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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Ali Akram (2023) Effect of Alluvial Gold Mines Rehabilitation on Mercury and Trace Metals Release to Hydrosystems (French Guiana)
Nitschke N, Tessier E, Ali A, Hellal J, Taravella S, Guedron S & Amouroux D

Ali Arshad (2021) Enhanced Weathering of Oman Peridotite as an Approach for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
Nasir S, Rajendran S, Ali A, Al Bimani AS & Al-Wahaibi Y
(2014) Dual Si and O Isotope Measurements Using IRMS-BrF5 Fluorination
Prentice A, Jabeen I, Webb E, Banerjee N, Ali A, Brengman L & Fedo C
(2008) W Isotope Study of Natrocarbonatites from Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania
Ali A, Nakai S, Bell K & Sahoo Y

Ali D. (2017) Geochemical Study of the Shimabara Peninsula Japan
Mwangi M, Ino T & Ali D

Ali Guleed (2019) Variability in the Uranium Isotopic Compositions of Surface Water in the Mono Basin, California, USA
Lin K, Wang X, Ali G, Lin I-T, Hemming SR, Stine SW & Hemming NG

Ali Guleed A.H. (2015) Water Uranium Isotope Systematics in the Mono Basin
Lin K, Wang X, Stine S, Hemming SR, Hemming NG, Ali GAH & Zimmerman SRH
(2011) Intercalibration of Ar-Ar Standards and Samples at LDEO
Hemming S, Tsukui K, Mesko G, Ali G, Cai Y, Adler A, Campbell S, Crapster-Pregont E, Doherty C, Gombiner J, Russell J, Templeton J, Tremblay M & Vankeuren M

Ali Jaabir D (2022) Expanding our Knowledge Base to Support Sustainable Mine Waste Management
Vriens B, Guatame-Garcia A, Saberi N, Ali JD & Silva Caceres M

Ali Jafar (2023) Oxygen Nanobubbles for Water/Sediment Pollution Remediation and Ecological Restoration
Pan G, Zhao H, Li L, Li Y, Tang J, Ali J, Zou H, Shi W & Wang L

Ali L. (2022) Geochemistry of Ultramafic-Mafic Suits of Waziristan Ophiolite Complex (Woc): Implication for Petrogenesis and Tectonic Setting
Jalil R, Alard O, Schaefer B, Ali L & Sajid M

Ali M Taufiq M (2017) Impact of CO2-Rock-Fluid Interaction in a Carbonate Reservoir in a High CO2 Gas Field
Shah SSMD, Dewhurst DN, Ali MTM, Sazali WML & Busch A

Ali M. Ashraf (2011) The Hydrogeochemistry of Pond and Rice Field Recharge: Implications for the Arsenic Contaminated Aquifers in Bangladesh
Neumann RB, Ashfaque KN, Polizzotto ML, Badruzzaman ABM, Ali MA & Harvey CF
(2009) Arsenic Remobilization from Paddy Soil during Monsoon Flooding in Bangladesh
Roberts LC, Hug SJ, Dittmar J, Voegelin A, Kretzschmar R, Wehrli B, Cirpka OA, Saha GC, Ali MA & Badruzzaman ABM

Ali Manal

Ali Mushtaha Ali

Ali N. (2020) Oxygen Isotope Studies on Miocene (Burdigalian) Molluscs from the Western Margin of India: Insights on Monsoon Seasonality Gradient
Naidu P, Kapur VV & Ali N

Ali Saeed Waqar (2023) Traceable Calibration for Ambient Air GOM Measurements Using Non-Thermal Plasma Oxidation of Elemental Mercury
Vijayakumaran Nair S, Gačnik J, Živković I, Andron TD, Ali SW, Kotnik J & Horvat M

