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Ayolabi E. (2014) Groundwater Quality and Identification of Hydrogeochemical Processes within University of Lagos, Nigeria
Odukoya M, Ayolabi E & Folorunso A
(2007) Geo-Electric Investigation of Igbonla Geothermal Sources, South Western Nigeria
Badmus B, Ayolabi E & Adebowale A

Ayonta Kenne P. (2024) Geochemical and Petrographic Insights into the Origin, Weathering, and Tectonic Context of Deng-Deng Metasedimentary Rocks in the Central African Fold Belt
Fossi DH, Tanko Njiosseu EL, Ayonta Kenne P, Takodjou Wambo JD, Ganno S & Nzenti JP
(2021) Zircon Trace Element Geochemistry and Ti-in-Zircon Thermometry of the Linté Pan-African Post-Collisional Granitoids, Central Cameroon: Constraints on the Genesis of Host Magma and Tectonic Implications
Ayonta Kenne P, Ganno S, Ngnotue T & Nzenti JP

Ayora A. (2017) Rarte Earth Elements Retention onto Basaluminite: Understanding Sorption Mechanisms
Lozano-Letellier L-L, Ayora A, Torres T, Fernández-Martínez F-M & Macías M

Ayora C. (2019) Arsenic Release from Argentinean Volcanic Glass and Ashes
Cacciabue L, Ayora C & Cama J
(2019) The Speciation of Rare Earth Elements in Wastes from Acid Mine Drainage: A Structural Approach to Design their Recovery
Lozano A, Fernández-Martínez A, Ayora C, Di-Tommaso D, Poulain A & Rovezzi M
(2019) Geochemistry of Rare Earth Elements in Acid Rock Drainage
Ayora C, Lozano A, Macías F & Nieto JM
(2018) Basaluminite Aging at Different pH and Sulfate Concentrations
Lozano A, Fernández-Martínez A, Ayora C & Poulain A
(2016) Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium Geochemistry in Acid Mine Drainage Neutralization
Torres E, Ayora C, Lozano A, Macias F, Carrero S, Pérez-López R & Nieto JM
(2015) Acid Mine Drainage: A Possible Source of Rare Earth Elements
Ayora C, Torres E, Lozano A, Macías F, Carrero S, Pérez-López R & Nieto JM
(2013) Metal Fluxes at the Sediment-Water Interface in a Reservoir Affected by AMD
Torres E, Ayora C, Arias JL, García-Robledo E, Papaspyrou S & Corzo A
(2013) Modelling of Cs Adsorption in Natural Mixed Clays and the Effects of Ion Competition
Garcia-Gutierrez M, Missana T, Benedicto A, Ayora C & De-Pourcq K
(2013) Assessment of Seasonal Variations in the Mineralogical and Geochemical Features of Sulfide Mine Tailings
Acero P, Pérez-López R, Ayora C, Quispe DL & Nieto JM
(2012) Seasonal and Inter-Annual Variations in Emerging Groundwater Mine Pollution: Essential Background Information for Acid Mine Drainage Management and Remediation
Caraballo MA, Macaas F, Nieto JM, Ayora C & Hochella MF
(2011) Natural Fe-Oxidizing Lagoon as a Pretreatment in AMD Remediation
Macias F, Ayora C, Caraballo M, Nieto JM & Roetting T
(2011) Sediment Diagenesis Modelling in a AMD Contaminated Reservoir
Torres E, Couture RM, Shafei B, Ruiz Cánovas C & Ayora C
(2010) Divalent Metal Removal from Highly Metal Polluted Acid Mine Drainage, Iberian Pyrite Belt
Macías Suárez F, Caraballo Monge MA, Nieto Liñán JM & Ayora Ibañez C
(2009) Iron Removal Enhancement of a Two Step Calcite Passive Treatment System at the Iberian Pyrite Belt
Macías F, Caraballo MA, Nieto JM, Ayora C & Rötting TS
(2009) Arsenic Mobilization in Acid Mine Drainage from the Tinto Santa Rosa Mine, Iberian Pyrite Belt, Spain
Asta MP, Ayora C, Cama J, Román-Ross G, Gault AG, Charnock JM & Acero P
(2009) Iron and Aluminum Precipitates as Metals and Metalloids Sinks in a Passive Treatment System
Caraballo MA, Nieto JM & Ayora C
(2009) Calcite Cleavage Surface Reactivity in Sulphate-Rich Waters
Atanassova R, Cama J, Soler JM, Ayora C & Casanova I
(2009) The Passivation of Calcite during the Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage. Laboratory Experiments
Offeddu FG, Cama J, Soler J & Ayora C
(2008) Geochemical Evolution of Marine Shore Mine Tailings in an Hyperarid Climate
Bea Jofré SA, Ayora C, Carrera J & Dold B
(2008) Modeling the Interaction between Geochemical and Hydraulic Processes during Evaporation in Tailings
Acero P, Ayora C, Carrera J, Saaltink MW & Olivella S
(2008) Disperse Alkaline Substrate Passive Remediation at Mina Esperanza (Iberian Pyrite Belt, SW Spain)
Caraballo Monge MA, Macías Suarez F, Rötting T, Nieto Liñán JM & Ayora C
(2007) Palaeohydrology of the Mulhouse Basin: Are Fluid Inclusions in Halite Tracers of Past Seawater Composition?
Cendon D, Ayora C, Pueyo JJ, Taberner C & Blanc-Valleron M-M
(2007) Treatment of High Metal Concentration AMD Using Dispersed Alkaline Substrate (DAS), a Novel Passive Treatment System
Caraballo Monge MA, Rötting T, Nieto Liñán JM & Ayora C
(2006) Comparison between chalcopyrite and sphalerite dissolution kinetics under ARD conditions
Cama J, Acero P & Ayora C
(2006) Sulfate starved subbasins: Implications for Permian seawater composition
Cendon Sevilla DI, Pueyo JJ, Ayora C, Taberner C & Peryt T
(2005) The Dissolution of Apatite II
Cama J, Oliva J, Cortina JL, Ayora C & de Pablo J
(2004) Making and Filling Space: Coupled Hydrothermal Karst Genesis and Sulfide/Sulfate Precipitation
Corbella M, Ayora C & Cardellach E
(2002) Calibration of a Reactive Transport Model to Interpret a Deep-Well-Recharge Field Experiment at Langerak (the Netherlands)
Saaltink MW, Ayora C, Stuyfzand PJ & Timmer H
(2002) Groundwater Geochemistry and Dissolution Processes of the Okélobondo Uranium Ore (Gabon)
Salas J & Ayora C
(2002) Fluid Mixing and Deep Dissolution of Carbonates
Corbella M & Ayora C
(2002) Multi-Component Reactive Transport Modelling at the Ratones Uranium Mine (Spain)
Marcuello A, Gómez P, Saaltink M, Ayora C & Carrera J
(2000) Oxidation Processes of the Natural Nuclear Reactor of Okélobondo (Gabon): Reactive Transport Modelling
Salas J, Ayora C & Bitzer K
(2000) Weathering of the Pyritic Sludge Remaining in the Soil after the Aznalcóllar Accident (SW Spain)
Domènech C & Ayora C
(2000) Oxidative Dissolution Rate of Aznalcóllar Sulphide Sludge (SW Spain)
Domènech C, de Pablo J & Ayora C

