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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Breuer J. (2014) Si Isotope Signatures from Two Small Catchments in the Black Forest
Steinhoefel G, Breuer J, von Blanckenburg F, Horn I & Sommer M
(2011) Si Isotope Signatures in Soils by UV Femtosecond Laser Ablation
Steinhoefel G, Breuer J, von Blanckenburg F, Horn I, Kaczorek D & Sommer M
(2009) Characterising the Si Isotope Signatures of Si Pools in Soils Using UV Femtosecond LA-ICP-MS
Breuer J, Chmeleff J, Steinhoefel G, Horn I, von Blanckenburg F & Sommer M
(2009) Rare Earth Element Abundances of Human Bone Assemblages Originated from a Merovingian Necropolis
Fiedler S, Breuer J, Pusch CM, Wahl J & Graw M
(2007) 30Si Isotopic Signature of Major Terrestrial and Aquatic Pools
Kuzyakov Y, Breuer J & Sommer M

Breuer M. (2013) Electron Flow in Bacterial Multi-Heme Cytochromes
Breuer M, Smith D, Blumberger J & Rosso K
(2011) Large-Scale Simulation of Molecular Structure and Electron Transfer in Microbial Cytochromes
Rosso K, Zarzycki P, Breuer M, Blumberger J, Shi L, Richardson D, Clarke T, Edwards M, Butt J, Zachara J & Fredrickson J

Breuer U. (2015) Characterization of (Ba, Ra)SO4 Solid Solutions with True nm-Scale Resolution
Weber J, Brandt F, Klinkenberg M, Breuer U, Barthel J, Savenko A & Bosbach D
(2013) A Microscopic and TOF-SIMS Study on the Ra Uptake by Barite
Klinkenberg M, Brandt F, Breuer U & Bosbach D

Breuker A. (2013) Subseafloor Biosphere of the Canterbury Basin
Ciobanu M-C, Burgaud G, Dufresne A, Breuker A, Redou V, Ben Maamar S, Gaboyer F, Trambouze O, Lipp J, Schippers A, Vandenkoornhuyse P, Barbier G, Jebbar M, Godfroy A & Alain K
(2013) Characterization of Metabolically Active Microorganisms in an Hydrothermal Active Field in the Okinawa Trough (IODP Exp. 331)
Bloethe M, Breuker A & Schippers A

Breuning-Madsen H. (2017) Cisotop: A New Stable Isotope Approach to Examine Turnover of Organic Compounds in the Vadose Zone
Pedersen ACK, Ambus PL, Ernstsen V & Breuning-Madsen H

Breuninger E.S. (2023) Integrating Models and Measurements to Advance the Understanding of Se Cycling Across the Atmosphere-Soil Interface, Session
Winkel LHE, Stenke A, Breuninger ES & Tolu J
(2023) Tracing Atmospheric Selenium from Sources to Deposition by Combining Chemical Speciation Analyses with Modelling
Breuninger ES, Tolu J, Thurnherr I, Aemisegger F, Feinberg A, Bouchet S, Sonke JE, Wernli H & Winkel LHE
(2022) Insights into the Atmospheric Cycle of Arsenic: Linking Elemental Speciation, Organic Composition with Atmospheric Transport in a 5-Year Time Series of Aerosol Measurements
Breuninger ES, Tolu J, Thurnherr I, Aemisegger F, Bouchet S, Mestrot A, Sonke JE, Wernli H & Winkel LHE
(2021) Ultratrace Level Speciation of Se, As and S in Atmospheric Deposition at the High Altitude Pic du Midi Observatory
Breuninger ES, Tolu J, Thurnherr I, Aemisegger F, Bouchet S, Sonke JE, Wernli H & Winkel L

Breval E. (2004) The Origin of Porosity in Carbonado Diamond
Heaney P, Vicenzi E & Breval E

Breward N (2004) The British Geological Survey's Geochemical Baseline Survey of the Environment: Arsenic in Soil
Johnson C, Rawlins B & Breward N

Breward Neil (2012) Urban Soil-Dust Interactions: Improving Urban Risk Models
Cardoso R, Taylor K, Cheng J & Breward N

Brewe D. (2009) The Distribution of Gold in Biogenic and Abiogenic Carbonates
Reith F, Etschmann B, Brewe D, Vogt S & Brugger J

Brewer A. (2022) Rare Earth Element Pollution Originating from Electronic Waste: Leaching and Mobility in Porous Media
Dror I, Brewer A & Berkowitz B
(2018) Applying Biosorption for Rare Earth Element Recovery from Low-Grade Sources
Jiao Y, Park D, Jin H, Brewer A, Chang E, Lammers L, Reed D & Sutherland J
(2018) Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Low-Grade Feedstocks Using Engineered Bacteria
Park D, Brewer A, Chang E, Lammers L, Reed D & Jiao Y

