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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Alessi Daniel Scott (2016) Measurements of Bacterial Mat Metal Binding Capacity in Alkaline and Carbonate-Rich Systems
Flynn S, Gao Q, Robbins L, Warchola T, Weston J, Alam S, Liu Y, Konhauser K & Alessi D
(2016) Thermodynamic Considerations on Precambrian Seawater and Porewater Chemistry from Equilibrium in the Greenalite-Siderite System
Robbins L, Lalonde S, MacPherson N, Flynn S, Alessi D & Konhauser K
(2016) Metabolic and Redox Controls on the Kinetics and Products of Microbial Cr(VI) Reduction
Alessi D, Falquet L, Gay-des-Combes J, Wang Y, Cordier D, Bagnoud A, Suvorova E & Bernier-Latmani R
(2015) Comprehensive Approach to the Characterization of Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback Wastewater
Flynn SL, He Y, Pereira A, Folkerts E, Martin JW, Goss GG & Alessi DS
(2015) Surface Complexation Modeling of Nickel (II) and Vanadium (V) Adsorption on Biochar
Alam MS, Kohler MC, Liu Y, Rajapaksha AU, Ok YS, Konhauser KO & Alessi DS
(2015) HYDROSCAPE: A New Versatile Software Program for Predicting Contaminant Transport in Groundwater
Funk S, Hnatyshin D & Alessi D
(2015) Marine Photoferrotrophs and their Trace Element Contributions to Precambrian Banded Iron Formations
Konhauser K, Alessi D, Robbins L, Liu Y, Martinez R, Lalonde S, Mloszewska A, Kappler A & Li Y
(2015) Modeling the Adsorption of Selected Metals onto Nano-Maghemite
Komárek M, Koretsky CM, Stephen KJ, Alessi DS & Chrastný V
(2015) Assessing the Divide between Microbial Surface Reactivity of Cultures Grown in Vitro and Communities Gathered from the Field Using Potentiometric Titrations and Cd Adsorption Experiments
Warchola T, Flynn S, Robbins L, Liu Y, Gauger T, Alam MS, Myers R, Kovalchuk O, Wei S, Kappler A, Alessi D & Konhauser K
(2014) Bioremediation to Plume Persistence: Uranium Biogeochemistry in Naturally and Artificially Bioreduced Aquifer Sediments
Bargar J, Janot N, Alessi D, Jones M, Williams K, Long P, Bernier-Latmani R & Cerrato J
(2014) Effect of Groundwater Solutes on Uraninite Stability: Laboratory and Field Studies
Cerrato J, Lezama-Pacheco J, Williams K, Long P, Alessi D, Suvorova E, Bernier-Latmani R, Giammar D & Bargar J
(2013) Biogeochemical Controls on the Product of Microbial U(VI) Reduction
Stylo M, Alessi DS, Shao PP-Y, Lezama-Pacheco J, Bargar J & Bernier-Latmani R
(2013) Microbial Extracellular Polymeric Substances Modulate the Product of Uranium Biomineralization
Bernier-Latmani R, Shao PP, Comolli LR, Stylo M, Alessi DS & Bargar JR
(2013) Speciation of Uranium Products Formed during in situ Biostimulation of the Old Rifle, CO Aquifer
Alessi D, Janot N, Lezama-Pacheco J, Suvorova E, Cerrato J, Giammar D, Fox P, Williams K, Long P, Handley K, Wrighton K, Miller C, Yang L, Bernier-Latmani R & Bargar J
(2013) Fe and S Redox Cycling during a Biostimulation Episode at the Old Rifle, CO Aquifer
Janot N, Lezama-Pacheco J, Alessi D, Bernier-Latmani R, Suvorova E, Cerrato J, Giammar D, Yang L, Davis J, Fox P, Williams K, Long P, Handley K & Bargar J
(2012) Stability and Transformation of Monomeric U(IV) Species at the Rifle, Colorado IFRC Field Site
Alessi DS, Stylo M, Lezama-Pacheco JS, Stubbs JE, Dunham-Cheatham SM, Janot N, Bargar JR, Campbell KM, Long PE & Bernier-Latmani R
(2011) Spectroscopic Characterization of U(IV)-Biomass Complexes
Alessi D, Lezama-Pacheco J, Stubbs J, Janousch M, Persson P, Bargar J & Bernier-Latmani R
(2011) Geochemical and Biological Controls on the Product of Microbial U(VI) Reduction
Stylo M, Alessi D, Uster B, Lezama-Pacheco J, Bargar J & Bernier-Latmani R
(2011) Nanoscale Study of Exopolymeric Substance-Mediated Uranium Biomineralization
Shao P, Alessi D, Stylo M, Bargar J & Bernier-Latmani R
(2011) Does the Electron Transfer Process Determine the Product of U(VI) Reduction?
Bernier-Latmani R, Alessi D, Veeramani H, Sharp J, Dalla Vecchia E, Suvorova E, Stubbs J, Lezama-Pacheco J & Bargar J
(2011) Speciation and Dynamics of Biologically Reduced U(IV) in the Old Rifle, CO Aquifer
Bargar J, Stubbs J, Suvorova E, Williams K, Campbell K, Lezama-Pacheco J, Cerrato J, Stylo M, Alessi D, Webb S, Bernier-latmani R, Giammar D, Davis J, Fox P & Long P
(2010) Method to Estimate the Contribution of Molecular U(IV) to the Product of U(VI) Reduction
Alessi D, Uster B, Veeramani H, Stubbs J, Lezama-Pacheco J, Bargar J & Bernier-Latmani R
(2010) Products of Abiotic U(VI) Reduction by Biogenic Magnetite and Vivianite
Veeramani H, Alessi D, Suvorova E, Lezama-Pacheco J, Stubbs J, Dippon U, Kappler A, Bargar J & Bernier-Latmani R
(2010) Non-Uraninite Products for Microbial U(VI) Reduction
Bernier-Latmani R, Dalla Vecchia E, Junier P, Lezama J, Veeramani H, Suvorova E, Bargar J, Alessi D, Sharp J, Wigginton N & Stubbs J
(2009) Cadmium Adsorption to Mixtures of Geosorbents: Testing the Component Additivity Approach
Alessi D & Fein J
(2007) Solubility Measurements of Neptunium-Incorporated Soddyite
Alessi D, Fein J, Forbes T, Burns P, Szymanowski J & Almes J

