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Walter Michael J (2016) Slab Melting as a Transition Zone Carbon Filter
Thomson A, Walter M, Kohn S & Brooker R
(2016) Silicon and Oxygen Partitioning between Silicate and Iron at Core Formation Conditions
Jennings ES, Petitgirard S, Lord OT, Walter MJ, Frost DJ & Rubie DC
(2016) Melting of Peridotite at Lower Mantle Conditions: LH-Dac Experiments with Metal Encapsulated Samples
Baron MA, Lord OT, Drewitt JWE, Badro J, Walter MJ & Trønnes RG
(2016) The Fate of Carbon in Deeply Subducted Oceanic Crust
Walter M, Thomson A, Bulanova G, Smith C, Burnham A, Brooker R & Kohn S
(2016) Na-Bearing Phases in the Deep Transition Zone and Lower Mantle: Composition, Structural Features and Na Transport to the Deep Earth
Tamarova A, Bindi L, Bobrov A, Sirotkina E, Tschauner O, Walter M & Irifune T
(2016) Carbon in the Deep Mantle: Sub- and Super-Solidus Phase Relations in the System CaO-Mgo-FeO-SiO2-CO2 in Earth’s Lower Mantle
Drewitt J, McMahon S, Lord O, Baron M, Daisenberger D, Anzellini S, Kleppe A & Walter M
(2016) In situ Constraints on Volatiles in Slab-Derived Fluids and Melts
Louvel M, Sanchez-Valle C & Walter M

