Alshehri M.
A Geomicrobiological Study of a Phosphate-Ore Mine in Al Jalamid, Saudi Arabia
Albokari M, Mashhour I & Alshehri M
Alsina M.
Copper Attenuation in a River Confluence Receiving Acid Drainage in Central Chile: Coupling of Physical and Chemical Processes
Montecinos M, Bretier M, Dabrin A, Alsina M, Coquery M & Pastén P
Alsop E.
Giving Microbial Communities a Solar Supercharge: Does the Transition to Photosynthesis in Extreme Environments Drive Taxonomic, Biochemical, and Metabolic Novelty?
Raymond J, Alsop E & Kellom M
Hot Spring Environments as Accessible Portals into the Metabolic Underpinnings of the Deep Hot Biosphere
Boyd E, Alsop E, Shock E & Raymond J
Geochemical Perpectives on Local Versus Global Ocean Redox at 1.64 Ga
Kelly A, Lyons T, Alsop E, Love G, Planavsky N, Kendall B & Anbar A
Alsos I.G.
Using Paleogenomics from Arctic Lake Sediment to Track Microbial Methane Cycling Under Holocene: A Window into Past Climate Change
Rouillard A, Pedersen MW, Wang Y, Siggaard-Andersen M-L, Alsos IG, Bjørk A, Davidson T, Farnsworth W, Funder S, Håkansson L, Kjeldsen K, Larsen N, Ruter A, VanHardenbroek M, Woodroffe S, Smol J, Willerslev E, Kjær K & Schomacker A
Alsuhaibany A.
The Challenge of Using Geochemical Tracing for Surface Water Source Identification in Hot and Arid Climates
Arkadakskiy S, Alghamdi A, Alsuhaibany A & Alutaibi H
Alt J.C.
Constraining the Calcium Cycle in Hydrothermal Systems
Turchyn AV, Chen F, Coggon RM, Alt JC & Teagle DA
Mg Isotope Composition of the Upper Oceanic Crust at ODP Holes 504B and 896A, Costa Rica Rift
Beaumais A, Teagle D, James R, Pearce C, Milton J & Alt J
Carbon Budget during Alteration of the Oceanic Crust
Martinez I, Shilobreeva S, Busigny V, Laverne C, Alt J & Agrinier P
Rapid Uptake of Calcium Carbonate during Ridge Flank Hydrothermal Circulation Reflects Past Oceanic Conditions
Teagle D, Coggon R, Palike H, Alt J & Smith-Duque C
Effects of Seawater Alteration on the 234U/238U-Ratios of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts
Vils F, Elliott T, Avanzinelli R, Smith-Duque CE, Alt JC & Teagle D
Multiple Sulfur Isotope Evidence for Deep Biosphere in Altered Oceanic Basalt and Peridotite Basement Rocks
Ono S, Keller N, Rouxel O & Alt J
Calcium Isotope Fractionation in Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Systems
Brown S, DePaolo D, Turchyn A & Alt J
Sulfur Exchange between Seawater and Oceanic Basement
Alt J & Shanks W
Reconstructing Hydrothermal Vent Chemistry Through Analysis of Vein Minerals
Turchyn A, Alt J, Brown S, DePaolo D, Coggon R, Chi G, Skulski T & Bedard J
Sulfur Isotope Evidence for Microbial Sulfate Reduction in Altered Oceanic Basalts
Rouxel O, Alt J, Ono S, Honnorez J & Shimizu N
Reconstructing the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca History of Seawater from Ocean Ridge-Flank Hydrothermal Carbonate Veins
Teagle D, Coggon R, Smith-Duque C, Alt J & Cooper M
Thallium isotope contraints on the water fluxes of ridge flank hydrothermal systems
Rehkamper M, Nielsen SG, Teagle DAH, Alt JC & Butterfield DA
Using Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes as Tracers: What do Tl Isotopes Tell us About Hydrothermal Water Fluxes?
Rehkämper M, Nielsen S, Alt J & Butterfield D
High Temperature Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Flux Estimates from Sr-Transport Modeling of Fluid-Rock Exchange in Hole 504B
Teagle DA, Bickle MJ & Alt J
Alt K.W.
Assessing Calcium Isotopes as a Dietary Proxy for Terrestrial Vertebrates
Broska J, Tütken T, Galer SJG, Held P & Alt KW
High-resolution records of past and modern Pb exposure: Laser-ablation ICPMS profiles from tooth enamel
Müller W, Alt KW, Bondioli L & Gulson B
Alt-Epping P.
