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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Zulkarnain I. (2002) Geochemical Response to Arc-Continent Collision on Alor, Sunda-Banda Arc, Indonesia
Elburg M, Foden J, van Bergen M & Zulkarnain I

Zuluaga C.A. (2024) Contrasting Features of Two Serpentinized Belts in a Long-Lived Convergent Margin (NW South America)
Zuluaga CA, Pineda N, Bernet M, Amaya S, Vargas CA, Caneva A & Castellanos OM
(2023) Unraveling the Geodynamic Evolution of a Cretaceous Convergent Margin: Serpentinites from the Romeral Suture Zone, Colombia (NW South America)
Zuluaga CA, Pineda NA, Castellanos OM, Bernet M, Amaya S, Vargas CA & Caneva A

Zumberge A. (2019) Lipid Biomarker and Stable Isotopic Records Track the Neoproterozoic Rise of Eukaryotes and Nutrient Controls on Marine Community Structures
Love G, Zumberge A, Duda J-P, Hoffmann A, Pehr K, Bekker A & Cardenas P
(2018) New Biomarker Occurrences Provide Evidence for Neoproterozoic Animals
Zumberge A, Cardenas P, Sperling E & Love G
(2016) Tracking the Ecological Expansion of Eukaryotes in Proterozoic Oceans Using Kerogen-Bound Lipid Biomarkers
Zumberge A & Love G
(2016) Assessing Bound Molecular and Stable Isotopic Information Preserved in Archean Sedimentary Kerogens
Love G, Bisquera R, Pehr K, Schoon P & Zumberge A
(2016) Tracking the Rise of Eukaryotes to Ecological Dominance with Zinc Isotopes
Tang T, Love G, Zumberge A, Reinhard C, Dupont C, Asael D, Rooney A, Owens J, Gill B, Rainbird R, McCrow J, Lyons T & Planavsky N

Zumberge J (2004) Petroleum Generation Kinetics Based on Oil Asphaltene Pyrolysis
Jarvie D, Illich H & Zumberge J

Zumberge J. Alex

Zumberge John (2018) Chemometrics Identifies Oil Families and Paleoclimatic Control on Source Organofacies, Santa Maria, CA
Peters K, Lillis P, Lorenson T & Zumberge J
(2009) Gas Character Anomalies found in Highly Productive Shale Gas Wells
Zumberge J, Ferworn K & Curtis J
(2009) C-Isotopic Studies of Hydrocarbons in Neoproterozoic to Cambrian Samples
Kelly A, Rothman D, Love G, Grosjean E, Fike D, Zumberge J & Summons R
(2001) Secular, Isotopic Trends Exhibited by Crude Oils: The Importance of Paleogeographic Reconstructions
Andrusevich VE, Engel MH & Zumberge JE

Zumberge John E.

Zumholz K. (2009) Influence of Nacre Precipitation on the Chemical Composition of Prismatic Shell Layers in Mytilus edulis
Fietzke J, Heinemann A, Foster L, Zumholz K & Hansteen TH
(2008) Cubomedusae Statoliths: Potential Recorders of Environmental Change?
Foster L, Fietzke J, Hansteen T & Zumholz K
(2008) Alternative Data Reduction for Precise and Accurate Isotope Ratio Determination via LA-MC-ICP-MS
Fietzke J, Liebetrau V, Günther D, Frische M, Zumholz K, Hansteen TH & Eisenhauer A
(2007) New Approaches for the Analysis of Stable and Radiogenic Strontium Isotopes Using LA-MC-ICP-MS
Fietzke J, Liebetrau V, Zumholz K, Hansteen T & Eisenhauer A

Zumsteg A. (2009) Pioneering Fungi and their Role in Initial Weathering of Damma Glacier Forefield Granite in the Swiss Alps
Brunner I, Ploetze M, Zumsteg A, Furrer G & Frey B
(2009) Primary Microbial Succession in a Glacier Forefield
Zumsteg A, Brunner I, Furrer G, Plötze M & Frey B

Zumsteg I. (2000) 226Ra/234U and 230Th/234U Dating of Holocene Corals and Speleothem
Eikenberg J, Zumsteg I & Butterweck G

