Zhu Xiang- Kun
Is Fe Isotope Composition of Banded Iron Formation a Proxy of pH? A Study of Neoproterozoic Iron Formations
Sun J, Zhu X-K, Li Z-H, Yan B & Li J
U Isotope Evidence for a Common Occurrence of Extensive Anoxia in the Cryogenian Ocean
Pan W, Zhang F, Zhu X, Cheng M, Li C, Yan B, Du Y, Zhang R & Chen J
Nitrogen Isotope Evidence for Nitrogen Cycle and Redox Variations in the Nanhua Basin during Cryogenian Non-Glacial Period
Wang D, Zhu X, Yan B & Shen Y
Constraints on the Zn Isotopic Evolution in Early Ediacaran Ocean: A Zinc Isotopic Study of Neoproterozoic Cap Carbonates in South China
Yan B & Zhu X-K
Mo Isotope Geochemistry of the Datangpo Formation in the Nanhua Basin, South China
Li J, Zhu X & Tang S
Comparison of Luobusha and Xigaze Chromite Mineralization from the Yarlung-Zangbo Ophiolite Belt
Zhu X-K, She Y-W, He Y, Sun J, Ma J-X & Wan H-Q
Zhu Xiang-Kun
Genesis of Small-Volume Alkali-Tholeiitic Basalts: Implications for the Geochemical Continuum of Intraplate Basalts
Xie Q, Zhang Z, Foley SF, Chen C, Cheng Z, Wang Y, Kong W, Lv Y, Jin Q, Krmíček L, Zhu X-K & M S
High Precision Cadmium Isotope Measurement by Double Spike MC-ICP-MS
Li J, Zhu X-K, Tang S, Yan B & Ma J-X
Titanium Isotopic Fractionation during Magmatic Differentiation
Zhao X, Tang S, Huang S, Li J, Helz R, Marsh B & Zhu X
Lead Isotope Constraints on the Affinities Among Four Giant Massive Sulfide Deposits from the Langshan-Zhaertai Ore Belt, Northern China
Gao Z & Zhu X
A One-Column Separation of Ca and Sr for Accurate Isotopic Analysis Using MC-ICPMS
Sun J, Zhu X, Belshaw NS, Henderson GM, Chen B, Li S, Ma J & Li Z
High-Precision Ti Isotopic Analysis of Igneous Rocks Using a Double-Spike Method with MC–ICP–MS
Li J, Tang S-H, Zhu X-K, Ma J-X & Zhao X-M
A Fully Automatic Multi-Ions/Species Purification System for Elemental/Isotopic Analysis
Zhu Z-Y & Zhu X-K
Matrix Dependent Elution Behavior of Ti, Al, and Cr in Cation Resin
Ma J-X, Li J & Zhu X
The Ophiolitic Chromitite and Dunite with Highly Variable Cr#-spinel Originated from an Evolving Magma
She Y-W & Zhu X-K
Comparison of Redox States between the Ultramafic Bodies of Xigaze and Luobusha Ophiolites, Tibet, China
Zhu X-K, He Y, She Y-W & Wan H-Q
Separation of the Light Rare Earth Elements for Ce and Nd Isotope Analysis
Zhu Z & Zhu X
An Early Neoproterozoic Banded Iron Formation in China
Sun J, Zhu X & Li Z
New Basaltic and Solution Reference Materials for Iron, Copper and Zinc Isotope Measurements
Li J, Tang S-H & Zhu X-K
Lead Isotope Constraints on the Genetic Relationship between Cu-Zn-Pb Ores and S Ores in the Dongshengmiao Deposit, Northern China
Gao Z & Zhu X
Fe Isotope Composition of Paleoproterozoic Superior-Type Iron Formation from North China Craton
Li ZH & Zhu XK
Redox State Evolution of the Late Cryogenian Ocean: A Case Study from the Nanhua Basin
Zhu XK, Peng X, Zhang FF, Yan B & Shi FQ
Fe Isotope and Trace Element Variations in Shilu Fe-Ore Deposit, Hainan Province, China
Sun J, Zhu X-K, Li Z-H & Wang Y
Zhu Xiangfeng
Multi-Stage Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation of Permian Petroleum System in the Zaysan Basin, NE Kazakhstan
Zhu X & Shen C
Zhu Xiangkun
