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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Wickramarathna S. (2019) Influence of Dissolved Organic Matter on Declining Oyster Populations in the Western Mississippi Sound
Wickramarathna S, Dash P & Moorhead R
(2018) Microbial Diversity in Hematitic Bearing Rock from Tropical Sri Lanka
Wickramarathna S, Chandrajith R, Senarathe A, Wickramashinghe S, Paul V & Dash P
(2016) Hydrogeochemistry of Areas with Chronic Kidney Disease Uncertain Etiology (CKDu) in Sri Lanka
Wickramarathna S, Balasooriya S & Chadrajith R

Wickramashinghe S. (2018) Microbial Diversity in Hematitic Bearing Rock from Tropical Sri Lanka
Wickramarathna S, Chandrajith R, Senarathe A, Wickramashinghe S, Paul V & Dash P

Wicks F.J. (2002) Carboxylate Ions and Nordstrandite Growth: AFM Surface Observations
Peskleway CD, Henderson GS & Wicks FJ
(2001) Trace Element and Inclusion Chemistry of Gem Corundum: Extrapolating the Source for the Montana Alluvial Sapphires
Garland MI, Henderson GS & Wicks FJ

Wicks J. (2018) Mars: From Core to Mantle
Duncan M, Weller M, Wicks J & Knezek N

Widanagamage I. (2014) Combined Stable Strontium and Sulfur Mass Dependent Isotopic Measurements in Barite to Identify Origin
Griffith E, Paytan A, Schauble E, Scher H, Widanagamage I & Senko J
(2013) Stable Sr Isotope Fractionation in Synthetic Barite
Widanagamage I, Griffith E & Scher H
(2012) Mass Dependent Stable Isotopic Fractionation (S88/86Sr) during the Precipitation of Barite, Zodletone Spring, Oklahoma
Widanagamage I, Scher H, Senko J & Griffith E

Widdel F. (2011) Thermophilic Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Performed by Novel Microbial Consortia
Wegener G, Knittel K, Holler T, Krukenberg V, Widdel F & Boetius A
(2011) Assessing the Role of Microorganisms in Biogeochemical Processes by Protein Immunodetection Using nanoSIMS
Milucka J, Polerecky L, Lieberwirth I, Schüler M, Keil T, Vagner T, Widdel F & Kuypers M
(2009) Proteogenomic Insights into Anaerobic Biodegradation of Hydrocarbons
Rabus R, Wilkes H & Widdel F
(2004) The Influence of Biodegradation on the Isotopic Signature of Light Hydrocarbons
Vieth A, Kühner S, Rabus R, Widdel F, Scherf A & Wilkes H
(2004) Anaerobic Biodegradation of Light Hydrocarbons in Crude Oil: A Comparison of Laboratory Experiments and Field Data
Wilkes H, Vieth A, Scherf A, Kühner S, Rabus R & Widdel F
(2000) Methane Formation during the Degradation of N-Alkanes and Total Crude Oils
Richnow HH, Zengler K, Gehre M, Michaelis W & Widdel F

Widdicombe S. (2010) The Influence of Irradiation and Aging on Nano-Iron Versus its Bulk Analogue in Natural Seawater
Kádár E, Lead J, Mitov S, Widdicombe S & Readman JW

Widdowson Mike (2013) High-Precision Nd Isotope and HFSE Analysis of Deccan Traps Weathering Profiles
Babechuk M, Widdowson M, Murphy M & Kamber B
(2012) Yttrium Mobility during Weathering: Implications for Riverine Y/Ho
Babechuk M, Kamber B & Widdowson M
(2010) Steady-State U-Series Systematics Recorded in Two Deep Weathering Profiles, India
Kamber B & Widdowson M
(2000) Determinations for the Duration and Timing of the Deccan CFB
Widdowson M, Kelley S & Spicer R
(2000) Isotopic Variability of Sr and Nd in Lateritic Deposits from the Deccan Traps, India: Evidence for an Input of Aeolian Material to the Laterites
Mason TFD, Widdowson M, Ellam RM & Oxburgh R

Widdowson Mike (2015) Controls on Seasonal Elemental Variation in Tropical Rivers in Goa, India
Hibbert C, Hudson-Edwards K & Widdowson M
(2015) Silicon Isotopic Sytemematics of Different Weathering Profiles, Deccan Traps, India
Wille M, Babechuk MG, Widdowson M, Kamber BS & Schoenberg R
(2015) Transition Metal Behaviour in a Deccan Basalt Weathering Profile
Suhr N, Babechuk M, Kamber B, Schoenberg R & Widdowson M