Investigating Mineral Reactions during High-Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (HT-Ates)
van den Heuvel DB, Alt-Epping P, Wanner C, Mäder U & Diamond LW
Simulations of Chemical Processes during High-Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage
Alt-Epping P, van den Heuvel DB, Wanner C & Diamond LW
Implementing an Explicit Diffuse Layer in Reactive Transport Simulations by Using the Nernst-Planck Equation
Alt-Epping P, Gimmi T, Wersin P & Jenni A
Model for Predicting Sulphide Fluxes in a Spent Nuclear Fuel Repository at Olkiluoto, Finland: Implications for the Corrosion of Copper Canisters
Alt-Epping P, Wersin P, Pitkänen P & Snellman M
Reactive Transport Benchmarks for Multicomponent Diffusion and Electrical Double Layer Transport
Steefel C, Alt-Epping P, Rasouli P, Mayer U, Jenni A, Rolle M, Tournassat C, Navarre-Sitchler A & Beisman J
Reactive Transport Benchmarks on Heavy Metal Cycling
Arora B, Mayer KU, Steefel CI, Spycher NF, Sengor SS, Jacques D & Alt-Epping P
Benchmarking the Simulation of Microbial Cr(VI) Reduction and Cr Isotope Fractionation
Wanner C, Molins S, Druhan J, Greskowiak J, Amos R, Mayer U, Alt-Epping P & Steefel C
Numerical Simulation of fluid–Rock Interaction Upon CO2 Injection into a Carbonate-Hosted Saline Aquifer
Alt-Epping P & Diamond LW
Simulation of water–Rock Interaction and Porosity Evolution in a Granitoid-Hosted Enhanced Geothermal System
Diamond LW & Alt-Epping P
Numerical Simulation of Alteration Patterns Induced by Sequestration of CO2 in a Carbonate-Hosted Saline Aquifer
Alt-Epping P & Diamond LW
Geochemical Processes in Carbonate and Silicate-Dominated Reservoirs of Deep Geothermal Systems: Insights from Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic-Chemical Modeling
Alt-Epping P, Diamond LW & Waber HN
Modeling the Chemical Evolution of an Ultramafic Oceanic Hydrothermal System: Insights from Reactive Transport Simulations
Alt-Epping P & Diamond LW
Interaction of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transport, and Chemical Reactions in Oceanic Hydrothermal Systems: New Insights from Fully Coupled Reactive Transport Simulations
Alt-Epping P & Diamond LW
Reactive transport simulations of lateral hydrothermal circulation in oceanic hydrothermal systems
Alt-Epping P & Diamond LW
Reactive Transport Simulation of Processes in Hydrothermal Systems and their Implications for the Formation of Ore Deposits
Alt-Epping P
Altabet Mark
Position-Specific N Isotope Analysis of Glutamine Extracted from Cultured Phytoplankton
Lee C, Hayes L, Kreider-Mueller A, Kuhnel E, Baca J, Shaw C, Glibert P, Altabet M & Zhang L
On the Origin of the Deep N Deficit in Baffin Bay: Insights from Isotopic Signatures of Nitrate and Nitrous Oxide
Lehmann N, Kienast M, Granger J, Bourbonnais A, Altabet M & Tremblay J-É
Early Diagenetic Processes within Ooids: Implications for the Interpretation of Carbonate Associated Sulphate and Nitrate
Swart P, Diaz M, Altabet M & Eberli G
The Human Footprint on Long Island Sound, an Urban Estuary
Thomas E, Varekamp J, Altabet M, Cooper S, Sangiorgi F & Donders T
Cycling of Silicic Acid and Nitrate in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific: Insights from Stable Silicon and Nitrogen Isotopes
Grasse P, Ryabenko E, Altabet M & Frank M
Groundtruthing the Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Planktonic Foraminifera as a Paleobiogeochemical Proxy
Ren H, Sigman D, Ellis K, Weigand M, Anderson R, Ravelo C, Altabet M, Fawcett S & Rafter P
Oxygen and Di-Nitrogen (N2) Dynamics in the Hypoxic Zone of the St-Lawrence Estuary
Maranger R, Altabet M, Gilbert D, Mucci A, Bristowe L & Sundby B
A Tale of Two Margins: A Comparison of Redox and Productivity Paleo-Proxies in Sediments off Oman and Peru
Altabet MA, Agnihotri R, Tierny J, Higgins SM & Herbert TD
Early Deglacial Rise in Peru Margin Denitrification: Oceanic Trigger for Transition to Interglacial Conditions?
Higginson M, Altabet M & Herbert T
The Nutrient Status of the Southern Ocean during the Last Ice Age and its Links to the Global Ocean
Sigman D, Francois R, Altabet M & Lehman S
Altabet Mark A
Characterizing Water Mass Origins and Nutrient Sources and Sinks in Baffin Bay Using Multiple Geochemical Tracers
Manning CCM, Bourbonnais A, Granger J, Hamme RC, Lehmann N, Valerio D, Perin D, Raftery E, Deslongchamps G, Gagnon J, Zheng Z, Fenwick L, McCulloch RD, Mottram J, Altabet MA, Tremblay J-É, Yeung LY, Young ED & Tortell PD
Altalhi S.M.
