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Wan Su (2013) Relationship between Leaf C, N and Soil C, N:A Case Study of Degraded Grassland in Western Jilin Province
Gong H, Li Y, Wang D, Wan S & Zhao Y
(2012) Relationship between Leaf Phosphorus and Soil Phosphorus: A Case Study of Degraded Grassland in Western Jilin Province, NE China
Li Y, Wan S, Wang D, Fu Q, Guo D & Yang Y

Wan Xianhui (2016) Vertical Distribution and Controls of Nitrification in the Upper Ocean of Northwestern Pacific
Xu M, Wu Y, Wan X, Lu Y & Kao S
(2016) The Accumulation of Nitrous Oxide in the Euphotic Zone
Wan X, Sheng H, Zhu Y, Xu M, Dai M & Kao SJ

Wan Xianhui Sean (2015) Isotope Constraints on Dynamic Nitrogen Transformations in a Nitrogen-Replete Coastal Bay in Southern China
Kao S-J, Wu Y, Xu M, Wan X & Sheng H
(2015) Ammonium Utilization by Nitrifier and Phytoplankton in Photic Zone at Northwestern Pacific Ocean
Xu M, Wu Y, Wan XS & Kao S-J

Wan Xiaoming (2023) Aging-Related Change in Redox Status Inside Plants Disclosed Using Synchrotron X-Ray Methods
Wan X

Wan Xin (2017) Primary Biological and Biomass Burning Aerosols at the Northern Slope of Mt. Everest, Central Himalayas
Fu P, Ren H, Wan X, Sun Y, Wang Z, Kawamura K, Liu C-Q & Cong Z

Wan Ye (2017) Effect of Pressure on Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation of Aqueous Sulfate Solution Observed in Fused Silica Capillary Tubes at Elevated Temperatures
Wang X, Chou I-M & Wan Y

Wan Yingxin (2010) Isolation and Characterisation of a Bioflocculant M-2 Produced by Galactomyces sp
Wan Y

Wan Yusheng (2017) Weathering Dominated the Archean Crustal Evolution: Evidence from Mg Isotopic Compositions of Archean Potassic Granitoids
Li R, Li S, Ke S & Wan Y
(2017) Fluid Deposited Carbon and Biosignatures in Earth’s Oldest Rocks
Dodd M, Papineau D, Nederbragt S, Zhenbing S, Manikyamba C & Wan Y
(2008) The Search for Global Variations in 142Nd Isotopic Compositions of Eoarchean Rocks
Bennett V, Brandon A, Nutman A, Wan Y & Black L
(2008) The Oldest Rocks and Zircons in China
Wan Y, Liu D, Wilde S, Nutman A, Dong C & Wang W
(2007) Revisiting the Oldest Rocks in China
Wilde S, Liu D, Wan Y & Wu J

Wan Zhao-Feng (2023) Developments of 39Ar Dating by Atom Trap Trace Analysis
Yang G-M, Chu Y-Q, Dong X-Z, Hu S-M, Hu W-K, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Ritterbusch F & Wan Z-F

Wan Zhonghua (2018) Geochemical Characteristics and Significance of Heteroatom Compounds in Saline Crude Oils by Negative Ion Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass
Li S, Ji H & Wan Z

Wanamaker A. (2014) Extracting Climatic Seasonality from the Marine Environment
Wanamaker A
(2013) Boron Isotopic Composition in Arctica islandica Shell: A Potential Historical, Prehistorical and Geological Seawater pH Indicator
Liu Y-W, Aciego S & Wanamaker A

Wanas H. (2018) Facies Study and Isotope Geochemistry of Quaternary Tufa and Travertine Carbonates in the Kurkur-Dungul Area (Southern Egypt)
Kele S, Sallam ES, Capezzuoli E, Wanas H & Huntington KW

Wand U. (2010) First Lipid Biomarker Evidence for Aerobic Methane Oxidation in the Water Column of Lake Untersee (East Antarctica)
Niemann H, Elvert M, Wand U, Samarkin VA & Lehmann MF

Wander A. (2001) The Stability of Polar Oxide Surfaces
Thornton G, Wander A, Schedin F, Steadman P, Norris A, McGrath R, Turner TS & Harrison NM

Wander Matthew (2016) Valence Multipole Force Fields
Bickmore B & Wander M
(2016) The Valence Multipole Model, Issues with Applying an Energy Model to Molecular Dynamics
Wander M & Bickmore B

