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Ziechert T.A. (2012) The Evolution of Magmas at a Large Stratocone Volcano, Mount Shasta, N. California
Wende AM, Ziechert TA, Johnson CM, Beard BL, Christiansen RL & Calvert AT

Zieg M.J. (2001) A Quantitative Method for Predicting Igneous Textures
Zieg MJ & Marsh BD

Ziegelmüller K. (2007) Influence of Hydrothermal Crustal Fluids on Deep-Biosphere Populations
Ziegelmüller K, Niebuhr M, Cypionka H & Engelen B

Ziegenbalg S. (2009) Messinian Gypsum Stromatolites – A Molecular Approach
Hoffmann L, Birgel D, Rouchy J-M, Ziegenbalg S & Peckmann J

Ziegenrücker R. (2019) Halogen Analysis at the Ultratrace Level – First Applications of the Dresden Super-Sims
Renno AD, Akhmadaliev S, Belokonov G, Böttger R, von Borany J, Kaever P, Meyer M, Noga P, Rugel G, Tiessen CJ, Wagner N, Wiedenbeck M, Wu H & Ziegenrücker R

Zieger Johanes (2019) Detailed Ediacaran Timeline for White Sea and Nama Fossil Assemblages (Namibia and Ukraine)
Ovtcharova M, Messori F, Linnemann U, Hofmann M, Zieger J, Geyer G, Vickers-Rich P, Soldatenko Y & El Albani A

Zieger Johannes (2023) Can We Date Marine Carbonates at High(er) Precision with U-Pb ID-TIMS Method?
Ovtcharova M, Müller IA, Samankassou E, Guillong M, Messori F, Peyrotty G, Linnemann U, Hofmann M, Zieger J, Vennemann T, Kouzmanov K, Merino-Tomé O & Nuriel P
(2022) Can U-Pb Dating on Carbonates add to Improved Time Constraints on the Ediacaran Metazoan Ecosystem in the Nama Group, Namibia?
Müller IA, Messori F, Guillong M, Peyrotty G, Samankassou E, Linnemann U, Hofmann M, Zieger J, Vennemann T, Kouzmanov K & Ovtcharova M
(2021) New High Precision U-Pb CA-ID-TIMS Zircon Ages from the Terminal Ediacaran in Namibia
Messori F, Linnemann U, Hofmann M, Zieger J, Geyer G, Vickers-Rich P & Ovtcharova M

Zieger P. (2009) Effects of Relative Humidity on Aerosol Light Scattering
Zieger P, Schmidhauser R, Weingartner E, Gysel M, Ström J & Baltensperger U

Ziegler Alan D. (2016) Lateral Carbon and Nutrients Exchanges in a Mangrove Tidal Creek: A Multi-Stable Isotope Approach
Taillardat P, Ziegler AD, Friess D, Marchand C, Ohte N & Widory D

Ziegler Andreas (2015) The Effect of Mg on the Caracteristics of Calcite Crystal Aggregates Grown in Biomimetic Gelatin Hydrogel Systems
Nindiyasari F, Griesshaber E, Fernández-Díaz L, Astileros JM, Sánchez-Pastor N, Ziegler A & Schmahl WW
(2015) New Insight into Emiliania huxleyi Coccosphere Formation
Hoffmann R, Yin X, Kirchlechner C, Alexa P, Ziegler A, Kelm K, Wochnik AS, Langer G, Scheu C, Griesshaber E & Schmahl WW
(2009) Selenium and Tellurium Abundances in Mafic and Ultramafic Rock Reference Samples by ID-ICP-MS
Wombacher F, Ziegler A & Becker H
(2007) Confocal micro-Raman Spectroscopy: A Tool for the Allocation of Organic and Inorganic Components in Calcified Biominerals
Hild S, Schmidt U & Ziegler A

Ziegler B.A. (2022) Secondary Effects of Hydrocarbon Sources and Waste Materials in the Environment: Mobilization of Arsenic and Trace Elements
Cozzarelli IM, Ziegler BA, Jones KL, Lacey Z & Schreiber ME

Ziegler C. (2005) Tracing Paleoceanographic Sources of Fe to the Central Equatorial Pacific Ocean
Ziegler C, Murray R, Plank T & Hemming S

