G & Brown Jr. G
(2016) Physical and Chemical Alteration of Shales during Hydraulic Fracturing
Harrison AL, Jew A, Dustin M, Kiss A, Kohli A, Thomas D, Joe-Wong C, Liu Y, Lim J-H, Brown G, Maher K & Bargar J
(2015) Biogeochemistry of Natural and Engineered Nanomaterials: Characterization, Reactivity, Environmental Transformations, and Health Impacts
Brown, Jr. GE, Cismasu AC, Levard C, Michel FM, Dublet G, Kumar N, Wang Y, Morin G, Ma R & Lowry GV
(2015) Fe and Ni Cycling in Mangrove Sediments from New Caledonia
Juillot F, Noel V, Morin G, Marchand C, Viollier E, Ona-Nguema G, Brest J, Marakovic G & Brown Jr. G
(2015) Sulfidation Mechanism of Iron-Oxide Nanoparticles
Kumar N, Lezama Pacheco JS, Dublet G, Carabante JI & Brown G
(2014) Peering into Nanopores: XAS Studies of Zn Adsorption Under Confinement
Nelson J, Bargar J, Brown G & Maher K
(2014) The Expanding Role of Large User Facilities in the Earth Sciences and the New Research Opportunities They Create
Brown G, Calas G & Parise J
(2014) Uptake of Isotopic Spike by Si-Rich Alteration Layer during Olivine Dissolution
Johnson N, Maher K, Thomas B, Rosenbauer R, Bird D & Brown G
(2014) Effect of Humic Substances on the Affinity of Ferrihydrite for U(VI)
Dublet G, Brown GE, Bargar JR, Janot N & Fendorf S
(2014) Theoretical Investigations of Mercury Interaction with the Hematite (1-102) Surface
Jung J-E, Jew AD, Rupp EC, Aboud S, Brown Jr. GE & Wilcox J
(2014) An “Ion-By-Ion” Model for Kinetic Isotope Fractionation during Mineral Dissolution
Maher K, Johnson N, Nielsen L, Weaver K, Bird D & Brown, Jr. G
(2014) CO2 Uptake and Trace Element Mobilization in Icelandic Geothermal Systems
Thomas D, Bird D, Arnórsson S, Brown, Jr. G & Maher K
(2013) Fate of Ni in Local Reduced Environments Developed on Lateritic Ni Ores from New Caledonia
Dublet G, Juillot F, Morin G, Fritsch E, Brest J & Brown GE,J
(2013) Composition, Formation, and Role of the Si-Rich Surface Layer during Olivine Dissolution
Johnson N, Maher K, Bird D & Brown G
(2013) Beneficial Uses of Engineered Nanoparticles and the Behavior of Natural and Engineered Nanoparticles in the Environment
Brown G, Levard C, Cismasu C, Michel M, Ma R, Wang Y, Calas G, Morin G & Lowry G
(2013) Clumped Isotope Thermometry on Ultramafic-Hosted Magnesium Carbonates
Garcia del Real P, Kluge T, John C, Johnson N, Maher K, Bird D & Brown G
(2013) Structure and Reactivity of Nanocrystalline Iron Oxides in the Environment
Morin G, Maillot F, Adra A, Blanchard M, Ona-Nguema G, Wang Y, Menguy N & Brown Jr. GE
(2013) Spectroscopic Studies of Radionuclide Adsorption and Diffusion
Wogelius R, van Veelen A, Zou B, Bargar J, Brown, Jr. G, Grime G & Law G
(2013) Environmental Mineralogy: Bridging the Gap from Microscopic to Macroscopic
Calas G, Morin G, Allard T, Galoisy L, Juillot F, Ona-Nguema G & Brown, Jr. GE
(2013) The Effect of Chloride on the Dissolution Rate of Silver Nanoparticles and Toxicity to E. coli
Levard C, Mitra S, Yang T, Jew A, Badireddy AR, Lowry GV & Brown Jr. GE
(2013) Are There Unique “Nano” Effects from Exposure to Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles? – Yes and No!
Lowry GV, Ma R, Levard C, Colman BP, Bernhardt ES, Brown, Jr. GE & Wiesner MR
(2012) Formation of the Si-Rich Layer on Olivine Surfaces during Carbonation Under in situ Conditions
Johnson N, Thomas B, Maher K, Bird D, Rosenbauer R & Brown G
(2012) Effect of Oxalic Acid on Geological Storage of CO2 Using Serpentinite
Kang S-H, Johnson N, Thomas B, Maher K, Bird D, Rosenbauer R & Brown G
(2012) Large Magnesite Vein and Fracture Formation in Peridotite Rocks
Garcia del Real P, Maher K, Bird D & Brown, Jr. G
(2012) Structure and Surface Reactivity of Al-, Si- and Organic Matter-Rich Naturally Occurring Ferrihydrite
Cismasu C, Michel M, Tcaciuc P & Brown G
(2012) EXAFS Analysis of Crystal Chemistry of Ni in a Lateritic Weathering Profile from New Caledonia
