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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Wu Chun-Ming (2018) In situ LA-ICP-MS U-Th-Pb Monazite Dating of Metapelites from Namche Barwa Area, Eastern Tibet
Peng T, Gerdes A, Albert Roper R, Millonig LJ, Marko L, Zeng L-S & Wu C-M

Wu Chung (2021) Geochemical Characteristics of Sediment-Pore Water Systems Associated with Hydrothermal Activity at South Okinawa Trough
Hsu F-H, Su C-C, Lee H-F, Lin Y-S, Wu C, Chu M-F, Chen S-C & Wang Y

Wu Chung Che (2020) Stalagmite-Inferred Hydroclimate Records during 72-112 ka from Hokkaido, Japan
Yang CY, Hu HM, Wu CC, Watanabe T, Watanabe T, Mii HS, Lin HT & Shen CC

Wu Chung-Che (2022) Isotopic 238U-234U-232Th-230Th Analysis Using LA-ICPMS for Direct U/Th Dating of Millennium Stalagmites
Wu C-C, Shen C-C, Günther D & Bodo H
(2021) A High-Sensitivity in situ 230Th-232Th-234U-238U Age Determination Approach Using LA-ICPMS
Wu C-C, Shen C-C(, Günther D & Bodo H
(2018) Western North Pacific Monsoon Variability Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Partin J, Quinn T, Shen C-C, Erb M, DiNezio P, Okumura Y, Siringan F, Cardenas MB, Thirumalai K, Lin K, Wu C-C, Banner J, Hu H, Jackson C & Taylor F
(2016) Exploring the Limit of ICPMS in Space and Time and Mass
Hattendorf B, Burger M, Wu C-C, Shen C-C, Hendriks L, Gundlach-Graham A, Schwarz G & Günther D
(2016) Stalagmite-Based Climate Variability Reconstruction of the Subtropical Northwest Pacific Region from Gyokusen Cave in Okinawa-Jima, the Ryukyu Islands, Japan
Asami R, Uemura R, Miyata H, Jin-Ping C, Wu C-C & Shen C-C
(2016) Absolute Dated Greenland Interstadials Recorded in Stalagmite from Southern Turkey
Baykara MO, Mii H-S, Huang CY, Wu C-C & Shen C-C
(2016) Variability of the Western Pacific ITCZ over the Past Three Glacial-Interglacial Cycles
Liu Y, Lo L, Shi Z, Wei K-Y, Wu C-C, Mii H-S, Chuang C-K, Amakawa H & Shen C-C
(2016) Decipher 1991 Coral Mortality Episode via Geochemistry Approach
Wu C-C, Shen C-C, Chang C-C, Chou Y-M, Wang C-Z, Chung S-L, Pallister J, Lam DD & Yu K

Wu Chunping (2011) Highly Oxidized Species in TSR-Altered Oils
Walters C, Qian K, Wu C, Mennito A & Wei Z

Wu Cindy (2011) Isotopic Evidence for Microbial Oxidation of Dissolved Methane in the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Deep Plume
Conrad M, Bill M, Stringfellow W, Borglin S, Mason O, Dubinsky E, Piceno Y, Fortney J, Tom L, Chavarria K, Lamendella R, Joyner D, Wetmore K, Kuehl J, Mackelprang R, Wu C, Lim H, Reid F & Hazen T

Wu Dai-She

Wu DaiDai (2019) Experimental and Numerical Simulation of the Formation of Cold Seep Carbonates in the Marine Sediments
Ye T, Liu L, Jin G & Wu D

Wu Daidai (2017) Geochemical Evidence from Core 973-2 and 973-4 for Methane Activity Near Jiulong Methane Reef in the Northern South China Sea
Wu D, Pan M, Yang F & Liu L
(2016) Foraminiferal Assemblages and Geochemistry Characteristics in the Dongsha Cold-Seep Activities Area, Northern South China Sea
Wu D, Pan M & ZHang B
(2015) Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes of Foramnifera Respensed to Climate Changes in Dongsha Area, the Northern South China Sea
Wu D, Zhang B & Wu N
(2013) The Research of Sulfur Early Diagenesis Cycle Drived by AOM and Methane-Seep Environment in the Cold Seep Area, Northern South China Sea
Wu D & Wu N

