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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Wang Kai (2015) Impact of Algal Exudate on Iron Redox Transformations
Wang K, Bligh M, Li X, Miller C & Waite D
(2015) Simulating Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation-Climate Interactions Using Online-Coupled WRF-CAM5 over East Asia
Zhang Y, Wang K, Chen Y, He J & Campbell P

Wang Kaifeng (2023) Structural Transformations of As-Sorbed Fe(III) (Oxyhydr)oxides during Alkali Extraction of As
Wang K, Holm P & van Genuchten C
(2023) Solid-Phase As and Fe Speciation of Groundwater Treatment Sludge Collected from Around the World: Insights for Sludge Management
van Genuchten C, Wang K & Holm P
(2021) Selenite Interactions with Iron Sulfides
Wang K, Ma B, Fernandez-Martinez A, Simonelli L, Made B, Henocq P & Charlet L
(2021) Oxyanions Reactivity Towards Magnetite: Towards Defining a Driving Force?
Charlet L, Fernandez-Martinez A, Goberna Ferron S, Poulain A, Wang K & Guida C
(2019) Redox Barriers in Deep Geological Disposal Sites
Laurent C, Ma B, fernandez Martinez A, Wang K, Chakraborty S, Gilbert B & Made B
(2017) Concentration and Characterization of Groundwater Colloids from the Northwest Edge of Sichuan Basin, China
Wang K, Zhao Y, Yang Z, Lin Z, Tan Z, Du L & Liu C

Wang Kang (2023) Particles-Mediated Photochemical Redox Transformation of Mercury in Water
Liu G, Wang K, Oladoye P, Oladipo M, Ogunsola S & Cai Y

Wang Karen (2021) Metabarcoding Reveals Mixed Isochrysidales in Marine Environments and Demonstrates New Paleoenvironmental Applications for Alkenones
Wang K & Huang Y

Wang Ke (2023) Geochemistry and Zircon U-Pb-Hf Isotopes of Paleozoic Granitoids along the Solonker Suture Zone in Inner Mongolia, China: Constraints on Closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean
Wang K & Li Y
(2019) Evolution of Diagenesis Fluid and Geochemical Characteristics of Ultra-Deep Tight Gas Reservoir--A Case of Cretaceous Bashijiqike Formation in Kuqa Depression of the Tarim Basin, China
Zhang R, Wang J, Zeng Q & Wang K
(2019) The Climate Shift Around 4.2ka: Evidence from the Inner Shelf Mud Belt, China
Kajita H, Kawahata H, Wang K, Zheng H & Yang S
(2018) Composition and Characteristics of PAHs in Crude Oil during Vertical Migration in Soil
Cai T, Zhang Z, Wang T, Wang K & Zeng L
(2018) Effects of Biodegradation on Diagnostic Ratios for Source Apportionment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Topsoil
Zhang Z, Cheng X, Wang K, Cai T & Liu Y

Wang Kelin (2018) Mafic High-Pressure Rocks are Preferentially Exhumed from Warm Subduction Settings
van Keken P, Wada I, Abers G, Hacker B & Wang K

Wang Kj (2008) Determining Groundwater Recharge Based on Isotope Concentration Varying with Pumping Process
Tao Y & Wang K

Wang Kui (2018) Physical and Biogeochemical Controls on pH Dynamics in the Northern Gulf of Mexico during Hypoxia Season
Jiang Z-P, Cai W-J, Wang K, Han C, Chen B-S, Li Q & Feneel K