Dublet G, Juillot F, Morin G, Fritsch E, Fandeur D, Ona-Nguema G & Brown Jr. G
(2012) An Early-Branching Microbialite Cyanobacterium Forms Intracellular Carbonates
Couradeau E, Benzerara K, Gerard E, Moreira D, Bernard S, Brown Jr. GE & Lopez-Garcia P
(2012) Redox Reactions Affecting Arsenic at Iron-(oxyhydr)oxide Mineral Surfaces
Morin G, Ona-Nguema G, Benzerara K, Juillot F, Wang Y, Hohmann C, Obst M, Kappler A & Brown Jr. GE
(2011) Transformations of Silver Nanoparticles in Environmental Systems
Reinsch B, Ma R, Levard C, Kabengi N, Brown G, Kim C & Lowry G
(2011) Evolution of the Macromolecular Structure of Biopolymers during Pyrolysis: A C-XANES Study
Beyssac O, Bernard S, Benzerara K & Brown GE
(2011) Structural Aspects and Surface Reactivity of Aluminous Ferrihydrite Precipitates
Cismasu AC, Michel FM, Stebbins J, Levard C & Brown G
(2011) Zinc Sulfide in Suspended Matter from an Oxic River (Seine, France)
Priadi C, Morin G, Ayrault S, Maillot F, Juillot F, Testemale D, Proux O, Llorens I & Brown G
(2011) Redox Reactions on Mineral Surfaces: Spectroscopic and Imaging Studies at the Molecular Level
Brown G, Morin G, Ona-Nguema G, Juillot F, Fandeur D, Benzerara K, Calas G, Wang Y, Ha J, Kaya S, Kendelewicz T, Spormann A & Nilsson A
(2011) Natural Ferrihydrite: Impact of Structure and Composition on Redox Cycling
Michel FM, Cismasu AC, Lezama-Pacheco JS, Massey M, Fendorf S, Brown GE & Bargar JR
(2011) Mercury Isotope Fractionation in Layered Roasted Ore Waste
Smith R, Wiederhold J, Jew A, Brown G, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2011) How Biogenic Nano-Iron Oxides can Control the Fate of Pollutants
Morin G, Ona-Nguema G, Juillot F, Maillot F, Wang Y, Egal M, Bruneel O, Casiot C, Elbaz-Poulichet F, Calas G & Brown GE
(2011) Adsorption of Organic Ligands on Silicate Mineral Surfaces in the Presence of CO2 and Water: Insight into Olivine Dissolution Rates
Johnson N, Thomas B, Maher K, Bird D, Rosenbauer R & Brown G
(2010) Arsenic Sequestration and Oxidation at the Surface of Fe(II)-containing Iron (Hydr)oxide Nanoparticles
Morin G, Ona-Nguema G, Wang Y, Juillot F, Menguy N, Calas G & Brown Jr. GE
(2010) Uranyl Adsorption onto Montmorillonite: Complexity and Ongoing Challenges
Catalano J & Brown Jr. G
(2010) Importance of Phyllosilicates and Fe/Mn Oxyhydroxides on the Distribution of Ni and Cr along a Lateritic Soil in New Caledonia
Juillot F, Fandeur D, Fritsch E, Morin G, Ambrosi J-P & Brown Jr. G
(2010) Cation Vacancies and Lattice Strain in Nano-Sized Ferrihydrite Reveal Clues to Surface Structure
Michel FM, Barrón V & Brown Jr GE
(2010) Silver Nanoparticles Sulfidation
Levard C, Michel M & Brown G
(2010) Molecular Mechanisms of As-Binding to Biogenic Iron(III) (Hydr)oxides Precipitated by the Nitrate-Reducing Iron(II)-Oxidizer Acidovorax sp. Strain BoFeN1
Hohmann C, Morin G, Brown Jr. G, Obst M, Benzerara K & Kappler A
(2009) Study of Mineral-Microbe Assemblages Down to the nm-Scale in Carbonate Microbialites
Benzerara K, Meibom A, Lopez-Garcia P, Kazmierczak J & Brown, Jr. GE
(2009) Iron Biomineralization by Neutrophilic Nitrate-Reducing Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria
Miot J, Benzerara K, Morin G, Kappler A, Obst M, Brown, Jr. GE & Guyot F
(2009) Sorption Processes on Small and Dirty Mineral Particles – Do Size and Cleanliness Matter?
Brown Jr. GE, Ha J, Gélabert A, Singer DM, Wang Y, Bargar JR, Eng P, Choi Y, Kendelewicz T & Spormann AM
(2009) Arsenic(III) Polymerization Upon Sorption on Iron(II, III)-(Hydr)oxides Surfaces – Implications for Arsenic Mobility Under Reducing Conditions
Morin G, Ona-Nguema G, Wang Y, Juillot F, Menguy N, Calas G & Brown Jr. GE
(2009) Arsenite Sequestration by Fe(II)-Containing Minerals after Microbial Dissimilatory Reduction of Arsenic-Sorbed Lepidocrocite
Ona-Nguema G, Morin G, Wang Y, Juillot F, Abdelmoula M, Ruby C, Guyot F, Calas G & Brown GE