Ziegler K. (2024) Sulfate Triple-Oxygen Isotopes from Microbially Catalyzed Pyrite Oxidation Carry an Extreme Kinetic Isotope Effect Associated with Atmospheric Oxygen Incorporation
Kohl IE, Kuhlbusch NJ, Killingsworth BA, Ziegler K, Young ED & Coleman M
(2013) Si Isotope Systematics of Acidic Alteration of Fresh Kilauean Basalts
Chemtob S, Rossman G, Young E, Ziegler K, Eiler J & Hurowitz J
(2012) Silicon and Oxygen Isotopes during Diagenesis of the Monterey Chert
Ziegler K & Marin-Carbonne J
(2011) Reworked Hadean Crust in the ca. 3780 Ma Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt
Cates N, Mojzsis S, Ziegler K & Schmitt A
(2011) Silicon and Oxygen Isotope Values of Cherts and their Precursors
Ziegler K, Marin-Carbonne J, McKeegan K & Young E
(2011) Silicon and Oxygen Isotopes: The Maturation of Lacustrine Diatoms
Ziegler K, Dodd J, Sharp Z, Brearley A & Young E
(2011) Silica Coatings on Young Hawaiian Basalts: Constraints on Formation Mechanism from Silicon Isotopes
Chemtob S, Hurowitz J, Guan Y, Ziegler K, Eiler J & Rossman G
(2010) Stable Isotopes as Tracers of Planetary Differentiation
Young E, Schauble E, Shahar A, Ziegler K, Manning C & Lazar C
(2009) Silicon Isotope Fractionation at High Pressures and Temperatures
Schauble EA, Young ED, Ziegler K, Shahar A, Halliday AN & Georg RB
(2009) Silicon Isotope Fractionation between Silicate and Metal from an Enstatite Meteorite
Ziegler K, Young ED, Schauble EA & Wasson JT
(2008) Combining Theory and Experiment to Calibrate Stable Isotope Fractionations
Schauble E, Hill P, Shahar A, Tonui E, Ziegler K, Young E & Manning C
(2008) Experimental Evidence for Silicon Isotope Fractionation between Silicate and Si in Fe Metal
Shahar A, Ziegler K, Young E, Ricolleau A, Schauble E & Fei Y
(2008) Tracing the Source of Oxygen during Pyrite Oxidation with Δ17OSO4
Ziegler K, Coleman ML & Young ED
(2002) New Developments in Measuring Silicon Isotopes by MC-ICP-MS
Allemna L, Cardinal D, Ziegler K & André L
(2002) The δ30Si Values of Soil Weathering Profiles: Indicators of Si Pathways at the Lithosphere/Hydro(bio)sphere Interface
Ziegler K, Chadwick OA, Kelly EF & Brzezinski MA
(2001) Plant Phytolith Source of Dissolved Silica in Hawaiian Streams from Ge/Si Ratios
Derry LA, Kurtz AC, Ziegler K, Chadwick OA & Kelley EF
(2000) Silicon Isotope Fractionation during Weathering and Soil Formation: Experimental Results
Ziegler K, Chadwick OA, Kelly EF, Brzezinski MA & DeNiro MJ

Ziegler Martin (2008) Application of Ladderane Lipids as a Proxy for Past Anammox Activity
Jaeschke A, Ziegler M, Reichart G-J, Hopmans EC, Schouten S & Sinninghe Damsté JS

Ziegler Martin (2014) Calibration of the ‘Clumped Isotope’ Thermometer on Natural Travertine Carbonates in the 5-95℃ Temperature Range
Kele S, Bernasconi S, Kluge T, John C, Deak J, Millan I, Meckler N, Ziegler M, Breitenbach S, Capezzuoli E, Ozkul M, Gokgoz A, Yan H & Liu Z
(2013) Clumped Isotope Geochemistry of Travertine Carbonates in the 22-95℃ Temperature Range
Kele S, Bernasconi S, Kluge T, John C, Millán I, Meckler N, Ziegler M, Breitenbach S, Capezzuoli E, Özkul M, Gökgöz A & Deák J
(2013) A New Calibration of the Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometer Based on Synthetic Calcites
Millán I, Breitenach S, Meckler N, Ziegler M & Bernasconi SM

Ziegler Martin (2015) Automated CO2 Extraction from Air for Clumped Isotope Analysis in the Atmo- and Biosphere
Hofmann MEG, Ziegler M, Pons T, Lourens L & Röckmann T

Ziegler Martin (2016) Variations in the East Asian Summer Monsoon during the Last 400 kyr Reconstructed Using Oxygen Isotope and Mg/Ca-Derived Sea Surface Temperatures at IODP Site U1429
Kubota Y, Wakisaka E, Clemens S, Holbourn A, Lee KE, Ziegler M, Kimoto K & Horikawa K

Ziegler Martin (2018) A North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction for the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum
van der Ploeg R, Cramwinckel MJ, Kocken IJ, van der Meer AE, Müller IA, Ziegler M, Leutert TJ, Meckler AN, Sexton PF, Bohaty SM, Wilson PA, Peterse F, Schouten S, Reichart G-J, Middelburg JJ & Sluijs A
(2018) Comparing Plio-Pleistocene Foraminiferal Clumped Isotope Temperature Reconstructions with TEX86, Mg/Ca and UK37 Proxy Data
Ziegler M, Müller I, van der Meer A & Kocken I