Walter Michael J. (2023) Experimental Approaches to the Study of (Exo)planetary Interiors
Miozzi F, Geballe ZM, Yang J & Walter MJ
(2022) Hydrous Silicate Melts and the Deep Mantle H2O Cycle
Lord OT, Drewitt J, Walter MJ, Brodholt J & Muir J
(2022) On the Link between Experiments and Interior Models: The Example of Carbon Enriched Systems
Miozzi F, Tracy SJ, Driscoll P, Yang J, Dutta R & Walter MJ
(2022) Paleozoic Subduction into the Deeper Mantle Recorded by Superdeep Diamonds
Timmerman S, Pearson DG, Koornneef JM, Harlou R, Nowell GM, Thomson AR, Kohn SC, Davies JHFL, Davies GR, Krebs MY, Zhang Q, Milne SE, Stachel T, Harris JW, Kaminsky F, Bulanova G, Smith CB, Burnham A & Walter MJ
(2021) Terrestrial Geochronology and Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry at the Carnegie Institution of Washington 1950–2021
Shirey SB, Carlson RW, Walter MJ & Hardy SJ
(2021) Ultra-Depleted Residual Mantle Peridotites in Ophiolites from Papua New Guinea: Earth’s most Depleted Melting Residues
Barrett N, Jaques AL, Pearson DG, González-Álvarez I & Walter MJ
(2021) Superionic Iron-Hydrogen Alloys in Earth's Inner Core
Wang W, Li Y, Brodholt J, Vočadlo L, Walter MJ & Wu Z
(2021) Sublithospheric Diamonds and Deep Earthquakes Demonstrate an Arc-Avoiding Subduction Pathway for C-O-H-N-S Volatiles
Shirey SB, Wagner LS, Walter MJ, Pearson DG & van Keken PE
(2019) Developments for the in situ Study of High P-T Fluids and Melts at the Diamond Light Source
Anzellini S, Louvel M, Drewit J, Farsang S, Keeble D, Ross A, Amboage M & Walter M
(2019) Transition-Zone Hydrous Melts
Drewitt J, Walter M, Brodholt J & Muir J
(2019) An Experimental and ab Initio Study of Water in CaSiO3-walstromite
Gregson C, Lord O, Kohn S & Walter M
(2019) The Effect of Valence and Coordination on Mo Isotope Fractionation between Metal and Silicate
Hin RC, Burnham AD, Gianolio D, Walter MJ & Elliott T
(2019) Subducted Serpentinite Water, Superdeep Diamonds, and Deep Focus Earthquakes
Shirey S, Wagner L, Walter M, Pearson G & van Keken P
(2019) Water Content of Silicate Mineral Inclusions in Superdeep Diamonds from Juina, Brazil
Thomson A, Hauri E, Shirey S, Walter M, Kohn S, Bulanova G, Smith C & Wang J
(2018) Magnesium Isotope Evidence that Accretional Vapour Loss Shapes Planetary Compositions
Hin RC, Coath CD, Carter PJ, Nimmo F, Lai Y-J, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Willbold M, Leinhardt ZM, Walter MJ & Elliott T
(2015) Deep Mantle Melts Recorded in Superdeep Diamonds and their Mineral Inclusions
Walter M, Thomson A, Brooker R & Kohn S
(2015) High Resolution FTIR Mapping of Natural Diamonds
Speich L, Kohn SC, Walter MJ, Bulanova GP & Smith CB
(2015) The Influence of Valence State on Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation
Hin RC, Burnham AD, Walter MJ & Elliott T
(2014) Water Content of Stishovite, Majorite, and Perovskite Inclusions in Juina Superdeep Diamonds
Shirey S, Hauri E, Thomson A, Bulanova G, Smith C, Kohn S & Walter M
(2013) Platelet Degradation in Diamonds. Insights from Infrared Microscopy and Implications for the Thermal Evolution of Cratonic Mantle
Kohn S, Wibberley E, Smith C, Bulanova G & Walter M
(2013) Diamonds and their Inclusions from Dachine, French Guiana: A Record of Paleoproterozoic Subduction
Walter M, Smith C, Bulanova G, Mikhail S & Kohn S
(2013) An Experimental Investigation of the Formation Mechanisms of Superdeep Diamonds
Thomson A, Walter M, Kohn S, Bulanova G & Smith C
(2013) The Redox State of Diamond-Forming Fluids: Constraints from Fe3+/Fe2+ of Garnets
Burnham A, Kohn S, Potiszil C, Walter M, Bulanova G, Thomson A & Smith C
(2013) Trace Element Partitioning between Carbonate Globules and Silicate Glass in Volcanic Carbonatites
McMahon S, Humphreys-Williams E, Gilder C, Brooker R, Jeffries T & Walter M
(2013) Water Content of Inclusions in Superdeep Diamonds
Shirey SB, Hauri EH, Thomson AR, Bulanova GP, Smith CB, Kohn SC & Walter MJ
(2012) Evidence for the Role of Carbonate Melts in the Origin of Superdeep Diamond Inclusions from the Juina-5 Kimberlite, Brazil
Thomson A, Walter M, Kohn S, Russell B, Bulanova G, Araujo D & Smith C
(2012) Multiple Growth Events in Diamonds from Murowa; Evidence from FTIR Mapping of N and H Defects
Kohn S, Bulanova G, Smith C, Walter M, Marks A & McKay A
(2011) TAPP: Retrograde Mg-Perovskite from Subducted Lithosphere?
Armstrong L & Walter M
(2011) Subducted Oceanic Crust Exhumed from the Lower Mantle
Kohn S, Walter M, Araujo D, Bulanova G & Smith C
(2011) The Origin of Carbonate Globules in Silicate Melts: Solids or Liquids?
McMahon S, Bailey K, Walter M & Caricchi L
(2010) The Melting Curve of FeSi to 150 GPa: Implications for D"
Lord O, Walter M, Dobson D, Armstrong L, Clark S & Kleppe A
(2009) Enstatite Chondrite and Related Earth Models
Wade J, Wood B, Elliott T & Walter M
(2009) Towards a Better Understanding of the Origin and Evolution of Kimberlite Melts Using Melt Phase Relations in CMAS-CO2-H2O-K2O
Buisman I, Walter M & Sparks S
(2009) Iron Lite: Experimental Constraints on the Composition of Earth’s Core
Walter M, Lord O, Helffrich G & Walker D
(2007) Mg-Fe2+-Fe3+-Al-Si-O Phase Relations at Lower Mantle Conditions: Lack of Evidence for Fe-Disproportionation
Armstrong L & Walter M
(2007) Metal Silicate Partitioning of Ge, Mo, Ga and P: Constraints on Core Formation
Rai N, Walter M & Hawkesworth C
(2007) The Melting Curve of Fe3C to 73 GPa
Lord O & Walter M
(2003) Crystal Fractionation in a Deep Magma Ocean
Walter M, Tronnes R, Frost D & Nakamura E
(2003) The Effect of Sulfate Sulfur on the Structure of Na2O-SiO2 Glasses: A 29Si MAS NMR, Raman and FT-Ir Study
Tsujimura T, Xue X, Walter M, Yamashita S & Kanzaki M
(2001) Spinel and Post-Spinel Transitions in the Mg2SiO4-Fe2SiO4 Binary Using in situ Pressure Determinations: Implications for the Earth’s Mantle
Minarik WG, Fei Y, Hirose K, Li J, Van Orman J, Walter M & Funakoshi K
(2001) Post-Spinel Transition in Mg2SiO4 Determined by High P-T in situ X-Ray Diffractometry
Katsura T, Walter MJ, Yamada H, Shinmei T, Kubo A, Ono S, Kanzaki M, Yoneda A, Ito E, Urakawa S, Funakoshi K & Utsumi W

