Alloyeau D.
In situ Electron Microscopy Monitoring of Mn Oxides Formation Impacted by Various Functionalized Organic Surfaces
Dejean C, Ortiz Peña N, Ménez B, Gadal C, Bouquerel H, Alloyeau D & Gélabert A
The Role of Functionalized Organic Surfaces in Metal Biomineralization: Insights from Liquid-Cell STEM Experiments
Dejean C, Ortiz Peña N, Alloyeau D, Menez B, Gadal C & Gelabert A
In situ Monitoring of Exopolymer-Dependent Mn Mineralization on Bacterial Surfaces
Couasnon T, Alloyeau D, Ménez B, Guyot F, Ghigo J-M, Benning LG & Gélabert A
Mn Oxides Biomineralization Monitored by in situ Liquid Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
Gelabert A, Couasnon T, Alloyeau D, Guyot F & Ménez B
Magnesium Carbonate Bearing Minerals –Macroscopic to Nano Scale Experimental Data and Observations
Bénézeth P, Gautier Q, Berninger N, Roncal-Herrero T, Kröger R, Alloyeau D, Mavromatis V, Purgstaller B & Schott J
Allwood A
Formation of Probable Lateritic Soils ~3.43 Ga in the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
Ohmoto H, Watanabe Y, Allwood A, Burch I, Knauth P, Yamaguchi K, Johnson I & Altinok E
Rare earth element geochemistry of carbonaceous black chert of 3.4 Ga Strelley Pool Chert at Mt. Goldsworthy and Mt. Grant, Pilbara Craton: implications for environment of deposition and habitat of microbes on early Earth
Sugitani K, Mimura K, Allwood A & Yamamoto K
Allwood Abigail
Thermal History and Water Contents in the Seitah Igneous Rocks in Jezero, Mars
Liu Y, Asimow PD, Schmidt M, Treiman A, Randazzo N, Hernández-Montenegro JD, Udry A, Herd CDK, Allwood A, Hurowitz J, Pedersen DAK, Henneke J, Simon JI, Brown AJ & Cable M
Provenance and Diagenesis of Martian Sedimentary Rocks in the Jezero Crater Delta Front from Microscale Observations by the Mars 2020 PIXL Instrument
Hurowitz J, Tice MM, Allwood A, Cable M, Bosak T, Broz A, Caravaca G, Clark BC, Dehouck E, Fairen AG, Gomez F, Grotzinger JP, Gupta S, Johnson JR, Kah LC, Kalucha H, Labrie J, Li AY, Mandon L, Núñez J, Pedersen DAK, Poulet F, Randazzo N, Scheller EL, Schmidt M, Shuster DL, Siebach K, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Tosca NJ, Treiman A, VanBommel SJ, Wade LA, Williford KH & Yanchilina A
Salty Mars, from Perseverance to Viking: Geochemical Themes, Variation, and Habitability
Clark BC, Hurowitz J, Catling DC, Flannery DT, Benison KC, Gasda P, Moore KR, Fairen AG, Gomez F & Allwood A
An Overview of µXRF Results Obtained by PIXL in Jezero Crater, Mars
Flannery DT, Allwood A, Hurowitz J, Elam WT & Pedersen DAK
Considering Biogenic Indicators in Proposed ca. 3.7 Ga Stromatolites from the Isua Supracrustal Belt (West Greenland) within a Multi-Scale, Multiple Working Hypotheses Framework. Are These Structures the Oldest Morphological Evidence of Life?
Zawaski M, Kelly NM, Orlandini OF, Mojzsis S, Nichols CIO & Allwood A
Ally R.R.
The Combined Effects of Soil Type and Acid Rain on Tagetes Erecta
Ally RR, Naska AM, Petrik JM, Blickstein JIB & Blackwell BAB
Alm J.
Origin and Circulation of CH4 and CO2 in Peatlands: Implications from C-Isotope Composition and Geochemical Modelling
Eilrich B, Steinmann P, Burns SJ, Leuenberger M & Alm J
Almar R.
Clastic Coasts: An Overloocked Term of the Geochemical si Cycle
Fabre S, Zambardi T, Almar R, Roustan M & Jeandel C
Almaraz N.
