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Turner B (2005) A Derivative Method for Analysis of Surface Potentiometric Titration Data and Model Optimization
Turner B & Fein J
(2004) The CO2 Enhanced Removal of Fluoride Using a Calcite Permeable Reactive Barrier
Binning P, Turner B & Sloan S

Turner Benjamin (2018) Soil Carbon Storage and Turnover in Tropical Forests along a Precipitation Gradient in Panama
Finstad K, Cusack D, Dietterich L, Turner B & McFarlane K
(2018) Aeolian Dust Deposition and the Perturbation of Phosphorus Transformations during Long-Term Ecosystem Development
Zhu M, Gu C, Hart S, Turner B & Hu Y
(2015) Earth's Natural Fertilizer: Tracing Phosphorus in Dust from the Sahara Towards America's Tropical Rain Forests
Gross A, Turner B, Goren T, Pio C, Cardoso J, Tirosh O, Todd M, Rosenfeld D, Weiner T, Custodio D & Angert A
(2010) Causes and Consequences of Ecosystem Retrogression
Peltzer D, Wardle D, Allison V, Baisden T, Bardgett R, Chadwick O, Condron L, Parfitt R, Porder S, Richardson S, Turner B, Vitousek P, Walker J & Walker L

Turner Brett (2017) The Impact of Ba2+ and Cd2+ on Defluoridation by Zeolite: Column Tests and Geochemical Modeling
Cai Q, Turner B & Li P
(2013) The Effect of Zinc, Nickel and Cobalt on Fluoride Removal by Low Cost Materials: Zeolite and Calcite
Cai Q, Turner B, Sheng D, Krabbenhoft K & Sloan S
(2011) Fluoride Removal by Calcite – Stirring Rate/Temperature Effects
Sleap S, Turner B, Krabbenhoft K & Sloan S
(2011) Fluoride Removal from Solution by Calcite — pCO2 Sorption Kinetics
Turner B, Sleap S, Krabbenhoft K & Sloan S
(2008) Bicarbonate Alkalinity Effect on the Fluoride Removal Efficiency of Activated Alumina
Sanjay S, Turner B & Sloan S

Turner D (2005) Mineralogical and Geochemical Study of the True Blue Aquamarine Showing, Shark Property, Southern Yukon
Turner D, Groat L & Wengzynowski W
(2004) Competition between Iron- and Carbon-Based Nanoparticle Carriers for Trace Metals in Freshwater, Seawater and Sediment Porewaters
Hassellöv M, Stolpe B, Karle I & Turner D
(2004) Trace Metal Composition of Natural Water Colloids Studied by Online Coupling of Flow FFF to High Resolution ICPMS
Stolpe B, Hassellöv M & Turner D
(2001) Abiotic Organic Syntheses in Deep Submarine, Alkaline Hydrothermal Systems Catalysed by Fe0, Mackinawite, Violarite and Green Rust
Russell MJ, Hall AJ, Rahman L & Turner D

Turner Doreen (2016) Hydrogen Incorporation Mechanisms in Forsterite: 1H NMR Measurement and First-Principles Calculation
Xue X, Kanzaki M, Turner D & Loroch D

Turner E. (2019) Is DZ Driving You(r) MAD? Volcanogenic Zircon in Mature Paleosols Better Determine the Maximum Age of Deposition
Möller A, Ludvigson GA, Smith JJ, Joeckel RM, McLean NM, Hallman JA, Sitek BC & Turner E

Turner Elizabeth (2020) Transient Ocean Oxygenation at 850Ma Recorded in δ98Mo of Microbial Carbonates
O'Sullivan E, Nägler T, Wille M, Kamber B & Turner E
(2017) Fluid Histories in Sedimentary Settings Revealed Using Multiple in situ Micro-Analytical Techniques
Mathieu J, Kontak D, Turner E & Hahn K

Turner Elizabeth C. (2013) A First-Order Deep Time Reconstruction of the Marine Sr/Ba Ratio from Microbial Carbonate
Kamber B, Naegler T, Turner E, Webb G & Pretet C
(2012) Ice, but no Fire: A New Depositional Age for the Rapitan Group, Canada
Baldwin GJ, Turner EC & Kamber BS
(2012) The Meso- and Early Neoproterozoic Deep Ocean REE Issue
Kamber B, Turner E, O'Hare S, Baldwin G & Hahn K