Walter N. (2016) Physicochemical Context Synthesis for the MASE Mars Analogue Sites
Monaghan E, Ehrenfreund P, Cockell C, Schwendner P, Rettberg P, Belbo-Vranesevic K, Bohmeier M, Rabbow E, Westall F, Gaboyer F, Walter N, Moissl-Eichinger C, Perras A, Gomez F, Amils R, Garcia L, Marteinsson V & Vannier P

Walter O. (2023) Collapse of Mesoporous Silicas Induced by Radiation Damage – New Prospects for Nuclear Waste Treatment
Lin J, Causse J, Rey C, Dourdain S, Guari Y, Sene S, Grygiel C, Walter O & Deschanels X

Walter P. (2004) Contributiom of Ore Fluid Chemistry at Bleiberg Pb-Zn Deposit (Austria) and Affiliated Deposits
Schroll E & Walter P

Walter Stephanie R. (2013) Nanoparticle Interactions with Lipid Bilayers Studied by Nonlinear Optics
Troiano JM, Walter SR, Olenick LL & Geiger FM

Walter Sylvia (2022) EXCITE: A European Infrastructure to Promote Electron and X-Ray Microscopy of Earth Materials
Hellebrand E, Walter S, Cnudde V, Plümper O & ter Maat G
(2021) The P-Trap Project: Tackling the Diffuse Phosphorus Input to Surface Waters
Behrends T, Peiffer S & Walter S
(2019) Tidal Dynamics Control Microbial Methane Oxidation in the Water Column Above an Active Cold Seep (Doggerbank, North Sea)
de Groot T, Maazallahi H, Walter S, Menoud M, Röckmann T, Meijninger B, Mesdag C, Rush D & Niemann H

Walter T R (2006) Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Alteration of Intra-Caldera Tuffs, Miocene Tejeda Caldera, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
Donoghue E, Troll VR, Harris C, O' Halloran A, Walter TR & Pérez Torrado FJ

Walter Thomas R. (2022) Diverse Mantle Components with Invariant Oxygen Isotopes; The 2021 Fagradalsfjall Eruption, Iceland
Bindeman IN, Deegan F, Troll VR, Thordarson T, Höskuldsson Á, Moreland W, Zorn E, Shevchenko A & Walter TR

Walter X. Alexis (2017) Nitrate-Dependent Microbial Oxidation of Fe(II) in Stratified Freshwater Lakes
Zopfi J, Walter XA, Tischer J, Picazo A, Lehmann MF & Camacho A

Walter Xavier Alexis (2009) Anaerobic Microbial Iron Oxidation in an Iron-Meromictic Lake
Walter XA, Picazo-mozo A, Miracle R-M, Vicente E, Camacho A, Aragno M & Zopfi J

Walter Anthony K. (2018) 13CH3D and 12CH2D2 Measurements of Methane from Boreal Lakes
Haghnegahdar M, Schauble E, Kohl I, Labidi J, Walter Anthony K & Young E

