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Zhu Rixiang (2016) Paleoenvironmental Implications of Archean Magnetotaxis
Kirschvink J, Lin W, Patterson G, Wang Y, Bazylinski D, Zhu R & Pan Y

Zhu Rixiang (2018) Microsample Unspiked K-Ar Dating: A New Approach of Argon Geochronology
Wang F, Shi W, Zhang W, Yang L, W L, Wang Y & Zhu R

Zhu Rixiang (2012) Noble Gas Isotopes in Cenozoic Mantle Xenoliths from the North China Craton
He H, Su F, Wang Y, Wang L & Zhu R

Zhu Rixiang (2015) YBCs Sanidine: A New Standard for 40Ar/39Ar Dating
Wang F, Jourdan F, Lo C-H, Nomade S, Guillou H, Zhu R, Yang L & Shi W
(2013) Noble Gases in Mantle Xenoliths from the Tan-Lu Fault Zone, North China Craton
He H, Su F & Zhu R

Zhu Rong (2013) Subseafloor Microbial Community in the Benguela Upwelling Area Characterized by Lipid Biomarkers and Intracellular DNA
Evans TW, Wörmer L, Lever M-A, Zhu R, Lagostina L, Jørgensen BB & Hinrichs K-U

Zhu Rui

Zhu Ruixin (2019) Odinarchaeote-Tengchong Illuminates the Origination of Eukaryotic Endosomal System
Wu D, Fan L, Xiao J, Xu Y, Zhu R & Zhang C
(2019) Mitochondria Branch within Alphaproteobacteria
Fan L, Wu D, Xiao J, Xu Y, Zhang C, Martin WF & Zhu R
(2017) The Response of Archaeal Species to Seasonal Variables in a Subtropical Aerated Soil
Xie W, Jiao N, Ma C, Phelps TJ, Zhu R & Zhang C

Zhu Rukai (2016) Diagenesis Types and Processes of Volcanic-Rock Reservoirs
Mao Z, Zhu R, Wang J, Su L & Luo Z
(2016) In situ Fracturing Characterization of Tight Sand: Insight for Reservoir Stimulation
Wu S, Zhu R & Zhai X
(2016) Movable Oil and its Controlling Factors in Tight Sandstone Oil
Cui J & Zhu R

Zhu Rukai (2017) Depositional Environments of the Permian Lucaogou Formation, Juggar Basin, NW China and Implications for Tight Oil Exploration
Liu C, Liu K, Wang X, Zhu R & Wu L
(2017) Self-Generation and Self-Preservation of Tight Oil in Diamictite Formations and Prediction of Sweet Spots
Bai B, Zhu R & Li T

Zhu Rukai

Zhu Rukai (2019) Sedimentary and Geochemical Characteristics of the Triassic Chang 7 Member Shale in the Southeastern Ordos Basin, Central China
Cui J, Zhu R & Luo Z

Zhu Rukai (2020) Are Organic-Matter-Rich Shales with Laminations the Right Targets for Lacustrine Shale Oil Exploration?
Wu S, Zhu R, Yang Z & Cui J

Zhu Rukai (2023) Ferruginous Conditions in Different Lacustrine Basins in China
Liang X, Katsev S, Jin Z, Liu Q, Zhu R, Shen B & Gao J

Zhu Rukai (2013) Interrelation between Tuffs and Organic Rich Source Rock in Chang7 Formation, Triassic, Ordos Basin, Central China
Cui J, Zhu R, Wu S & Bai B
(2013) Hydrocarbon Geology Characteristics and Exploring Prospect of Ultradeep Layers Onshore China
Hu S, Zou C, Hou L & Zhu R

Zhu Rukai (2015) Appraisal Methods on Oil Fluid Ability in Tight Sandstone: A Case Study of Chang7 Formation, Ordos Basin
Cui J & Zhu R
(2015) From Pore System to Fluid Flow: Tight Oil Evaluation and Sweet-Spotting
Wu S, Zhu R, Su L & Cui J