Wu Daishe (2011) Catalytic Spectrophotometric Determination of Iodine in Vegetable Matter Digested by Pyrohydrolysis
Liu L, Wu D & Li P

Wu Dan (2017) The Hydrolysis Behavior of Methyl Parathion Absorbed by Various Minerals
Zhang C, Liu Y, Liao X, Lv Y, Nan C, Fan Z, Xie M, Tang M & Wu D
(2016) Multiple Metasomatism beneath the Northern North China Craton: Evidence from Peridotite Xenoliths in Siziwangqi Basalts
Wu D, Liu Y, Xu R & Gao S

Wu Di (2023) Thermodynamics of Materials and Minerals Under Confinement: From Ionic and Organic Solids to Refractory Ceramics
Hawkins MR, Zhang X, Cockreham C, Strzelecki AC, Reece ME, Goncharov VG, Sun H, Qi J, Guo X, Saunders SR, Ha S, Wang Y, Xu H & Wu D
(2023) Elucidating and Manipulating Pressure-Induced Water Intrusion-Extrusion in Tunable Hydrophobic Co/Zn Bimetallic ZIFs
Fang D, Liu C, Jiang H, Wu D & Sun H
(2022) Surface Thermodynamics of Yttrium Titanate Pyrochlore Materials
Reece M, Zhao X, Zhang X, Li J, Liu J, Zhang Q, Wu D, Wen J & Guo X
(2022) Interfacial, Mineralogical and Microstructural Evolutions in Kerogen-Rich Shale from the Marcellus Formation at Pennsylvania and Shale-Like Rocks from the Negev Desert Under Thermal Treatments
Cockreham C, Zhang X, Strzelecki AC, Lau ML, Long M, Benmore CJ, Guo X, Klein-BenDavid O, Stauffer PH, Bussod GA, Xu H, Boukhalfa H & Wu D
(2020) Thermodynamics of CeSiO₄
Strzelecki A, Kreigsman K, Bourgeois C, Estevenon P, Goncharov V, Wei N, Szenknect S, Mesbah A, Wu D, Ewing R, Dacheux N & Guo X
(2020) Energetic, Structural and Interfacial Evolutions in Hydration and Dehydration of Minerals with Layered Structures
Wu D & Xu H
(2019) Structural, Interfacial, and Energetic Evolutions for Defect-Fluorite Gd2Zr2O7 Ceramics Under He Irradiation
Huang Z, Qi J, Lu T, Guo X & Wu D
(2018) Energetics of Interlayer Confinement Phenomena in Layered Double Hydroxides
Wu D
(2014) Confinement of Organic Molecules in Nanoporous Minerals
Wu D, Sun H, Guo X & Navrotsky A

Wu Dingfeng (2019) Odinarchaeote-Tengchong Illuminates the Origination of Eukaryotic Endosomal System
Wu D, Fan L, Xiao J, Xu Y, Zhu R & Zhang C
(2019) Mitochondria Branch within Alphaproteobacteria
Fan L, Wu D, Xiao J, Xu Y, Zhang C, Martin WF & Zhu R

Wu F (2006) Ultraviolet absorbance titration for the determination of complexing capacities and stability constants of copper (II)-fulvic Acid
Wu F, Bai Y & Zhang H
(2005) Fluorescence Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter in a City River of Southwestern China
Fu P, Wu F & Liu C
(2005) Seasonal and Vertical Variability of Molecular Weight of Dissolved Organic matter(DOM) in Lake Hongfeng Water Column
Yue L, Wu F & Liu C
(2005) Metal Distribution in Different Molecular Size Fractions of Dissolved Organic Matter in Stream Waters by HPSEC and ICPMS
Wu F
(2004) The Coupling Relation between 210Pbex and Organic Matter in Sediments of Enrichment Nutrient Lake: An Example from Lake Chenghai, China
Wan G, Santschi P, Chen J, Xu S, Wu F, Wan E & Yang W
(2003) Tryptophan and Other Amino Acids in the Sediments of Four Chinese Lakes
Yin Z, Wu F & Tanoue E
(2003) Lanthanide Tetrad Effect in Granites and Related Rocks from China and Mongolia: A Review
Jahn B & Wu F
(2003) U-Pb Dating of 31 Ma Zircon by ELA-ICPMS
Yuan H, Gao S & Wu F