Brewer E. (2014) Tracking Fresh Microbial Products in Forest Soils with the Sharp Probe of the NanoSIMS
Remusat L, Hatton P-J, Brewer E & Derrien D

Brewer L. (2020) Metal Uptake and Sequestration within Southern Ocean Diatom Frustules: A Significant Sink for Iron and Zinc
Castorina E, Ingall E, Morton P, Brewer L, McDaniel MF & Lai B

Brewer P (2000) Geochemistry of Rio Guadiamar Sediments Following the April 1998 Spanish Aznalcollar Mine Tailings Dam Failure and Subsequent Clean-Up
Hudson-Edwards KA, Macklin MG, Brewer P, Coulthard TJ, Howard AJ, Nielsen MF, Turner J, Jamieson HE & Remenda VH

Brewer Paul (2017) Speciation of Vanadium in the Hazeltine Creek Catchment Following the 2014 Mount Polley Tailings Dam Spill, Canada
Hudson-Edwards K, Byrne P, Bird G, Jamieson H, Macklin M, Brewer P & Williams R

Brewer T. (2002) The Relationship of Fe oxide-P-Ree Mineralisation to Magmatism: The Pea Ridge Deposit, Missouri
Menuge J, Barton M, Seeger C & Brewer T
(2000) The Importance of Core-Log Integration in Calculations of Element Budgets; Mariana Subduction Factory, ODP Leg 185, Site 801C
Revillon S, Barr S, Brewer T, Harvey P, Tarney J & Leg 185 Shipboard Scientific Party 
(2000) Trace Element and Nd Isotope Characteristics of the Bayankhongor Ophiolite, Central Mongolia: Heterogeneous Mantle or Single Contaminated Source?
Buchan C, Pfänder J, Brewer T, Cunningham D & Windley B

Brey Gerhard (2019) Post-Archean Lithospheric Mantle Evolution – Garnet Peridotites from Namibian Kimberlites
Shu Q, Brey G, Fichtner C & Gudelius D

