Zhu Siteng
The Impact of the 2020 COVID-19 Lockdown and 2021 Heavy Snowfall on Atmospheric Conditions from the Mt. Tateyama Snowpack Point of View
Noguchi T, Yamaguchi K, Zhang J, Toyama K, Otsuka S & Zhu S
Quantifying Mesoscale Isopycnal/Diapycnal Water Mixing Processes in the Subtropical North Pacific and Marginal Seas Using Multiple Trace Elements and Isotopes: Water Composition and Material Exchange Influenced by Turbulence and Eddy
Zhu S, Zhang J, Liu Q & Matsuno T
Quantifying the Origins of Low-Oxygen Bottom Waters and the Influence of Tidal Effect on the Outer Shelf of the East China Sea Using Multiple Tracers
Deng W, Zhang J, Zhu S, Horikawa K & Endoh T
Zhu Tao
3.84 Ga Crustal Material in Dunhuang Block, Gansu Provence, China
Wang H-L, Xu X-Y, Zhu T, Li T & Li Z-P
Zhu Tingting
Microbial Carbonate Precipitation Under High Alkaline Condition and its Implications in Concrete Restoration
Zhu T, Paulo C & Dittrich M
XPS Study of Bioleached Arsenopyrite by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
Zhu T, Lu X, Wang R & Lu J
Zhu Tong
Association between Size-Segregated Particles in Ambient Air and Acute Respiratory Inflammation in Elderly with pre-Diabetes
Han Y, Wang Y, Chen X, Wang J, Fang Y, Hu M, Li W, Zhou G, Zhang H & Zhu T
Zhu W
Mesozoic-Cenozoic Exhumation History of North Tianshan, Northwest China: Constrains from Fission Track Analysis
Zhu W
Geochemical Characteristics and Genesis of the Late Paleozoic Metamorphic Rocks in Eastern Tianshan, Northwest China
Zhu W, Shu L, Zhao M & Sun Y
Zhu Wei
Mercury Deposition and Redox Transformation Processes in Peatland Constrained by Mercury Stable Isotopes
Li C, Jiskra M, Nilsson M, Osterwalder S, Zhu W, Mauquoy D, Skyllberg U, Enrico M, Peng H, Song Y, Björn E & Bishop K
Environmental and Biological Controls on Mercury Records in Collocated Tree Rings, Peat Deposits, and Lake Sediment Archives in Northern Sweden
Peng H, Zhang X, Marshall J, Nilsson M, Li C, Björn E, Bishop K & Zhu W
Using Organic Matter Gradients to Predict Mercury Cycling in Perturbed Coastal Seas
Björn E, Bravo AG, Jonsson S, Seelen E, Skrobonja A, Skyllberg U, Soerensen A & Zhu W
Zhu Wei-Guang
Whole Rock and Mineral Composition Constraints on the Genesis of the Giant Hongge Fe-Ti-V Oxide Deposit in the ELIP, SW China
Bai Z-J, Zhong H, Li C, Zhu W-G & Xu G-W
Zhu Wei.Ping.