Wu F-Y (2006) Zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopic constraints on the multiple components in granites
Wu F-Y & Yang J-H

Wu Fabai (2021) Characterization of the Archaeal Communities Involved in Methane and Hydrocarbon Oxidation within Hydrothermal Environments of the S. Pescadero Basin (Gulf of California)
Laso Perez R, Crémière A, Wu F, Speth DR, Schubotz F, Magyar J & Orphan V

Wu Fei (2021) Experimental Determination of Zinc Isotopic Fractionation between Aqueous Fluids and Silicate Magmas
Guo H, Xia Y, Wu F & Huang F
(2020) Facet-Dependent Changes in Crystallinity and Atom Exchange of Hematite Nanocrystals during Fe(II)-Accelerated Recrystallization
Wu F & Liu C
(2020) Ba Isotope Study on Arc Lavas and Mantle Peridotites with the Application of 1013 ohm Resistor
Wu F, Schaefer B, Alard O & Turner S
(2019) Use of 1013 ohm Resistor Amplifiers for Double-Spike Barium Isotope Measurements by TIMS and MC-ICP-MS
Wu F, Turner S & Schaefer B
(2018) Contrasting Mg Isotopic Compositions between Fe-Mn Nodules and Surrounding Soils: Accumulation of Light Mg Isotopes by Mg-Depleted Clay Minerals and Fe Oxides
Gao T, Liu C, Li F, Liao C & Wu F
(2018) The Vanadium Isotopic Composition of the BSE: Constraints from Peridotites and Komatiites
Qi Y, Wu F, Ionov D, Puchtel I, Nicklas R, Yu H, Kang J, Li C & Huang F
(2018) Vanadium Isotope a New Tool for Tracking Low Oxygen Conditions
Wu F, Owens J & Nielsen S
(2018) The Vanadium Isotope Evidence for Emergence of Felsic Crust after 3 Ga
Huang F, Tian S, Rudnick R, Qi Y, Wu F, Cai Y & Gaschnig R
(2018) Novel Isotope Systems to Better Constrain Local to Global Reduced Bottom Water Oxygen Contents
Owens JD, Them TR, Wu F & Nielsen SG
(2017) The Vanadium Isotope Composition of Marine Sediments
Wu F, Owens J, Nielsen S, Scholz F, Riedinger N, Peterson L & Lyons T
(2016) Fractionation of V Isotopes during Magma Differentiation
Huang F, Tian S-Y & Wu F
(2016) Vanadium Isotope Fractionation in Low-Temperature Environments
Wu F, Qi Y, Zhang F, Algeo T, Yu H & Huang F
(2015) High-Precision Ba Isotope Analysis Method by MC-ICP-MS
Nan X, Wu F, Yu H & Huang F
(2015) First-Principles Investigation of Equilibrium Fractionation of O and Si Isotopes Among Crustal Minerals
Wu F, Qin T, Huang F & Wu Z-Q
(2015) Calcium Isotopic Fractionation between Clinopyroxene and Orthopyroxen in Mantle Xenoliths from Eastern China
Kang J-T, Zhu H-L, Liu Y-F, Liu F, Wu F, Hao Y-T, Huang F & Zhang Z-F
(2014) First-Principles Investigation of Equilibrium V Isotope Fractionation in Solution and during Adsorption
Wu F, Qin T, Li X-F, Liu Y, Wu Z-Q & Huang F

Wu Fengchang (2011) Biogeochemical Characteristics and Environmental Effects of Low Molecular-Weight Organic Acids in Lacustrine Ecosystem
Xiao M & Wu F
(2007) Artificial Radionuclides Recorded in Lacustrine Sediments in Bosten and Qinghai Lakes, NW China
Zheng J, Wu F, Yamada M, Liao H & Wan G

Wu Francis (2013) Seismic Evidence for the α-β Quartz Transition beneath Taiwan from Vp/Vs Tomography
Kuo-Chen H, Wu F, Jenkins D, Mechie J, Roecker S, Wang C-Y & Huang B-S