Widdowson Mike (2017) Zn Isotope Systematics in Contrasting Deccan Basalt Weathering Profiles
Suhr N, Kamber BS, Rosca C, Schoenberg R & Widdowson M
(2017) Zinc Isotope Fractionation during Lateritic Weathering
Munson S, Little S, Prytulak J & Widdowson M

Widdrat M. (2014) Magnetite Formation in Solution and Magnetotactic Bacteria
Baumgartner J, Dey A, Bomans P, Le Coadou C, Sommerdijk N, Fratzl P, Morin G, Menguy N, Perez Gonzalez T, Widdrat M, Cosmidis J & Faivre D

Widerlund A. (2020) Tracing Anthropogenic Sources of Tantalum in Bothnian Bay Sediments, Sweden
Sutliff-Johansson S, Ponter S, Engström E, Rodushkin I, Peltola P & Widerlund A
(2019) Forensic Investigation of Contaminated Groundwater Combining Multivariate Statistical Techniques and Screening Analyses
Sutliff-Johansson S, Ponter S, Widerlund A, Mäki A, Engström E & Peltola P
(2019) Uranium and Trace Metal Fate in Two Lakes Receiving Mine Waters
Pontér S, Widerlund A, Engström E & Rodushkin I
(2011) Sequestering of Phosphorus during Freshening of a Silled Marine Basin; Role of Manganese
Ingri J, Sutterasak T, Widerlund A & Elming S-Å
(2009) Impact of Urban Stormwater on Sediment Quality in an Enclosed Bay of the Lule River, Northern Sweden
Rentz R, Widerlund A, Viklander M & Öhlander B
(2007) A Holocene Strontium Isotope Record of Palaeosalinity for the Littorina Sea Stage of the Baltic Sea
Widerlund A & Andersson P
(2006) Quantifying micro-niche behaviour in sediments:- Precise and accurate measurements of DGT gels by laser ablation high resolution laser ablation ICPMS
Nowell GM, Pearson DG, Widerlund A & Davison W
(2000) Weathering, Transport and Sedimentation of Rare Earth Elements and Nd-Isotopes in a Boreal River Basin – Brackish Bay Area
Andersson PS, Ingri J, Öhlander B, Land M, Widerlund A, Dahlqvist R & Gustafsson Ö
(2000) The Ce-Anomaly in River Suspended Matter an Indicator of Hydrogeochemical Processes in a Boreal Catchment
Ingri J, Andersson PS, Widerlund A, Öhlander B, Gustafsson Ö & Land M

Widgeon T. (2010) Microbial Mediated Carbon-Sulphur-Metal Cycling in Fluidized Mud Ecosystem off French Guiana
Luzan T, Madrid V, Widgeon T, Aller R, Aller J & Chistoserdov A

Widmann P. (2019) How Does the Link between LIP’s and Environmental Crises Hold up Under the Lens of Precise Geochronology?
Schaltegger U, Widmann P, Lena L, Greber ND, Davies JHFL, Antoine C & Jourdan F
(2017) Towards a Calibration of the “Chemical Abrasion” Technique
Widmann P, Davies J & Schaltegger U