(2009) Imaging Traces of Life in Metamorphic Rocks Using Raman, STXM and NanoSIMS
Bernard S, Beyssac O, Benzerara K, Brown Jr. GE, Mostefaoui S, Meibom A & Goffe B
(2009) XANES Investigation of the Redox Behavior of Cr in a Tropical Context
Fandeur D, Juillot F, Morin G, Webb S, Olivi L, Hazemann J-L, Brown GE & Fritsch E
(2009) Photoemission Study of the Reaction of Fe3O4(100) with Water at Near Ambient Conditions
Kendelewicz T, Kaya S, Newberg J, Bluhm H, Nilsson A, Pentcheva R, Moritz W & Brown G
(2008) Impact of S. oneidensis MR-1 Biofilm Coatings on Trace Element Partitioning at Metal-Oxide/Water Interfaces: A Long Period XSW-FY Study
Wang Y, Alexandre G, Ona-Nguema G, Ha J, Gescher J, Bargar J, Rogers J, Eng P, Spormann A & Brown G
(2008) Uranyl-Chlorite Sorption/Desorption: Evaluation of Different Sorption Mechanisms
Singer D & Brown G
(2008) Evaluating the Structure of Poorly Crystalline Iron Oxyhydroxides
Michel FM, Cismasu C, Parise JB & Brown, Jr. GE
(2008) Zinc and Arsenic Immobilization and Magnetite Formation Upon Reduction of Maghemite by Shewanella putrefaciens ATCC 8071
Cismasu C, Ona-Nguema G, Menguy N, Bonnin D & Brown G
(2008) Cr Behavior after Oxidation by Mn-Oxides along a Weathering Profile in New Caledonia
Fandeur D, Juillot F, Fritsch E, Olivi L, Morin G, Brown, Jr GE, Webb S & Ambrosi J-P
(2008) Parameters Controlling Metal Adsorption at the Biofilm/Mineral Interface: Evidence for a Diffusion Limited Process and Comparison with Thermodynamic Modeling
Gelabert A, Wang Y, Ha J, Ona-Nguema G, Spormann AM, Bargar JR, Rogers J, Eng P, Ghose S & Brown GE
(2008) Synchrotron X-Ray Studies of Bacteria-Mineral-Metal Ion Interactions
Brown, Jr. GE, Gelabert A, Wang Y, Cismasu C, Ha J, Ona-Nguema G, Benzerara K, Morin G & Wang Y
(2008) Study of Proton, Pb2+ and Zn2+ Adsorption on to Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 Strain and a Mutant Strain (ΔEPS): Spectroscopic Observation and Modeling Approach
Ha J, Gelabert A, Wang Y, Spormann A & Brown G
(2008) STXM-Based Study of Microbial Fossils in Recent and Ancient Rocks
Benzerara K, Bernard S, Lepot K, Miot J & Brown, Jr GE
(2008) Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy Analysis of Metamorphic Biogenic Carbon
Bernard S, Benzerara K, Beyssac O & Brown, Jr. GE
(2007) Microbial Biomineralization and Redox Transformation of As and Fe in an Acid Mine Drainage
Benzerara K, Morin G, Yoon T-H, Miot J, Casiot C, Farges F & Brown, Jr. G
(2007) Study at the Nanoscale of the Alteration of Submarine Basaltic Glass from the Ontong Java Plateau
Miot J, Benzerara K, Banerjee NR, Menguy N, Tyliszczak T, Brown, Jr. GE & Guyot F
(2007) Speciation and Long-Term Sequestering of Zn in a Naturally Enriched Soil
Juillot F, Morin G, Benedetti M, Hazemann J-L, Proux O, Bellin S, Briois V, Brown Jr. G & Calas G
(2007) Mechanisms of Arsenic Scavenging by Iron (Hydr)oxides in Anoxic Environments
Wang Y, Morin G, Ona-Nguema G, Menguy N, Guyot F, Hazemann J-L, Calas G & Brown Jr. GE
(2007) In situ Arsenic Speciation in Earth Surface Environments: Importance of Iron Oxides
Morin G, Juillot F, Miot J, Wang Y, Casiot C, Cancès B, Proux O, Calas G & Brown Jr. GE
(2007) As(V)-bearing Lepidocrocite and Green Rust Reduction by Shewanella putrefaciens: Evidence for Fe(II) Carbonate Hydroxide Formation
Ona-Nguema G, Morin G, Wang Y, Juillot F, Guyot F, Calas G & Brown, Jr GE
(2007) Speciation of Mercury in Mining Environments
Brown, Jr. GE, Slowey A, Jew A, Kim CS, Lowry GV, Shaw S, Gustin MS & Rytuba JJ
(2007) A Geochemists View of Environmental Science at the Molecular Level
Brown, Jr. GE
(2006) Transformations of mercury, iron, and sulfur during the reductive dissolution of iron oxyhydroxide by sulfide
Slowey A & Brown G
(2006) Zn(II) sorption on nanoparticulate UO2
Singer D, Farges F & Brown G
(2006) Microbial reduction of hematite: effects of particle size and exopolysaccharides
Ha J, Cordova C, Yoon T-H, Spormann A & Brown G