Brey Gerhard Peter (2017) Experimental Modeling of Sediment-Peridotite Interaction in a Thermal Gradient
Woodland A, Girnis A, Bulatov V, Brey G, Höfer H & Gerdes A
(2015) Experimental Modeling of Sediment–peridotite Interaction Under Temperature-Gradient Conditions
Bulatov V, Girnis A, Woodland A & Brey G
(2015) Corundum Eclogites: Partial Melting Residues of Subducted Troctolites from the Mid-Archean
Shu Q, Brey GP, Höfer H, Zhao Z & Pearson G
(2015) The Oxidation State of Fe in Clinopyroxenes – The Determination with the “Flank-Method” by EPMA
Höfer H, Baier S, Brey GP & Woodland A
(2013) Fe3+ Determination in Garnet: A Crystal Chemical Test with the EPMA Flank Method
Hoefer HE, Hoefer CE, Matjuschkin V, Yaxley GM & Brey GP
(2013) Storage of Hadean Oceanic Crust in the Kaapvaal Subcratonic Mantle
Brey GP, Shu Q, Gerdes A & Hoefer HE
(2013) Simultaneous Mantle Metasomatism, Diamond Growth and Crustal Events in the Archean and Proterozoic of South Africa
Shu Q, Brey G, Gerdes A & Hoefer H
(2013) Geochronology of the Lithospheric Mantle Underneath the Gibeon Kimberlite Field, Namibia
Hoefer CE, Brey GP, Luchs T, Gerdes A & Hoefer HE
(2013) The Age of Eclogitisation Underneath the Kaapvaal Craton – A Composite Xenolith from Roberts Victor
Sieber M, Brey GP, Seitz H-M, Gerdes A & Hoefer HE
(2012) Siderophile Element Redistribution during Mantle Metasomatism
Aulbach S, Heaman L, Matjuschkin V, Hofmann J, Stachel T & Brey G
(2011) Chronological and Thermal History of the Lithospheric Mantle Underneath the Gibeon Kimberlite Field, Namibia
Luchs T, Brey G & Gerdes A
(2011) Ultra-Depleted Eclogites: Residues of TTG Melting
Shu Q & Brey G
(2010) Final Depletion of the Kaapvaal Cratonic Root: Lu-Hf Versus Re-Os Dating of Garnet Peridotites from the Finsch Mine (South Africa)
Brey GP, Becker H, Lazarov M & Shu Q
(2010) Insights on the Evolution of the Lithospheric Mantle Underneath the Gibeon Kimberlite Field, Namibia
Luchs T, Brey G & Gerdes A
(2010) History of Lithospheric Mantle beneath Western Kaapvaal Craton: Signatures from Subcalcic Garnets
Shu Q, Brey G & Aulbach S
(2008) Fractionation of Li and Fe Isotopes at Magmatic Temperatures
Weyer S, Seitz M, Ghobadi M, Muenker C & Brey G
(2008) Isotopic (Sr, Nd, Hf) Composition of Super-Large Metal Deposits from the Kola Penninsula Using in situ LA-MC-ICPMS
Lahaye Y, Kogarko LN & Brey G
(2008) Lithium Isotope Compositions of Chondrules and CAIs from Allende and Various Ordinary Chondrites
Seitz H-M, Zipfel J, Brey G & Ott U
(2008) Nb/Ta Systematics of Orogenic Eclogites
Schmidt A, Weyer S, John T & Brey GP
(2007) The Influence of Minor Elements on Melting of Eclogite in the Mantle
Yaxley G, Spandler C, Green D, Rosenthal A & Brey G
(2007) Lithium Isotopes of the Early Solar System and Terrestrial Planets
Seitz H-M, Brey GP, Zipfel J, Ott U & Weyer S
(2007) A Light Lithium Source for Komatiites
Lahaye Y, Seitz H-M, Brey G & Arndt N
(2007) Chronological History of UHP Rocks from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling: A Multi-Methodical Approach
Gerdes A, Liu F, Weyer S & Brey G
(2007) Lu-Hf Geochronology of Eclogites from the Dabie-Sulu Terrain: Constraints on the Timing of Eclogite-Facies Metamorphism
Schmidt A, Weyer S, Xiao Y, Hoefs J & Brey GP
(2007) Experimental Kinetic Study of Carbonaceous Material Maturation: An Appraisal of Pressure and Time Effects on Vitrinite Reflectance at 400℃
Le Bayon R, Brey GP, Ernst WG & Ferreiro Mählmann R
(2007) Li as a Barometer for Bimineralic Eclogites
Hanrahan M & Brey G
(2007) Timing of Mantle Depletion and Enrichment from Single Subcalcic Garnet Grains (Finsch Mine, SA)
Lazarov M, Brey GP, Harris JW & Weyer S
(2006) Mapping of the Kaapvaal craton lithosphere with garnets from a polymict peridotite
Lazarov M, Brey G & Lahaye Y
(2006) Iron Isotope Fractionation as Indicator of Mantle Processes
Weyer S, Ionov D, Hellebrand E, Woodland A & Brey G
(2006) Episodic versus long term recycling processes within the Archean South African crust
Klama K, Lahaye Y, Weyer S, Gerdes A & Brey G
(2006) Alluvial diamonds from Brazil: Where and what are their sources?
Tappert R, Stachel T, Muehlenbachs K, Harris J & Brey G
(2006) Redox melting and composition of near liquidus melts of C-O-H-bearing peridotite
Brey GP, Bulatov V & Girnis A
(2006) Lithium isotope composition of lower mantle ferropericlase inclusions in diamanods from Sao Luiz, Brazil
Seitz H-M, Brey GP, Harris JW & Ludwig T
(2006) Iron oxidation state determination in garnets by EPMA and XANES
Höfer HE, Brey GP, Yaxley GM & Berry AJ
(2006) BSE reservoirs: Insights from Nb/Ta of rutile-bearing eclogites.
Schmidt A, Weyer S & Brey GP
(2004) In situ Sulfur Isotope Ratio Measurements by Laser Ablation High Resolution MC-ICP-MS
Lahaye Y, Bendall C, Brey G, Fiebig J & Weyer S
(2004) Li-Isotopic Signatures of Peridotite Xenoliths and Isotopic Fractionation at High Temperature between Olivine and Pyroxenes
Seitz H, Brey G, Durali S, Weyer S & Lahaye Y
(2004) Hf-Isotope Measurements at ppt Concentration Levels with Multi Ion Counting ICP-MS
Lazarov M, Weyer S, Bouman C, Schwieters J & Brey G
(2004) Monitoring Depleted Uranium Contamination in the Biosphere of Iraq Using MC-ICP-MS
Gerdes A, Weyer S, Brey G, Durakovic A & Zimmermann I
(2003) Petrological Constraints on Carbonated Eclogite as a Source of Carbonatites
Yaxley G & Brey G
(2001) Possible Link of Eclogitic and Websteritic Diamond Sources Via Slab Melting: An Example from the Venetia Mine, South Africa
Aulbach S, Stachel T, Viljoen KS, Brey GP & Harris JW
(2001) The Use of Soft X-Ray Emission to Determine the Iron Oxidation State in Synthetic Garnet Samples by the Electron Microprobe
Höfer HE & Brey GP
(2000) Kankan Diamonds (Guinea) – Messengers from an Enriched Layer at the Top of the Lower Mantle
Stachel T, Harris JW & Brey GP

