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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Zhang Siqi (2021) Genetic Mechanism and Tectonic Significance of Postglacial Conglomerate Accumulation at Diexi in the Eastern Tibet
Zhang S, Jiang H, Fan J, Xu H, Shi W, Guo Q & Wei X
(2015) Variations in Intraplate Melting Regimes during Earth’s Evolution
O'Neill C & Zhang S

Zhang Siting (2018) Triple Oxygen Isotope Fractionation during Phosphoric Acid Digestion of Carbonates
Tang M, Zhang S & Liu Y
(2016) Kinetic Si Isotope Fractionation Factors in Chert Formation Processes
Tang M, He H, Zhang S & Liu Y

Zhang Siyuan

Zhang Song-Hang (2016) Relationship between Enrichment of Rare Earth Elements and Paleoenvironment and Paleoclimate of the No.4 Coal from Pingshuo Mine, Ningwu Basin, North China
Chen Y, Tang S & Zhang S
(2016) Mode of Occurrence of Fluorine in Late Palaeozoic Coals from Junger Coalfield, Ordos Basin, China
Yang N, Tang S-H & Zhang S-H

Zhang Steven (2012) Lattice Boltzmann Modelling of Stellate Plagioclase, Central Layered Series of Isle of Rum, Scotland
Zhang S, Fowler A & L'Heureux I

Zhang Su-Xin (2010) Oscillatory Zoning of Jarosite-Group Minerals in the Xitieshan Pb-Zn Deposit, NW China
Chen L, Li J-W, Zheng S & Zhang S-X

Zhang T (2005) Dynamic Ocean Chemistry Around the Marinoan glaciation˜Isotopic Evidence from Cap Carbonates
Chu X, Zhang T, Strauss H, Zhang Q & Feng L
(2005) Effect of Aqueous Chemistry on the Thermal Stability of Hydrocarbons in Petroleum Reservoirs
Tang Y, Ellis G, Zhang T & Jin Y
(2004) S and C Isotopic Records from 1.7 to 0.8 Ga Carbonate Successions of Jixian Section, North China
Chu X, Zhang T, Zhang Q & Feng L
(2003) Secular Variations in δ34S and δ13C Values of Late Neoproterozoic Carbonates from Southern China
Chu X, Zhang Q, Zhang T & Feng L

Zhang Tao (2023) Microscopic Pore Structure and Macroscopic Fluid Flow-Chemical Transport in Host Rocks and Barrier Materials
Wang Q, Hu Q, Zhao C, Zhang T, Fukatsu Y & Tachi Y
(2023) Hydrogen Diffusion in Representative Geological Formations Used for Underground Storage
Hu Q, Zhang T, Wang Q & Xue Q
(2023) Biodegradation and Carbon Resource Recovery of Poly(butylene Adipate-Co-terephthalate) (PBAT) by Mealworms
Zhang Y, Chen J, Zhou X, Gao F, Zhang T & Zhang Y
(2023) Petrophysical Properties of Representative Geological Rocks Encountered in Effective Carbon Storage and Utilization
Yang S, Hu Q, Wang Q & Zhang T

Zhang Taona (2016) The Adsorption Behavior of Uranium on Pyrophyllite
Zhang T, Zhang N, Jiang J & Liu C

Zhang Tianjin (2010) The Discovery and Geological Significance of Boiling Hydrocarbon Inclusion of Yanchang Formation in Southeastern Ordos Basin
Fu G, Zhang T & Sun L

Zhang Tianshu (2018) Accumulation of Lacustrine Shale Oil in Triassic Chang 7 Member in Ordos Basin and its Controlling Factors
Bai B, Hu S, Tao S, Chen Y & Zhang T

Zhang Tiantian (2012) Mechanisms Governing Nanoparticle Transport in Porous Media
Bryant S, Yu H, Murphy M, Zhang T, Worthen A, Yoon KY, Johnston K & Huh C

Zhang Tina (2012) Sorption of Cationic Amines to Soils and Soil Minerals: Role of Intermolecular Interactions
Vasudevan D, Arey T, Newman M & Zhang T