(2006) Applications of synchrotron radiation to processes at environmental interfaces
Brown GE, Benzerara K, Yoon TH, Ha J, Cordova CD, Spormann AM, Tyliszczak T, Tanwar KS, Trainor TP & Eng PJ
(2005) Nanoscale Environments Associated with Bioweathering of a Mg-Fe-Pyroxene
Benzerara K, Yoon T, Menguy N, Guyot F, Tyliszczak T & Brown Jr. GE
(2005) Environmental Isotope Forensics of Perchlorate
Sturchio N, Bohlke J, Gu B, Horita J, Brown G & Hatzinger P
(2005) Probing Uranium Speciation in Contaminated Hanford Sediments
Catalano J, Wang Z, McKinley J, Zachara J, Heald S & Brown G
(2005) Structure and Reactivity of Hydroxylated Hematite Surfaces: Application of Surface X-Ray Diffraction and Spectroscopy
Trainor T, Eng P, Chaka A, Lo C, Tanwar K, Ghose S, Brown G, Catalano J, Waychunas G & Templeton A
(2005) Distribution and Speciation of Metals and Metalloids at Microbe/mineral Interfaces
Templeton A, Trainor T, Brown G & Tebo B
(2005) Soft X-Ray Spectromicroscopy Study of Chemical Heterogeneities in Iron Precipitates Formed at or Near Bacterial Cells
Yoon TH, Borch T, Benzerara K, Fendorf S, Tyliszczak T & Brown Jr. GE
(2005) Molecular Speciation, Mineral Residence, and Geochemical Behavior of U in Contaminated Subsurface Sediments
Zachara J, McKinley J, Liu C, Wang Z, Catalano J & Brown G
(2005) Calcium Oxalate Surface Interactions with Lead
Singer D, Catalano J & Brown G
(2004) EXAFS Signatures of Structural Zn at Trace Level in di- and Trioctahedral Phyllosilicates
Juillot F, Morin G, Brown G & Calas G
(2002) Metal Ion Sorption Processes in the Marine Environment – An Old Subject Revisited
Brown G & Parks GA
(2002) Role of Arsenic in Pyrite Oxidation
Bostick B, Doyle C, Fendorf S, Kendelewicz T, Bargar J & Brown GE
(2002) SAXS/WAXS Studies of the Precipitation and Crystallisation of Iron and Aluminium (Oxy)hydroxides
Shaw S, Warner JA, Benning LG & Brown Jr. GE
(2002) Modelling the Sorption of Metal Cations on Metal Hydroxides: Experiment vs. Model
Farges F, Benedetti M, Berrodier I & Brown Jr GE
(2001) Biotransformation of Pb and Se within Aerobic B. Cepacia and S. oneidensis Biofilms
Templeton AS, Trainor TP, Traina SJ, Spormann AM & Brown Jr. GE
(2001) The Influence of Colloidal Phases on Hg-Transport from Mercury Mine Waste Tailings: A Laboratory Case Study of the New Idria and Sulphur Bank Mines, California, USA
Shaw S, Lowry GV, Kim CS, Rytuba JJ & Brown Jr. GE
(2001) Speciation of Mercury-Bearing Mine Wastes Using X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) Spectroscopy: Physical and Geochemical Effects
Kim CS, Lowry GV, Shaw S, Rytuba JJ & Brown Jr. GE
(2001) Structure and Reactivity of ?-Al2O3 (0001) and (1-102) Surfaces
Trainor TP, Eng PJ, Templeton AS & Brown Jr. GE
(2001) Application of Synchrotron Radiation Methods to Chemical Processes at Micro-Scale Interfaces
Brown Jr. GE, Kendelewicz T, Doyle CS, Templeton AS & Trainor TP
(2000) Pb Speciation at Sapphire and Hematite Surfaces Associated with Bacterial Biofilms
Templeton A, Trainor T, Traina S, Spormann A & Brown Jr. G
(2000) Chemical Behavior of Strontium at the Solid-Liquid Interface of Amorphous Manganese Oxides: A Molecular-Level Study Using EXAFS
Grolimund D, Warner JA, Carrier X & Brown Jr. GE
(2000) Abiotic Interactions of Aqueous Chromium Ions with Iron Oxide Surfaces
Brown Jr. GE, Chambers SA, Amonette JE, Rustad JR, Kendelewicz T, Doyle CS, Grolimund D, Foster-Mills NS, Joyce SA & Thevuthasan S
(2000) Mercury(II) Sorption to Fe- and Al-(Hydr)oxides: pH and Ligand-Variable Systems
Kim C, Brown Jr. G & Rytuba J
(2000) Extreme Geochemistry: Strontium Interactions in Hyper-Alkaline Aluminum and Feldspar Systems
Warner J, Catalano J, Grolimund D, Traina S & Brown Jr. G
(2000) The Effect of Calcium Carbonate Coatings on Cr(VI) Reduction at the (111) Surface of Magnetite
Doyle CS, Kendelewicz T, Brown Jr. GE, Chambers SA & Zachara JM