Wang Kun (2023) Potassium and Chlorine Isotope Compositions of Ordinary Chondrites
Vaci Z, Gargano AM, Koefoed P & Wang K
(2023) Knudsen Effusion Study of Equilibrium Isotope Fractionation during Evaporation in the Early Solar System
Neuman M, Cornelison DM, Holzheid A, Lodders K, Fegley B & Wang K
(2023) Hydrothermal Origin of Heavy K Isotope Composition in Altered Oceanic Crust
Li W, Coogan L, Wang K, Takahashi Y, Shakouri M, Hu Y & Liu X-M
(2023) Magma Evolution of the Emeishan Mantle Plume: Insights from the Hongge Diabase in the Panxi Region, SW China
Wang K
(2023) The Formation of Explosive Volcanos at the circum-Pacific Convergent Margin
Sun W, Tian F, Li R, Guozhi X & Wang K
(2022) Potassium Isotope Evidence for Slab-Derived Fluids in the Sub-Arc Mantle
Wang K & Ionov D
(2022) Potassium Isotope Fractionation in Cultured Brachiopods Magellania Venosa
Wang X-K, Liu X-M, Jurikova H, Wang K & Shakouri M
(2021) Magmatic Process Related to the Formation of Fe-Ti Oxide Deposits in the Panxi Region, SW China
Wang K, Dong H & Liu R
(2020) Copper Isotopic Composition in Lunar Samples
Chen H, Wang K, Tian Z & Halliday A
(2020) Potassium Isotope Composition of Mantle Peridotite
Ionov D & Wang K
(2020) Geochemical Compositions of the Ultrapotassic Magmatism in Qinling Orogen, China: Petrogenesis and Implications for Crust-Mantle Interactio
Xue Y-Y, Liu H, Wang K & Sun W
(2020) Isotopic Constraints on the Origin and Evolution of Martian Volatiles
Wang K
(2020) Isotopic Signatures of Stratospheric Air at the Himalayas and Beyond
Lin M, Wang K, Kang S, Li Y, Fan Z & Thiemens M
(2020) Potassium Isotopic Composition of Low-Temperature Altered Oceanic Crust and its Impact on the Global K Cycle
Liu H, Xue Y-Y, Zhang G, Sun W-D, Tian Z, Tuller-Ross B & Wang K
(2019) Mass Balance for the Bulk Moon K Budget and Isotopic Composition
Tian Z, Chen H, Jolliff B, Korotev R, Fegley, Jr B, Lodders K & Wang K
(2019) Zinc Release and Reimmobilization during Fe(II)-induced Ferrihydrite Transformation
Yan J, Catalano J, Chen H & Wang K
(2019) Potassium Isotopic Constraints on Vaporisation and Volatile Element Evolution during Planet Formation
Wang K, Koefoed P, Tian Z, Bloom H, Zhao C & Chen H
(2019) Extremely Light K Isotopes Enriched in Subducted Low-T Altered Oceanic Crust: Implications for K Recycling in the Subduction Zone
Liu H, Wang K, Sun W-D, Xiao Y & Xue Y-Y
(2019) First-Principles Investigation of the Equilibrium Fractionation of K Isotopes Among K-Bearing Minerals
Li Y, Wang W, Huang S & Wang K
(2019) Using Multiple Tracers to Distinguish between Municipal Drinking Water and Wastewater Inputs to Streams
Lockmiller K, Wang K, Fike D, Shaughnessy A & Hasenmueller E
(2018) Potassium Isotopic Systematics of Oceanic Basalts
Tuller-Ross B, Lee H, Chen H, Marty B, Kelley KA & Wang K
(2018) Zinc Release, Reimmobilization, and Isotope Fractionation during Fe(II)-Catalyzed Ferrihydrite Transformation
Yan J, Catalano J, Wang K & Chen H
(2018) Potassium Isotopes in Major World Rivers: Implications for Weathering and the Seawater Budget
Lee H, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Chen H, Hasenmueller E & Wang K
(2018) Potassium Isotopic Composition of the Moon
Tian Z, Chen H, Fegley, Jr B, Lodders K, Korotev R & Wang K
(2018) Potassium Isotope Fractionation during Chemical Weathering of Basalts
Chen H, Liu X & Wang K
(2017) Potassium Isotopic Fractionation during the Volatile Depletion In Early Solar System
Wang K, Tian Z, Chen H, Fegley B, Lodders K & Barrat J-A
(2016) Liquid Immiscibility in the Panzhihua Mafic Intrusion Hosting Giant Fe-Ti Oxide Deposit in the Emeishan Large Igneous Province (SW China)
Wang K, Wang CY, Xing CM, Ren ZY & Dong H
(2016) Origin of Magmatic Fe-Ti-V Oxide Deposits in the Layered Intrusions of the Emeishan LIP (SW China): Constraints from Microstructures and Melt Inclusions
Wang Y, Wang K & Dong H
(2016) Potassium Isotope Fractionation in the Continental Crust
Wang K & Jacobsen S
(2016) Fractionation of Fe Isotopes in the Lunar Magma Ocean
Wang K, Jacobsen S, Sedaghatpour F, Chen H & Korotev R
(2011) Isotopic Fractionation of Cu in Plants
Weinstein C, Moynier F, Wang K, Paniello R, Foriel J & Pichat S