Walter-Anthony K. (2021) Methane Production Controls in Thermokarst Lake Sediments
Pellerin A, Lotem N, Eliani Russak E, Hasson N, Walter-Anthony K & Sivan O
(2021) Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Does not Attenuate Thermokarst Lakes Methane Emissions
Lotem N, Pellerin A, Walter-Anthony K & Sivan O

Walters C. (2014) Helium Ion Microscopy – Geologic Applications
Walters C & Kliewer C
(2013) New Insights on Gas Storage and Transport in Shales
Walters C
(2011) Highly Oxidized Species in TSR-Altered Oils
Walters C, Qian K, Wu C, Mennito A & Wei Z

Walters D. (2009) Modelling Sources of Dust Aerosol in the Sahara
Johnson B, Walters D, Brooks M, Osborne S & Haywood J

Walters E.R. (2014) Chemistry and Mineralogy of Fe-Rich Precipitates from an AMD-Treatment System
Lefticariu L, Walters E, Behum P & Giesting P
(2013) Use of Sulfur Isotopes to Quantify Biological and Abiotic Processes Contributing to Sulfur Cycling in an AMD Treatment System
Walters ER, Pugh CW, Bender KS & Lefticariu L

Walters G. (2015) New Method for the On-Line Measurement of δD and δ18O of Mineral Hydration Waters Using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy
Walters G, Mather I, Gazquez F & Hodell D

Walters Jesse (2020) Distribution of First Row Transition Elements in Eclogites
Harmon N, Cruz-Uribe A & Walters J
(2019) Variable Sulfur Release Predicted for Hot and Cold Subducting Slabs
Walters J, Cruz-Uribe A & Marschall H
(2018) CSEs in High Pressure Rocks from Exhumed Terranes
Walters J, Cruz-Uribe A & Marschall H
(2018) Mobilization of S during Subduction via Metamorphic Redox Reactions
Cruz-Uribe A, Walters J & Marschall H

Walters Jesse B. (2023) Oxidized Slab Fluids Recorded by Sulfur-in-Apatite: A Case Study from Syros, Greece
Walters JB, Marschall H, Grützner T, Klimm K, Konecke B & Simon A
(2023) Origins of Deep Abiotic Hydrocarbons: Insights from Fundamental Redox Reactions within the Fe-C-H-O System
Wang C, Tao R, Zhang L, Debret B, Walters JB, Lan C, Zhu X, Yang K & Menez B
(2022) High-Pressure and High-Temperature Vibrational Properties and Anharmonicity of Siderite (FeCO3) and Rhodochrosite (MnCO3) up to 47 GPa and 1100 K by Raman Spectroscopy
Wang C, Tao R, Ren L, Walters JB & Zhang L
(2021) Formation of Abiotic CH4 in UHP Eclogites from S.W. Tianshan Subduction Zone: Implications for Redox State of Subducting Slabs and Deep Carbon Cycle
Wang C, Zhang L, Walters JB & Tao R

Walters L. (2023) Field Constraints on the Evolution of Phosphorus Concentrations during Saline Lake Formation
Tutolo B, Sevgen S, Walters L & Nightingale M

Walters R.L. (2006) Modelling geochemical variations associated with rift relocations at Iceland.
Walters RL, Jones SM & Maclennan JC

Walters Wendell

Walters Wendell W (2018) Increased Vulnerability of Urban Areas from Atmospheric N Deposition
Joyce E, Walters W, Le Roy E & Hastings M
(2018) Investigating the N and O Isotopic Composition of NOx
Hastings M, Walters WW, Chai J & Miller DM

Waltgenbach S. (2018) High-Resolution Sr Isotope Data of Speleothems by LA-MC-ICP-MS
Weber M, Scholz D, Wassenburg J, Jochum KP, Deininger M, Waltgenbach S, Breitenbach SFM, Hoffmann DL, Richter D & Plessen B

Waltham D. (2016) Numerical Modelling of Magma Plumbing System Interactions at Torfajökull, Iceland: An Insight from the Crystal Cargo
Imarisio C, Manning C, Waltham D & Burgess P
(2014) Deconvolving Laser-Ablation Profiles to Resolve Sharp Compositional Boundaries
Manning C & Waltham D

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