Browne E. (2005) Elemental Cycling in Coastal Tropical Sediments, Saint Lucia, Lesser Antilles: Results from Multiple Pore Water Sampling Techniques (Dialysis, Centrifugation, DET, and DGT)
Ku T, Browne E, Kay J, Martini A, Peters S & Chen M

Browne I. (2018) New Zealand Fjord Records of Southern Hemisphere Westerly Wind Variability
Moy C, Hinojosa J, Gilmer G, Browne I, Wilson G, Riesselman C, Stirling C, Gorman A, Lembo C & Eglinton T

Browne P. (2005) Gas-Streaming in Trachyte Lava, Mount Melbourne, Antarctica
Hoskin P, Sutherland L & Browne P
(2001) Post Depositional Changes to Silica Residue and Silica Sinter Formed from Thermal Fluids in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
Browne P, Rodgers KA & Campbell KA

Browne P. R. L. (2001) Carbon Dioxide and Two-Phase Conditions in a Sub-Aerial Geothermal System: Ngawha as an Example
Simmons SF, Arediningsih Y, Browne PRL & Watson A

Brownfield I. (2005) Asbestos from Libby Montana; Compositions and Morphologies that Don‚t fit Current Asbestos Definitions
Meeker G, Lowers H & Brownfield I
(2005) Microanalysis of Particulate Mineral Material in the Real World; How Analytical Errors Affect Results Used by the Health, Regulatory, and Legal Communities
Meeker G, Lowers H & Brownfield I

Browning J. (2010) Neutron Reflectivity Sample Cells for Geochemically Relevant Environments
Ankner J, Browning J, Halbert C, Lokitz B, Carmichael J, Kilbey M, Rother G & Wesolowski D

Browning L. (2002) Effects of Salt Formation on the Chemical Environment of a High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository
Pabalan R, Yang L & Browning L