Ayotte P. (2010) Spectroscopic, Structural and Electronic Properties of Acid Dissociation Intermediates in Water
Iftimie R, Thomas V, Buin A & Ayotte P

Ayoub G. (2018) Heat Capacity and Thermodynamic Functions of Loaded and Unloaded Forms of Several Zinc Imidazole Metal Organic Frameworks
Calvin J, Asplund M, Rosen P, Akimbekov Z, Ayoub G, Katsenis A, Navrotsky A, Friscic T & Woodfield B

Ayoub N. (2017) Technology-Critical Elements (Sb, Ta, Te, In, Ga) and Organic Matter Interactions by Fluorescence Quenching
Mounier S, Filella M, Ayoub N, Redon R, Hajjoul H & Garnier C

Ayral A. (2013) Borosilicate Glass Dissolution Driven by Magnesium Silicate Precipitation
Fleury B, Godon N, Ayral A & Gin S
(2011) The Double Effect of Mg on the Long-Term Alteration Rate of a Nuclear Waste Glass
Thien B, Godon N & Ayral A

Ayraud V. (2004) Evolution of Nitrate and Sulfate in a Fractured Aquifer Related to Pumping
Ayraud V, Aquilina L, Pauwels H, Tarits C, Pierson-Wickmann A & Bour O