Wang Kunyu (2019) The Interfacial Layer Properties in Nanoconfinement: An Experimental and Modelling Approach
Rebiscoul D, Baum M, Tardif S, Siboulet B, Wang K, Dufreche J-F & Rieuotrd F

Wang Kuo-Long (2015) Molybdenum in the Mantle
Liang Y-H, Siebert C, Halliday A, Fitton G, Burton K, Wang K-L & Harvey J

Wang Kuo-Lung (2020) Deformation, Metasomatism and Seismic Anisotropy in the Lithospheric Mantle beneath Taiwan Straits, Southeast Asian Margin: Constraints from Mantle Xenoliths
Kourim F, Wang K-L, Michibayanchi K & O'Reilly S
(2018) Geochemical Characteristics of Peridotites from Guleman and Kizildağ Ophiolites, SE Turkey: Investigating Subduction Initiation Magmatism
Lin K-Y, Wang K-L, Chung S-L & Bingöl AF
(2017) Remnant Ancient Lithospheric Fragments in Proterozoic Dunzhugur Ophiolites in Southern Siberia
Wang K-L, Gornova MA, Kovach V, Chu Z, Belyaev VA, Lin K-Y & O’Reilly SY
(2016) Subduction Initiation in Proterozoic: Geochemistry of Mafic-Ultramafic Plutonic Suite from Eastern Sayan Ophiolites, Siberia
Belyaev VA, Gornova MA, Wang K-L, Medvedev AY, Dril SI & Karimov AA
(2016) Discovery of ANS-Derived Ribbon Continent in Georgian Caucasus: Zircon Hf Isotopic Constraints and Implications for the Cimmerian Orogeny
Chiu H-Y, Chung S-L, Shengelia DM, Okrostsvaridze A, Javakhishvili Z, Lee H-Y & Wang K-L
(2016) Depleted SSZ Type Mantle Peridotites in Proterozoic Eastern Sayan Ophiolites in Siberia
Wang K-L, Chu Z, Gornova M, Belyaev V, Lin K-Y & O’Reilly S
(2016) Tephrachronostratigraphy and Provenance from IODP Expedition 352, Izu-Bonin Arc: Temporal Variations Indicating Tephra Source Changes from the Oligocene to the Holocene
Kutterolf S, Schindlbeck JC, Robertson A, Avery A, Baxter A & Wang K-L
(2016) The Importance of Dispersed Volcanic Ash as an Input to the Nankai Subduction Zone
Scudder RP, Murray RW, Schindlbeck JC, Kutterolf S, Underwood MB & Wang K-L
(2015) Composition of the Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Khamar Daban Ridge, South Russian Siberia: Constraints from Mantle Xenoliths
Wang K-L, D'rill S, O'Reilly SY, Kuzmin M, Griffin WL & Pearson NJ
(2014) Proterozoic Mantle Lithosphere beneath the Khanka Massif in Far East Russia: In situ Re-Os Evidence
Wang K-L, Prikhodko V, O’Reilly S, Griffin W, Pearson N, Kovach V, Iizuka Y & Chien Y-H
(2014) The Finding of a Titanite-Rich Zone in Omphacite Epidosite and its Geochemical Implication for Subduction-Zone Metamorphism
Xiao Y, Niu Y, Zhang H, Wang K-L, Iizuka Y, Lin J & Xu Y
(2013) Geochemical Fingerprints in Siberian Mantle Xenoliths Reveal Progressive Erosion of an Archean Lithospheric Root
Wang K-L, Chien Y-H, Kuzmin MI, O’Reilly SY, Griffin WL, Vorontsov A & Pearson NJ
(2012) Petrogenesis of Paleogene Basaltic Rocks Drilled from Western Taiwan: Insight to Rifting at the SE Asian Continental Margin
Wang K-L, Chung S-L, Lo Y-M, Lo C-H, Yang H-J, Shinjo R & Lee T-Y
(2012) Detrital Zircons from the Higo and Abukuma Metamorphic Terranes, Japan: Implication for the Sediment Provenance
Maki K, Fukuyama M, Miyazaki K, Yui T-F, Wang K-L, Usuki T, Hirata T & Grove M
(2012) Heterogeneous Mantle Sources of the Alkaline-Tholeiitic Intraplate Basalts from the Aleppo Plateau, NW Syria
Ma G, Malpas J, Suzuki K, Lo C-H, Wang K-L, Iizuku Y & Xenophontos C
(2012) Origin of the Acidic Rocks of the Early Permian Panjal Traps, Kashmir, India
Shellnutt JG, Bhat GM, Wang K-L, Brookfield ME, Dostal J & Jahn B-M
(2011) Primordial Ages of Lithospheric Mantle vs Ancient Relicts in the Asthenospheric Mantle: In situ Os Perspective
Wang K-L, O'Reilly SY, Griffin W, Pearson N, Kovach V & Yarmolyuk V
(2011) Zircon U-Pb and Hf Isotopic Data from Granitic Rocks of Taiwan
Lan C-Y, Usuki T, Wang K-L, Yui T-F, Yang J-H, Lin W & Hsieh P-S
(2009) Magmatic Geochemistry and Geotectonic Configuration of the Southern Okinawa Trough and the Northern Taiwan Volcanic Zone
Shinjo R, Hokakubo S, Chung S-L & Wang K-L
(2006) Petrology and geochemistry of peridotite xenoliths from Vietnam, Indochina block
Lan CY, Iizuka Y, Usuki T, Wang KL, Tran TA, Trinh VL & O'Relly SY
(2006) Effect of urbanization on hydro-geochemistry and contamination of fracture-karst groundwater from Jiaozuo City, China
Luo S, Qian JZ, Wu JF, Zhao WD & Wang KL
(2006) In situ Os dating of peridotite xenoliths, Tariat, northern Mongolia
Wang K-L, O'Reilly SY, Griffin WL & Pearson NJ