Browning N (2005) Spectroscopic Characterization of Nano-Magnetite: Facts and Mystery About an Illusive Mineral Phase
Pecher K, Baer DR, McCready D, Engelhard M, Lopatin S & Browning N

Browning Nigel (2016) Probing Stabilization Mechanisms at the Soil Organic-Mineral Interface at the Molecular Length Scale
Newcomb C, Grate J, Qafoku N, Browning N, Hufschmid R & De Yoreo J

Browning T.J. (2017) Iron Biogeochemistry in the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone during the 2015/16 El Niño
Rapp I, Schlosser C, Gledhill M, Browning TJ, Le Moigne FAC & Achterberg EP
(2017) Direct Experimental Evidence for Nutrient Co-limitation from the South Atlantic GA08 GEOTRACES Expedition
Browning TJ, Achterberg EP, Rapp I, Engel A, Bertrand EM & Moore CM
(2015) Coccolith Stable Isotopes in Palaeoceanography: Are Culture Data Transferable to the Natural Environment?
Hermoso M, Candelier Y, Minoletti F, Browning T, McClelland H & Rickaby R
(2013) Iron Availability Controls Phytoplankton Ecophysiology in the South Atlantic Subtropical Convergence Zone
Browning TJ, Bouman HA, Henderson GM, Moore CM, Schlosser C, Tarran GA & Woodward EMS

Browning-Craig H. (2005) Hornblende Andesites/dacites in an Oceanic Arc Setting at Narcondam Volcano, Andaman Sea, S.E. Asia
Streck M, Browning-Craig H, Haldar D, Ramos F & Duncan R

Brownlee Don (2022) Significance of the Elemental and Isotopic Compositions of GEMS
Bradley JP, Ishii HA, Bustillo K, Ciston J, Ogliore RC, Stephan T, Brownlee D & Joswiak D
(2022) Oxygen Isotope Measurements of Comet Wild 2 Fines
Ogliore RC, Westphal A, Gainsforth Z, Huss G, Joswiak D & Brownlee D
(2022) He Non-Volatile (Rocky) Components in Comet Wild 2
Brownlee D, Joswiak D, Kita NT & Zhang M

Brownlee Donald (2019) Atmospheric CO2 Levels from 2.7 Billion Years ago Using Micrometeorite Oxidation
Lehmer O, Catling D, Buick R, Brownlee D & Newport S
(2017) High Precision O Isotope Analyses Link Comet Wild 2 with an IDP of Probable Cometary Origin
Defouilloy C, Kita N, Joswiak D & Brownlee D
(2015) Analysis of Cosmic Spherule Candidates from the Kwajalein Micrometeorite Collection
Wozniakiewicz P, Price M, Bradley J, Ishii H, Russell S, Zolensky M & Brownlee D
(2014) Refractory Metal Nugget Inclusions in Cometary Materials from the Edge of the Solar System
Joswiak D & Brownlee D
(2008) Study of the C-Rich Phases of Two Cometary Particles with Electron Microscopy and NanoSIMS
Matrajt G, Messenger S, Ito M, Joswiak D & Brownlee D
(2004) Submicron-Scale Coccolith Chemistry Revealed by NanoSIMS
Rickaby R, Belshaw N, Kilburn M, Taylor A, Grovenor C & Brownlee C
(2002) Sulfur Isotope Imaging of Interplanetary Dust Particles
Mukhopadhyay S, Nittler L & Brownlee D

Brownlee S. (2019) Integrating Seismic Anisotropy into Geodynamic Models of Crustal Deformation
Brownlee S, Detizio M & Murray B
(2017) Elasticity in the Continental Crust: Finding a Path from Red and Blue to Composition and Structure
Brownlee S & Watling B
(2014) Effects of Microstructure on 222Rn Diffusion from Zircon
Brownlee S, Eakin M & Baskaran M
(2013) Seismic Anisotropy as a Constraint on Composition in the Lower Crust
Brownlee S, Hacker B, Chapman A, Saleeby J & Seward G
(2009) 40Ar/39Ar Thermochronology from the Ecstall, Butedale, and Smith Island Plutons: A Thermal Model for Late Cretaceous British Columbia
Brownlee S & Renne P
(2008) 40Ar/39Ar Thermochronology of the Ecstall Pluton, British Columbia: Refined Thermal History and Implications for Paleomagnetism
Brownlee S, Renne P, Feinberg J & Scott G