Ali Sajid (2023) An Integrated Palaeoclimatic Record of Himalayan Foreland Basin during Pleistocene, NW Himalaya, India
Chauhan MM, Ali S, Singh BP, Adlakha V & Partiyal B
(2023) Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution and Human Risk in the Mahanadi River Sediments, India
Samal P, Singarasubramanian SR, M C M, Srivastava J, Keshava B, D'Souza N, Chauhan MM & Ali S
(2022) A Middle-Late Miocene Weathering Record of the Himalayan Foreland Basin, Jammu, NW Himalaya
Chauhan MM, Ali S & Singh BP
(2022) Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum Continental Sediments in the Barmer Basin, Rajasthan, India: A Record of Enhanced Precipitation in South Asia
Rahi IC, Sharma A, Ali S, Prasad V & Naik AS
(2021) Miocene to Recent Chemical Weathering in the Himalaya Inferred from the Stable Li-Isotopes
Ali S
(2020) Provenance, Tectonic Settings and Depositional Environmental Records of the Cambrian Wuliuan (Miaolingian) Kunzam La (Parahio) Formation in the Sumna Valley, Spiti, NW Himalaya
Singla G, Ali S, Singh BP, Bhargava ON, Kaur R & Stopden S
(2017) Persistent South Asian Monsoon Induced Erosion over the Past 26 Million Years
Ali S, Hathorne E & Frank M

Ali Shafaqat (2021) Efficacy of Lemna Minor and Typa Latifolia for the Treatment of Textile Industry Wastewater in a Constructed Wetland Under Citric Acid Amendment: A Lab Scale Study
Farid M, Ishaq HK, Ali S & Farid S
(2020) Citric Acid Assisted Treatment of Chromium Contaminated Wastewater by Constructed Wetland
Farid M, Mussarat A, Ali S & Ishaq HK
(2018) Combined Application of Citric Acid and 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Assisted Phyto-Management of Chromium Contaminated Soil by Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
Farid M, Ali S, Rizwan M & Saeed R
(2017) Microwave Irradiation and Citric Acid Assisted Seed Germination and Phytoextraction of Nickel (Ni) by Brassica Napus L.; Physiological and Biochemical Alterations
Farid M, Ali S, Rizwan M, Saeed R, Tauqeer HM & Sallah-Ud-Din R
(2016) Fulvic Acid Mediates Chromium (Cr) Tolerance in Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Through Lowering of Cr Uptake and Improved Antioxidant Defense System
Farid M, Ali S, Rizwan M & Ahmad R

Ali Shaukat (2020) Assessment of CMIP5 Models over North Pakistan for Quantification of Climate Change Impacts on Future Hydrology
Kiani RS, Farooqi A, Ali S & Khan F

Ali Syed Anas (2017) Determining the Intrinsic Reactive Surface Area of Minerals and the Implications for Near-Wellbore Geochemical Reservoir Stimulations
Ali SA, Black J & Haese R

Ali W.A. (2012) Opening-Mode Fracturing and Cementation during Hydrocarbon Generation in Mudrocks: An Example from the Barnett Shale, West Texas
Fall A, Gale JFW, Eichhubl P, Ali WA, Laubach SE & Bodnar RJ

Ali Abu El-Rus M. (2013) Origin of the Orthopyoxene Fibrous in the Ultrarefractory Lithospheric Domains beneath Easternmost Canary Islands
Ali Abu El-Rus M

Ali Khan S. (2019) Initial Immobilization of Heavy Metals in Shooting Range Soil with Biochar and Lignin Followed by Citric Acid Application Improves Metal Phytoextraction with Conocarpus Erectus L
Muhammad I, Ali Khan S & Hafiz Muhammad T

Ali khattak J. (2018) Fluoride Distribution in Aquifers of the Indus Basin, Punjab, Pakistan
Ali Khattak J, Farooqi A, Hussain I, Mailloux B, Ellis T & van Geen A
(2016) Blanket Testing of Wells for Arsenic and Fluoride and a Response Survey Conducted SW of Lahore, Pakistan
Farooqi A, Mushtaq N, Hussain I, Ali khattak J & van Geen A

Ali-Bik M. (2015) Late Neoproterozoic Pan-African Ophiolitic Serpentinites of Eastern Desert of Egypt as Natural CO2 Sequestration Feedstock and a Source of Magnesia
Ali-Bik M, Abdel Wahab W & Abd El Rahim S

Aliaga M-P. (2014) REE as Palaeohydrogeological Tracers in Stalagmites: A Valuable but Delicate Proxy
Aliaga M-P, Bernal JP & Corona-Martínez L

Aliaga-Campuzano P. (2009) Distribution of Rare Earth Elements between Cave-Drip Water and Speleothem Calcite
Aliaga-Campuzano P, Bernal JP & Lounejeva-Baturina E

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