Wu Fu Yuan (2018) A Paleoproterozoic Basement beneath the Rangrim Massif Revealed by the in situ U-Pb Ages and Hf Isotopes of Xenocrystic Zircons from Triassic Kimberlites of the North Korea
Zhu YS, Yang JH, Wang H & Wu FY
(2013) Two Neo-Tethyan Magmatic Suites of Distinctive Geochemical Features in Burma and Southern Tibet: Zircon U-Pb and Hf Constraints with Regional Tectonic Implications
Lin T-H, Chung S-L, Mitchell A, Thura O, Tang R-T & Wu F-Y
(2013) On the Evolution of the Western Alpine Orogen: U-Pb Geochronology and Hf Isotopic Ratios in Zircons from Adamello and Bergell Amph-Rich Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks
Tiepolo M, Tribuzio R, Lustrino M & Wu F-Y
(2013) Neoproterozoic Accretion along the Southeastern Margin of the Eastern Dharwar Craton, India: Evidence from Zircon U-Pb Ages and their Hf Isotopic Composition
Vadlamani R, Chatterjee C, Ji W-Q & Wu F-Y
(2013) Zircon U-Pb Age and Hf Isotope Constraints on the Petrogenesis of the Alpine Periadriatic Intrusions
Ji W-Q, Wu F-Y, Tiepolo M, Langone A & Braga R
(2013) Metasomatic Perovskite
Wu F-Y, Sun J & Liu C-Z
(2013) Existence of Elevated δ18O Values in the Lithospheric Mantle: Evidence from Olivines in Sailipu Mantle Xenoliths, Tibet
Liu C-Z, Wu F-Y & Li Q-L
(2013) U-Pb and Hf Isotopes in Zircons from Mantle Chromitites of the Finero Peridotite (Ivrea Verbano Zone)
Giovanardi T, Zanetti A, Mazzucchelli M, Tiepolo M, Wu F, Langone A & Vannucci R
(2012) U-Pb Ages and Sr-Nd Isotopic Compositions of Perovskite from the Yakutian Kimberlites, Siberian Craton
Sun J, Wu F & Liu C
(2012) Os-Hf-Nd-Sr Isotopic Constraints on the Origin of Highly Potassic Basalts in Northeast China
Chu Z, Wu F, Guo J, Yang Y, Zhang Y & Liu C
(2012) Age Structure of Lithospheric Mantle beneath Southeastern (SE) China
Liu C-Z, Wu F-Y & Sun J
(2011) Fragments of Hot and Metasomatized Mantle Lithosphere Sampled by Mid-Miocene Ultrapotassic Lavas, Southern Tibet
Liu C-Z, Wu F-Y, Chung S-L & Zhao Z-D
(2011) Comparative Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-Os Isotopic Systematics of Xenolithic Peridotites from Yangyuan, North China Craton
Liu J, Carlson R, Rudnick R, Walker R, Wu F & Gao S
(2011) Zircon Hf Isotopic Study of the Mesozoic Granitoids from Korea and Japan and Tectonic Implications
Lee SR, Cho D-L & Wu F-Y
(2011) Precise Age Determination of the Paleozoic Kimberlites in North China Craton and Hf Isotopic Constraint on the Evolution of its Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle
Li Q-L, Wu F-Y, Li X-H, Qiu Z-L, Liu Y, Yang Y-H & Tang G-Q
(2010) Os Isotope Evidence for Diachronous Formation of Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Trans-North China Orogen, North China Craton
Liu J, Rudnick R, Walker R, Gao S, Wu F, Xu W & Xu Y
(2009) Tracing Magma Mixing in the Origin of Granite by in situ Hf and Nd Isotope Analysis
Sun J-F, Yang J-H, Wu F-Y & Li X-H
(2009) PbSL Dating of Garnet and Staurolite: Constrains the Age of Peak Metamorphism for Liaohe Group in the Eastern Block of the North China Craton
Xie LW, Yang JH, Wu FY & Yang YH
(2009) SIMS U-Th-Pb Dating of Kimberlitic Perovskite
Li Q, Li X, Wu F & Yang J
(2009) In situ Nd Isotope Measurement of Bastnaesite via LA-MC-ICP-MS
Yang Y, Wu F, Fan H, Xie L & Zhang Y
(2009) Heterogeneity of Os Isotopes in the Yungbwa Ophiolite
Liu C-Z, Wu F-Y & Yu L-J
(2009) Mesozoic Decratonization of the North China Block: Evidence from Hf-Os Isotopes
Yang J-H, Wu F-Y, Griffin WL, O'Reilly SY & Wilde SA
(2008) Tectonic Significance of Ca-Rich Plagioclase in Refractory Peridotites from Yungbwa Ophiolite, Tibet Plateau
Liu C-Z, Wu F-Y, Yu L-J & Li J-L
(2008) Crust-Mantle Interaction Below NE China: Evidence from Magma Mixing
Wilde S, Yang J & Wu F
(2008) Association of A- and I-Type Granites at the Western Yangtze Block, SW China: Implications for Generation of A-Type Granite
Zhao X-F, Zhou M-F, Li J-W & Wu F-Y
(2008) Geochemistry, U-Pb and Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopes of the Baijuhuajian A-Type Granites in Zhejiang Province: Evidence for a Continuous Extensional Regime in the Mid and Late Mesozoic
Wong J, Sun M, Xing G, Zhao G, Li X, Wu F & Yuan C
(2008) Lithospheric Thinning in the North China Craton: Constraints from Felsic Magmatism
Wu F-Y & Yang J-H
(2007) Affinity of the Trans-North China Orogen: Constraints from Detrital Zircon U-Pb and Hf Isotope Compositions from the Fuping Complex, North China Craton
Xia X, Sun M, Zhao G & Wu F
(2007) Baijuhuajian A-Type Granites in the Western Zhejiang Province, SE China: Geochemical and Zircon U-Pb and Hf Isotope Compositions and Tectonic Implications
Wong JP-M, Sun M, Xing G, Zhao G, Xia X, Wong K, Li L, Li X, Wu F & Yuan C