Brownlow R. (2013) Can Modern Methane Events and δ13CH4 Measurements say Anything About Glacial/Interglacial Transitions?
Nisbet E, Lowry D, Fisher R, France J & Brownlow R

Brox T. (2009) Microbial Respiration at Sub-Zero Temperatures in Laboratory Ices
Skidmore M, Bakermans C, Brox T, Christner B & Montross S
(2008) Experimental Analysis of Supercritical CO2-Brine-Rock Interactions Using a Flow-Through Reactor
Hansen L, Skidmore M & Brox T

Broz A. (2023) Provenance and Diagenesis of Martian Sedimentary Rocks in the Jezero Crater Delta Front from Microscale Observations by the Mars 2020 PIXL Instrument
Hurowitz J, Tice MM, Allwood A, Cable M, Bosak T, Broz A, Caravaca G, Clark BC, Dehouck E, Fairen AG, Gomez F, Grotzinger JP, Gupta S, Johnson JR, Kah LC, Kalucha H, Labrie J, Li AY, Mandon L, Núñez J, Pedersen DAK, Poulet F, Randazzo N, Scheller EL, Schmidt M, Shuster DL, Siebach K, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Tosca NJ, Treiman A, VanBommel SJ, Wade LA, Williford KH & Yanchilina A

Brøns C. (2022) The Provenance of Copper of Egyptian Blue Pigments: A Sarcophagus from Sidon
Rodler A, Brøns C, Tepe N, Hofmann T, Koeberl C, Frei R & Artioli G
(2017) A Highly Unusual Constituent in Roman Polychromy
Buccarella Hedegaard S, Rodler A, Bredal-Jørgensen J, Klein S & Brøns C

Brtnicky M. (2022) Carbonatites: Evolution of High-Grade REE Mineralization and Subsequent Processes Driving Economic Exploration
Kynický J, Magna T, Chakhmouradian A, Vašinová Galiová M, Krmíček L, Rapprich V, Song W, Brtnický M, Urubek T, Smith M & Xu C
(2020) Under-Studied Carbonatites and REE Deposits: The Example of Mongolia
Kynicky J, Wenlei S, Smith M, Kotlánová MK, Krmíček L, Urubek T, Brtnický M, Xu C, Chen W & Chakhmouradian A
(2011) REE Mineralization of High Grade REE-Ba-Sr and REE-Mo Deposits in Mongolia and China
Kynicky J, Xu C, Chakhmouradian A, Reguir K, Cihlarova H & Brtnicky M

Bru K. (2019) Enlightening Advances in Critical Raw Material Recovery from Industrial Wastes Using High Voltage Electric Pulse Crushers
Parvaz D, Bru K, Rossi P, Andrey P, Weh A & von der Weid F

Bruach J.M. (2019) A Review of the Ra Isotopes as SGD Tracers
Garcia-Orellana J, Rodellas V, Tamborski J, van Beek P, Stieglitz T, Diego-Feliu M, Alorda A & Bruach JM

Bruand A. (2017) Pore Scale Processes Governing Biofilms Location in a Dual Porous Media: Effects on Cr, Cu, Pb, and As Mobility
Caurel C, Rozenbaum O, Dupraz S, Battaglia-Brunet F, Garrido F & Bruand A

