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Wan D (2006) Mass Independent Sulfur Isotope Fractionation Discovered in Aerosol of Beijing
Ding T, Wan D, Bai R, Yu T & Li J
(2006) The relation between Δ33S values of Archean sedimentary sulfide and contemporaneous volcanic activities
Hou K, Li Y, Wan D & Yue G

Wan Dan (2012) Solid – Liquid Equilibria for the Ternary Na2B4O7 – NaBr – H2O System at 348 K
Sang S, Ning H-Y & Wan D

Wan Defang (2016) The δ30Si Peak Values Discovered in Cherts from Middle Proterozoic Carbonate Rocks in Northern China and its Implication on Environmental Variation of Ancient Ocean
Ding T, Gao J, Tian S, Zhao Y, Fan C & Wan D
(2009) The Discovery of Mass Independent Oxygen Isotopic Compositions in Nitrate Deposits from Turpan-Hami Basin, Xinjiang, China
Li Y, Qin Y, Liu F, Hou K, Wan D & Tian Y
(2008) Silicon Isotope Variation of Chert Beds from Later Archean to Proterozoic as a Tracer of Paleo-Environmental Variation in Ocean
Ding T, Wan D & Tian S
(2008) Formation Mechanism of Banded Iron Formation and Atmosphere and Ocean of Early Earth
Li Y, Hou K & Wan D
(2005) Effect of Rice Growth on Geochemical Circle of Silicon: Silicon Isotope Study on Rice Plants Grew in Field and Laboratory
Ding T, Ma G, Shui M, Wan D & Li R
(2004) Sulfur Isotope Anomaly Discovered in Sulfide Bed of Later Archean Jingangku Formation, Wutai Group, Shanxi Province, China
Ding T, Wan D, Zhang Z, Wang C & Li Y
(2003) Large and Systematic Silicon Isotope Fractionation Discovered in Single Sticks of Bamboo
Ding T, Wan D, Wang C & Zhang F
(2003) Study on Si and O Isotopes of Principal Nephrite Ore Deposits in China
Wan D & Zou T
(2003) Silicon Isotope Compositions of Proterozoic Sedimentary Siliceous Rocks in Shisanling Area, Beijing, China
Zhang Z, Ding T, Wang C & Wan D
(2002) Si, O and H Isotopic Compositions of Water and Suspended Materials in the Yangtze River, China
Ding T, Wan D, Wang C & Zhang F

Wan E. (2004) The Coupling Relation between 210Pbex and Organic Matter in Sediments of Enrichment Nutrient Lake: An Example from Lake Chenghai, China
Wan G, Santschi P, Chen J, Xu S, Wu F, Wan E & Yang W

Wan G (2004) The Coupling Relation between 210Pbex and Organic Matter in Sediments of Enrichment Nutrient Lake: An Example from Lake Chenghai, China
Wan G, Santschi P, Chen J, Xu S, Wu F, Wan E & Yang W
(2004) The ‘Little Ice Age’ Recorded by Sediment Chemistry in Lake Erhai, Southwest China
Chen J & Wan G

Wan Guojiang (2008) Silicon Isotope Composition of Diatoms as a Paleoenvironmental Proxy in Lake Huguangyan, South China
Chen J, Li J, Tian S & Wan G
(2007) Artificial Radionuclides Recorded in Lacustrine Sediments in Bosten and Qinghai Lakes, NW China
Zheng J, Wu F, Yamada M, Liao H & Wan G
(2003) The Dissolved N2O in Two Small Karst Lakes in Southwest China
Wang S, Liu C, Tao F, Wan G, Li J & Zhu Z
(2002) Recent Climatic Change and its Chemical Records in Lake Erhai
Chen J & Wan G

Wan Hong-Qing (2019) Comparison of Redox States between the Ultramafic Bodies of Xigaze and Luobusha Ophiolites, Tibet, China
Zhu X-K, He Y, She Y-W & Wan H-Q
(2017) Comparison of Luobusha and Xigaze Chromite Mineralization from the Yarlung-Zangbo Ophiolite Belt
Zhu X-K, She Y-W, He Y, Sun J, Ma J-X & Wan H-Q

Wan Huangxu (2022) The SEM and Spectral Analysis of Mineral Characteristics of Mussel Shell from Wocan-1 Hydrothermal Vent, Northwest Indian Ocean
Liu J, Wan H, Han X & Liang J