Wu Fu-Yuan (2022) Potassium Isotope Fractionation during Granitic Magmatic Differentiation: Mineral-Pair Perspectives
Huang T-Y, Teng F, Wang Z-Z, He Y & Wu F-Y
(2022) Extensive Crystal Fractionation of High-Silica Magmas Revealed by Potassium Isotopes
Wang Z-Z, Teng F-Z, Wu F-Y, Liu Z-C, Liu X-C, Liu S-A & Huang T-Y
(2020) Estimating Crystallization Pressure of Peraluminous Melts: An Experimentally-Based Empirical Approach
Yang L, Gualda G, Miller C & Wu F-Y
(2020) A Temperature-Independent Method for Estimating Paleo-Elevation and its Application in the Tibetan Plateau
Hu F, Wu F, Chapman J, Ducea M & Liu S
(2020) Mg Isotopic Fractionation Involving Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition Recorded in the Himalayan Granites
Li D-Y, Teng F-Z, Xiao Y, Liu Z-C, Gu H-O, Li W-Y & Wu F-Y
(2020) Melt-Peridotite Reactions in the Lowermost Continental Crust: Evidence from the Ivrea-Verbano Zone (Italian Alps)
Tribuzio R, Antonicelli M, Liu T & Wu F
(2019) Evolutionary History of the Diamond-Bearing Mantle Peridotites of the Luaobusa Ophiolite, Southern Tibet
Liu C-Z, Zhang C & Wu F-Y
(2019) Origin of the Dunite-Harzburgite Association from Rocca di Argimonia, Ivrea Mafic Complex (Ivrea-Verbano Zone)
Antonicelli M, Tribuzio R, Wu FY & Liu T
(2018) A Comparative Study of Leucogranites and Migmatites from the GHC in Nyalam, Southern Tibet
Yang L, Wu F, Wang J & Liu X
(2018) Geochronology of Leucogranites in Chomolungma Area, Southern Tibet
Liu X-C, Yang L, Li Q-L & Wu F-Y
(2018) Potassium Isotopic Composition of the Upper Continental Crust
Huang T-Y, Teng F-Z, Rudnick R, Chen X-Y, Hu Y, Liu Y-S & Wu F-Y
(2018) Identifying Contribution of Juvenile Components to the Generation of Miocene Himalayan Magmatism
Ji W-Q, Wu F-Y, Liu Z-C, Liu X-C, Wang J-G, Zhang C & Liu T
(2018) Mesozoic Decratonization of the Sino-Korean Craton by Lithospheric Delamination
Yang J-H, Zhu Y-S & Wu F-Y
(2016) Apatite Lu-Hf Geochronology of Ultramafic Cumulates: An Example from Fanshan Alkaline Complex, North China Craton
Li Y, Yang Y-H & Wu F-Y
(2016) New Progresses in Analytical Methods of in situ Sm-Nd Isotope Measurement of Natural Geological Samples by LA-MC-ICP-MS
Yang Y-H, Yang J-H, Wu F-Y, Xie L-W & Huang C
(2016) Hf Isotopic Characteristics of Sources Materials for the Phanerozoic Granitoids in South Korea
Lee SR, Cho D-L & Wu F-Y
(2015) Zircon Hf Isotopic Constraints on the Petrogenesis of the Dzirula Complex in Georgian Caucasus: The Existence of Arabian Micro-Continents
Chiu H-Y, Chung S-L, Shengelia DM, Javakhishvili Z, Okrostsvaridze A, Wu F-Y, Lee H-Y & Iizuka Y