Alessio M. (2002) Carbon Isotopes in Detecting Urban Pollution in Rome
Manfra L, Alessio M, Anselmi S, Conforto L, Improta S & Manes F

Alessio S. (2019) Lower Oceanic Crust Exposure in the Shikoku Backarc Basin: Preliminary Data from the Mado Megamullion
Sani C, Alessio S, Yasuhiko O, Snow J, Harigane Y & Yamashita H

Alevizos G. (2007) Mineralogical, Ore-Microscopic and Geochemical Comparitive Study of Fe- Ni-Ores of Lokris Area (Central Greece)
Alevizos G
(2007) Mineralogical and Ore-Petrographic Investigation of the Iron Ore Occurrence of Ano Valsamonero, Rethymno (Crete)
Stratakis A & Alevizos G

Alewell C. (2021) Impact of Physiology and Climate on Foliar Mercury Uptake by European Forests
Wohlgemuth L, Hoch G, Alewell C & Jiskra M
Costa LC, Keiser R, Lehmann MF, Alewell C & Lenz M
(2011) From Seconds to Millennia: Weathering and Erosion of the Highly Dynamic Soils of Alpine Areas
Egli M & Alewell C

Alexa P. (2015) New Insight into Emiliania huxleyi Coccosphere Formation
Hoffmann R, Yin X, Kirchlechner C, Alexa P, Ziegler A, Kelm K, Wochnik AS, Langer G, Scheu C, Griesshaber E & Schmahl WW

Alexander Becky (2016) High Sensitivity of Northern Hemisphere Tropospheric Oxidants to Major Climate Transitions
Geng L, Murray L, Mickley L, Lin P, Fu Q, Schauer A & Alexander B
(2013) Nitrate and its N and O Isotopes in a Tropical Marine Boundary Layer
Savarino J, Morin S, Erbland J, Patey MD, Vicars W, Alexander B & Achterberg EP
(2008) Interpreting ∆17O of Nitrate in Ice Cores at High Accumulation Sites
Kunasek S, Alexander B, Steig E, Hastings M, Gleason D & Jarvis J
(2005) Progress and Challenges in Using Global Climate Models to Interpret the D<+>17<$>O Sulfate Geological Record
Alexander B
(2001) Sulfur and Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Sulfate in the Vostok, Antarctica Core: A New Pyrolysis Technique in a Continuous Flow System
Alexander B, Savarino J, Thiemens MH & Delmas R
(2001) Controls on Solute Concentrations, Strontium Isotopes, and Rare Earth Elements in Groundwater from the Cape Cod Aquifer, USA
Bau M, Alexander B, Brantley S, Chesley J, Dulski P & Mellott N

