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Walsh Simon (2011) Episodic Estuarine Hypoxic Events: Integrating the Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Climate on a Sub-Tropical Floodplain, Eastern Australia
Wong V, Johnston S, Walsh S, Morris S, Burton E, Bush R, Sullivan L & Slavich P

Walsh Stuart (2021) Impact of Mechanical and Chemical Alteration on CO2 Leakage at the Cement-Casing Interface
Rhino K, Iyer J, Walsh S & Smith M
(2013) Geochemical and Geomechanical Influences on the Permeability of Wellbore Cement Fractures Exposed to CO2-Rich Brine
Carroll S, Walsh S, Mason H & DuFrane W
(2013) Accurate Measurement of Diffusion Profiles in Altered Wellbore Cement Using XMCT
Mason H, DuFrane W, Walsh S & Carroll S

Walshaw R. (2022) Linking Diffusion Chronometry to Geophysical Indicators of Volcanic Unrest – Insights from the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Eruption
Kahl M, Mutch EJF, Maclennan J, Morgan D, Couperthwaite F, Bali E, Thordarson T, Guðfinnsson GH, Walshaw R, Buisman I, Buhre S, van der Meer QHA, Caracciolo A, Marshall EW, Rasmussen M, Gallagher CR, Moreland W, Höskuldsson Á & Askew RA
(2017) The Effects of Supergene Weathering on the Mobility of Chalcophile and Siderophile Elements: A Case Study of Peridotite-Hosted Base Metal Sulphides from Kilbourne Hole, New Mexico, USA
Harvey J, Warren J, Humayun M & Walshaw R
(2015) Metasomatism and Melt-Rock Interactions in Spinel Peridotites from Borée, Massif Central, France
Barnett C, Harvey J, Morgan D, Hammond S & Walshaw R

Walshe G.E. (2011) Bacterial Physico-Chemical Controls on As-Pb Iron Hydroxy Sulfates in Reduced Environments
Weisener CG, Smeaton CM, Walshe GE, Smith AML, Chi Fru E & Fryer BJ
(2011) Physico-Chemical and Mineralogical Transformations of Fluid Fine Tailings (FFT) Associated with the Alberta Oil Sands End Pit Lakes
Walshe G, Chen M, Chi Fru E & Weisener C

Walshe John (2017) Gold, Alteration and Sources of Sulfur: Insight from the World-Class Bardoc Shear Zone
Schmitt L, Bath A, Walshe J & Godefroy M
(2017) White Mica as a Hyperspectral Tool in Exploration for Sunrise Dam and Kanowna Belle Gold Deposits, Western Australia
Wang R, Cudahy T, Laukamp C, Walshe J & Bath A
(2017) The Late Archean Au Epoch: By – Product of Electrical Instabilities on the Core-Mantle Boundary?
Walshe J
(2014) Ultra High Grade Au: Links to Alkaline, Cl-Rich, Low aH2O Fluids
Walshe J & Bath A
(2014) Trace Element Dispersion and REE-HFSE Fractionation in a Deeply Weathered Profile: The Albany-Fraser Orogen Margin, Western Australia
Gonzalez-Alvarez I, Salama W, Anand R, Sweetapple M, Abdat T, leGras M & Walshe J
(2014) Organic Geochemistry of the Paleoproterozoic ‘Here’s Your Chance’ Pb/Zn/Ag Deposit
Holman A, Grice K, Jaraula C, Evans K, Greenwood P, Schimmelmann A, Brocks J, Böttcher M, Walshe J & Yeats C
(2014) Geochemistry of Au and As in Pyrite from Ore Deposits
Deditius A, Reich M, Kesler S, Utsunomiya S, Chryssoulis S, Walshe J & Ewing R
(2013) Hydrothermal Magnetite from the Grasberg Porphyry and Ertsberg East Skarn Cu-Au Deposits
Nadoll P, Walshe J, French D & Leys C
(2012) Unravelling the Paragenesis at One of Australia's Highest-Grade Gold Deposits
Cloutier J, Walshe JL, Bath A, Hough RM & Hutchison R
(2010) Trace-Metal Nanoparticles in Pyrite
Deditius A, Utsunomiya S, Reich M, Kesler S, Ewing R, Hough R & Walshe J
(2009) Links between Planetary Degassing, Gold and the Redox State of Late Archean Oceans?
Walshe J
(2006) Degassing of hydrogen from the Earth’s core and related phenomena of system Earth
Walshe J
(2006) Camp-scale alteration dispersion: indicators for multiple fluids and pathways
Neumayr P, Walshe J & Petersen K
(2006) Tectonic triggers for giant porphyry and epithermal deposits of the circum-Pacific region
Cooke D, Hollings P & Walshe J
(2006) Types of fluid compositions and evolution at the St Ives Gold Camp
Petersen K, Neumayr P, Walshe J & Hagemann S
(2005) Carbonaceous Matter and Gold in Carlin Deposits: How Intimate was the Relationship?
Barnicoat A, Phillips G, Walshe J & Lawrence S
(2004) Hydrogen Flux from the Earth’s Core Giant Ore Deposits and Related Phenomena Through Earth History
Walshe J, Hobbs B, Ord A, Regenauer - lieb K, Barnicoat A & Hall G
(2004) The Witwatersrand Mineralising System
Hobbs B, Walshe J, Ord A, Zhang Y & Barnicoat A

