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Zhu Xiang- Kun (2017) Is Fe Isotope Composition of Banded Iron Formation a Proxy of pH? A Study of Neoproterozoic Iron Formations
Sun J, Zhu X-K, Li Z-H, Yan B & Li J
(2017) U Isotope Evidence for a Common Occurrence of Extensive Anoxia in the Cryogenian Ocean
Pan W, Zhang F, Zhu X, Cheng M, Li C, Yan B, Du Y, Zhang R & Chen J
(2017) Nitrogen Isotope Evidence for Nitrogen Cycle and Redox Variations in the Nanhua Basin during Cryogenian Non-Glacial Period
Wang D, Zhu X, Yan B & Shen Y
(2017) Constraints on the Zn Isotopic Evolution in Early Ediacaran Ocean: A Zinc Isotopic Study of Neoproterozoic Cap Carbonates in South China
Yan B & Zhu X-K
(2017) Mo Isotope Geochemistry of the Datangpo Formation in the Nanhua Basin, South China
Li J, Zhu X & Tang S
(2017) Comparison of Luobusha and Xigaze Chromite Mineralization from the Yarlung-Zangbo Ophiolite Belt
Zhu X-K, She Y-W, He Y, Sun J, Ma J-X & Wan H-Q

Zhu Xiang-Kun (2023) Genesis of Small-Volume Alkali-Tholeiitic Basalts: Implications for the Geochemical Continuum of Intraplate Basalts
Xie Q, Zhang Z, Foley SF, Chen C, Cheng Z, Wang Y, Kong W, Lv Y, Jin Q, Krmíček L, Zhu X-K & M S
(2023) High Precision Cadmium Isotope Measurement by Double Spike MC-ICP-MS
Li J, Zhu X-K, Tang S, Yan B & Ma J-X
(2019) Titanium Isotopic Fractionation during Magmatic Differentiation
Zhao X, Tang S, Huang S, Li J, Helz R, Marsh B & Zhu X
(2019) Lead Isotope Constraints on the Affinities Among Four Giant Massive Sulfide Deposits from the Langshan-Zhaertai Ore Belt, Northern China
Gao Z & Zhu X
(2019) A One-Column Separation of Ca and Sr for Accurate Isotopic Analysis Using MC-ICPMS
Sun J, Zhu X, Belshaw NS, Henderson GM, Chen B, Li S, Ma J & Li Z
(2019) High-Precision Ti Isotopic Analysis of Igneous Rocks Using a Double-Spike Method with MC–ICP–MS
Li J, Tang S-H, Zhu X-K, Ma J-X & Zhao X-M
(2019) A Fully Automatic Multi-Ions/Species Purification System for Elemental/Isotopic Analysis
Zhu Z-Y & Zhu X-K
(2019) Matrix Dependent Elution Behavior of Ti, Al, and Cr in Cation Resin
Ma J-X, Li J & Zhu X
(2019) The Ophiolitic Chromitite and Dunite with Highly Variable Cr#-spinel Originated from an Evolving Magma
She Y-W & Zhu X-K
(2019) Comparison of Redox States between the Ultramafic Bodies of Xigaze and Luobusha Ophiolites, Tibet, China
Zhu X-K, He Y, She Y-W & Wan H-Q
(2018) Separation of the Light Rare Earth Elements for Ce and Nd Isotope Analysis
Zhu Z & Zhu X
(2018) An Early Neoproterozoic Banded Iron Formation in China
Sun J, Zhu X & Li Z
(2018) New Basaltic and Solution Reference Materials for Iron, Copper and Zinc Isotope Measurements
Li J, Tang S-H & Zhu X-K
(2018) Lead Isotope Constraints on the Genetic Relationship between Cu-Zn-Pb Ores and S Ores in the Dongshengmiao Deposit, Northern China
Gao Z & Zhu X
(2016) Fe Isotope Composition of Paleoproterozoic Superior-Type Iron Formation from North China Craton
Li ZH & Zhu XK
(2016) Redox State Evolution of the Late Cryogenian Ocean: A Case Study from the Nanhua Basin
Zhu XK, Peng X, Zhang FF, Yan B & Shi FQ
(2016) Fe Isotope and Trace Element Variations in Shilu Fe-Ore Deposit, Hainan Province, China
Sun J, Zhu X-K, Li Z-H & Wang Y

Zhu Xiangfeng (2018) Multi-Stage Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation of Permian Petroleum System in the Zaysan Basin, NE Kazakhstan
Zhu X & Shen C