Indonesian Mineralization Event in the Wulashan District, Northwest China: Evidence of Isotopic Geochronology
Zhang YM, Gu XX, Yang WL & Zhu WP
Zhu Weilin
Zhu Weipeng
Thermal Effect of the Late Paleoproterozoic Episodic Magmatism in the Jining Terrane, North China Craton
Zhu W, Wang B & Tian W
Zhu Wen-Bin
The P-T Path of Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution of Jiajika Pegmatite-Type Li Deposit
Lin H-F, Zhu W-B, Wei H-Z & Tan X-R
Zhu Wenbin
Origin of Continental Crust by Water-Fluxed Melting of Thick Archean Oceanic Arcs
Ge R, Wilde S & Zhu W
Rutile Formation by Arc-Continent Collsion in South China
Cui X, Wang Y & Zhu W
A Paleoproterozoic Tectonothermal Event Recorded in Precambrian Basement Rocks of the Kuluketage Block, Northeastern Tarim, China
Zhu W, Wu H, Shu L & Ma D
The Evolution of the Tarim Craton in Archean and Proterozoic: Zircon U–Pb and Hf Isotopic Evidence from the Kuruktag Area, NW China
Zheng B, Zhu W, Shu L, Wu H & He J
Unravelling the Exhumation History of the Precambrian Basement Rocks in the Northern Tarim Through Apatite Fission Track Theomochronology
Zhu W, Zhang Z & Shu L
Zhu Wenlu
Identifying Active Vent Deposit Environments Conducive for Life
Tivey MK, Gribbin J, Zhu W & Reysenbach A-L
Zhu Wenlu
The Effect of Particle Size on the Supercritical CO2 Extraction of Hydrocarbons from the Marcellus Shale
Jarboe P, Candela P, Zhu W & Kaufman J
Zhu Wenyi
Molecular- and Pore-Scale Response of Uranium to Advective Geochemical Gradients in Heterogeneous Sediments
Savage K, Zhu W, Barnett MO, Womble CT & Patton J
Zhu X
Pb isotope fractionation during evaporation
Zhu X, Wu X, Cui J, Yang C & Yang Y
Fe isotope variations in peridotite xenoliths from Hannuoba, North China Craton
Zhao X, Zhu X, Zhang H & Tang S
Groundwater Modeling for the Phreatic-Confined Aquifers System in the Huolinhe River Basin, Inner Mongolia, China
Wu J, Zhu X & Ye S
Fluid Inclusion Study on the Ore-Forming Fluid of Rutile Occuring in Eclogite from CCSD Main Hole
Ni P, Wang R, Ling H, Jiang S, Qiu J, Zhu X & Xu Q
Determination of Pb Isotope Ratios Using Multiple Collector ICP-MS and Tl Normalization
He X, Zhu X, Yang C, Tang S & Chai J
Groundwater Modeling for Deep Aquifers in the Yangtze Delta (South of the Yangtze River)
Zhu X, Wu J, Ye S & Zhao J
Metal-Silicate Fractionation and Chondrule Formation: Fe Isotope Constraints
Zhu X, Guo Y, Tang S, Galy A, Ash R & O'Nions K
Ore Deposits at the Permian Sedimentary Rock/Volcanic Rock Interface in Guizhou Province and their Genesis
Wang Z & Zhu X
Metallogenesis by Adsorption
Zhu X & Wang Z
High Precision Iron Isotope Measurements in Meteorites
Zhu X, Guo Y, Galy A, O'Nions K, Young E & Ash R
Experimental Study of Iron Isotope Fractionation
Matthews A, Zhu X & O'Nions K
Zhu X. K.
Mass Fractionation of Transition Metal Isotopes
Zhu XK, O’Nions RK, Matthews A, Guo Y & Williams RJP
Fractionation of Heavier Stable Isotopes in Planetary Processes
O'Nions RK, Zhu XK, Guo Y & Matthews A
Zhu X. Sean
Evidence for Anaerobic Biodegradation of Hydrocarbons in the Subsurface Environment
Oka A, Phelps C, Zhu XS, Saber D & Young L
Zhu Xi
Multi-Stable Isotope Variations (Fe-Zn-Cu) along the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone (Southern Tibet, China)
Yang K, Debret B, Wang C, Shen J, Zhu X & Dai J
The Critical Point and the Vaporization of Phlogopite
Zhu X & Caracas R
Origins of Deep Abiotic Hydrocarbons: Insights from Fundamental Redox Reactions within the Fe-C-H-O System
Wang C, Tao R, Zhang L, Debret B, Walters JB, Lan C, Zhu X, Yang K & Menez B
Transition in Household Energy and Impacts on Regional Air Quality
Shen G, Zhu X, Du W & Tao S
Zhu Xi Yan
Zircon Ages and Hf Isotopic Feature of Neoproterozoic Metamorphosed Sedimentary Rocks in the South Qinling Terrain, China
Zhu XY, Chen F, Li SQ & Yang L