Brey M. (2011) Mineralizing Fluids of the Barite-Fluorite Mineralization at the S Edge of the Thuringian Basin, Germany
Brey M, Majzlan J, Bakker R & Prochaska W

Brey T. (2013) Inter- and Intra-Specific Variability of Trace Metals in Shells of Mytilus sp., Serripes sp., and Arctica sp
Ponnurangam A, Koschinsky A, Bau M, Brey T & Bijma J

Breynaert E. (2018) Stability of Zeolites in State II Concrete Pore Water: An Experimental Approach
Raymaekers R, Wangermez W, Kirschhock CK, Maes A & Breynaert E
(2018) The Link between Cation Exchange Properties and Stability of Zeolites in Hyper-Alkaline Media
Raymaekers R, Wangermez W, Van Tendeloo L, Kirschhock C, Maes A & Breynaert E
(2015) An NMR View of Nucleation Theory for Zeolites Crystallization
Taulelle F, Van Tendeloo L, Kirschhock CEA, Martens J, Breynaert E & Haouas M
(2015) Zeolite Recrystallization in Potassium-Rich Hyper Alkaline Media
Van Tendeloo L, Kirschhock C, Maes A & Breynaert E
(2015) Interaction of Selected Elements with Zeolites in Cementitious Environments
Breynaert E & Maes A
(2014) Pathways for Abiotic Reduction in the FeS/Se(IV) and FeS2/Se(IV) Systems
Breynaert E, Wangermez W, Dom D, Scheinost AC, Parac-Voght T, Kirschhock CEA & Maes A
(2014) Zeolites as Sorption Sink in Concrete Based Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities
Breynaert E, Van Tendeloo L, Brassinnes S, Kirschhock CEA, Gens R & Maes A
(2014) Multidiagnostic Analysis to Track Zeolite Formation
Castro M, Haouas M, Taullele F, Lim I, Breynaert E, Brabants G, Kirschhock CEA & Schmidt W
(2014) A Unifed NMR View of Silicates from Zeolites to Ionic Liquids
Haouas M, Van Tendeloo L, Breynaert E, Kirschhock CEA, Martens J & Taulelle F
(2014) Impact of Cations on (Un)desirable Zeolite Transformations at High pH
Van Tendeloo L, Kirschhock C & Breynaert E
(2013) Zeolites as Ion Exchanger in Harsh Ultra-Alkaline Conditions
Breynaert E, Van Tendeloo L, Gobechiya E, Wangermez W, Deblochouse B, Martens JA, Kirschhock CEA & Maes A
(2012) Interaction of Selenite with Iron Sulphide Minerals: A New Perspective
Breynaert E, Dom D, Scheinost AC, Kirschhock CEA & Maes A
(2010) The Geochemical Fate of Se(IV) in the Boom Clay System – XAS Based Solid Phase Speciation
Breynaert E, Scheinost A, Dom D, Rossberg A, Vancluysen J, Gobechiya E, Kirschhock C & Maes A

Brezonik P. (2005) Hg2+ Bonding in Soil Humic Acid and Equilibrium Partitioning in Suspension
Bloom P, Khwaja A & Brezonik P

Briais A. (2018) Mantle Flow from beneath Antarctica Toward the Southeast Indian Ridge
Hanan B, Graham D, Hemond C, Briais A, Ceuleneer G, Maia M, Park S-H & Revillon S
(2012) The Southeast Indian Ridge: Scale of Source Heterogeneity and Origin of the DUPAL Anomaly
Hanan B, Blichert-Toft J, Sayit K, Agranier A, Hemond C, Briais A, Maia M, Graham D & Albarade F
(2011) A High-Resolution, Multi-Isotopic Study of Mantle Heterogeneity beneath the Southeast Indian Ridge: Preliminary Pb and Hf Results
Hanan B, Blichert-Toft J, Sayit K, Agranier A, Hemond C, Briais A, Maia M, Graham D & Albarède F
(2007) Timescales of Melt Extraction from a Heterogeneous Mantle beneath the Central Indian Ridge at 19.2°S
Cordier C, Benoit M, Hémond C, Dyment J, Le Gall B & Briais A

Briand C. (2013) Determation of Sources and Flowpaths of Nitrate in a Karstic Watershed
Briand C, Sebilo M, Plagnes V, Louvat P & Chesnot T

Briandet R. (2014) Adaption of Bacteria to the Assimilation of Hydrocarbons
Sivadon P, Briandet R & Grimaud R

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