Zhu Xiangkun (2023) Fluid Exsolution during the Formation of Podiform Chromitites: Case Study from the Luobusa Ophiolite, Southern Tibet
Zhu X, He Y & She Y-W
(2023) Environmental Stabilisation and Biological Diversification in the Aftermath of the Sturtian Snowball Glaciation
Bowyer F, Krause AJ, Song Y, Huang K-J, Fu Y, Shen B, Li J, Zhu X, Kipp MA, van Maldegem LM, Brocks JJ, Shields GA, Le Hir G, Mills BJW & Poulton SW
(2023) Ca Isotope Compositions of Prairie Lake Carbonatite Complex
Sun J, Zhu X, Mitchell R, Wu F & Williams HM
(2021) Application of Ca Isotope Systematics in Studies of Carbonatites
Sun J, Zhu X, Belshaw N, Chen W, Doroshkevich AG, Luo W, Song W, Chen B, Cheng Z, Li Z-H, Wang Y, Kynicky J & Henderson G
(2020) Fluid-Mixing Induced Iron-Sulfur Isotope Decoupling Recorded in a Large Hydrothermal System
Gao Z & Zhu X
(2020) Biogeochemical Cycling of Nutrient Elements Following the Early Mesoproterozoic Oxygenation Event
Wang X, Zhu X & Zhang K

Zhu Xiangyu (2022) Anaerobic Dissolution of Arsenopyrite:a Potential Underestimated Arsenic Pollution Source
Chang P, Zhu X & Teng H
(2020) Crystallization Process of Scorodite at Hydrothermal Conditions
Zhu X, Chang P, Li S & Teng HH
(2017) Association Constants of Fe(III)-As(V) Complexes in Solution and Solubility Product of Scorodite up to 90℃
Zhu X, Nordstrom K, McCleskey B, Wang R & Lu X
(2013) Oxidization of Chalcopyrite Mediated by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Secondary Minerals
Liu H, Lu X, Ouyang B, Zhu X, Li J & Lu J

Zhu Xiaobin (2011) Advances and Challenges in the Study of Mechanisms on Salinization and Contamination of Deep Groundwater in the North China Plain
Wu J, Yang Y, Zhang Y & Zhu X
(2011) Mining-Induced Groundwater Environmental Impact Assessment at Shuyang County, Jiangsu Province, China
Zhu X, Wu J, Wu J & Xia Y
(2010) Characterization and Monitoring Transport of DNAPLs at a Contaminated Site Using Geophysical Methods and Numerical Simulation
Shi X, Wu J, Zhu X, Jiang Y & Sun Y
(2008) The Soil and Groundwater Investigation and Evaluation of a Certain Field in Fuyang, Zhejiang Procince
Liu J, Zhu X & Mei Y
(2008) Groundwater Modeling in Zhalute County, Inner Mongolia, China with the Help of ERT Used to Build the Hydrogeology Conceptual Model
Zhu X, Wu J & Xia Y

Zhu Xiaohui (2010) Nb and Ta in the Rutiles from Eclogite in the Yuka, the North Qaidam UHP Belt in NW China
Zhao J, Chen D, Liu L & Zhu X
(2010) The Retrograde Partial Melting of the Xitieshan UHP Eclogite from the North Qaidam, NW China
Chen D, Liu L, Sun Y & Zhu X
(2010) Dating of Multi-Stage Metamorphism Events: Constraints on Episodic Zircon Growth from Retrograded Eclogites of the South Altyn Tagh, China
Liu L, Chen D, Wang C, Cao Y, Kang L, Yang W & Zhu X

Zhu Xiaojun (2017) Revealing Thresholds of Petroleum Mobility in Shale: An Experimental Study
Zhu X, Cai J, Liu Q, Li Z & Zhang X
(2017) Correlation between Pyrolysis Data and Organic Matter Occurrence in Organo-Clay Complexes of Argillaceous Source Rock and its Significance
Cai J, Chao Q, Zhou Q & Zhu X
(2016) Thermally-Released Hydrocarbons Occurring on the Mineral Surface within Shale
Zhu X, Cai J, Jiang Q & Liu W
(2015) The Occurrence of Movable Organic Matter in Clay-Sized Fraction of Shale: Evidence from the Relationships between Organic Carbon and Specific Surface Areas
Zhu X, Cai J, Liu W & Lu X
(2013) Discussion on the Characteristics and Influence Factors of Specific Surfaces in Argillaceous Source Rocks
Zhu X, Cai J, Song G & Ji J