Turner Emily C. (2020) Positive Sulfate Sulfur Isotope Excursion Indicates Large-Scale Pyrite Burial and Marine Anoxia during the End–Triassic Mass Extinction
He T, Dal Corso J, Newton RJ, Wignall PB, Mills BJW, Todaro S, Di Stefano P, Turner EC, Jamieson RA, Randazzo V, Jones RE & Dunhill AM

Turner Grenville (2006) Plutonium-244 in the Early Earth
Crowther SA, Turner G, Busfield A & Gilmour JD
(2006) Recent and Future Developments of the RELAX Mass Spectrometer.
Gilmour J, Crowther SA, Blagburn DJ & Turner G
(2004) Xenon Isotopes in Ancient Zircons and the Pu/U Ratio of the Early Earth
Turner G, Harrison T, Mohapatra R, Mojzsis S & Gilmour J
(2004) He, Hf, Nd and Double Spike Pb Isotope Geochemistry of the Canary Islands Archipelago
Mouatt J, Baker J, Harrison D, Peate D & Turner G
(2003) Evidence of Extinct 244Pa in Hadean Zircons
Turner G & Harrison M
(2002) A 3D Approach to Xenon Isotopes in Interstellar Grains
Turner G & Gilmour J
(2002) I-Xe Analyses of Chainpur Chondrules
Busfield A, Holland G, Bridges J, Gilmour J & Turner G
(2002) Xenon Isotopes in Nanodiamonds
Holland G, Gilmour J, Verchovsky S & Turner G
(2002) Isotopic Order, Biogeochemical Processes, and Earth History
Turner G
(2002) Mantle Helium in Sulphides Deposited in a Palaeozoic Arc Setting
Turner G, Harrison D & Herrington R
(2002) Geographical Variation of 3He/4He Ratios within the Canary Islands
Mouatt J, Harrison D, Turner G & Thirlwall M
(2002) Variable 3He/4He Ratios in Volcanic Lavas Caused by Isotopic Fractionation
Harrison D, Barry T & Turner G
Kendrick M, Burgess R, Pattrick RAD & Turner G
(2000) I-Xe Dating of CAI's and Chondrules from CV3 Meteorites
Whitby J, Turner G, Russell S & Gilmour J
(2000) New Ar-Ar Data on Nakhla Minerals
Burgess R, Holland G, Fernandes V & Turner G
(2000) A Novel Radiometric Dating Technique
Gilmour J, Whitby J, Pattrick R & Turner G

Turner Grenville (2015) Thermionic Valves and Ar-Ar Dating
Turner G

Turner H. (2019) Are Mercury Anomalies a Reliable Proxy for LIP Volcanism? Examples from the End-Permian and Early Triassic
Jones M, Turner H, Hammer Ø, Bucher H, Schneebeli-Hermann E, Mather T, Svensen H & Planke S

Turner Jay (2014) Isoprene-Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol in an Urban Region Downwind of the Ozark Mountains
Williams B, Mitroo D, Martinez R, Zhang Y, Walker M, Oxford C, Hagan D, Zuo X, Du L, Turner J, Hu L, Baasandorj M & Millet D

Turner Jeffrey W (2010) Molecular Characterization of Terrestrial and Aquatic Biomacromolecules that Contribute to Soil and Sediment Carbon Burial
Hatcher PG, Sleighter RL, Salmon E, Turner JW & Ruhl ID
(2000) Geochemistry of Rio Guadiamar Sediments Following the April 1998 Spanish Aznalcollar Mine Tailings Dam Failure and Subsequent Clean-Up
Hudson-Edwards KA, Macklin MG, Brewer P, Coulthard TJ, Howard AJ, Nielsen MF, Turner J, Jamieson HE & Remenda VH

Turner Jesse C. (2018) Tracing the Elemental Composition and Source of Aeolian Dust and Terrestrial Surface Particles from the Qatar, Arabian Peninsula
Yigiterhan O, Alfoldy BZ, Turner JC, Al-Ansari ES, Abdel-Moati MA, Kotb Mahfouz MM, Elobaid EA & Murray JW

Turner Joshua (2023) Fidelity of High-Resolution Paleoclimate Signals from the Middle Miocene Clarkia Lacustrine Deposit: From Megafossils to Molecular Isotope
Yang H, Leng Q, Hofig DF, Zhang YG, Turner J & Pearson A