Alexander Brian W. (2011) Seawater-Derived REY and HFSE Systematics in Archean BIFs
Viehmann S, Hoffmann JE, Münker C, Alexander BW & Bau M
(2007) Nd Isotopes in Archean Water Masses: The Importance of Mantle- Versus Continentally-Derived Inputs
Alexander B, Bau M & Andersson P
(2007) The First Truly Oxic Sub-Basin in Earth's History: The Paleoproterozoic Hotazel Formation, South Africa
Bau M, Alexander B, Andersson P & Gutzmer J

Alexander Calvin (2011) Iron Microbial Mat Formation from Deep Continental Brines
Toner B, Briscoe L, Michel FM, Alexander S, Alexander C & Gralnick J

Alexander Conel (2020) Microscale Hydrogen and Nitrogen Isotopic Distributions in Pristine CM Chondrite Asuka 12236
Nittler L, Alexander C & Verdier-Paoletti M
(2020) Cr Isotopic Compositions of Chondrules from Murchison (CM2) and EET 92042 (CR2) Chondrites
Liu J, Qin L, Alexander C & He Y
(2020) Assessing the Classification of Presolar Silicon Carbide Grains Using Cluster Analysis
Boujibar A, Zhang S, Howell S, Hystad G, Prab A, Narkar S, Eleish A, Morrison S, Liu N, Stephan T, Alexander C, Hazen R & Nittler L
(2020) Structural and Elemental Analysis of Presolar Silicon Carbide Grains
Stroud R, Singerling S, Liu N, Alexander C & Nittler L
(2019) Hydrogen and Triple Oxygen Stable Isotope Composition of Water in Hydrated Carbonaceous Chondrites
Oerter E, Singleton M & Alexander C