Zhu Rukai (2014) Source-Reservoir Rock Microstructure and Tight-Oil Accumulation _An Example of Tight Oil Study in the Cretaceous Xiagou Formation, JiuQuan Basin, Northwestern China
Bai B, Zhu R & Li T
(2014) Characteristics of Mixed Sedimentary Reservoirs
Li T, Zhu R & Bai B
(2014) Research Advances of Microscopic Pore-Throat Structural Characterization Techiques in Unconventional Tight Oil and Gas Reservoirs
Zhu R, Bai B, Wu S & Cui J
(2014) The Glutenite Reservoir’s Lithofacies-Diagenetic Facies Assemblages and Geophysical Property of the Nearshore Subaqueous Fans in Bonan Sag
Zhang S, Cao Y, Zhu R & Wang Y
(2014) Formation Mechanism for the Storage and Percolation Spaces in Weathered Volcanic Reservoirs
Wang J, Zhu R & Mao Z
(2014) Diagenetic Facies and Distribution of Favorable Reservoirs in the Upper Triassic Xu Jiahe formation, Sichuan Basin
Luo Z, Zhu R, Bai B, Zhou C & Zhang X

Zhu Runliang (2012) Adsorption of Organics and Nanoparticles at Mineral-Water Interfaces
Parker S, Shapley T, Zhu R & Molinari M
(2011) Structure and Stability of Mineral Interfaces
Parker S, Molinari M, Zhu R, Smith W & Noguera C

Zhu Runliang (2015) Heavy Metal Asdorption and Transport at Clay Minerals – Water Interfaces Using Atomistic Simulations
Molinari M, Martins D, Zhu R, Gonçalves M & Parker S

Zhu Runliang (2016) Oxyanions Interaction with Oxyhydroxides Mineral Surfaces
Molinari M, Symington A, Zhou Q, Zhu R & Parker S

Zhu Runliang (2017) Co-sorption Mechanisms of Heavy-Metal Cations and Oxyanions on Iron (Oxyhydr)oxides
Zhu R, Liu J, Zhu J & He H
(2017) Adsorption of Multi-Contaminant on Modified Montmorillonite
Ma L, Zhu J, Zhu R, Liang X & He H

Zhu Runliang (2019) Combined Experimental and Atom Level Simulation Studies of Cadmium Adsorption at Goethite-Water Interfaces
Zhang W, Liu J, Underwood TL, Zhu R & Parker SC

Zhu Runliang (2020) CNTs/ferrihydrite as a Highly Efficient Heterogeneous Fenton Catalyst: The Important Role of CNTs in Accelerating Fe(III)/Fe(II) Cycling
Zhu Y & Zhu R

Zhu S (2006) Modeling of Tibetan Dynamic Deformation with a Ductile Lower Crust
Shi Y, Cao J, Zhang C, Fan T, An M & Zhu S
(2003) The Origin of Bedded Radiolarian Chert from the Middle Permian Gufeng Formation, Chaohu Area, Anhui Province, China
Kametaka M, Takebe M, Nagai H, Zhu S & Takayanagi Y

Zhu Sanyuan (2023) Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Analysis (CSRA) as a Tool for Tracking the Atmospheric Fate of Carbonaceous Aerosols
Zhang G, Xu B, Tang T, Yi X, Zhong G, Cheng Z, Zhu S & Li J
(2020) Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Analysis (CSRA) of SOA-Related Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere
Zhang G, Xu B, Tang T, Cheng Z, Li J, Cheng H, Shen C, Ding P & Zhu S
(2019) Tracing Carbon Fixation by 14C and 13C in a Cold Seep Community in South China Sea
Wang N, Zhou L, Shen C, Sun W, Ding P, Zhu S & Sha Z
(2010) Authigenic and Biogenic Minerals in Volcanic Hot Springs of Kamchatka, Russia
Li Y & Zhu S

Zhu Shanshan (2017) Decoupled Distribution of Plant- and Microbial-Derived Organic Carbon in Mongolian Grassland Soils
Ma T, Zhu S, Chen D, Bai Y, Wang Z & Feng X

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