Fluid Exsolution during the Formation of Podiform Chromitites: Case Study from the Luobusa Ophiolite, Southern Tibet
Zhu X, He Y & She Y-W
Environmental Stabilisation and Biological Diversification in the Aftermath of the Sturtian Snowball Glaciation
Bowyer F, Krause AJ, Song Y, Huang K-J, Fu Y, Shen B, Li J, Zhu X, Kipp MA, van Maldegem LM, Brocks JJ, Shields GA, Le Hir G, Mills BJW & Poulton SW
Ca Isotope Compositions of Prairie Lake Carbonatite Complex
Sun J, Zhu X, Mitchell R, Wu F & Williams HM
Application of Ca Isotope Systematics in Studies of Carbonatites
Sun J, Zhu X, Belshaw N, Chen W, Doroshkevich AG, Luo W, Song W, Chen B, Cheng Z, Li Z-H, Wang Y, Kynicky J & Henderson G
Fluid-Mixing Induced Iron-Sulfur Isotope Decoupling Recorded in a Large Hydrothermal System
Gao Z & Zhu X
Biogeochemical Cycling of Nutrient Elements Following the Early Mesoproterozoic Oxygenation Event
Wang X, Zhu X & Zhang K
Zhu Xiangyu
Anaerobic Dissolution of Arsenopyrite:a Potential Underestimated Arsenic Pollution Source
Chang P, Zhu X & Teng H
Crystallization Process of Scorodite at Hydrothermal Conditions
Zhu X, Chang P, Li S & Teng HH
Association Constants of Fe(III)-As(V) Complexes in Solution and Solubility Product of Scorodite up to 90℃
Zhu X, Nordstrom K, McCleskey B, Wang R & Lu X
Oxidization of Chalcopyrite Mediated by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Secondary Minerals
Liu H, Lu X, Ouyang B, Zhu X, Li J & Lu J
Zhu Xiaobin
Advances and Challenges in the Study of Mechanisms on Salinization and Contamination of Deep Groundwater in the North China Plain
Wu J, Yang Y, Zhang Y & Zhu X
Mining-Induced Groundwater Environmental Impact Assessment at Shuyang County, Jiangsu Province, China
Zhu X, Wu J, Wu J & Xia Y
Characterization and Monitoring Transport of DNAPLs at a Contaminated Site Using Geophysical Methods and Numerical Simulation
Shi X, Wu J, Zhu X, Jiang Y & Sun Y
The Soil and Groundwater Investigation and Evaluation of a Certain Field in Fuyang, Zhejiang Procince
Liu J, Zhu X & Mei Y
Groundwater Modeling in Zhalute County, Inner Mongolia, China with the Help of ERT Used to Build the Hydrogeology Conceptual Model
Zhu X, Wu J & Xia Y
Zhu Xiaohui
Nb and Ta in the Rutiles from Eclogite in the Yuka, the North Qaidam UHP Belt in NW China
Zhao J, Chen D, Liu L & Zhu X
The Retrograde Partial Melting of the Xitieshan UHP Eclogite from the North Qaidam, NW China
Chen D, Liu L, Sun Y & Zhu X
Dating of Multi-Stage Metamorphism Events: Constraints on Episodic Zircon Growth from Retrograded Eclogites of the South Altyn Tagh, China
Liu L, Chen D, Wang C, Cao Y, Kang L, Yang W & Zhu X
Zhu Xiaojun
Revealing Thresholds of Petroleum Mobility in Shale: An Experimental Study
Zhu X, Cai J, Liu Q, Li Z & Zhang X
Correlation between Pyrolysis Data and Organic Matter Occurrence in Organo-Clay Complexes of Argillaceous Source Rock and its Significance
Cai J, Chao Q, Zhou Q & Zhu X
Thermally-Released Hydrocarbons Occurring on the Mineral Surface within Shale
Zhu X, Cai J, Jiang Q & Liu W
The Occurrence of Movable Organic Matter in Clay-Sized Fraction of Shale: Evidence from the Relationships between Organic Carbon and Specific Surface Areas
Zhu X, Cai J, Liu W & Lu X
Discussion on the Characteristics and Influence Factors of Specific Surfaces in Argillaceous Source Rocks
