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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Zhu Yinian (2009) Behaviour of Ethanol Blended Petroleum Hydrocarbons in a Bench-Scale Aquifer Tank
Jiang Y, Chen YD & Zhu Y

Zhu Yiting (2019) Two Series Mesozoic Rare Metal Mineralization in South China
Li X, Zhang L, Zhu Y & Wang G
(2019) Mineralogical Characteristics and Metallogenic Indication of Tourmaline in the Baiyanghe Be-U-Mo Deposit, Xinjiang, China
Zhu Y, Li X & Zhang L

Zhu Yong (2013) Analysis of Minerals in Biofilms Using Atomic Force Microscopy and Raman Spectroscopy
Dittrich M, Schmid T & Zhu Y

Zhu Yong-Guan (2023) Bacterial Wilt Occurring at Regular Intervals in Suburban Agriculture Facilitated the Spread of Antibiotic Resistomes in the Soil-Plant System
Xiao Z, Li G & Zhu Y-G
(2023) Humic Substances Affect Iron-Driven Hydroxyl Radical Production
Han R, Li G & Zhu Y-G
(2023) Enhanced Formation of 6PPD-Q during the Aging of Tire Wear Particles in Anaerobic Flooded Soils: The Role of Iron Reduction and Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals
Xu Q, Li G, Fang L, Sun Q, Han R, Zhu Z & Zhu Y-G
(2021) Simultaneous Minimization of Arsenic Mobilization and Nitrous Oxide Emission Under Nitrogen Fertilization in Paddy Soils
Joss H, Joshi P, Maisch M, Zhu Y-G, Muehe EM, Zarfl C & Kappler A
(2018) Measurement of Silicon in Waters and Soils Using Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films
Li G, Guan D-X, Luo J, Xu Y-Y & Zhu Y-G

Zhu Yongfeng (2018) Multistage Ilvaite-Bearing Assemblages from the Galinge Skarn Fe Deposit, Western China: A Record of Retrograde Alteration
Yu M, Dick JM, Feng C, Li B, Mao J, Lu A & Zhu Y
(2017) Hydrothermal Alteration Recorded in Chromite Deposit: Implications for Mobility of Platinum Group Elements
Zhu Y
(2017) Trace Element Mobility in Shear Zones within the Sartohay Ophiolite, West Junggar, Xinjiang (NW China): Implications from CO2-metasomatism of Peridotite and its Shearing Deformation
Qiu T, Zhu Y & Yang J
(2017) Spinel Exsolved from Clinopyroxene in the Haladala Gabbro (Western Tianshan, Xinjiang, China)
Chen J, Chen L & Zhu Y
(2016) Different Styles of Hydrothermal Alteration Recorded in Gold Deposits: Implications for Gold Exploration in West Junggar (Xinjiang), NW China
Zhu Y
(2009) Kinetic Modelling of Gas Generation and Methane Carbon Isotope Fractionation during the Cracking of Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Tian H, Xiao X, Guo L & Zhu Y
(2008) Garnet Amphibolite found in Baikouquan Ophiolitic Mélange: A Clue to a HP Metamorphic Belt in Junggar, Xinjiang
Zhu Y & Chen B

Zhu Yongxuan (2002) A Kinetic Experiments of Oxidation of Arsenopyrite in Fe2(SO4)3 Solutions
Yu Y & Zhu Y

Zhu Yongxuan (2013) Abrupt Variations of Indian and East Asian Summer Monsoons during the Last Deglacial Stadial and Interstadial
Hong B, Hong Y, Uchida M, Shibata Y & Zhu Y

Zhu Youhai (2009) Subsurface Gas Geochemistry and its Implication to Possible Gas Hydrates in the Qinghai-Tibet Permafrost
Lu Z, Wu B, Rao Z, Zhu Y, Luo X & Bai R

Zhu Yu (2020) High-Temperature Melting of Refractory Lower Crust in the Inner Zone of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province: Constraints from the Permian A-Type Granites from the Panxi Region
Zhang Z, Qin J, Lai S, Long X, Ju Y, Wang X, Zhu Y & Zhang F
(2020) Petrogenesis and Geochemical Diversity of Late Mesoproterozoic S-Type Granites in the Western Yangtze Block, South China: Co-entrainment of Peritectic Selective Phases and Accessory Minerals
Zhu Y, Lai S, Qin J, Zhu R, Zhang F & Zhang Z
(2018) Neoproterozoic High-Mg Diorite and A-Type Granite Intrusions in the Southwestern Yangtze Block, Yanbian Terrane, South China: Petrogenesis and Geodynamic Significance
Zhu Y & Lai S

Zhu Yu-Sheng (2020) Geochemical and Mineralogical Constraints on the Petrogenesis of Xiangshuigou Felsic Peralkaline Complex
Zhu Y-S
(2019) Age and Sources of the Qingchengzi Pb-Zn Deposit in the Northeastern China: Evidence from Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd and Fe Isotopes
Xu L, Yang J-H, Zhu Y-S, Li R, Xie L-W & Zeng Q-D
(2019) Zircon Hf-O Isotope Evidence for Late Triassic Subduction Initiation in South Alaska
Yang J-H, Wang H, Cole R, Zhu Y-S & Chung S-L
(2018) A Paleoproterozoic Basement beneath the Rangrim Massif Revealed by the in situ U-Pb Ages and Hf Isotopes of Xenocrystic Zircons from Triassic Kimberlites of the North Korea
Zhu YS, Yang JH, Wang H & Wu FY
(2018) Hybrid Origin for Early Cretaceous Syenites with Mafic Enclaves in the Northeast North China Craton: In situ Zircon Hf-O and Apatite Sr-Nd Isotopic Evidence
Sun J-F, Yang J-H, Zhang J-H, Zhu Y-S & Yang Y-H
(2018) Mesozoic Decratonization of the Sino-Korean Craton by Lithospheric Delamination
Yang J-H, Zhu Y-S & Wu F-Y