Zhang Ting (2020) Application of Rapid Heat Separation and Injection in Detection of Biomarker Compounds
Wang Z, Zhang T, Yang J, Li X, Li Z & Zhang M
(2020) Occurrence of Macrocyclic Alkanes in Hurleg Lake, Northwest China
Zhang T, Zhang M, Gong J, Wang Y, Wei Z, Wang G, Yang H, Ma H & Wang Z
(2019) Cu Isotope Systematics in the Largely Anthropogenically Impacted Pearl River, China
Zhang T, Chen J, Zhang Y & Wang Z
(2019) Mercury Isotopic Composition in the Large Anthropogenically Impacted Pearl River, South China
Zhang Y, Chen J, Wang Z, Yuan S, Yuan W, Zhang T & Liu Y
(2018) The Effect of Temperature on the Formation of Steranes
Wang Z, Liang M, Li X, Zhang T, Qiang Y & Li Z
(2017) Paleovegetation Inferred from the Carbon Isotope Composition of Long-Chain Nalkanes in Lacustrine Sediments from the Song-Nen Plain, Northeast China
Wei Z, Wang Y, Wang G, Sun Z, Xu L & Zhang T
(2016) Preliminary Study of Cu Isotopic Composition in the Yangtze River and its Significance
Wang Q, Zhou L, Liu J, Zhang T, Liu J & Xie Z
(2016) Effect of Temperature on the Formation and Distribution of Steranes in Geological Conditions
Wang Z, Li X, Qian Y & Zhang T
(2009) Aerosol Characteristics in Rural and Remote Areas of South China
Engling G, Chan JCY, Sang X, Zhang Z, Luo Y, Zhang T & Ho F

Zhang Tingshan (2016) Late Permian Carbon Cycle and Response of Microbial Carbonate Deposition
Zhang T, Chen X, Yang W & Zhu H
(2016) Late Ordovician-Early Silurian Carbon Cycle and Response of Black Shale Deposition
Zhu H, Zhang T, Chen X & Yang W
(2012) New Understanding of Changxing Formation Reefs in Permian in Eastern Sichuan Area, China
Zhang T, Liu Z, Yang W, Ming H, Dang L, Zheng C & Yang Y

Zhang Tingting (2020) Niche Specificity of Bathyarchaeota in the Surface Sediment of Pearl River Estuary, China
Wang P, Zhang T, Chen S, Xie W & Zhang C
(2017) Niche Specificity of Bathyarchaeota in the Surface Sediment of Pearl River Estuary, China
Wang P, Zhang T, Li F, Chen S, Lai D, Gao S, Xie W & Zhang C

Zhang Tinshan (2014) Geochemical Characteristics of the Shale Gas Reservoir Rocks in the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation, the Southern Sichuan Basin, China
Liu Z, Liao P, Li F, Zhang T & Yang W
(2013) The Early Cambrian Microbial-Like Fossils: New Insights from their Potential for Hydrocarbon-Generation
Zhang T, Guoan Z & Zcheng L
(2013) Grow and Die: The Microbial Mud Mound and Its Sedimentary Environments of the Middle Permian, Sichuan Basin
Liu Z, Zhang T, Wanyan Q & Cang Y
(2013) Strontium, Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Silurian on the Northern and Southern Margins of Sichuan Basin, Chinan
Yang W, Zhang T & Cheng X
(2013) Early Paleozoic Shale Gas Reservoir Microscopic Structure Characteristics in Southern Sichuan, China
Yang Y & Zhang TS

Zhang Tong (2013) Connecting Bacterial ROS Cycling to the Production of Mn Oxides
Learman D, Zhang T, Andeer P & Hansel C
(2013) Widespread Production of Extracellular Superoxide by Heterotrophic Bacteria
Hansel C, Diaz J, Voelker T, Andeer P & Zhang T
(2013) Dark Production of Reactive Oxygen Species in Freshwaters
Voelker B, Marsico R, Schneider R, Hansel C & Zhang T
(2013) Volatilization of Hg from HgS Minerals Mediated by the Coupled Activity of Thiosulfate and a Sulfur-Oxidizing Bacterium
Vazquez-Rodriguez A, Zhang T, Lamborg C, Santelli C, Brooks S & Hansel C

Zhang Tong (2014) Bioavailability and Methylation Potential of Mercury in Contaminated Sediments
Hsu-Kim H, Zhang T, Ticknor J, Kucharzyk K, Pham A & Deshusses M
(2011) Influence of Dissolved Organic Matter for the Precipitation of Nanoparticulate Metal Sulfides
Hsu-Kim H, Deonarine A, Gondikas A, Morris A, Zhang T, Aiken G & Ryan J
(2011) Biomethylation Potential of Mercury Depends on the Kinetics of HgS Precipitation
Zhang T, Hsu-Kim H & Deshusses MA
(2010) Photodegradation of Methylmercury is Enhanced by Complexation with Thiol-Containing Natural Organics
Zhang T & Hsu-Kim H
(2010) Microbial Methylation of Mercury Sulfides: Comparison between Dissolved Hg-Sulfides, Nanoparticulate and Bulk Scale HgS
Deshusses M, Zhang T & Hsu-Kim H