Walshe John L (2019) Multi-Proxy Characterisation of Metalliferous Shales of the Kupferschiefer Deposit
Pages A, Tulipani S, Walshe J, Grice K, Ruebsam W, Plet C, Vuleta S, Woltering M, Pejcic B & Schwark L
(2019) The Critical Role of Architecture in Sustaining Chemical Gradients in Late Archean Gold Systems, Eastern Yilgarn
Bath AB & Walshe JL

Walsworth R.L. (2018) Magnetic Fields of the Outer Solar Nebula Recorded in CR Chondrites
Fu RR, Kehayias P, Lima EA, Schrader DL, Weiss BP & Walsworth RL

Walte Nico (2007) The Perovskite – Post-Perovskite Phase Transition of CaIrO3 during Experimental Deformation: Implications for the D' Layer
Walte N, Heidelbach F, Rubie D & Frost D
(2007) Deformation Experiments on Natural Omphacite: A TEM Study
Müller WF, Walte N, Miyajima N, Frost DJ & Klemd R

Walte Nicolas (2016) Deformation Mechanisms of Antigorite Serpentinite at Subduction Zone Conditions
Auzende A-L, Escartin J, Walte N, Guillot S, Hirth G & Frost D
(2014) In situ Observation of Crystal Growth in a Basaltic Melt
Ni H, Keppler H, Walte N, Schiavi F, Chen Y, Masotta M & Li Z

Walte Nicolas P. (2023) Reproducing Iron-Rich Phase Textures in Primitive Achondrites: Overcoming Surface Tension in Solids
Néri A, Kubik E, Golabek GJ, Bouvier A & Walte NP

Waltemathe H. (2022) Behaviour of Dissolved Neodymium Concentrations and Isotopes in the Deep South Pacific Ocean
Waltemathe H, Struve T, Ferdelman T & Pahnke K

Waltenberg K. (2022) Pb Isotopes of the Curnamona Province, an Example of Extreme Crustal Fractionation in the Proterozoic
Ware B, Liebmann J, Kirkland CL, Tessalina SG, Mole DR, Waltenberg K, Huston DL, Fraser G & Champion DC

Walter Bastien (2023) Unraveling the Composition of Mantle Noble Gases from CO2-rich Geothermal Emanations, Homa Hills, Kenya
Marty B, Contamine D, Pik R, Seltzer AM, Bekaert DV, Diraison M, Walter B, Géraud Y, Omenda P & Varet J
(2018) Role of the Forearc in the Geochemistry of Subduction Zones: New Insights from the IODP Expedition 366
Debret B, Mattielli N, Albers E, Walter B, Price R, Barnes JD, Beunon H & Williams H

Walter Benjamin (2017) Hydrothermal Carbonate-Sulfate Assemblages Record the Transition from a Deep to a Shallow Hydrothermal System, Schwarzwald, SW Germany
Burisch M, Walter B, Gerdes A, Lanz M & Markl G
(2017) Silver-Bearing Ores of the Clara Mine, SW-Germany
Keim M, Neumann U, Walter B, Bayerl R & Markl G
(2015) Chemical Evolution of Continental Basement Brines – A Field Study from the Schwarzwald, SW Germany
Walter B, Burisch M & Markl G

Walter Benjamin F (2021) Fluid Release in Carbonatitic Systems and its Implication for Carbonatite Magma Ascent, Compositional Evolution and REE-Mineralization
Walter BF, Giebel RJ, Steele-MacInnis M, Marks MAW, Kolb J & Markl G

Walter Benjamin F. (2023) Volcanic Activity and Magmatic Evolution in the Southern Central European Volcanic Province Reveal Mantle Heterogeneities and Two Geochemically Distinct Melt Sources
Binder T, Marks MAW, Walter BF & Markl G
(2023) Upper Rhine Graben: Understanding a Geothermal Fluid System as Basis for Raw Material Potential
Jungmann M, Walter BF, Kluge T, Eiche E & Kolb J
(2022) Silicates in Carbonatites – Origin and Interpretation
Giebel RJ, Walter BF, Marks MAW & Markl G
(2020) Magmatic Interaction in Peralkaline Syenites of the Junguni Complex, Malawi
Walter BF, Giebel RJ, Marks MAW & Markl G
(2020) Mica Compositions Record Carbonatite – Silicate Wall-Rock Interaction
Giebel RJ, Walter BF, Marks MAW & Markl G
(2019) Evidence for Wall-Rock Assimilation in Carbonatites from the Kaiserstuhl (Germany)
Marks MAW, Giebel RJ, Walter BF, Braunger S, Wenzel T & Markl G
(2019) Metamorphic Overprint and Dolomitization of Mesozoic Carbonates (Latemar Platform, Italy)
Mueller M, Jacquemyn C, Riechelmann S, Schurr S, Igbokwe OA, Walter B & Immenhauser A
(2019) Fluids Exsolved from the Kaiserstuhl Carbonatite, SW Germany: Brine Generation by Boiling
Walter BF, Steele-MacInnis M, Giebel RJ, Marks MAW & Markl G

