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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Zuo Rui (2020) A Comparative Study of the Adsorption Efficiency of Adsorption Materials for Wastewater Containing Strontium and Cesium
Zuo R, Du C, Wang J & Guo X
(2016) Spatial Variation and Hydrogeochemical Behavior of the Shallow High-Fluorine Groundwater
Guo X, Zuo R & Wang J
(2011) Technical Methods of Barriers of Near-Surface Disposal of Very Low Level Radioactive Waste
Zuo R, Wang J & Teng Y

Zuo S. (2024) A Possible Airburst Event as the Origin of Taihu Lake, China ~7000 Years ago
Xie Z, Zuo S, Lv J, King DT, Pang H, Chen J & Deng Y
(2016) The Occurrence and Mineralogy of Iron-Rich Spherules of Taihu Lake Suggest They Likely Were Airburst Fallout Rather Than Groundwater Colloidal Deposition
Zuo S & Xie Z
(2016) Transformation Mechanisms of Nano-Iron Particles and High-Pressure Silicate Phases in Shocked Chondrite
Xie Z, Zuo S & Li Y
(2014) High-Pressure Phases in Shocked GRV Chondrites: Partial Solid-State Transformation Mechanism
Xie Z & Zuo S

Zuo W. (2013) A Rapid Crater Detection Method for Statistics of Crater on Planetary Surface
Zhang ZB, Zuo W, Zhang GH & Geng L

Zuo Xiaobing (2018) Heterogeneous Lead Phosphate Nucleation at Organic-Water Interfaces: Implications for Lead Immobilization
Hu Y, Dai C, Zhao J, Giammar D, Pasteris J & Zuo X

Zuo Xiaochen (2014) Isoprene-Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol in an Urban Region Downwind of the Ozark Mountains
Williams B, Mitroo D, Martinez R, Zhang Y, Walker M, Oxford C, Hagan D, Zuo X, Du L, Turner J, Hu L, Baasandorj M & Millet D

Zuo Y.

Zupancic J. (2010) Computer Simulation of Subsurface Drip Irrigation Using Coalbed Methane Produced Waters
Bern C, Engle M, Healy R, Breit G & Zupancic J
(2010) Tracking Solutes and Water from Subsurface Drip Irrigation Application of Coalbed Methane Produced Waters
Engle M, Bern C, Healy R, Sams J, Zupancic J & Schroeder K

Zupančič N. (2021) Biomonitoring of Air Pollution in Slovenia and Germany: Did the COVID-19 Lockdown Reduce Trace Metal Contents of Sphagnum Mosses?
Bozau E & Zupančič N

Zupanic A. (2015) Selenium Uptake and Volatilization by Microalgae
Vriens B, Behra R, Voegelin A, Zupanic A & Winkel L

Zurakowska M. (2022) Multi-Isotope Geochemical Baseline Study of the CMC Research Institutes CCS Field Research Station (Alberta, Canada), Prior to CO2 Injection
Utley RE, Martin-Roberts E, Utting N, Johnson G, Gyore D, Zurakowska M, Stuart F, Boyce A, Darrah T, Gulliver P, Osadetz K, Lawton D, Haszeldine S & Gilfillan SMV

Zurakowski M. (2020) Constraining the Subsurface Geochemical Baseline of CMC Research Institutes’ Field Research Station (FRS), Alberta
Utley R, Utting N, Johnson G, Zurakowski M, Gyore D, Stuart F, Osadetz K, Darrah T, Haszeldine RS & Gilfillan S

Zurbrick Cheryl (2018) High Precision Pb Isotopes Reveal Recent Changes in Tropical Pacific Pb Sources
Boyle E, Zurbrick C & Zhang J
(2016) Variable Pb Composition of North Atlantic Benthic Nepheloid Layers
Boyle E, Zurbrick C & Kayser R
(2012) Cadmium Isotopes in Northeast Pacific Ocean Seawater
Zurbrick C, Biller D, Harris C, Rehkamper M, Bruland K & Flegal AR

Zurbrick Cheryl M (2017) Pb Isotope Evidence for a Small but Detectable Escape of MORB Pb into the East Pacific Rise Hydrothermal Plume
Boyle E, Zurbrick C & Lee J-M
(2017) Chronology of Anthropogenic Footprint in Todos os Santos Bay
Andrade RLB, Hatje V, Masqué P, Zurbrick CM, Boyle EA & Santos WPCD

Žure M. (2023) Breaking up DNA-Mineral Interactions – Comparing Existing DNA Extraction Approaches for Recovery of Short Fragments
Gande D, Hassenrück C, Richter-Heitmann T, Žure M, Willerslev E & Friedrich MW