Ayrault S. (2024) Was the 137Cs found in Saharan Dust Deposited Across Europe in March 2022 Caused by French Nuclear Tests in Algeria?
Xu Y, Evrard O, Ayrault S, Skonieczny C & Dulac F
(2023) Heterogeneous Fenton-Like Reactions in Natural Soils and Sediments at Neutral pH with O2 as Oxidant
Bourbon E, Averseng F, Allard T, Le Pape P, Nélieu S, Guigon E, Baratelli F, Ayrault S, Carrier X & Morin G
(2023) Controls on the Spatial Distribution and Temporal Variation of Anthropogenic Tracers in the Sediments of the Paris Sewerage System
Asselin C, Jacob J, Moilleron R, Ayrault S & Rican S
(2022) Legacy (Pb, Cu, Zn) and Emerging (Sb) Trace Metal Contaminants in the Road – Highway Stormwater Pond Continuum: A Focus on Geochemistry and Speciation of Antimony
Philippe M, Le Pape P, Resongles E, Landrot G, Freydier R, Casiot C, Baya C & Ayrault S
(2021) Road Stormwater Basins as Accumulators Lead the Way to the Study of the Traffic-Induced Antimony Contamination
Philippe M, Le Pape P, Bordier L, Delbes L & Ayrault S
(2018) Temporal Variation of Suspended Sediment Dynamics and River Multi-Contamination Fluxes in an Urbanized Catchment
Froger C, Ayrault S, Evrard O, Monvoisin G, Bordier L, Lefèvre I & Quantin C
(2017) Contamination Sources and Dynamics in an Urban Catchment Using Metal Isotopes and Radionuclide Measurements
Froger C, Ayrault S, Quantin C, Evrard O, Monvoisin G & Bordier L
(2016) Quantifying Sediment Sources in an Agricultural Catchment Using Fallout Radionuclides and Radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr Ratios (Loire River Basin, France)
Le Gall M, Evrard O, Thil F, Foucher A, Laceby JP, Salvador-Blanes S & Ayrault S
(2013) Distribution of 230Th and 232Th along the Bonus GoodHope Section in the SouthEast Atlantic Ocean
Roy-Barman M, Marchandise S, Thil F, Bordier L, Ayrault S, Garcia-Solsane E & Jeandel C
(2011) Zinc Sulfide in Suspended Matter from an Oxic River (Seine, France)
Priadi C, Morin G, Ayrault S, Maillot F, Juillot F, Testemale D, Proux O, Llorens I & Brown G
(2011) Coupling δ34S [SO42-] and [206Pb / 207Pb]: Origin of Trace Metals in the Urban Orge River, France
Le Pape P, Ayrault S, Michelot J-L & Quantin C

Ayres E. (2018) Using NEON Data to Explore Plot to Continental Scale Patterns in Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics
Weintraub S, Stanish L & Ayres E

Ayres T. (2017) The Carbon Isotope Composition of the Sun
Lyons J, Gharib-Nezhad E & Ayres T

Ayrinhac S. (2017) Velocity-Density Systematics of Fe-Si Alloys at Extreme Conditions
Edmund E, Antonangeli D, Decremps F, Ayrinhac S, Gauthier M, Morard G, Mezouar M & Guignot N

Ayris Paul (2013) Iron Mobilisation from Volcanic Ash/Glass by Atmospheric Processing
Maters E, Ayris P, Jacques C, Guevara A, Henley R, Opfergelt S & Delmelle P

Ayris Paul Martin (2015) SO2 and HCl Uptake by Volcanic Glass in H2O-Bearing Pseudo-Eruptive Atmospheres
Ayris PM, Delmelle P, Cimarelli C, Suzuki Y & Dingwell DB
(2015) Probing Functional Groups on Volcanic Ash Using Heterogeneous Reactions in a Knudsen Flow Reactor
Delmelle P, Maters E, Rossi M & Ayris P

Aysal Namik (2015) Genesis and Magmatic Evolution of a Newly Discovered Resurgent Caldera in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey
Keskin M, Oyan V, Genç ŞC, Aysal N & Ünal E
(2015) Geochronology, Geochemistry and Isotope Systematics of a Mafic-Intermediate Dyke Complex in the İstanbul Zone, Northern Turkey
Aysal N, Keskin M, Peytcheva I, Duru O & Akgündüz S
(2015) Geochemical, Geochronological and Isotopic Data from Permo-Triassic Plutons in Western Pontides, NW Turkey
Yılmaz-Şahin S, Aysal N, Güngör Y & Peytcheva I
(2011) Magmatic Evolution of the Eastern Anatolian High Plateau, E Turkey
Keskin M, Oyan V, Lebedev VA, Chugaev AV, Genc SC, Sharkov EV, Unal E & Aysal N

Aysal Namık (2017) Magmatic Evolution of the Greater Ararat Strato-Volcano, Eastern Anatolian Collision Zone, Turkey
Keskin M, Oyan V, Aysal N & Ünal E
(2017) Early-Middle Devonian Magmatism in The Sakarya Zone: Lower Crustal Melts at a Consuming Plate Margin
Aysal N, Ustaömer T, Öngen S, Keskin M & Peytcheva I

Ayuela A. (2017) Formation of a Quasi 2D-Layer of Protons in Hydroxides at High Pressure
Dupuis R, Dolado J, Surga J, Benoit M & Ayuela A