Wang KUO–LUNG (2019) Nature and Mechanisms of Mantle Metasomatism of the Tariat Mantle Xenoliths, Central Mongolia
Kourim F, Wang K, Beinlich A & Michibayashi K
(2019) Geochemical Revisit of Archean Olondo Greenstone Belt in the Aldan Shield, Siberian Craton
Tran T-D, Wang K-L, Kovach V, Kotov A, Velikoslavinsky S, Popov N & Lee H-Y
(2019) Age and Genesis of Sabah Ophiolite Complexes in NE Borneo
Chien Y-H, Wang K-L, Chung S-L, Ghani AA, Iizuka Y, Li X-H & Lee H-Y

Wang L (2006) S-wave velocity structure of the lithosphere beneath the western Dabie Mountain, China
Li H, Wang L, Li C, Hu D & Yu D
(2005) Insitu Observation of Thermodynamic Size Effects on Melting of Natural Gold Nanoparticles
Reich M, Utsunomiya S, Becker U, Wang L & Ewing R
(2004) The Role of Geochemistry in the Research on Geological Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste in a Deep Boom Clay in Belgium
Van Iseghem P, Maes N, Van Geet M, Wang L, de Craen M, Moors H & de Cannière P
(2003) The Distribution, Fractionation and Ecological Impact for Rare Earth Elements in its High Background Regions, Southern Jiangxi Province, China
Ji H, Wang S, Dong Y, Wang L, Li L & Wang L
(2003) The Distribution, Fractionation and Ecological Impact for Rare Earth Elements in its High Background Regions, Southern Jiangxi Province, China
Ji H, Wang S, Dong Y, Wang L, Li L & Wang L

Wang Lachun (2011) Integrated Development and Management of Water Resources: A Typical Area in China
Wang D, Wu J, Wang L & Shi Y
(2008) Water Resources System of the Changjiang River Delta in China
Wang D, Wu J, Wang L & Shi Y

Wang Lawrence Hongliang (2022) Plume-Driven Recratonization of Deep Continental Lithospheric Mantle – 2022 Shen-Su Sun Award
Liu J, Pearson DG, Wang LH, Mather K, Kjarsgaard B, Schaeffer A, Irvine G, Kopylova MG & Armstrong J