Zurevinski S. (2020) Geochemistry and Glacial Dispersal Patterns of Kimberlite Indicator Minerals in the South Slave Province, NT
Campbell D, Zurevinski S & Elliott B

Zurieli A. (2021) Selected Technology-Critical Elements as Indicators of Anthropogenic Groundwater Contamination
Amiel N, Dror I, Zurieli A, Livshitz Y, Reshef G & Berkowitz B

Zuschin M. (2014) Carbon Isotopes in Brachiopod Calcite: A Case of Equilibrium!
Brand U, Azmy K, Bitner MA, Logan A, Zuschin M, Ruggiero ET & Colin P
(2013) Artificially Induced Migration of Redox Layers in Adriatic Sediments
Metzger E, Langlet D, Viollier E, Koron N, Riedel B, Stachowitch M, Zuschin M, Faganeli J, Tharaud M, Geslin E & Jorissen F

Žvab Rožič P. (2020) Assessing of Ecological Status Using Geochemical and Benthic Foraminifera Tools (Koper Bay, Northern Adriatic)
Žvab Rožič P, Vidović J, Čosović V, Rožič B & Dolenec M
(2020) Geochemical Signal of Paleoenvironmental Changes Across Jurassic Cretaceous Boundary (Eastern Southern Alps)
Rožič B, Grabowski J, Iwanczuk J & Žvab Rožič P

Zviaguina E. (2005) Geochemistry of Gold of Metamorphic Rocks
Sazonov A & Zviaguina E

Zvulunov Y. (2024) Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature on Biochar Chemistry and Metal Sorption Capability
Luu R, Zvulunov Y, Borch T & Bhattacharyya A

Zvyagina E. (2010) Variability of Nd and Sr Isotopes in Alkaline Rocks of the Polar Siberia: A Consequence of Plume-Lithosphere Matter Mixing
Gertner I, Vrublevskii V, Sazonov A, Krasnova T & Zvyagina E
(2009) Typomorphism of Pyrite of the Gold Mineral Deposit
Sazonov A, Zvyagina E & Leont’ev S
(2007) Age Evolution of Gold Concentrations in Metamorphic Rocks
Sazonov A & Zviaguina E

Zwahlen C. (2023) Chloride Accessible Porosity Fractions Across the Jurassic Sedimentary Rocks of Northern Switzerland
Zwahlen C, Gimmi T, Jenni A, Kiczka M, Mazurek M, Van Loon L, Mäder U & Traber D
(2018) Fluid Evolution of Krafla Geothermal Field, Iceland, as Traced by Noble Gas and Stable Isotopes
Li Y, Zhou Z, Holland G, Zwahlen C, Markusson S & Wang Y
(2017) Noble Gas and Stable Isotope Characteristics of Hydrothermal Fluid System, Krafla, Iceland
Li Y, Zhou Z, Markusson S, Zwahlen C & Holland G
(2015) Understanding Carbon Dioxide Emplacement Processes Using Noble Gases and Stable Isotopes
Holland G, Zwahlen C, Kampman N, Zhou Z, Ballentine C & Dennis P
(2015) How Old are CO2 Reservoirs? A New Method to Determine Directly the Emplacement Time of CO2 Through Noble Gas and Stable Isotope Diffusion Profiles
Zwahlen C, Holland G, Kampman N & Dennis P

Zwahlen F. (2007) Rare Earth Elements as Natural Tracers in the Thau Basin Karst System (Southern France)
Seidel JL, Ibrahim T & Zwahlen F

Zwank L. (2004) A New Procedure to Evaluate Isotope Fractionation in Contaminants
Elsner M, Hirschorn S, Zwank L, Hunkeler D, Sherwood Lollar B & Schwarzenbach R
(2002) Stable Isotope Analysis of Volatile Organic Contaminants at Trace Levels
Zwank L, Luzi S, Berg M, Schmidt TC & Haderlein SB

Zwart H. (2017) Transport of Organic Carbon and Mineral Associations from Soil to Sea in the Godavari River Basin (India)
Kirkels F, Usman M, Zwart H, Basu S, Martes C, Lupker M, Eglinton T & Peterse F
(2017) Holocene Climate- and Anthropogenically-Driven Mobilization of Terrestrial Organic Matter from the Godavari River Basin, India
Usman M, Ponton C, Kirkels F, Zwart H, Basu S, Peterse F, Lupker M, Giosan L & Eglinton T

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