Walter E. (2018) Understanding the Chemistry of Low-Valent Technetium Species Relevant to their Separation from Hanford Tank Waste
Chatterjee S, Levitskaia T, Hall G, Du Y, Engelhard M, Washton N, Walter E, Varga T & Lee S

Walter F. (2015) Monazite Th-Pb Dating Reveals eo-Alpine Evolution in the Eastern Alps during Brittle Deformation
Bergemann C, Gnos E, Berger A, Walter F, Bojar H-P & Whitehouse M

Walter H. (2022) P-T-X Characteristics of the Formation Conditions of Hydrothermal Originated Monazite of the Jolotca Ore Field, Ditrău Alkaline Massif (Romania)
Fintor K, Walter H, Kiri L, Kristály F & Pál-Molnár E
(2021) Formation Conditions of Hydrothermal Monazite of Jolotca Ore Field, Ditrău Alkaline Massif
Fintor K, Walter H & Pal-Molnar E

Walter L.M. (2005) Geochemical Evolution of Pleistocene Glacial Meltwaters within Regional Carbonate Aquifer Systems, Midcontinent U.S
McIntosh J & Walter L
(2005) Carbonate and Plagioclase Weathering Rates in Pleistocene Glacial Drift Deposits: Solute Fluxes from Soils to Shallow Groundwater Systems
Jin L, Williams E, Walter L & Hamilton S
(2002) Carbonate Equilibria and Mass Transport in Surface Waters
Szramek K & Walter L
(2002) Hydrogeochemistry of a Modern Dolomite-Forming Lagoon System (Cabo Frio-Rj, Brazil): Role of Sulfide Oxidation
Moreira NF, Walter LM, McCall PJ, Vasconcelos C & McKenzie JA
(2001) Rapid Authigenic Ferric Clay Formation in Shallow Marine Tropical Sediments: Environmental Controls and Implications for Major Elemental Cycles
Ku TCW & Walter LM
(2001) Hydrocarbon Oxidation in Sedimentary Basin Gas Reservoirs
Martini A, Walter LM & McIntosh JC

Walter M (2006) Core-Mantle Reactivity
Walter M & Elliott T
(2006) Magma Ocean Differentiation
Walter M
(2006) Effect of Silcate Melt Composition and fO2 on Metal-Silicate Partitioning of Nb, Ta and V
Rai N, Walter M & Hawkesworth C
(2006) Using advanced accelerators to understand the lower mantle and beyond
Clark S, Speziale S, Jeanloz R, Kunz M, Caldwell W, Walter M & Walker D

Walter Malcolm (2010) Biological Diversity in the Archean: New Results from NanoSIMS
Oehler D, Robert F, Walter M, Sugitani K, Meibom A, Mostefaoui S & Gibson E
(2002) In situ Cu and Fe Isotope Evidence for Inorganic and Organic Components in the HYC Pb-Zn Ores
Graham S, Griffin W, Jackson S, Walter M, Logan G & Pearson N

Walter Maren (2020) Evolution of Helium Signatures from Kermadec Arc Under Water Volcanoes
Walter M, Türke A, Mertens C & Sültenfuß J
(2018) The Use of Short-Lived Radium Isotopes at Submarine Hydrothermal Vents
Neuholz R, Schnetger B, Walker SL, Walter M, Türke A & Brumsack H-J
(2017) Geochemistry, Physics, and Dispersion of a Gakkel Ridge Hydrothermal Plume, 87°N, 55°30’E
McDermott J, Albers E, Bach W, Diehl A, German C, Hand K, Koehler J, Seewald J, Walter M, Wegener G & Wischnewski L

Walter Martin (2017) Radical Generation and Transition Metals on Chrysotile Asbestos Surfaces
Walter M, Schenkeveld WDC, Geroldinger G, Gille L & Kraemer SM
(2011) The Biogeochemistry of Phytosiderophores in the Rhizosphere in Relation to Fe Uptake
Schenkeveld W, Oburger E, Dell´Mour M, Stanetty C, Walter M, Hann S, Puschenreiter M & Krämer S

Walter Michael (2018) The Fate of Carbonate in Oceanic Crust Subducted into Earth’s Mantle
Walter M, Drewitt J, Thomson A, Zhang H, Lord O & Heinen B
(2017) Experimental Investigation of the Affect of Pressure on the Oxidation State of a Terrestrial Magma Ocean
Zhang H, Hirschmann M, Walter M, Lord O & Cottrell E

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