Zhu Xiaowei (2020) Long Chain 1, 14-Diols as Potential Indicators for Upper Water Stratification in the Open South China Sea
Zhu X, Jia G, Xu W & Yan W
(2020) Organic Molecular Evidence of Seafloor Hydrocarbon Seepage in Sedimentary Intervals Down a Core in the Northern South China Sea
Yan W, Sun Y, Zhu X & Xu W
(2019) Denitrification Signals in the North Pacific Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Xu W, Zhu X & Yan W
(2019) Sediment Records of Long Chain Alkyl Diols in an Upwelling Area of the Coastal Northern South China Sea
Zhu X

Zhu Xiaping (2012) Kinetic and Thermodynamics Studies of Cadmium Adsorption Behavior on Montmorillonite
Zhu X, Liu H, Xiang N & Tian Y

Zhu Xifen (2020) Reductive Dehalogenation of Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutant by Iron Sulfides
Zhong Y, Li D, Zhu X, Huang W & Peng P

Zhu Xin-You (2022) Geochronology and Geochemical Features of Ore Minerals for the Weilasituo Sn-Li-Rb Polymetallic Deposit, Inner Mongolia, China
Zhu K, Jiang S-Y, Su H-M & Zhu X-Y

Zhu XiYan (2012) Geochronology and Kinetics of the Shapinggou Porphyry Mo Deposit in Jinzhai, Eastern Qinling-Dabie Orogenic Belt
Yang L, Chen F, Qi Y & Zhu X

Zhu Xuefeng (2019) Manipulating Soil Microbial Carbon Pump Towards Belowground Carbon Sequestration
Liang C & Zhu X

Zhu Y (2006) Geochemistry and zircon SHRIMP dating on the Late Paleozoic volcanic rocks in west Tianshan Mountains (Central Asia, Xinjiang)
Zhu Y, Guo X, Zhang L & Song B
(2006) Physical Chemistry Study on the Ore-forming Process of the Hetaoping Pb-Zn-polymetallic Deposit, Baoshan County, Yunnan Province, China
Xue C, Han R, Hu Y, Zou H & Zhu Y

Zhu Yafei (2015) Ecological and Biogeochemical Controls on Blooms of Cyanobacteria
Cook P, Scicluna T, Woodland R, Grace M, Kessler A, Hipsey M, McCowan A & Zhu Y

Zhu Yaguang (2023) Interfacial Energy Evolution of Heterogeneous CaCO3 Nucleation in the Presence of Sulfate
Zhu Y & Jun Y-S

Zhu Yanbei (2016) Precise Determination of Silica in Seawater by ICP-MS after Magnesium Hydroxide Coprecipitation Using an Automatic Reagent Feeder
Zhu Y & Ren T

Zhu Yangtao (2022) Deciphering the Origin of a Basanite-Alkali Basalt-Tholeiite Suite Using Zn Isotopes
Zhu Y & Liu Y

Zhu Yannian (2016) Simulation of Aerosols, Cloud Properties and CCN Concentrations at a Regional Scale over China by the WRF-Cmaq Model
Yu S, Li P, Wang L, Wang P, Liu W, Zhu Y, Yu X, Rosenfeld D & Alapaty K

Zhu Yanping (2020) CNTs/ferrihydrite as a Highly Efficient Heterogeneous Fenton Catalyst: The Important Role of CNTs in Accelerating Fe(III)/Fe(II) Cycling
Zhu Y & Zhu R

Zhu Yifan (2018) Evaluating the Lability of Organic Matter from Individual Sources by Carbon Isotope Signature of Amino Acids in the Estuary
Tang T, Kang P, Zhang H, Zhu Y, He B & Li Q
(2016) The Accumulation of Nitrous Oxide in the Euphotic Zone
Wan X, Sheng H, Zhu Y, Xu M, Dai M & Kao SJ

Zhu Ying (2019) Contamination and Ecological Risk of Antibiotics in Haihe River Catchment, China
Lei K, Zhu Y, He M & Lin C

Zhu Ying (2013) Interactions between Fe(II) and Arsenic Species during Co-sorption onto Aluminum Oxide and Clay Mineral Substrates Under Anoxic Conditions
Elzinga E & Zhu Y

Zhu Ying (2014) EXAFS Study of Secondary Fe(II) Precipitates Formed during Fe(II) Sorption onto Clay and Metal-Oxide Substrates
Zhu Y & Elzinga E

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