Widom E. (2023) Linking Sulfur Degassing and Magmatic Redox at Socorro and San Benedicto Islands, Mexico
Lippitt R, Kelley K, Andrys J, Carey S, Widom E & Siebe C
(2022) Unravelling the Evolution of the Late Holocene Monogenetic Volcano Cluster, Zacapu Basin, Mexico: Crystal Fractionation, Crustal Assimilation, or Mantle Source Heterogeneity?
Reyes Guzman N, Widom E, Siebe C, Larrea P & Kuentz D
(2022) Olivine Ca as Proxy to Mantle Wedge Depletion in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
Straub SM, Batanova VG, Sobolev AV, Gómez-Tuena A, Espinasa-Perena R, Fleming WL, Bindeman IN, Stuart F & Widom E
(2021) Origin and Mantle Source Characteristics of Quaternary Volcanism in the Central Highlands of Madagascar
Rasoazanamparany C, Widom E, Kuentz D, Raharimahefa T, Rakotondravelo KM & Rakotondrazafy AFM
(2021) Paricutin Volcano (Michoacán, Mexico): Petrogenesis and Magma Dynamics of a Nine-Year Historical Monogenetic Eruption
Larrea P, Widom E, Siebe C, Albert H, Ubide T, Costa F, Colás V, Salinas S & Kuentz D
(2021) Multi-Isotope Systematics of the AD ~500-700 El Astillero and El Pedregal Monogenetic Cluster (Michoacán, Mexico)
Larrea P, Widom E, Siebe C, Kuentz D & Salinas S
(2020) El Astillero and El Pedregal Monogenetic Volcanoes (Michoacán, Mexico): A Multi-Isotopic Study of the Eruptive Sequence
Larrea P, Widom E, Siebe C, Parra D & Salinas S
(2019) Tracing Sources of Atmospheric Particulate Matter in the Rust Belt: A Combined Os and Pb Isotope Approach
Kousehlar M, Widom E & Kuentz D
(2018) Barium Isotopes Evidence of Recycled Metasomatized Mantle Wedge in the Mantle Source of Azores OIB
Yu H-M, Nan X-Y, Widom E, Kuentz D & Huang F
(2018) Air Quality Assessment in Middletown, Ohio – Lichen Biomonitoring of Steel Production
Kousehlar M & Widom E
(2018) Origin of Compositional Diversity at Volcán Pelado, a Medium-Sized Shield in the Central Part of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
Lorenzo-Merino A, Guilbaud M-N, Larrea P & Widom E
(2016) Iron Isotope Contraints on Mantle Lithological Heterogeneity beneath the Azores
Williams H, Turner S, Humayun M, Widom E & Millet M-A
(2015) Parícutin Volcano: A Multi- Isotopic Study of the Eruptive Sequence
Larrea P, Widom E, Siebe C, Salinas S & Guilbaud MN
(2015) Osmium Isotope Systematics in the Chyulu Hills Volcanic Province, Southern Kenya
Widom E & Kuentz D
(2013) New Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopic Data on Graciosa Island Lavas (Azores)
Larrea P, Widom E, Galé C, Ubide T, Lago M & França Z
(2013) Mantle Source Characteristics and Petrogenesis in the Lunar Crater Volcanic Field
Rasoazanamparany C, Widom E, Cortes J, Smith E, Valentine G, Kuentz D & Johnsen R
(2012) Uranium Isotopic Variations as a Tracer of Environmental Contamination in Sediment Cores
Tortorello R, Widom E & Renwick W
(2012) Petrogenesis of Recent Trachytic Eruptions from Sete Cidades Volcano, Sao Miguel, Azores (Portugal)
Conte E, Widom E & Franca Z
(2012) The Petrogenesis of Monogenetic Volcanoes Inferred from Lunar Crater Volcanic Field, Central Nevada
Rasoazanamparany C, Widom E, Valentine GA, Smith EI, Cortes JA, Kuentz D & Johnsen R
(2012) Street Sediment and Lichen as Proxies to Constrain Source of Urban Lead Pollution Using Lead Isotopes
LeGalley E, Widom E, Krekeler MPS & Kuentz DC
(2012) Evolution of Silicic Magmas and the Origin of the Daly Gap at Santa Barbara Volcano, Terceira, Azores
Daly G, Widom E & Franca Z
(2010) Evolution of Recent Trachytes from Sete Cidades Volcano, São Miguel, Azores
Conte E & Widom E
(2010) Magmatic Evolution of the Santa Barbara G Trachyte, Terceira, Azores
Daly G, Widom E & Fanca Z
(2010) Isotope Systematics of Ocean Island Basalts in the Central Group Islands of the Azores Archipelago
Yu H & Widom E
(2010) Os Isotope Systematics of Jorullo Lavas, Mexico: Petrogenetic Implications
Rasoazanamparany C, Widom E, Siebe C, Guilbaud MN, Salinas S & Valdez G
(2010) Tracing Sources of Uranium Contamination Using Minor Isotopes
Widom E & Kuentz D
(2009) Deciphering Processes and Timescales of Silicic Magma Evolution: U-Series Disequilibria Studies of Fogo and Furnas Volcanoes, São Miguel, Azores
Widom E, Watanabe S, Snyder D & Rowland-Smith A
(2007) Isotopic Tracers of Lithospheric Recycling
Widom E
(2005) Source of Fluorine and Petrogenesis of the Rio Grande Rift Type Barite-Fluorite-Galena Deposits
Partey F, Lev S, Casey R, Widom E, Lueth V & Rakovan J
(2005) The Evolution of Chemically Zoned Trachyte Deposits: Fogo Volcano, São Miguel, Azores
Watanabe S, Widom E, Wallenstein N & Snyder D
(2005) Origin of Yunnan Potassic Rocks: Re-Os Isotope Evidence
Meng Q, Widom E, Mo X, Yu X & Zhao Z
(2005) Time Scales of Chemically Zoned Magma Chamber Formation: U-Series Disequilibria in the Fogo Trachyte Deposits, São Miguel, Azores
Snyder D, Widom E, Pietruszka A & Carlson R
(2003) Evolution of a Chemically Zoned Magma Chamber: The 1707 Eruption of Fuji Volcano, Japan
Watanabe S & Widom E
(2002) Time Scales of Formation of Zoned Magma Chambers: U-Series Disequilibria in the Fogo Trachytes
Snyder DC, Widom E & Pietruszka AJ
(2001) The Role of Open-System Processes in the Formation of Chemically Zoned Magma Chambers: Interpretation of Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Data from the Fogo a Trachyte Deposit, Sao Miguel Azores
Snyder DC & Widom E
(2001) Metasomatic Processes in the Kamchatka Sub-Arc Mantle Wedge: Evidence from Re-Os Isotope Studies of Mantle Xenoliths, Nb-Enriched Arc Basalts, and Adakites
Widom E, Kepezhinskas P & Defant M
(2001) Origin of the Serpent Mound Cryptoexplosion Structure, South-Central Ohio: XRD and Re-Os Isotope Evidence
Gaddis SJ, Angerman CE, Widom E & Hughes J
(2000) Os Isotope Systematics in Java and Flores, Indonesia
Widom E