Late Mesozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Songliao Basin, NE China: Evidence from Detrital Zircon Ages and Sr-Nd Isotopes
Li S, Chen F, Zhu X & Siebel W
Ore-Forming Age and Origin of the Donggou Porphyry Mo Deposit in the Eastern Qinling Orogenic Belt, Central China
Yang L, Chen F & Zhu XY
Zhu Xianfan
C/N and 13C in Suspended and Sedimentary Organic Matter as Evidences for Changes of Turning Ecosystem in Karst Areas, Southwest China
Jiang Y, Ji H, Zhu X & Wang S
Zhu Xianfang
The Study on Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (VPH) in Soils from Refueling Service Station in Beijing, China
Zhu X, Huang Y & Ji H
Zhu Xianfang
Origin and Fractionation of Heavy Metals of Sediments in the Drinking Water Source of Beijing
Zhu X & Ji H
Zhu Xianfang
Sulfur, Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Variation in the Drinking Water Source of Beijing
Ji H, Zhu X, Li H, Lu F & Xin X
Zhu Xiang Kun
Molybdenum Isotopic Composition of Wafangzi Ferromanganese Oxide Deposit and its Paleoceanographic Implications
Li J & Zhu X-K
Fe Isotope Composition of the Early Mesoproterozoic Epicontinental Fe-Sedimentation and its Paleoceanographic Significance
Li Z & ZHu X
Iron Isotope Fractionation during Differentiation of Mafic Magma and its Bearing on Fe Mineralisation: A Case Study from the Panzhihua Layered Intrusion, China
Zhu X-K, Wang S-X, Wang Y & Song X
Mesoproterozoic Mn Mineralisation in North China Craton and its Paleoceanographic Significance
Zhu X-K, Zhang F-F, Yan B & Gao Z-F
Cu Isotope Fractionation during Weathering of Basalt
Li SZ, Zhu XK, Dong AG & Wang SX
Fe Isotopic Characteristics of Neoproterozoic Iron Formations in South China
Yan B, Zhu X-K, Li Z-H, Li J, Zhu M-Y & Zhang F-F
Fe-Nd- Isotopes and Trace Element Geochemistry of the Neoproterozoic Iron Formation in Xinyu, Yangtze Region, China
Sun J, Zhu X-K, Li Z-H, Yan B & Li J
High-Precision Measurements of Molybdenum Isotopic Compositions of Geochemical Reference Materials
Li J, Zhu X-K & Tang S
Mg and Fe Isotope Constraints on the Genesis of Bayan Obo Ore Deposits, Inner Mongolia, China
Zhu X, Sun J & Li S
Zn Isotope Compostions of the Ediacaran Carbonates, Yangtze Block
Yan B, Zhu X & Tang S
Isotope Fractionation of Transition Metals by Higher Plants
Zhu X & Li S
Copper Isotope Fractionation by Higher Plants
Zhu X-K, Li S-Z, Luo Y-M & Wu L-H
Iron Isotope Fractionations Under Different Digenetic Environments in Lake Sediments
Song L, Liu C-Q, Wang Z-L, Zhu X, Teng Y, Wang J, Liang L & Tang S
Transition Metal Isotope Variations in North Pacific Deep Water
Zhu XK, Li J, Tang SH & Ling HF
Fe Isotope Behaviour during Regional Metamorphism: Example from Anshan BIFs, NE China
Li ZH, Zhu XK & Tang SH
Experimental Study on Cu Isotope Fractionation during Crystallization and Reduction at Low Temperatures
Li J, Zhu XK & Tang SH
A Surprising Correlation between Magnesium Isotope Composition and pH in Synthetic Calcium Carbonates Precipitated from Saline Water
Li SZ, Zhu XK, Xiao YK & He X
Fe Isotopes of Banded Iron Formation from Anshan, Northeast China
Li Z, Zhu X, Li Y & Tang S
Fe Isotope Fractionation during Fe(III) Hydrolysis in Cl- Medium at Low Temperatures
Li J, Zhu X, Tang S & Ling H
Fe Isotope Variations in North Pacific Deep Water over Last 80Ma
Zhu X, Li J, Tang S & Ling H
Determination of True Fractional Calcium Absorption by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
He X, Zhu X, Liu D, Yang C, Chen W & Lee W
Natural and Experimental Mass Fractionation of Transition Metal Isotopes
O'Nions K & Zhu X-K
Mg and Ca Isotope Fractionation during CaCO3 Biomineralization
Chang VT-C, Belshaw N, Makishima A, Williams RJP, Zhu X-K & O'Nions RK
Spatial and Temporal Variations of Transition Metal Isotopes in Oceans
Zhu X-K, Guo Y & O'Nions K
High Precision Measurement of Ti Isotopes in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Materials
Guo Y, Maxshima A, Zhu X-K, Belshaw N, O'Nions K & Russell S