Wang Lei (2023) Mercury Isotope Fractionation for Tracing the Uptake and Metabolism of Hg by Earthworms
Wang Y, Ran C, Zhang T, Wang L & Zheng W
(2023) Dysregulation of Steroid Metabolome in Follicular Fluid Links Phthalate Exposure to Diminished Ovarian Reserve of Childbearing-Age Women
Li Y, Xiao N, Liu M, Liu Y, He A, Wang L, Luo H, Yao Y & Sun H
(2016) Age and Provenance of the Late Paleozoic Strata in Lesser Xing’an Rang, NE China:Eveidence from Field Geology and Detrial Zircon U-Pb Ages
Gao F & Wang L
(2016) Advanced Effect of Water Treatment via Changing the Reaction Steps in a Sequencing Batch Reactor Treating Coal Chemical Industry Wastewater
Wang L, Sun Y, Zheng D, Lu S & Zhang H
(2012) The Co-evolution of Prokaryotes-Eukaryotes and Ocean Chemistry on the North China Craton during Mesoproterozoic (1.6 – 1.3 Ga)
Wang C, Wang M, Xu J, Li Y, Yu Y, Bai J, Dong T, Wang J, Huang S, Zhang X, Wang L, Xiong X & Gai H
(2011) The Geochemistry of Fluid Inclusions in Yimen Sanjiachang Copper Deposits
Wang L, Han R-S, Tang G, Hu Y-D & Huang J-G
(2011) Geochemical Characteristics and Geological Significance of the Basic Intrusive Rocks in Shifengshan Copper Deposit, Yimen, Yunnan, China
Huang J-G, Han R-S & Wang L
(2010) Geochemistry Feature of F10 Fault and Ore Prospecting in Fengshan Copper Deposit, Yimen, Yunnan, China
Huang J, Han R & Wang L
(2010) Application of Irregular Soil Geochemistry Survey Side of Gully to Prospect in the Puqing Antimony -Gold Exploration Area Deposit, Guizhou, China
Diao L, Han R, Pang L & Wang L
(2010) The Geochemistry Identifier of Ore-Type and Non-Ore-Type Diapir in Yimen Fengshan Copper Deposit
Wang L, Han R, Li B & Diao L
(2009) Geochemistry of Fault Tectonites Based on STATISTICA Software in the Songliang Lead-Zinc Deposit, Yunnan, China
Li B, Han R-S, Zhong K-H & Wang L
(2009) Tectono-Geochemistry Anomaly Horizontal Zoning Features of 59# Orebody in the Yimen Fengshan Copper Deposit, Yunnan, China
Wang L, Han R-S, Huang J-G, Li B & Hu Y-D

Wang Li (2022) The Role of Tailing Colloid on the Migration of Vanadium in Porous Media
Huang Y, Li Z, Jiao G & Wang L
(2021) Transitions in Microbial Communities along Two Sediment Corescollected from the Landward Walls of the New Britain Trench
Wang L, Liu R & Fang J
(2021) Novel Chloroflexi Genomes from the Challenger Deep Reveal Metabolic Strategies for the Adaptation to Deep-Sea Habitats
Liu R, Wei X, Wang L, Song W & Fang J
(2021) Genesis of Pyrobitumen in a Newly Discovered Shale Oil Reservoir— Kongdian Formation in the Cangdong Sag of Bohai Bay Basin, China
Wang L & Han Y
(2020) Adsorption of Fluorion from Aqueous Solution onto Zr-Loaded Calcium Sulfate Whisker
Wang L, Huang Y, Wang J & Zhou D
(2020) Chemical Species Characteristics and Air Pollution Sources Tracing by Cd Isotopic Composition of Aerosol Particles in a Megacity, Southwest of China
Huang Y, Wang L, Cheng X, Wang J, Li T & He M
(2020) Potentially Active Microbes in the Sediment of Hadal Trenches and their Metabolic Potentials: Implications to Organic Carbon Degaradation in Hadal Sediments
Liu R, Wang L, Wang Z, Wei X, Song W & Fang J
(2019) The Micro Morphology, Heavy Metal Concentration, Cadmium and Lead Isotopic Compositions of Atmospheric Dust in a Typical Mining Area, Southwest of China
Huang Y, Wang J, Wang L, He M, Su T, Cheng X & Ni S
(2017) Benthic Microbial Community in the Sediment Cores Collected from Active Continental Margin Around New Britain Trench
Wang L, Liu R & Fang J
(2017) Vertical Variations of Pelagic Bacterial Communities in the New Britain Trench
Liu R, Wang L & Fang J
(2014) Distribution and Origin of Straight Long-Chain Alkyl Naphthalenes in the Upper Cretaceous Lacustrine Sediments of Songliao Basin, China
Song Z, Cao X & Wang L
(2010) The Paleosalinity for Lacustrine Massive Source Rocks Deposition during the Upper Cretaceous in Songliao Basin, China
Wang L, Song Z & Guo J
(2010) Biomarker Study of Depositional Environment during the Sedimentation of Organic-Rich Source Rocks of Nenjiang Formation, Songliao Basin of China
Guo J, Song Z & Wang L
(2010) Paleoclimate, Nutrient Supply and Lacustrine Source Rocks Formation in Songliao Basin, China
Zou Y-R, Wei Z, Cai Y, Wang L, Song Z & Peng P
(2008) Modeling As(III) Removal by Synthesized FeS Coated Sand in Batch and Column Systems
Wang L, Abriola L, Han YS, Hayes K & Demond A