Wu Fuli (2022) A New Palynological Approach to Reconstruct Palaeoelevation: Vertical Space Coexistence Approach
Miao Y, Utescher T, Wu F, Wang X & Yang Y
(2019) Global Climate Dominating the Terrestrial Ecosystem Evolution in the Lanzhou Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau during the Late Paleocene-Middle Miocene
Zhao Y, Wu F & Fang X

Wu Fuyuan (2023) Ca Isotope Compositions of Prairie Lake Carbonatite Complex
Sun J, Zhu X, Mitchell R, Wu F & Williams HM
(2020) Isotopes Features of the Intrusive Rocks in the Xigaze Ophiolite, Southern Tibet: Constraints on its Formation Setting
Zhang L, Liu C, Wu F, Zhang C, Ji W & Wang J
(2019) Lithospheric Mantle of North China Craton is Instinctly Rich in Gold?
Wang Z, Cheng H, Zong K, Liu Y, Yang J, Wu F & Foley S
(2017) Composition of the Lithospheric Mantle in the Northern Siberian Craton: Constraints from Peridotites in the Obnazhennaya Kimberlite
Sun J, Liu C, Kostrovisky SI, Wu F, Yang J, Chu Z & Yang Y

Wu Ganguo (2009) Thrusting Style and Timing Restriction in the Western Fujian Fold-Thrust Belt, SE China
Lin Q, Zhang D, Wu G, Tao J, Di Y, Cao W & Huang R
(2009) Regularity of Mineralization Ages in Southeastern China
Lin D, Wu G, Zhang D, Di Y & Shi J
(2009) SHRIMP U-Pb Zircon Geochronology of the Tieshajie Group in the Cathaysia Block-China: Implications for Neoproterozoic Tectonic Significance
Zhang D, Wu G, Di Y, Luo P & Huang H
(2009) Re-Os Age and Geochemistry of the Zhongjia Tin Polymetallic Deposit and its Geological Significance in SW Fujian Province, China
Shi J, Zhang D & Wu G
(2009) Textural and Compositional Evidence for Magma Mixing in Chaoshan Dioritic Porphyry in Tongling Area, Anhui, China
Di Y, Wu G, Zhao H, Zhang D, Yu X & Zang W
(2008) U-Pb SHRIMP-Dating of Zircons and Structures of Granitoid Plutons in the Tongling Area (Anhui, China) and their Tectonic Significance
Zhang D, Wu G, Di Y, Zang W & Liu W
(2008) Geochemistry and SHRIMP U-Pb Zircon Geochronology of the Neoproterozoic Mamianshan Group in the Cathaysia Block-China: Implications for Tectonic Significance
Wu G, Zhang D, Di Y, Yu X, Zhang X, Wang Q & Huang H
(2002) Fluid Inclusion Study of Ore-Forming Fluids and its Bearing on the Hydrothermal Minerization of the Datuanshan Copper Deposit of Skarn Type in the Tongling Area, Anhui Province
Wu G, Deng J, Wen C, Zhao C & Du Y

Wu Geng (2014) Metagenomic and Metatranscriptomic Analysis of the C, N, and S Cycles in Qinghai Lake, China
Briggs B, Huang Q, Wu G, Jiang H & Dong H

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