Microbially Induced Sedimentary Structures from a Hypersaline Desert Playa: A First Look
Lynch K, Almaraz N, Rey K, Ritter S, Spear J & Munakata Marr J
Almayrac M.
The Distribution of Halogens in Shergottite Meteorites: Implications for Martian Mantle Abundances
Ruzié-Hamilton L, Almayrac M, Clay P & Burgess R
Discontinuous Isotopic Evolution of Paleo-Atmospheric Xenon: A Record of Sun-Earth Interactions in the Deep Time?
Marty B, Ardoin L, Almayrac M, Byrne DJ & Broadley MW
Resolving Spatial Heterogeneity of Noble Gas Isotopes in Chondrites Using Laser Ablation
Byrne DJ, Broadley MW, Almayrac M & Marty B
Elemental and Isotopic Behaviour of Nitrogen and Heavy Noble Gases in Interstellar Ice Analogues and the Implications for Cometary Bodies
Almayrac M, Broadley M, Bekaert DV, Piani L & Marty B
The End of the Atmospheric Xenon Archean’s Evolution: A Study of the Great Oxygenation Event Period
Ardoin LM, Broadley M, Almayrac M, Byrne D, Avice G & Marty B
Determining the Volatile Composition of the Ancient Mantle Through the Analysis of Archean Aged Fibrous Diamonds
Broadley M, Byrne D, Kopylova MG, Thomassot E, Almayrac M & Marty B
Noble Gas Isotope Composition of the Yellowstone Mantle Plume
Byrne DJ, Barry PH, Broadley MW, Bekaert DV, Almayrac M, Tyne RL, Ballentine CJ & Marty BM
The EXCITING Experiment: Understanding the Isotopic and Elemental Evolution of Noble Gases Trapped in Water Ice
Almayrac M, Bekaert D, Broadley M & Marty B
Almécija C.
Salt Marsh Sediment as Source of Osmium to the Oceans
Almécija C, Sharma M, Cobelo A, Santos-Echeandía J & Caetano M
Almeev Renat
Nb & Sc in 4.4 to 2.7 Ga Zircons: Contrasting Hadean Sources for Jack Hills vs. Barberton
Valley JW, Blum T, Shimizu K, Kitajima K, Spicuzza MJ, Kita NT, Almeev R, Holtz F, Sobolev AV & Cavosie AJ
U-Nb-Sc-Ce-Yb-Ti in Zircons and H2O in Zircon Melt Inclusions: Insights into the Tectono-Magmatic Origin of 2, 736 Ma Volcanics from the Superior Province
Shimizu K, Almeev R, Blum T, Bonamici C, Davis D, Fournelle JH, Holtz F, Kitajima K, Kita NT, Nachlas WO, Sobolev AV, Spicuzza MJ & Valley JW
A General Approach to Quantify Phase Equilibria and Silicate Mineral Stability Fields in Calc-Alkaline Basaltic Systems
Marxer F, Almeev R & Holtz F
Constraining Magma Storage and Dynamics from Complexly Zoned Crystal Cargoes: Snake River Plain Volcanic Province, USA
Waelkens CM, Holtz F, Almeev R & Shervais JW
Combining Machine Learning and Petrology: Application to the Magma Plumbing Structure beneath Klyuchevskoy Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
deGraffenried R, Leichter A, Almeev R, Wittich D, Portnyagin MV & Chakraborty S
Timescales of Olivine Re-equilibration by Diffusion in Primitive Basalts from Shatsky Rise (IODP Site U1349)
Oeser M, Almeev R & Weyer S
Liquid Immiscibility at <850℃: Evidence from Melt Inclusions in Zircon of the Basal Bushveld Complex
Gudelius D, Zeh A, Wilson AH & Almeev R