Ayuk N.E. (2024) Molecular Organic Geochemical Evaluation of Cretaceous Black Shales in Mamfe Basin, Cameroon
Ayuk NE & Agyingi C

Ayukai T. (2003) The Oceanic CO2 System and Biogeochemical Processes in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Suzuki A, Kawahata H & Ayukai T

Ayupova N. (2020) Pseudomorphic Hematite after Ore Clasts of Gossanites of the Molodezhnoe Cu-Zn Massive Sulfide Deposit (South Urals)
Ayupova N & Maslennikov V
(2020) Trace Element Features of Modern Black, Gray and Clear Smokers and their Ancient Analogues
Maslennikov V, Ayupova N, Maslennikova S, Large R & Danyushevsky L
(2019) Mineralogy of Se in the Continental and Submarine Oxidation Zones of Urals VHMS Deposits
Belogub E, Ayupova N, Novoselov K, Blinov I, Krivovichev V & Charykova M
(2019) REE Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Ores from the Talgan Cu-Zn Massive Sulfide Deposit, South Urals
Ayupova N, Maslennikov V, Filippova K, Blinov I & Belogub E
(2016) Rare Minerals and Trace Elements in Sulfide Turbidites from Yubileynoye VMS Deposit, South Urals, Russia
Tseluyko A, Maslennikov V, Ayupova N, Maslennikova S, Large R & Danyushevsky L
(2015) Trace Elements in the Tube Fossils from Silica-Hematite Rocks of the Urals VMS Deposits
Ayupova N, Maslennikov V, Large R, Danyushevsky L & Tseluyko A

Ayuso Robert (2020) Volcanic-Hosted Be-(Li-F-Ree-U) Deposits: Insights into Source Rocks, Geochemical Signatures, and Macro-To-Microscale Concentration Processes
Foley N, Ayuso R & Vazquez J
(2020) SHRIMP U-Pb Zircon Geochronology of Volcanic Rocks Hosting World-Class Be-U-Li-F Mineralization, Spor Mountain, Utah, U.S.A
Ayuso R, Foley N & Vazquez J
(2016) Volcanogenic Beryllium Deposits at Spor Mountain, Utah, USA: Impact on Past Production and Material Flow Cycles
Foley N, Ayuso R, Lederer G & Jaskula B
(2016) Prospective Source Rocks and Accumulation Processes for Deposits of the REE Ion Adsorption Clay-Type, Southeastern United States
Ayuso R & Foley N
(2014) Geochronological and Geochemical Transects of the Western Alaska Range Batholith
Ayuso R, Haeussler P, Todd E, Box S, Jones J, Bradley D, Vazquez J, Karl S & Jackson J
(2014) Geochemistry and Tectonic Significance of Pluton Successions in the Western Alaska Range
Todd E, Jones J, Karl S, Ayuso R, Stelten M, Saltus R, Box S, Bradley D, Haeussler P & Gamble B
(2013) The Origin of Geochemical Anomalies in Top Soils of Eastern-Central Peloritani Mountains (Sicily, Italy)
Cosenza A, Ayuso R, Foley N, Albanese S, Lima A, Messina A & De Vivo B
(2012) Sources of Pb Contamination in Well Water and Soil at Former Orchards in the Mid-Atlantic, USA
Ayuso R
(2009) Metal and Isotope Dispersion in an Abandoned Heavy Metal Mine: Callahan, Maine, USA
Ayuso R & Foley N
(2008) Nd-Sr-Pb Geochemistry and Petrogenetic Framework for Metallogenesis, South-Central Alaska
Ayuso R, Haeussler P & Bradley D

Ayuso Robert A. (2022) 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Volcanic Rocks Associated with Be Mineralization in the Spor Mountain Formation, Utah, USA
Mercer CM, Morgan LE, Cosca MA, Hofstra AH, Ayuso RA & Foley NK
(2021) Sources and Sinks of Metal Contaminants in Roadways and Water Systems: Degraded Vehicular Wheel Weights and Residential Solders
Foley NK & Ayuso RA
(2021) Major- and Trace-Element Data and Radiogenic Isotopes Document Key Features of the Spor Mountain Formation: Host of the Largest Volcanogenic Beryllium Resource in the World
Ayuso RA & Foley NK

Ayyasamy P. (2008) Microbial and Organic Controls on the Reductive Dissolution of Heavy Metals from Soil
Lee S, Ayyasamy P & Chun S

Ayzit T. (2023) Understanding of Lithium Origin in High Enthalpy Geothermal Systems: A Case Study for Tuzla and Seferihisar Geothermal Power Plants, Western Anatolia, Türkiye
Tonkul S, Ayzit T, Baba A, Demir MM, Kieling K & Regenspurg S

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