Ziegler Martin (2021) A Neogene Deep-Sea Temperature Record from Clumped Isotopes of Benthic Foraminifera from Walvis Ridge
Kocken IJ, Lyu J, Vorsselmans R, Spiering BR, Stouthamer W, Bode NJ, van Duin L, van de Pol NM, van der Meer A, Müller IA, Lourens LJ & Ziegler M
(2021) Cenozoic Evolution of Deep-Sea Temperature from Clumped Isotope Thermometry
Meckler AN, Sexton P, Piasecki A, Leutert T, Marquardt J, Ziegler M, Agterhuis T, Rae JWB, Barnet JSK, Tripati A & Bernasconi SM
(2021) Absolute Seasonality Reconstructions from Clumped Isotope Analyses in Carbonate Archives
de Winter NJ, Müller IA, Kocken IJ, Agterhuis T & Ziegler M
(2021) Reconstructing 130, 000 Years of East Asian Air Temperature Variability Using Branched Tetraether Membrane Lipids and Clumped Isotopes of Land Snail Shells from the Chinese Loess Plateau
Guo J, Ziegler M, Vreeken M, Mishra S, Fuchs L, Dong J, Sun Y & Peterse F
(2021) Deep-Sea Temperatures Across Two Early Eocene Hyperthermal Events Based on Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry
Agterhuis T, Ziegler M & Lourens LJ
(2021) The Interglacial-Glacial Sequence of Events at the Agulhas Plateau: Antarctic Icebergs Lead Ocean Circulation into Ice Ages and Across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
Starr A, Hall IR, Barker S, Hemming S, Rackow T, Zhang X, van der Lubbe HJL, Knorr G, Berke M, Bigg GR, Cartagena-Sierra A, Jimenez-Espejo F, Gong X, Gruetzner J, Lathka N, LeVay L & Ziegler M

Ziegler Martin (2022) A Multi-Proxy Reconstruction of East Asian Monsoon Precipitation Dynamics on the Western Chinese Loess Plateau over the Past 140, 000 Years
Fuchs L, Guo J, Schefuß E, Sun Y, Dong J, Ziegler M & Peterse F
(2022) Exploring Systematic Bias in UK’37 in the Mediterranean Sea Through Alkenone Flux and Coccolith Clumped Isotope Measurements in a 28-Year Sediment Trap Record
Rice A, Bouwmans D, van Boxtel A, Peterse F, Ziegler M, Stoll H, Bernasconi SM, de Lange GJ & Sluijs A

Ziegler Martin (2024) Assessing Temperature Response in Archaeal Tetraether Distributions in Marine Sediments
Rice A, Peterse F, Laepple T, Ziegler M & Sluijs A

Ziegler Sibylle (2011) On the Multitude of Niches for Bacteria and Archaea in an Acidic Biofilm
Ziegler S, Dolch K, Majzlan J & Gescher J
(2010) The Contrasting Behavior of As and Sb in the Mining Waste Near Pezinok, Slovakia
Majzlan J, Lalinska B, Chovan M, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Hug K, Ziegler S & Gescher J
(2009) Matrix Composition and Community Structure Analysis of a Novel Bacterial Pyrite Leaching Community
Ziegler S, Ackermann S, Göttlicher J, Majzlan J & Gescher J

Ziegler Susan (2023) Extreme Precipitation Event Timing can Determine Boreal Forest Soil Carbon Response to Climate Change
Patrick ME & Ziegler S
(2023) Uncovering the Role of Microbial Degradation and Soil Organo-Mineral Controls on Dissolved Organic Matter Composition at the Terrestrial-Aquatic Interface
Faria Tavares de Souza L, Roebuck JA, Myers-Pigg AN & Ziegler S
(2022) Topographical Controls on Soil Organic Carbon in Moist Boreal Forest Mineral Soils
Patrick ME, Gates Z & Ziegler S
(2012) Assessing the Use of 13C {1H} CPMAS NMR for Comparisons of Boreal Watershed Soil and Dissolved Organic Matter Compositions
Bonnell J, Schneider C, Bottaro C & Ziegler S

Zielinski D. (2017) Redox State of the Marine Nitrogen Cycle and Evolution of Eukaryotes during Late Neoproterozoic
Prokopenko M, Gaines R, Corcetti F, Loyd S, Zielinski D, Cordova A, Sigman D & Berelson W

Zieliński G. (2022) Geochemistry of Porphyry-Style Pyrite as a Tool for Vectoring Boiling Horizons: An Example from Myszków Mo-Cu-W Deposit (Poland)
Naglik B, Dumańska-Słowik MA, Toboła T, Dimitrova D, Derkowski P, Zieliński G, Habryn R & Markowiak M
(2015) REE Minerals from the Ełk Alkaline Intrusion (East European Platform, NE Poland)
Pańczyk M, Zieliński G, Bazarnik J, Nawrocki J, Krzemiński L & Giro L

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