Volcanic Glasses from Exp. 352 Cores
Reagan M, Brounce M, Almeev R, Shimizu K, Ryan J & Pearce J
Cotectic Compositions: A New Geobarometer for Dry Rhyolites
Wilke S, Bolte T, Almeev R, Christiansen EH & Holtz F
The Role of H2O on Multiple Saturation, the Case of Shatsky Rise Ocean Plateau Basalts
Almeev R, Husen A & Holtz F
Experimental Constraints on the Formation of Basanites-Phonolite Series (Cumbre Vieja, La Palma)
Fuchs P, Almeev R & Klügel A
Assimilation of Hydrothermally Altered Crust at Slow Spreading Ridges
van der Zwan F, Devey C, Augustin N, Basaham A, Bantan R, Fietzke J & Almeev R
Experimental Constraints on the Magma Evolution of the Basanite-Phonolite Series from Cumbre Vieja Volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands)
Fuchs P, Almeev R & Klügel A
Tracing Seawater-Rock Interaction in Slow Spreading Oceanic Crust: Precise Chlorine Measurements in MORB by Microprobe
van der Zwan FM, Fietzke J, Devey CW, Almeev RR & Haase KM
Phase Equilibria Constraints on the Magma Evolution of Basanite-Phonolite Series of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands)
Fuchs P, Almeev R & Klügel A
Preliminary Estimates on Magma Storage Conditions of the Heise Volcanic Field, Snake River Plain
Bolte T, Erdmann M, Nash B, Cathey H, Almeev R & Holtz F
Magma Storage Conditions of Mutnovsky Volcano, Kamchatka
Shishkina T, Almeev R, Botcharnikov R, Holtz F & Portnyagin M
Geothermobarometry of Basaltic Glasses from Tamu Massif, Shatsky Rise Oceanic Plateau
Husen A, Almeev R, Shimizu K, Sano T, Natland JH, Koepke J & Holtz F
Crystal-Rich Basaltic Andesites of the Current Arenal Eruption in Light of Experiments with Crystal-Poor Basalt
Parat F, Streck M, Holtz F & Almeev R
Highly Depleted Melt Inclusions in Olivine from Shatsky Rise
Almeev R, Portnyagin M, Wengorsch T, Sano T, Natland J & Garbe-Schönberg D
Experimental Constraints on Rhyolite Magma Genesis, Yellowstone Hotspot
Almeev R, Holtz F, Kuschel L, Nash B & Cathey H
Experimental Phase Relation in Lamprophyric Magmas from Agardag Dike Complex, Russia
Kalugin V, Almeev R, Botcharnikov R, Holtz F & Dziony W
Solubility of H2O and CO2 in Low-K High-Al Island-Arc Basalt from Mutnovsky Volcano, Kamchatka
Shishkina T, Botcharnikov R, Almeev R, Holtz F & Portnyagin M
Experimental Evidence for Rapid Re-equilibration of Water between Melt Inclusions in Olivine and Host Magma
Portnyagin M & Almeev R
The Effect of Minor H2O Content on Crystallization in MORB: Experiments, Model, Applications
Almeev R, Holtz F, Koepke J & Ariskin A
Origin and Evolution of Ultrapotassic Plutonic Rocks (Durbachite Series, Trebíc Massif, Czech Republic): Petrological and Experimental Approach
Parat F, Holtz F, Rene M & Almeev R
From High-Mg Basalts to Dacites: Continued Crystal Fractionation in the Klyuchevskoy-Bezymianny Magma Plumbing System, Kamchatka
Almeev R, Kimura J, Ozerov A, Ariskin A & Barmina G
Almeev Renat R.