Zuna M. (2019) Factors Influencing Radionuclide Migration in Crystalline Rock Fracture
Havlová V, Zuna M, Gvoždík L, Sosna K & Stas L
(2019) Numerical Modelling of Migration Tests Through a Fracture
Jankovec J, Polak M, Jankovsky F, Zuna M, Kotowski J & Hokr M
(2019) Use of Short-Term Radionuclides and Development of Detection Methods for Tracer Test Applications
Zuna M, Dobrev D, Havlová V, Kůs P, Doubravová D, Jakůbek J & Parma P
(2019) Contaminant Migration Experiments in an Artificial Block-Scale Granite Fracture
Jankovský F, Zuna M, Havlová V, Kotowski J, Jankovec J & Hokr M
(2019) Migration Experiments in Naturally Fractured Crystalline Core Samples
Jankovský F, Zuna M, Havlová V, Kulenkampff J, Kotowski J, Jankovec J & Hokr M

Zunftmeister L. (2023) The Effect of Se(IV)O32- and Np(V)O2+ on Calcite Growth
Zunftmeister L, Soballa E, Schild D & Heberling F
(2021) Reactive Transport of Selenite and Strontium Through a Goethite Coated Sand Column
Zunftmeister L, Nie Z, Heberling F, Luetzenkirchen J, Finck N, Liu C, Marsac R, Jordan N & Hanna K
(2019) Selenite and Strontium Breakthrough in a Column of Goethite Coated Sand: Experiments and Modelling
Zunftmeister L, Nie Z, Heberling F, Marsac R, Hanna K, Finck N, Liu C & Lützenkirchen J

Zunic T. (2004) Iron Oxidizing Bacteria, Gallionella and Leptothrix, from Seven Locations in Denmark
Sommer T, Stipp S & Zunic T
(2004) An Investigation of Iron Oxides Formed Under Conditions Representative of Hydrothermal Solutions
Østergaard L, Stipp S & Zunic T

Zuniga A. (2010) “Invisible” Ag and Au in Supergene Cu-Sulfides: EMPA, SIMS and TEM Constraints
Weldt M, Reich M, Chryssoulis S, Deditius A, Palacios C, Zuniga A & Alvear M
(2009) Cristobalite Nanofibers in Volcanic Ash from the Ongoing Explosive Eruption at Chaitén Volcano, Chilean Patagonia
Reich M, Zuniga A, Amigo A, Vargas G, Morata D, Palacios C, Parada MA & Garreaud R

Zuniga-Moreno A. (2017) Effect of Tetrabutyl Phosphonium Bromide in the Formation of Methane Hydrates
Diaz-Ibarra A, Elizalde-Solis O & Zuniga-Moreno A

Zuo C-H. (2014) Origin of the Beilou Cu-Bearing Intrusive Rocks, North China Craton: Elemental and Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf Isotopic Constraints
Xu Z-W, Wang H, Lu X-C, Lu J-J, Zuo C-H & Zhao Z-X

Zuo D-S. (2024) B-O Isotopes Fractionation between Borate Minerals and Fluids
Zuo D-S, Wei H-Z, Tan X-R, Palmer MR, Jiang S-Y & Wang J-L

Zuo G. (2009) Fluid Geochemistry of Dabate Porphyry Copper Deposit, Western Tianshan in Xinjiang, NW China
Zhang Z, Wang Z, Zuo G & Liu M
(2008) Metallogenic Setting of the Dabate Copper–Molybdenum Deposit in the Western Tianshan Mountains, NW China
Zhang Z, Wang Z, Zuo G & Liu M

Zuo H. (2023) A Revised Model for Silicate Weathering
Zuo H & Liu Y

Zuo Renguang (2011) Effects of Grid Size in Interpolating of Geochemical Data
Zuo R
(2009) Application Fractal and Multifractal Methods to Mapping Prospectivity for Metamorphosed Sedimentary Iron Deposits Using Stream Sediment Geochemical Data in Eastern Hebei Province, China
Zuo R & Xia Q

Zuo Renguang (2009) The Characteristics of Trace Elements in Emeishan Basalt and its Contribution to Mineralzation
Xia Q & Zuo R

Zuo Renguang (2016) Geoinfomatics and Weak Geochemical Anomalies Identification
Zuo R

Zuo Renguang (2017) Objective Selection of Elemental Association Related to Mineralization
Zuo R

Zuo Renguang (2018) A Fractal Model of Dike Formation and Variability Based on Cellular Automata
Xiong Y, Zuo R & Clarke K

Zuo Renguang (2020) Uncertainty of Mineral Prospectivity Mapping due to Random Negative Training Samples
Zuo R & Wang Z
(2020) Modelling the Singular Mineralization Process due to Fluid Pressure Fluctuations
Xiong Y & Zuo R
(2020) Lithological Mapping Based on Geochemical and Remote Sensing Data Using a Hybrid Method of Random Forest and Metric Learning
Wang Z & Zuo R
(2020) Mapping Mineral Prospectivity via Convolutional Neural Network
Li T & Zuo R

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