Alexander Conel M. O'D. (2023) Re-evaluating Bulk H Measurements of Aubrites Using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Peterson L, Newcombe M, Nielsen SG, Alexander CMO, Wang J, Klein F & Bekaert DV
(2023) On Volatiles (H, N, C) of Enstatite Meteorites and the Accretion of Earth
Gray ML, Weisberg M, Alexander CMO, Wang J, Foustoukos D & Ebel DS
(2021) Highly Volatile Element (H, C, F, Cl, S) Abundances and H Isotopic Compositions in Chondrules from Carbonaceous and Ordinary Chondrites
Shimizu K, Alexander CMO, Hauri EH, Sarafian AR, Nittler LR, Wang J, Jacobsen SD & Mendybaev RA
(2021) The Water Content of the Ureilite Parent Body
Peterson L, Newcombe ME, Nielsen SG, Wang J, Sarafian AR & Alexander CMO
(2021) Coordinated Analysis of the Functional Group Chemistry, Elemental and Isotopic Composition of Extraterrestrial Insoluble Organic Matter at the Nanoscale
Stroud RM, De Gregorio BT, Nittler LR & Alexander CMO
(2019) Solar System Hygrometry with Nominally Anhydrous Minerals
Newcombe ME, Nielsen SG, Sarafian AR, Wang J, Alexander CMO, Shimizu K & Nittler LR
(2018) Heterogeneous Distribution of Presolar SiC in the Tagish Lake Meteorite
Riebe M, Busemann H, Alexander C, Nittler L, Maden C, Herd C & Wieler R
(2018) Late Formation of Silicon Carbide in Type II Supernovae
Liu N, Nittler L, Alexander C & Wang J
(2017) Stellar Origins of Type AB Grains
Liu N, Stephan T, Boehnke P, Nittler L, Alexander C, Wang J, Trappitsch R, Pellin M & Davis A
(2016) Identifying the most Primitive Asteroids: Amorphous Material in CO Meteorites and SOFIA Observations of 10 Hygiea
McAdam M, Sunshine J, Howard K, McCoy T, Alexander C & Kelley M
(2016) Inorganic and Organic Sulfur in Murchison and Other Chondrites Carry Isotope Anomalies
Labidi J, Farquhar J, Alexander C & Cody G
(2015) Simultaneous Measurements of C and O Isotopic Composition in Carbonates by NanoSIMS
Wang J, Hauri E & Alexander C
(2015) Evidence from Hydrogen Isotopes in Meteorites for a Subsurface Hydrogen Reservoir on Mars
Usui T, Alexander C, Wang J, Simon J & Jones J
(2015) Theme 24: Cosmochemistry and Astrophysics
Alexander C
(2015) Are Radicals the Carriers of D in IOM?
Alexander C, Nilges M, Cody G & Herd C
(2014) Cr Isotope Anomalies, their Origins and Implications
Qin L, Xia J, Alexander C, Nittler L, Carlson R & Wang J
(2014) Presolar Materials and Isotope Anomalies in the Unique Carbonaceous Chondrite Miller Range 07687
Davidson J, Nittler L & Alexander C
(2012) The Origin of Water in Asteroids and the Terrestrial Planets
Alexander C, Bowden R, Fogel M, Howard K & Herd C
(2012) Evidence from D/H and Volatile Abundances of Impact Melts for a Surficial Water Reservoir on Mars
Usui T, Alexander C, Wang J, Simon J & Jones J
(2012) A Plausible Relationship between D/H in Primitive Solar System Organic Solids, their Origin, and their Associated Water
Cody G, Wang Y, Kebukawa Y, Fogel M & Alexander C
(2012) Primordial Delivery of Potassium to Mercury and Enstatite Chondrites
Ebel DS, Alexander CMO & Sack RO
(2011) Mercury and Enstatite Chondrite Origins by Equilibrium Condensation from chondritic-Idp Enriched Vapor
Ebel DS & Alexander C
(2011) Quantitative Deuterium NMR as a Site-Specific D/H Probe to Study Organic Matter
Wang Y, Cody G, Alexander C & Fogel M
(2011) Martian Magmatic Volatiles Recorded in Olivine-Bearing Melt Inclusions and Matrix of Shergottite Y-980459
Jones J, Usui T, Alexander CO, Wang J & Simon J
(2010) Redox-Dependent, Diffusion-Driven Fractionation of Fe Isotopes in Silicate Melts and its Structural Controls
Roskosz M, Alexander C, Sio K, Wang J, Watson H, Dauphas N & Mysen B
(2010) The Consequences of Isotopic Variability in the Early Solar Nebula
Carlson R, Qin L & Alexander C
(2009) Correlated Microanalysis of Extraterrestrial Carbonaceous Nanoglobules
Nittler L, Alexander C, Cody G, De Gregorio B, Kilcoyne D, Stroud R & Zega T
(2009) Highly Siderophile Element Evidence from Early Solar System Processes in Ordinary Chondrite Components
Horan M, Alexander C & Walker R
(2008) Finding Needles in the Haystack: Coordinated Analyses on Planetary Materials
Zega T, Alexander C, Busemann H, Cody G, Kilcoyne D, Nguyen A, Nittler L & Stroud R
(2008) Chromium Nucleosynthetic Anomalies in Bulk and Components of Chondrites
Qin L, Alexander C, Carlson R & Horan M
(2008) Sub-Micron XANES Analysis of the Organic Structure of Comet Wild 2/81P Particles
Cody G, Yabuta H, Alexander C & Kilcoyne D
(2007) Volatile Abundances and H Isotope Signatures of Melt Inclusions and Nominally Anhydrous Minerals in the Nakhlites and Chassignites
Boctor N & Alexander C
(2007) More on Os Isotope Anomalies in Chondrites: Possible Carriers
Yokoyama T, Rai V, Alexander C & Walker R
(2007) High-Precision Isotope Acquisition with the NanoSIMS 50L
Alexander C, Hauri E, Wang J & Hillion F
(2005) Microscale D/H and C/H Imaging of Meteorites and IDPs – Calibration of Ion Microprobe Data with Terrestrial Analogues and Meteoritic Residues
Busemann H, Alexander C & Nittler L
(2004) Sulfur Isotope Signatures of Sulfides from Boriskino CM Chondrite
Boctor N, Wang J, Alexander C, Hauri E, Kurat G & Nazarov M
(2002) The Chemical Origins and Evolution of Organic Matter in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Cody G, Alexander C & Tera F
(2002) How did chondrules/CAIs Acquire their O Anomalies?
Alexander C
(2002) Origin of Enstatite Chondrites and Implications for the Inner Planets
Ebel DS & Alexander CMO
(2002) H Isotope Signatures of Minerals, Melt Inclusions, and Impact Glasses in SNC Meteorites
Boctor N, Alexander C, Wang J & Hauri E
(2001) The Source of Extraterrestrial Water in Martian Meteorites: Clues from Hydrogen Isotope Composition of Impact-Melted Glasses and Magmatic Melt-Inclusion Glasses
Boctor NZ, Alexander CMO, Wang J & Hauri E