Oceanic Intraplate Volcanism 2.0: LAB Melt Lavas in the NW Atlantic
van der Zwan FM, Devey CW, Augustin N, Herrero TM, Pałgan D, Schade M, Böttner C & Almeev RR
Low-SiO2 Melt Inclusions in Olivine Originate by Dehydration of Initially H2O-Rich Island-Arc Melts
Mironov N, Portnyagin M, Botcharnikov R, Gurenko A, Almeev R, Luft C & Holtz F
Electron Probe Microanalysis of Fe2+/ΣFe Ratios in Calcic and Sodic-Calcic Amphibole and Biotite Using the Flank Method
Li X, Zhang C, Almeev RR, Zhang X-C, Zhao X-F, Wang L-X, Koepke J & Holtz F
Almeida Ana Cristina
Influence of Microalgae in REE Biogeochemistry at Funil Reservoir, Southeastern Brazil
Santos-Neves J, Manoel Ferreira M, Vidall M, Almeida AC, Goddoy JM & Patchineelam S
Almeida Ângela
Geochemical Study of the Stone Deterioration in a Granitic Monument of Oporto, Northern Portugal
Lobo J & Almeida A
Geochronology and Petrogenesis of late-Variscan Plutonism (NW Portugal): Synthesis and Inferences on Crustal Recycling and Growth
Dias G, Noronha F, Simões P, Almeida Â, Martins H & Ferreira N
Stone Decay in Two-Mica Granite Buildings of Northern Portugal
Almeida A & Begonha A
The Susceptibility of Peraluminous Two-Mica Granites to Weathering: Implications in the Stone Decay of Built Heritage (Oporto, NW Portugal)
Almeida A & Begonha A
Peraluminous Two-Mica Granites in Northern Portugal: A Contribution to the Understanding of Palaeozoic Continental Crust Evolution
Almeida A & Noronha F
Almeida B.S.
The 1800-1770 Ma Colíder Silicic Large Igneous Province in the Amazonian craton:Crustal Evolution Using Zircon in situ REE Compositions, U-Pb Ages and Hf Isotope Analyses
Almeida BS, Geraldes MC, Sommer CA & Paes de Barros AJ
Almeida Carolina
The Sources of Gold and Associated Elements in Carlin-Type Deposits, Northern Nevada, USA: Lithogeochemistry and Mineral Chemistry Constraints
Olivo G, Almeida C & Chouinard A
Almeida Cláudia F.
U-Bearing Quartz Veins and Related Waters from Mondego Sul Mine (Central Portugal)
Almeida CF, Neiva AMR & Antunes IMHR
The Hydrothermal Ni-Cu-Pge Sulfide Ore of the Fortaleza de Minas Deposit, Brazil
Almeida C & Olivo G
Almeida J D A C D
Magmatic Zoning in Amazonian Paleoproterozoic A-Type Granites
Oliveira DCD, Dall'Agnol R & Almeida JDACD
Almeida James
Improved Oil Recovery in Nanopores: NanoIOR
Almeida J & Miranda C
Almeida James M. De
Dynamics of Water Nanoconfined in Cement by Atomistic Simulations
Mutisya SM, Almeida JMD & Rodrigues Miranda C
Almeida M.
Avanavero Large Igneous Province: A Short-Lived and Widespread Paleoproterozoic Mafic Event in the Guiana Shield, Amazonian Craton: U-Pb Geochronological, Geochemical and Paleomagnetic Evidence
Hamilton MA, Reis NJ, Teixeira W, Bispo-Santos F, Almeida M & D'Agrella-Filho M
Almeida P.
The Environmental Impact of Sewage Effluent Discharges in the Pracana River – Portugal
Oliveira N, Almeida P, Carvalho N, Silva A, Antunes M, Ferreira A & Albuquerque T
The Impact Associated to Wastewaters Treatment Plant Discharges into a Fluvial System (Central Portugal)
Silva A, Carvalho N, Almeida P, Oliveira N, Antunes M, Ferreira A & Albuquerque T
Almeida R.
Nd and Sr Isotopic Composition of the South Bahia Alkaline Province (NE Brazil)
Rosa M, Conceição H, Marinho M, Macambira M, Cunha M, Peixoto A, Menezes R & Almeida R
Almeida S.
Relation between Diatom Communities and the Degree of AMD Affection in Selected Water Dams in Iberian Pyrite Belt
Valente T, Almeida S, Rivera MJ, Delgado C, Gomes P, de la Torre ML, Santisteban M & Grande Gil JA
Almer J.
Attachment on the Rocks: The Adhesion System of Anomia
Birkedal H, Froelich S, Leemreize H, Tseng Y-H, Stock S, Kenesei P, Almer J, Hesse B & Waite H
Almes J.
Solubility Measurements of Neptunium-Incorporated Soddyite
Alessi D, Fein J, Forbes T, Burns P, Szymanowski J & Almes J