Wan J (2003) Sm-Nd, 40Ar/39Ar and Fission Track Ages of Granulites from Lower Crust: Implications for Exhumation History of Panxi Micro Oldmass in SW China
Xu S, Wang R, Fang Z, Liu W, Li D & Wan J

Wan Jessica (2021) Contribution of the World’s Main Dust Source Regions to the Global Cycle of Desert Dust
Kok JF, Adebiyi AA, Albani S, Balkanski Y, Checa-Garcia R, Chin M, Colarco P, Hamilton D, Huang Y, Ito A, Klose M, Li L, Mahowald N, Miller RL, Obiso V, Perez Garcia-Pando C, Rocha-Lima A & Wan J

Wan Jiamin (2022) Fossil Carbon Release and Exports from Subsurface Sedimentary Bedrock Weathering in Mountainous Watersheds
Wan J, Tokunaga TK, Dong W, Beutler C, Newman AW, Brown W, Bill M, Druhan JL, Henderson AN, Harvey-Costello N, Hubbard S & Williams KH
(2020) Redox Controls on Trace Element Mobility during Shale Weathering from Microscale Analyses
Carrero S, Arora B, Slotznick S, Wan J, Steefel C, Banfield J & Gilbert B
(2019) Quantifying Rock-Nitrogen Export from a Shale Hillslope to Floodplain in the East River Watershed, Colorado
Wan J, Tokunaga T, Bouskill N, Tfaily M, Brown W, Dong W, Maavara T, Henderson A, Williams K & Hubbard S
(2018) Sulfur Isotope Clues to Seasonal Changes in Flow Paths and Redox Conditions in a Sub-Alpine Watershed
Conrad M, Christensen J, Bill M, Nico P, Fox P, Bouskill N, Tokunaga T, Wan J, Carroll R & Williams K
(2014) Additive Surface Complexation Modeling of Uranium(VI) Adsorption onto Quartz-Sand Dominated Sediments
Dong W, Wan J & Tokunaga T
(2014) Carbon Transport and Transformation from Vadose Zone to Groundwater
Wan J, Dong W, Tokunaga T, Williams K, Kim Y, Conrad M, Long P & Hubbard S
(2014) Determining Water and Carbon Fluxes into Groundwater from a Semiarid Floodplain Vadose Zone
Tokunaga T, Wan J, Dong W, Kenneth W, Mark R, Yongman K, Boris F, Mark C, John C, Chad H, Benjamin G, Richard D, Philip L & Susan H
(2014) Constraints from U and Sr Isotopes on the Hydrology of a Alluvial Aquifer at Rifle, Colorado
Christensen JN, Shiel AE, Conrad ME, Williams KH, Dong W, Tokunaga TK, Wan J, Long PE & Hubbard SS
(2011) Multi-Isotopic Constraints on Contamination History, Contaminant Migration and Structure of the F-Area Acidic Plume, Savannah River Site
Christensen JN, Denham ME, Conrad ME, Bill M & Wan J

Wan Junwei (2019) Laboratory Experiment to Study Solute Transport in Coastal Environments
Guo M, Wan J & Huang S
(2019) Effects of Groundwater Flow Field Characteristics on Uranium Mineralization in Yili Basin
He Y, Wang Z, Huang K, Wang Y & Wan J

Wan K. (2019) A Conceptual Framework for Air Quality Services: Application for China
Wan K, Doherty R & Shi Z

Wan Li (2007) Mineral Compositions and Geochemical Features of Sanhe Bauxite Deposit in Western Guangxi Province
Wang Q, Deng J, Gong Q, Zhang Q, Wan L & Gao B

Wan Lunkun (2013) Upper Cretaceous Marine Source Rocks and its Contribution to Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Eastern Niger Basin, Niger
Liu B, Wan L, Mao F & Liu J

Wan M. (2015) Metastable Sulphur Species at Iron Mineral Surfaces – Missing Links in the Sulphur Cycle?
Peiffer S & Wan M
(2015) Rapid Pyrite Formation during Interaction between Ferric (Hydr)oxides and S(-II)
Wan M & Peiffer S
(2012) Mossbauer Evidence of Rapid Pyrite Formation during the Interaction between Dissolved Sulfide and Lepidocrocite
Wan M, Schroder C & Peiffer S
(2011) Quantifying Electron Flow in the Sulfidation of Lepidocrocite
Wan M, Schröder C & Peiffer S