Widory David (2014) Multi-Isotopic Monitoring of Industrial Metal Emissions (Cu-Zn-Pb) within the Loire River Basin, France
Desaulty A-M, Millot R, Widory D, Guerrot C & Bourrain X
(2013) Pb-Zn-Cd-Hg Multi Isotopic Characterization of the Loire River Basin, France
Desaulty A-M, Millot R, Widory D, Guerrot C, Innocent C, Bourrain X, Bartov G & Johnson TM
(2012) Can Li Isotopes Help Detect Leakage in Future CCS Sites? The Example of a Natural Analogue in France
Widory D & Millot R
(2010) Stable Isotope Signals of Metal Contaminants in the Environment: The Search Continues
Bullen T & Widory D
(2009) Multi-Isotope Approaches for Identification of Metal Contamination Sources in Environmental Systems
Bullen T, Widory D & Petelet-Giraud E
(2003) The Origin of Atmospheric Particles (PM10) in the Air of Paris: A Multi-Isotopic Approach
Widory D

Widory David (2015) Trace Metals Dispersion from Two Smelters in the Abitibi Region: An Approach Coupling Lead and Osmium Isotopes
Vautour G, Poirier A & Widory D
(2015) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Analyses: Improvement and Application to Urban Aerosols
Au Yang D, Landais G, Assayag N, Bui TH, Wing B, Widory D & Cartigny P

Widory David (2016) Lateral Carbon and Nutrients Exchanges in a Mangrove Tidal Creek: A Multi-Stable Isotope Approach
Taillardat P, Ziegler AD, Friess D, Marchand C, Ohte N & Widory D

Widory David (2017) Atmospheric SO2 Oxidation by NO2 in the Urban Atmosphere: A View Through Sulfur Multi-Isotope Compositions
Au Yang D, Bardoux G, Widory D, Assayag N & Cartigny P

Widory David (2019) Isotopically Evaluating the Impact of Industrial Activities on the Atmospheric Pb Budget of Tarragona (Spain)
Trottier K, Plasencia Sánchez E, Rosell M, Soler A, Sánchez-Soberón F, Rovira J, Schuhmacher M, Poirier A & Widory D
(2019) Historical Metal Contamination (Lead and Osmium) in the Atmosphere of Montreal from 1973 to 2013: An Approach Coupling Chemistry and Isotopes
Bagur M, Poirier A & Widory D

Widory David (2020) Sources and Processes Controlling the Historical Atmospheric Pollution in Montreal from 1968 to Present: An Isotope View Through the Different Carbonaceous Aerosol Fractions
Morera Gómez Y & Widory D
(2020) Water Quality Alteration Sources along the Lenguazaque River (Colombia): Integrating Chemistry and Pb Isotopes
Widory D, Huguet C, Pearse J & Avila A

Widory David (2022) SO2 Photo-Oxidation on Mineral Dust: The Missing Link to Explain Δ33S Anomalies in Urban Sulfate Aerosols
Dasari S, Paris G, Saar B, Pei Q, Cong Z & Widory D

Widory David (2023) Environmental Impacts Associated with Gold Mining in Chocó, Colombia
Huguet C, Rodríguez-Arcila LV & Widory D

Wiebe B (2004) Gouldsboro Granite: Silicic Replenishment of Granite Magma Chambers
Waight T & Wiebe B

Wiebe Brayden (2012) Prediction and Observation of Dissolved Geochemistry of the Fraser River, British Columbia
Voss B, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Eglinton T, Marsh S, Gillies S, Fiske G, Wollheim W, Stewart R, Alamwala M, Bennett M, Downey B, Fanslau J, Fraser H, Herbert J, Macklam-Harron G & Wiebe B

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