Zhu X, Cai J, Song G & Ji J
Zhu Xiaowei
Long Chain 1, 14-Diols as Potential Indicators for Upper Water Stratification in the Open South China Sea
Zhu X, Jia G, Xu W & Yan W
Organic Molecular Evidence of Seafloor Hydrocarbon Seepage in Sedimentary Intervals Down a Core in the Northern South China Sea
Yan W, Sun Y, Zhu X & Xu W
Denitrification Signals in the North Pacific Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Xu W, Zhu X & Yan W
Sediment Records of Long Chain Alkyl Diols in an Upwelling Area of the Coastal Northern South China Sea
Zhu X
Zhu Xiaping
Kinetic and Thermodynamics Studies of Cadmium Adsorption Behavior on Montmorillonite
Zhu X, Liu H, Xiang N & Tian Y
Zhu Xifen
Reductive Dehalogenation of Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutant by Iron Sulfides
Zhong Y, Li D, Zhu X, Huang W & Peng P
Zhu Xin-You
Geochronology and Geochemical Features of Ore Minerals for the Weilasituo Sn-Li-Rb Polymetallic Deposit, Inner Mongolia, China
Zhu K, Jiang S-Y, Su H-M & Zhu X-Y
Zhu XiYan
Geochronology and Kinetics of the Shapinggou Porphyry Mo Deposit in Jinzhai, Eastern Qinling-Dabie Orogenic Belt
Yang L, Chen F, Qi Y & Zhu X
Zhu Xuefeng
Manipulating Soil Microbial Carbon Pump Towards Belowground Carbon Sequestration
Liang C & Zhu X
Zhu Y
Geochemistry and zircon SHRIMP dating on the Late Paleozoic volcanic rocks in west Tianshan Mountains (Central Asia, Xinjiang)
Zhu Y, Guo X, Zhang L & Song B
Physical Chemistry Study on the Ore-forming Process of the Hetaoping Pb-Zn-polymetallic Deposit, Baoshan County, Yunnan Province, China
Xue C, Han R, Hu Y, Zou H & Zhu Y
Zhu Yafei
Ecological and Biogeochemical Controls on Blooms of Cyanobacteria
Cook P, Scicluna T, Woodland R, Grace M, Kessler A, Hipsey M, McCowan A & Zhu Y
Zhu Yaguang
Interfacial Energy Evolution of Heterogeneous CaCO3 Nucleation in the Presence of Sulfate
Zhu Y & Jun Y-S
Zhu Yanbei
Precise Determination of Silica in Seawater by ICP-MS after Magnesium Hydroxide Coprecipitation Using an Automatic Reagent Feeder
Zhu Y & Ren T
Zhu Yangtao
Deciphering the Origin of a Basanite-Alkali Basalt-Tholeiite Suite Using Zn Isotopes
Zhu Y & Liu Y
Zhu Yannian
Simulation of Aerosols, Cloud Properties and CCN Concentrations at a Regional Scale over China by the WRF-Cmaq Model
Yu S, Li P, Wang L, Wang P, Liu W, Zhu Y, Yu X, Rosenfeld D & Alapaty K
Zhu Yanping
CNTs/ferrihydrite as a Highly Efficient Heterogeneous Fenton Catalyst: The Important Role of CNTs in Accelerating Fe(III)/Fe(II) Cycling
Zhu Y & Zhu R
Zhu Yifan
Evaluating the Lability of Organic Matter from Individual Sources by Carbon Isotope Signature of Amino Acids in the Estuary
Tang T, Kang P, Zhang H, Zhu Y, He B & Li Q
The Accumulation of Nitrous Oxide in the Euphotic Zone
Wan X, Sheng H, Zhu Y, Xu M, Dai M & Kao SJ
Zhu Ying
Contamination and Ecological Risk of Antibiotics in Haihe River Catchment, China
Lei K, Zhu Y, He M & Lin C
Zhu Ying
Interactions between Fe(II) and Arsenic Species during Co-sorption onto Aluminum Oxide and Clay Mineral Substrates Under Anoxic Conditions
Elzinga E & Zhu Y
Zhu Ying
EXAFS Study of Secondary Fe(II) Precipitates Formed during Fe(II) Sorption onto Clay and Metal-Oxide Substrates
Zhu Y & Elzinga E