Bruand E. (2023) Mineral-Whole Rock Isotope Fidelity in Granitoids? A Comparative Study of Hf-Nd-O Isotopes in Apatite, Titanite and Zircon
Bruand E, Fowler M, Storey C, Dhuime B & Doucelance R
(2023) High Spatial Resolution Analyses of Strontium Isotopes by LA-MC-ICP-MS: Application to Apatite Inclusions in Zircon
Buzenchi A, Moreira H, Bruguier O, Bosch D, Bruand E & Dhuime B
(2023) Trace Elements Behaviour and Nd Isotopic Ratios in REE-Bearing Accessory Minerals along a Metamorphic Gradient: New Insights from the Chugach Metamorphic Complex (Alaska)
Biget T, Bruand E, Pereira I, Boyet M, Gasser D & Stüwe K
(2023) Rutile and Titanite Phase Stability Constraints at Subsolidus Conditions in a Mafic System: Insights from Experimental Petrology
Pereira I, Koga KT & Bruand E
(2023) The Thickness of Diversely Constructed Lithosphere Controls the Ages of Isotopic Reset in Archean Cratons
Vandenburg ED, Nebel O, Cawood PA, Smithies H, Capitanio F, Miller L, Millet M-A, Bruand E, Moyen J-F, Wang X, Raveggi M & Nebel-Jacobsen Y
(2022) Insights into Secular Changes in Archean Crustal Formation Processes: The Necessity for Representative Databases
Vandenburg ED, Nebel O, Millet M-A, Bruand E, McCoy-West AJ, Cawood PA, Smithies H, Moyen J-F & Nebel-Jacobsen Y
(2022) Using Radiogenic and Stable Nd Isotopes to Trace Secular Evolution of the Archean Crust: Insights from the SWASA Collection
McCoy-West AJ, Ladwig SA, Moyen J-F, Millet M-A, Bruand E, Nebel O & Cawood PA
(2022) Mineral-Whole Rock Isotope Fidelity? A Comparative Study of Hf-Nd-O from High Ba-Sr Granites
Bruand E, Storey C, Fowler M, Dhuime B & Doucelance R
(2021) Can the Amnesia of the Earth's Continental Crust be Treated by the Resilience of Accessory Minerals?
Bruand E
(2021) Apatite Sulphur Speciation in Plutonic Rocks: A Probe for Secular Oxidation State of the Mantle?
Storey C, Moreira H, Bruand E, Darling JR & Dhuime B
(2021) Experimental Constraints on the Phase Stability of Ti Phases at Subsolidus Conditions in a Mafic System
Pereira I, Koga KT, Bruand E & Nicollet C
(2021) Ti-Mineral Stability in Metagabbros Formed at Different Stages of the Wilson Cycle
Pereira I, Bruand E, Koga KT & Nicollet C
(2021) Redox Control on Chromium Isotope Behaviour in Silicate Melts
Bonnand P, Bruand E, Matzen A, Jerram M, Wood BJ, Boyet M & Halliday AN
(2019) Trace Elements in Apatite and Titanite: A New Proxy to Discriminate Magma Evolution ?
Bruand E, Storey C, Fowler M, Antoine C, Guitreau M & Laurent O
(2019) In situ Determination of Nd Isotope Ratios in Apatite
Doucelance R, Bruand E, Matte S, Bosq C, Auclair D & Gannoun A-M
(2017) Evolution of F and Cl Relative to Lithophile Trace Elements in Oceanic Crust, from Oceanic to Subduction Metamorphisms in Western Alps
Koga KT, Rose-Koga EF, Nicollet C & Bruand E
(2017) Utilising Mineral Inclusions in Detrital Rutile
Storey C, Hart E & Bruand E
(2017) Rutile: A Recorder of Extreme Conditions
Hart E, Storey C & Bruand E
(2017) Oxygen Isotopes in Titanite and Apatite. A New Tool for Crustal Evolution?
Bruand E, Storey C, Fowler M & Heilimo E
(2016) The Secular Evolution of Titanite and Apatite Trace Element Chemistry as a Tracer of Magmatic Evolution
Bruand E, Laurent O, Fowler M, Storey C & Heilimo E
(2016) O Isotopes in Underexplored Accessory Minerals (Titanite and Apatite). A New Tool for Crustal Evolution?
Bruand E, Storey C, Fowler M, Heilimo E & Laurent O
(2015) The Use of Apatite and Titanite as a New Window into Magma Genesis and Early Earth
Bruand E, Fowler M, Storey C & Heilimo E
(2015) In situ Isotopic Measurements on Mineral Inclusions as a New Window on Crustal Evolution Studies
Dhuime B, Delavault H, Hawkesworth C, Cawood P, Marschall H, Bruand E, Kemp T, Lewis J &  EIMF
(2015) Apatite and Titanite as Tracers of Magma Petrogenesis and Recorders of Geodynamic Evolution
Storey C, Bruand E, Fowler M & Heilimo E
(2015) Mineral Inclusions in Rutile: Novel Recorders of Extreme Metamorphism
Hart E, Storey C & Bruand E
(2013) Can Mineral Inclusions in Metamorphic Rutile Help to Constrain P-T Conditions of Formation?
Hart E, Storey C & Bruand E
(2012) Geochemical Insights from Accessory Phases in a Sanukitoid-Like Suite: Towards Understanding Temporal Changes in Subduction Style
Bruand E, Storey C & Fowler M
(2011) Fate of an Eocene HT Metamorphic Complex in a Forearc Location
Bruand E, Gasser D & Stuewe K
(2011) Classical Geothermobarometry Versus Pseudosections: Practical Experiences and Strange Encounters
Proyer A & Bruand E

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