Zhang Tong (2017) Species-Specific Control of External Superoxide Levels by the Coral Holobiont during a Natural Bleaching Event
Diaz JM, Hansel CM, Apprill A, Brighi C, Zhang T, Weber L, McNally S & Xun L

Zhang Tong (2020) Facet-Dependent Bioavailability of Mercury Sulfide Nanoparticles for Microbial Methylation
Tian L, Guan W, Ji Y, He X, Chen W, Alvarez PJJ & Zhang T
(2020) Microbial Community Structure and Distribution Characteristics in Oil Contaminated Soil
Sun J, Wang N, Yang X, Zheng X, Yu Z & Zhang T

Zhang Tong (2023) Tracing the Source and Transport of Hg during Pedogenesis in Strongly Weathered Tropical Soil Using Hg Isotopes
Gao X, Yuan W, Chen J, Huang F, Wang Z, Gong Y, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Zhang T & Zheng W
(2023) Mercury Isotope Fractionation for Tracing the Uptake and Metabolism of Hg by Earthworms
Wang Y, Ran C, Zhang T, Wang L & Zheng W

Zhang Tonggang (2019) Sulfur Isotopic Evidences from 1.6-1.0 Ga Sediments in North China for Mesoproterozoic Atmospheric Oxygenation
Zhang T & Yan J
(2017) High Atmospheric CO2 Levels in the Mesoproterozoic Estimated from Paired Carbon Isotopic Records in Carbonates from North China
Zhang T, Liu G & Zhao C
(2016) Ordovician Carbon Isotopic Evidence from Yangtze Platform and Tarim Basin, China for a Climatic Cooling Associated with the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event
Zhang T
(2015) Carbon Isotopic Records in 1.6-1.0 Ga Sediments from Yanshan Area, Northern China Providing New Insight into Environmental Changes in Mesoproterozoic
Zhang T, Wang T & Shen Y
(2014) High-resolution δ13Ccarb Records from the Tarim Basin, Northwestern China Providing New Insight into the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event
Zhang T, Zhu G & Shen Y
(2013) Large Perturbations of the Carbon Cycle during the Middle-Late Ordovician in Southeastern Poland
Zhang T, Shen Y & Trela W
(2008) Overturn of Anoxic Deep Ocean Happened at ~551 Ma – Evidences from Isotopes and Trace Elements
Chu X, Huang J & Zhang T

Zhang Tongwei (2022) Source, Sink and Occurrence of Hydrogen Sulfide in the Unconventional Resources Play
Zhang T
(2020) Environmental Changes during the Late Ordovician–early Silurian Linked to Volcanism
Li Y, Zhang T & Shen B
(2020) Chemical and Carbon Isotopic Gas Compositions from The Wolfcamp In Permian Basin and their Geological Significance
Zhang T, Ko L, Sun X, Meng D & Hamlin S
(2016) Gas Geochemistry of Gases Released by Crush Methods from Organic-Rich Shales and its Implication to Thermal Maturity and Gas Storage
Zhang T, Sun X, MIlliken K, Ruppel S & Enriquez D
(2016) CO2 Solubility: The Epic Battle between Ions and CO2 for Water and Energy
Gilbert K, Bennett P, Romanak K, Zhang T & Irwin J
(2010) Origins of Hydrocarbon Volatiles in the Earth’s Mantle Rocks
Zhang M, Hu P, Zhang T, Zou H, Tang Q & Shen H
(2009) Experimental and Theoretical Determination of the Kinetics of Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction
Tang Y, Ellis G, Zhang T, Ma Q & Amrani A

Zhang W (2006) Study of a Series of Ta-minerals in Dajishan W-Nb-Ta Deposit, South China
Zhang W, Wang R & Hua R
(2005) The Geochemical Characteristics of the Ore- Forming Fluid of Dajishan Tungsten Deposit in South China
Zhang W, Ni P, Hua R & Wang R
(2004) Geochemical and Geothermal Factors Controlling the Origin of Coalbed Methane in Qinshui Basin, China
Sun Z, Zhang W & Hu B
(2003) Geochemistry of Three Metallogenic Types Related to Mesozoic Continental Crust Remelting Type Granitoids in the Nanling Range, South China
Hua R, Chen P & Zhang W

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