Wan Qiu (2010) Sedimentary Facies Analysis and Evolution of Permian in Ziqiu Section Changyang County, Hubei Province
Wan Q, Zhang L & Kong W

Wan Quan (2011) A Thermogravimetric Study of Thermally Treated Silica Nanoparticles
Wan Q, Xiao Y & Baran G

Wan Quan (2012) Size Effect in the Adsorption of Gold Nanoparticles on Pyrite Surfaces
Fu Y, Qin Z, Li S, Xiao J, Xiao Y & Wan Q

Wan Quan

Wan Quan (2017) Adsorption of Gold Nanoparticles on Pyrite: An Experimental Study
Fu Y, Luo S, Nie X, Qin Z & Wan Q

Wan Quan (2018) Surface Charge Controls the Sorption of Gold Nanoparticles on Pyrite
Luo S, Nie X, Yang M, Fu Y, Zeng P & Wan Q

Wan Quan (2019) Effect of Nano-Confinement on Sorption Properties of Mesoporous Silica
Niu Y, Yu W, Qin Z, Nie X, Yang S & Wan Q
(2019) Adsorption Mechanisms of Gold Nanoparticles on Synthetic Pyrite and As-Bearing Pyrite Under Anoxic Condition
Nie X, Luo S, Yang M, Fu Y, Zeng P, Qin Z, Yu W & Wan Q

Wan R. (2018) Geochemistry of the Basal Ediacaran Tereeken Cap-Doloston of the Quruqtagh Group in Eastern Tianshan, Northwestern China
Wan R, Zhu J, Ke S, Xiao S, Li S & Wang Z

Wan Shiming (2023) Nd Isotopic Composition in the Northern Indian Ocean from Late Quaternary to the Present:a Combined Study of Modern Seawater and Foraminifera
Yu Z, Colin C & Wan S
(2023) Enhanced Weathering Input from Himalaya to the Indian Ocean Since the Late Eocene: Evidence from Seawater Nd Isotope in the Bay of Bengal
Wan S, Song Z & Colin C
(2022) History of Asian Dust in the Japan Sea Since the Miocene and its Coupling Evolution with Tectonic and Climatic Changes
Wan S
(2021) Erosional Record of Himalayan Uplift in the Bay of Bengal Since the Late Eocene
Wan S, Song Z & Colin C
(2021) East Asian Monsoon Intensification Promoted Weathering of the Magnesium-Rich Southern China Upper Crust and its Global Significance
Yang Y, Galy A, Fang X, Wan S, France-Lanord C, Zhang R, Zhang J, Yang S, Miao Y, Liu Y & Ye C
(2021) Monsoon Rainfall Forcing on the Silicate Weathering in the Yellow River Basin during the Last 400 ka
Zhao D & Wan S
(2021) Climate-Driven Weathering Shifts between Highlands and Floodplains
Zhaojie Y, Colin C & Wan S
(2021) Significance of Continental Surface Erosion and Weathering in Modulating the Greenhouse Gas CO2 Level during the Quaternary Glacial Periods: An Integration of Sedimentary Records in Tropical Marginal Seas
Xu Z, Wan S, Lim D, Colin C & Clift PD
(2020) Nd Isotopic Composition in the Northern Indian Ocean from Late Quaternary to the Present
Yu Z, Christophe C, Franck B & Wan S
(2018) Fire History in the Yangtze River Basin Since 7ka: Links to Climate, Vegetation and Human Activities
Pei W & Wan S
(2018) Clay Mineral Records in the Southern Part of the Bay of Bengal Since 37 Ma: Link to Evolution of the Bay of Bengal and Paleoenvironmental Changes
Song Z & Wan S
(2018) Increased Seasonality Drove the C4 Plant Expansion in Central Asia Since the Miocene-Pliocene Boundary
Wan S, Shen X & Colin C
(2017) High-Resolution Clay Minerals Record in the South Yellow Sea over the Past 3.5 Ma: Links to Evolution of Yellow/Yangze River and Paleoenvironmental Changes
Zhang J, Wan S, Huang J, Li A & Li T
(2017) Enhanced Silicate Weathering of Tropical Shelf Sediments Exposed during Glacial Lowstands: A Sink for Atmospheric CO2
Wan S & Clift P
(2012) Sedimentary Evolution in the Northern South China Sea Since Oligocene and its Responses to Tectonics
Li A, Huang J, Jiang H & Wan S

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