Wang Li-Juan (2014) Long Link of Cathaysia Block of South China with East Gondwana
Yu J-H, Wang L, O'Reilly SY, Griffin WL & Liu Q
(2014) Time-Space Relationships of Ore-Related Igneous Activity: Lishui Basin, Middle and Lower Yangtze River
Wang L, Huang J & Griffin WL
(2011) Formation of the Oldest Rocks in the Cathaysia Block, Southern China
Yu J, O'Reilly S, Wang L & Griffin W
(2010) Metamorphic Conditions Controlling the Trace Element Characteristics of Metamorphic Zircons
Yu J-H, Wang L-J & O'Reilly SY
(2010) Early Crustal Evolution in the Western Yangtze Block: Evidence from U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotopes on Detrital Zircons
Wang L, O'Reilly SY, Griffin WL & Yu J
(2009) Formation of Precambrian Crust in the Cathaysia Block, South China
Yu J-H, O'Reilly SY, Wang L-J, Zhang M & Shu L
(2009) Crustal Evolution of the Yangtze Block Tracked by Detrital Zircons from Sedimentary Rocks
Wang LJ, O'Reilly SY, Griffin WL & Yu J

Wang Li-Quan (2012) The ca. 90 Ma Mg-Rich Volcanic Rocks from SE Nyima, Central Tibet: Products of Lithospheric Delamination ?
Wang Q, Zhu D-C, Zhao Z-D, Wang L-Q & Mo X-X

Wang Lian (2021) Complexation of Sn with Boom Clay Natural Organic Matter and its Effect on Sn Sorption onto Illite, Montmorillonite and Boom Clay
Durce D, Salah S, Maes N, Wang L & Brassinnes S
(2010) Humic Colloid-Associated Migration of Radionuclides in an Argillaceous Formation
Bruggeman C, Maes N, Salah S, Martens E, Wang L, Van Gompel M & Brassinnes S

Wang Lian-Xun (2020) The Neoproterozoic Fangcheng Nb-Rich Alkaline Rocks, Central China: Magma Origin and Evolution
Zhu Y-X, Wang L-X, Ma C-Q & Wiedenbeck M
(2019) Electron Probe Microanalysis of Fe2+/ΣFe Ratios in Calcic and Sodic-Calcic Amphibole and Biotite Using the Flank Method
Li X, Zhang C, Almeev RR, Zhang X-C, Zhao X-F, Wang L-X, Koepke J & Holtz F
(2019) The Syenite-Carbonatite-Fluorite Association in Jebel Dumbier Complex (Sudan): Magma Origin and Evolution
Wang L-X, Ma C-Q, Salih M-A, Abdallsamed M-I-M & Zhu Y-X

Wang Liang (2019) Geochemical Characteristics Evidence for the Provenance of Loess in Changdao Islands, Eastern China
Xu S & Wang L

Wang Liangliang (2012) Noble Gas Isotopes in Cenozoic Mantle Xenoliths from the North China Craton
He H, Su F, Wang Y, Wang L & Zhu R

Wang Lianxun (2016) Tracking the Role of Fluorine on Genesis of A-Type Granites from Jiuhuashan Region (South China)
Wang L, Ma C & Zhang C
(2013) Compositional Variation in Apatites from Alkaline Silicate Rocks and Associated Carbonatites: A Case Study of the Kaiserstuhl Complex, Germany
Wang L, Wenzel T, von der Handt A, Keller J, Marks MAW & Markl G

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