Low-Temperature Venting and Microbial Iron Deposit Formation in the First Observed Active Hydrothermal Vent Fields in the Red Sea Rift
van der Zwan FM, Augustin N, Petersen S, Altalhi SM, Schultz J, Peixoto RS, Follmann J, Anker A, Benzoni F, Garcia Paredes ER, Al Malallah MY, Shepard L, Ouhssain M, Jägerup BS, Jones BH & Rosado AS
Altangadas E.
Altankhuyag D.
Ore and Alteration Mineralization of Erdenetiin Ovoo Cu-Mo Porphyry Deposit, Mongolia
Damdinsuren M, Altankhuyag D, Munkhtsengel B & Tsend-Ayush T
Altar D.E.S.
Reactive Transport Models as Analytical Tools for Geothermal Reservoirs
Altar DES, Kaya E & Zarrouk SJ
Altaratz O.
Aerosol Effect on Warm Clouds within the Limits of the Thermodynamic Conditions
Altaratz O, Koren I & Dagan G
Effect of Coarse Marine Aerosols on Stratocumulus Clouds
Lehahn Y, Koren I, Altaratz O & Kostinski A
Altarawneh M.
Weathering and Carbonation of Ultramafic Rocks Traced by Mg Isotopes
Oskierski HC, Beinlich A, Dlugogorski BZ, Altarawneh M & Mavromatis V
Altay T.
Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Neogene Lacustrine Sediments of Bor-Ulukisla Basin (Nigde, Turkey)
Altay T, Çelik Karakaya M & Murat A
Alten A.
Characterization of Mercury Species and Microbial Communities in Sediments and Suspended Particulate Matter from Historically Contaminated River Systems
Wiederhold JG, Gfeller L, Marquardt N, Alten A, Krisch S, Breidenbach A, Schüttler A, Hahn J, Buchinger S, Wick A, Biester H & Duester L
Altenberger U.
Mantle-Crust Interactions and Genesis of the High K-Mg Lamprophyric Stocks, Dykes, and Enclaves in I Type Las Chacras Batholith, Sierras Pampeanas (Argentina)
Martinez Dopico CI, Ribacki E, Lopez de Luchi MG, Montenegro T, Trumbull RB, Romer R, Altenberger U & Parat F
Boron Isotopes and Chemistry from Intra-Granitic Pegmatites in the Las Chacras Batholith, Central Argentina
Ribacki E, Altenberger U, Trumbull R & López de Luchi M
Origin of Metabasites from the Higher Himalayan Crystalline Nappes, Kaghan Valley, Pakistan
Altenberger U, Wilke F & Reinisch R
Constraints on the Exhumation History of the Torres del Paine
Oberhänsli R, Altenberger U, Sudo M, Baumgartner L & Putlitz B
The Torres del Paine Laccolith (Chile): Intrusion and Metamorphism
Putlitz B, Baumgartner LP, Oberhänsli R, Diamond L & Altenberger U
Altermann W
“Detrital” Pyrite Pebbles from Witwatersrand, South Africa: Evidence for an Oxygenated Archean Atmosphere?
Watanabe Y, Otake T, Altermann W & Ohmoto H
Altermann Wladyslaw
An Identity Crisis in Namaqualand: The Tale of the NW-Se Trending Cederberg Dyke Swarm and E-W Dykes North of it, Western and Northern Cape Provinces, South Africa
Kingsbury CG, Altermann W, Kramers JD, Söderlund U, Klausen M & Ernst RE
Altermatt A.
Improved Clinopyroxene Barometry Sheds Light on Translithospheric Magma Storage Underneath a Continental Distributed Volcanic Field (Chaîne des Puys, France)
Médard E, Guyon B, Berthod C, Altermatt A, Gurioli L & Devidal J-L
Alterskjær K.
Sensitivity to Deliberate Seeding of Marine Clouds – Observations and Modeling
Alterskjær K & Kristjansson JE
Aerosol Indirect Effect of the 'Wrong' Sign
Kristjánsson JE, Hoose C, Alterskjær K, Iversen T, Kirkevåg A, Seland Ø, Chen J-P & Hazra A
Althaus T.
Noble Gas Isotope Composition in Pannonian Basin Mantle Xenoliths
Bouikine A, Trieloff M, Hopp J, Althaus T, Korotchantseva E, Schwarz W & Altherr R
He, Ne, Ar-Isotope Composition of Mantle Xenoliths from Dreiser Weiher, West Eifel, Germany
Bouikine A, Korotchantseva E, Hopp J, Schwarz W, Althaus T & Trieloff M
Althausen D.
Impact of Assimilating Spaceborne Lidar Dust Extinction in Northern Africa and Middle East
Escribano J, Di Tomaso E, Jorba O, Klose M, Gonçalves Ageitos M, Macchia F, Amiridis V, Baars H, Marinou E, Proestakis E, Urbanneck C, Althausen D, Bühl J, Mamouri R-E & Perez Garcia-Pando C
Temporal Variation of the Chemical Composition of Asian Dust at Tajikistan
Fomba KW, Müller K, Hoffer J, Althausen D, Abdullaev S, Makhmudov A & Herrmann H