Alexander Deutsch (2002) Short Lifetime for CO2 in the Atmosphere after a Meteorite Impact on Sediments
Agrinier P, Alexander D, Urs S & Isabelle M

Alexander Dickson (2019) Drivers of Euxinia during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Ruebsam W, Selva M, Benjamin G, Alexander D & Lorenz S

Alexander Duncan (2013) Highly Dynamic Cellular-Level Response of Symbiotic Coral to Sudden Increase in Environmental Nitrogen
Kopp C, Pernice M, Domart-Coulon I, Spangenberg J, Djediat C, Alexander D, Hignette M, Hignette T & Meibom A
(2011) Oxygen and Silicon Partitioning between Molten Iron and Silicate Melts up to 70 GPa and 4000 K
Ricolleau A, Badro J, Siebert J, Antonangeli D, Cantoni M, Hebert C, Alexander D & Gillet P

Alexander Ellen (2019) TitaniQ Inclusions: Thermobarometry of Tibetan Lhasa Block Granitoid Zircons
Alexander E, Yamamoto-Hillman C & Harrison TM

Alexander Ellen W.
(2018) Questioning the Evidence for the Hadean Dynamo
Borlina CS, Weiss BP, Lima EA, Tang F, Taylor RJM, Einsle JF, Harrison RJ, Fu RR, Bell EA, Alexander EW, Kirkpatrick HM, Wielicki MM, Harrison TM, Ramezani J & Maloof AC

Alexander H. (2017) The Challenges of Quantifying the Impact of Microbial Interactions on Ocean Nutrient Cycling
Van Mooy BAS, Dyhrman ST, Alexander H, Frischkorn KR, Krupke A & Rouco M

Alexander J.L. (2000) Using Rare Earth Elements as Provenance Indicators in Mudrocks from a Range of Tectonic Settings
Alexander JL, Bailey EH & Pickering KT

Alexander K. (2016) Corrosive Proto North Atlantic Deep Water Formation during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Meissner K, Alexander K & Bralower T

Alexander Lizabeth (2009) Aerosol Chemical Composition and Source Characterization during 2008 VOCALS REX
Lee Y-N, Sprinston S, Jayne J, Wang J, Hubbe J, Senum G, Brioude J, Alexander L, Kleinman L & Daum P
(2009) The Effects of Organics Properties on Aerosol Indirect Effects
Wang J, Lee Y-N, Daum P, Jayne J & Alexander L

Alexander Louise (2014) Age & Chemical Diversity of Basaltic Particles in the Apollo 12 Regolith
Joy KH, Burgess R, Ruzie L, Clay P, Snape JF, Alexander L & Crawford IA

Alexander M. (2004) Gas Hydrate Formation and Dissociation in the Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope
McGrail B, Alexander M, Young J & Martin P

Alexander R (2003) Cementitious Colloids: Integration of Laboratory, Natural Analogue and in situ Field Data
Alexander R & Moeri A

Alexander Robert (2002) Carbocation Reactions in Sediments: The Liquid Reaction Environment
van Aarssen B, Bastow T, Alexander R &  RK
(2002) Subsurface Carbocation Processes Revealed by Detailed Study of the Aromatic UCM
Warton B, Grice K, Alexander R & Kagi RI

Alexander Russell (2009) Palaeohydrogeology in Coastal Site Characterisation: A Case Study at Horonobe, Japan
Alexander R, Ota K, Niizato T & Kunimaru T

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