Wander Matthew C. F. (2015) Bond Energy and Bonding Geometry Around Anions with Lone Pairs
Shurtleff C, Whitmer J, Checketts H, Yeates D, Bickmore B & Wander M
(2015) Bond Valence and Bond Energy
Whitmer J, Yeates D, Shurtleff C, Gee L, Bickmore B & Wander M
(2015) Effects of Bond Character and Atomic Size on Valence Dipole Moments
Yeates D, Whitmer J, Checketts H, Shurtleff C, Bickmore B & Wander M
(2015) The Valence Multipole Model: An Expanded Chemical Bonding Model
Bickmore B & Wander M
(2015) Valence Multipole Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Water
Andros C, Bickmore B & Wander M
(2015) Valence Multipole Force Fields
Wander M & Bickmore B
(2010) Interfacial Properties of Alkali Halide Brines in Confined Nanopores
Wander M & Shuford K
(2009) The Role of Electronic Structure in Water Exchange Reactions
Wander MCF, Casey WH & Rustad JR

Wandrey M. (2010) Geochemical Effects of CO2 on Brine-Saturated Reservoir Sandstones
Fischer S, Liebscher A, Wandrey M & Franz G

Wane O. (2019) The Eburnean Collision with the Kenema Man Craton: Evidences from the Paleoproterozoic Formations of the Massigui Degree Sheet (Southern Mali, Man Shield, West African Craton)
Wane O

Wanek W. (2014) Foraging on the Host: Uncovering Metabolic Host-Gut Microbiota Interactions at the Single Cell Level
Berry D, Stecher B, Schintlmeister A, Reichert J, Rauch I, Decker T, Wild B, Wanek W, Richter A, Loy A & Wagner M
(2011) Organic Nitrogen Cycling during Organic Matter Decomposition
Mooshammer M, Wanek W, Frank AH, Hofhansl F, Keiblinger KM, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S & Richter A

Wang A (2006) Endemic Fluorosis and High-F clay
Zheng B, Wang A, Lu Q & Finkelman RB
(2005) Preservation and Enrichment Mechanisms of Organic Matter in Muddy Sediment and Mudstone
Cai J, Bao Y, Yang S, Wang X, Fan D, Xu J & Wang A
(2001) Mars Mineralogy by Microbeam Raman Spectrometry
Haskin LA, Wang A, Jolliff BL, Wdowiak TJ, Agresti DG, Lane AL & Squyres SW

Wang Alana (2017) Integration of Synchrotron-Based Spectroscopic Techniques and Non-Traditional Stable Isotope Measurements to Define Reaction Mechanisms Controlling Contaminant Transport
Ptacek C, Jamieson-Hanes J, Shrimpton H, Veeramani H, Elena K, Liu P, Wang A, Amos R & Blowes D
(2012) The Characterization and Evaluation of Different Biochars as Reactive Materials for Mercury (II) Stabilization
Wang A, Liu P, Ptacek C, Blowes D, Landis R, Berti W & Dyer J

Wang Alana O. (2019) Shifts in Microbial Composition and S Chemistry in a Wet-Dry-Wet Cycle on Methylmercury Production in Sulfurized Biochar-Amended Floodplain Soil
Wang AO, Fellin S, Ptacek CJ, Blowes DW, Paktunc D, Mack EE & Grosso NR
(2018) Application of Synchrotron-Based Spectroscopic Techniques and Laboratory Transport Studies to Understand Cycling of Mercury in a Riverine Environment
Wang AO, Elena KMA, Fellin S, Corriveau M, Ptacek CJ, Blowes DW, Finfrock Z, Paktunc D, Landis RC, Dyer JA, Mack EE & Grosso NR

Wang Aleck (2018) Contribution and Effects of Organic Alkalinity on pH and Carbonate Chemistry in Coastal Waters Influenced by Intertidal Salt Marshes
Wang A, Song S, Gonneea M & Kroeger K

Wang Alian (2012) Integrated Geochemical and Mineralogical Investigation of Lake Deposits at Da Langtan (China) – Implications for Surface Processes on Mars
Sobron P, Wang A, Mayer D, Sobron F, Kong F & Zheng M

Wang B (2005) Geochemical Landscapes of Alaska
Wang B, Gough L, Smith D & Gustavsson N

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