Zhu Yu-Xiang (2020) The Neoproterozoic Fangcheng Nb-Rich Alkaline Rocks, Central China: Magma Origin and Evolution
Zhu Y-X, Wang L-X, Ma C-Q & Wiedenbeck M
(2019) The Syenite-Carbonatite-Fluorite Association in Jebel Dumbier Complex (Sudan): Magma Origin and Evolution
Wang L-X, Ma C-Q, Salih M-A, Abdallsamed M-I-M & Zhu Y-X

Zhu Yuan-Feng (2023) Standard Doping Method for Silver Isotope Analysis in Silicate Rocks with Low Silver Abundance
Zhu Y-F, Wei H-Z, Jiang S-Y & Williams-Jones AE
(2022) Accurate Determination of Silver Isotopiccompositionin Silicaterockswith Low Silver Abundance
Zhu Y-F & Wei H-Z

Zhu Yuanli (2019) Spatial Dynamics of Soil Trace Element Concentrations along an Urban-Rural Transition Zone in the Black Soil Region of Northeastern China
Zhu Y, Wang D & Wang L

Zhu Yuanyuan (2020) No Distinct Nitrogen Cycle and Redox Changes during the End-Permian Mass Extinction in the Southern Neo-Tethys
Song H, Song H, Du Y, Zhu Y, Li Z, Dai X, Chu D, Li Tian L & Tong J

Zhu Yuhua (2014) Tectonic Evolutionary History of the Qinling Orogenic Belt in Precambrian, Central China
Shi Y, Pei X, Liu X & Zhu Y

Zhu Yujiao (2016) Is Vehicular Emission a Significant Contributor to Ammonia in the Urban Atmosphere? – Observationalresults in China
Teng X, Qi J, Zhu Y, Shi J, Gao H & Yao X
(2013) Roles of NH4NO3 and Secondary Organics in Growing > 10 nm New Particles to Cloud Condensation Nuclei Size in Marine Atmosphere
Liu X, Zhu Y, Meng H, Gao H & Yao X

Zhu Yun-Long (2024) New Calcite U-Pb Dating Study in Carlin-Type Gold Mineralization (Youjiang Basin): Insights into the Timing between Hydrocarbon Accumulation and Gold Deposits
Zhu Y-L, Jin X-Y, Hu S-Y, Evans K & Li J-W

Zhu Yuting (2023) Examining the High Variability in Particulate Nitrate Photolysis Rate Constant
Zhou X, Zhu Y, Wang Y, Ye C, Elshorbany Y, Hayden M & Peters A

Zhu Z (2003) The Dissolved N2O in Two Small Karst Lakes in Southwest China
Wang S, Liu C, Tao F, Wan G, Li J & Zhu Z

Zhu Zhaoxian (2022) Magmatic Crystallization Drives Zr Isotopic Variations in Zircons of the Granite Batholith
Zhu Z, Zhang W, Guo J, Wang Z, Hoffmann JE, Luo T & Hu Z-C

Zhu Zhaozhou (2017) Status, Source and Ecological Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Soils from Tibet Plateau, China
Hu J, Li J, Zhu Z, Liu X, Guo Q, Wei R, Tian L, Han X, Kong J, Yang X, Li X, Zhou W & Song G

Zhu Zhe (2023) Enhanced Formation of 6PPD-Q during the Aging of Tire Wear Particles in Anaerobic Flooded Soils: The Role of Iron Reduction and Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals
Xu Q, Li G, Fang L, Sun Q, Han R, Zhu Z & Zhu Y-G

Zhu Zhengjie (2013) Mineralogy and Elemental Geochemistry of Coal in Southeast Chongqing, Southwest China
Zhu Z
(2011) Abnormal Positive δ13C Values of Carbonate in Lake Caohai, Southwest China and their Possible Paleoenvironmental Significances
Zhu Z
(2010) Geochemistry and Environmental Impact of Cadmium in Cadmium-Rich Pb–Zn Mine Wastes of Southwest China
Li H, Xiao TF, Li D, Zhu Z & Ning Z
(2010) Li/Ca Ratios of Ostracod Shells as a Paleoenvironmental Indicator at Lake Qinghai, NE Tibetan Plateau
Ren S & Zhu Z
(2010) Co-analysis of δ18O Values of Cellulose and Carbonate from Lake Sediments: A New Indicator for Temperature Reconstruction?
Zhu Z & Chen J

Zhu Zhenke (2016) Effect of Metal Cations on Fe(II)-induced Phase Transformation of Ferrihydrite
Liu C, Zhu Z & Li F

Zhu Zhenli (2020) Cd Isotope Fractionation during Photodissolution of Cadmium Sulphide
Peng H & Zhu Z
(2015) Simultaneously Separation of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles and their Ionic Counterparts with Thin Layer Chromatography
Yan N & Zhu Z

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