Turner Kari Britt (2019) A Multi-Isotope and Modelling Approach to Understanding Groundwater Sustainability in a Biodiversity Hotspot Impacted by Anthropogenic Activity
Miller JA, Turner KB, Sigidi NT, Watson AP, Fleischer M, Clarke CE, le Roux P, Molnar M, Turi M & Palcsu L

Turner Katlyn (2017) The Pressure-Induced Structural Response of Rare Earth Hafnate and Stannate Pyrochlore from 0.1-50 GPa
Turner K, Rittman D, Tracy C, Heymach R, Turner M, Mao W & Ewing R

Turner Katlyn M (2022) Statistically Learned Nonlinearity of the Postspinel Phase Boundary in Mg2SiO4 and its Implications for Slab Dynamics and Morphology
Dong J, Fischer RA, Stixrude LP, Brennan MC, Daviau K, Suer T-A, Turner KM, Meng Y & Prakapenka VB

Turner L. (2016) The Evolution of Gas Dissociation Species during Sequestration of a CO2/NO Stream
Turner L, Pearce J, Myers G & Morgan Q

Turner Madison (2017) The Pressure-Induced Structural Response of Rare Earth Hafnate and Stannate Pyrochlore from 0.1-50 GPa
Turner K, Rittman D, Tracy C, Heymach R, Turner M, Mao W & Ewing R

Turner Michael (2015) Crystal/melt Partitioning of Volatile and Non-Volatile Elements during Peridotite Melting: Implications for Mantle Fractionation
Adam J, Turner M, Hauri E & Turner S
(2015) Magmatic Processes at Persistently Active Arc Volcanoes
Firth C, Turner S, Turner M, Cronin S & Handley H
(2015) The Individuality of Ascent Paths in Small Volcanic Systems: Small Eruptive Centres Near Villarrica Volcano, Chile
McGee L, Morgado E, Handley H, Turner M, Lara LE, Brahm R & Parada MA
(2013) Mass Transfer of Fluids and Metals in the Deep Earth
Locmelis M, Fiorentini M, Rushmer T, Adam J, Zaccarini F, Garuti G, Turner M & Turner S
(2013) Extremely Young Melt Infiltration of the Continental Lithospheric Mantle
Turner S & Turner M
(2013) Recycling of Water between the Mantle and Crust/Hydrosphere
Turner M, Turner S, Ireland T & Adam J
(2013) Crystal/Melt Partitioning of Volatiles during the Near-Solidus Melting of Peridotite
Adam J, Turner M, Hauri E & Turner S
(2012) Origin of Silicic Magmas in the Primitive, Intra-Oceanic Tongan Arc
Rushmer T, Turner S, Caufield J, Turner M, Cronin S & Smith I
(2011) Direct Evidence for the Nature and Timing of Sub-Arc Mantle Metasomatism
Turner S, Caulfield J, Turner M, van Keken P, Maury R, Sandiford M & Proteau G
(2011) Evolution of Andesite Magma Systems; Egmont Volcano, New Zealand
Stewart RB, Zernack A, Turner M, Price R, Smith I & Cronin S
(2009) Influence of Sub-Volcanic Crust and Crust-Mantle Boundary on Magma Genesis, Egmont/Taranaki Volcano, New Zealand
Stewart R, Gruender K & Turner M
(2008) Variable Magmatic and Eruptive Cycles at Arc Volcanoes; Taranaki (New Zealand) and Lopevi (Vanuatu)
Stewart R, Turner M, Smith I & Cronin S

Turner N. (2017) Biomineralization of Copper Nanoparticles: Mechanistic Insights and Application in Cu-Catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition
Kimber R, Lewis E, Parmeggiani F, Figueroa-Garcia A, Pattrick R, Turner N & Lloyd J

Turner P. (2000) Ultra High Nd Isotope Ratio Precisions – The Limit of Exponential Mass Fractionation Correction
Palacz Z, Turner P & Meffan-Main S
(2000) IsoProbe2 – The Second Generation Single Focussing MC-ICPMS
Meffan-Main S, Palacz Z & Turner P

Turner R.J. (2012) Evidence of Bacterial Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation
Wieser M, Proemse B, Turner R, Morrison H & Mayer A
(2012) Tailings Pond Mixed Species Biofilm Gives Metal Precipitates
Turner RJ, Golby S & Ceri H

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