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Mouser P.J. (2014) NOM Molecular Characterization to Better Understand Uranium Mobility in Aquifer Sediments and Groundwater
Evert MH, Williams KH, Lenhart JJ, Wilkins MJ & Mouser PJ
(2014) Inherent Biodegradability of Organic Chemicals Used in Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid
Kekacs D, Drollette B, Plata D & Mouser P
(2014) Temporal Changes in Microbial Metagenomic Profiles after Hydraulic Fracturing
Mouser P, Trexler R, Wilkins M, Hartsock A, MacRae J & Wrighton K

Mousis O. (2015) Composition of Cometary Volatiles: Results from the ROSINA Instrument on Board of the ROSETTA Spacecraft
Marty B, Altwegg K, Balsiger H, Haessig M, Rubin M & Mousis O

Mousques Soulas L. (2023) Experimental Investigation of Oxygen Kinetic Reduction by Ferrous Iron: The Role of Reactive Oxygen Species
Mousques Soulas L, Thibault de Chanvalon A & Pigot T

Moussa I. (2021) Temporal and Spatial Variations of Chemical Weathering and CO2 Consumption in a Multi-Lithological Karstic Catchment (Baget, Pyrenees, France): A Combined Geochemical and Isotopic Approach
Ulloa Cedamanos F, Probst A, Moussa I & Probst J-L
(2017) Source Apportionment of Particulate and Dissolved Carbon in the Humid Mountainous Tropical Rivers Through Stable Carbon Isotope Approach
Tripti M, Gurumurthy G, Lambs L, Riotte J & Moussa I

Moussa N. (2011) Tin Substitution in Chalcopyrite and Sphalerite from Hydrothermal Sulfides
Evrard C, Moussa N, Fouquet Y & Rinnert E
(2011) Sulfur and Strontium Isotope Study of Hydrothermal Mineralization from the SE Afar Rift
Moussa N, Rouxel O, Nonnotte P, Fouquet Y, Ponzevera E & Etoubleau J
(2010) Contribution of Sulfur Isotope to Metallogenic Studies in the SE Afar Rift, Republic of Djibouti
Moussa N, Grassineau N & Fouquet Y

Moussalam Y. (2012) Iron Redox and Viscosity of Erebus Volcano Phonolite Lava (Antarctica): Implications for Lava Lake Convection and Degassing Processes
Le Losq C, Neuville DR, Moretti R, De Ligny D, Moussalam Y, Baudelet F & Oppenheimer C

Moussallam Yves (2022) Faster = Stronger? Decompression Rates vs Eruption Parameters at Stromboli Volcano
Georgeais G, Rose-Koga EF, Moussallam Y, Koga KT, Gurioli L, Pistolesi M, Harris A, verdier-Paoletti M, Metrich N & Bertagnini A

Moussallam Yves (2021) Sulphur Behaviour and Oxygen Fugacity Variation in Mt. Etna System Revealed by Melt Inclusions
Gennaro EM, Iacono-Marziano G, Paonita A, Moussallam Y, Peters N, Pichavant M & Martel C
(2021) Magma Decompression Rate Calculations with EMBER: A User‐friendly Software to Model Diffusion of H2O, CO2 and S in Melt Embayments
Georgeais G, Koga KT, Moussallam Y & Rose-Koga EF

Moussallam Yves (2011) Erebus: A Laboratory Volcano in Antarctica
Oppenheimer C, Kyle P, Jones L, McIntosh W, Dunbar N, Ilanko T, Peters N, Moussallam Y, Iacovino K, Boichu M, Sawyer G, Tsanev V, Scaillet B, Pichavant M, Burgisser A, Alletti M & Molina I

Moussallam Yves (2019) Unrest at Nevados de Chillán Volcano; High-Resolution Photogrammetry, Tri-Stereo Imaging, Gas Geochemistry and Eruption Forecasting
Moussallam Y, Barnie T, Amigo A, Kelfoun K, Cordova L, Lobos F, Toloza V, Pedreros G, Cardona C, Franco L & Bani P
(2019) Insights into the 2017-2018 Ambae Eruption
Bani P, Moussallam Y, Medard E, Rose-Koga E, Koga K, Gauthier P-J, Carn S, Aiuppa A, Coppola D, Tari D, Bani I, Benbakkar M, Voyard G, Scott B, Garaebiti E & Lardy M
(2019) A Tool to Measure Ascent Rate: Volatile Element Concentration Profile in Embayment
Rose-Koga EF, Moussallam Y, Koga KT, Médard E & Bani P

Moussallam Yves (2015) Redox Change Driven by Sulphur Degassing; A Review of Empirical Evidences
Moussallam Y, Oppenheimer C, Hartley M, Schipper CI, Scaillet B, Gaillard F & Kyle P
(2015) Unconventional H2O-CO2 Solubility and Molecular Structure of Kimberlite Melts
Gaillard F, Moussallam Y, Morizet Y & Florian P
(2015) Solid-Earth Oxygen Cycling Revealed by Enriched Mantle Domains
Shorttle O, Moussallam Y, Hartley M, Maclennan J, Edmonds M & Murton B

Moussavi M.R. (2009) The Role of Elemental Chemistry to Discriminate Diagenesis Trend in Sedimentary Rocks Study
Abbasi R, Adabi MH, Moussavi MR, Ghalavand H & Lotfpour M

Moussavou M. (2023) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Geochemistry of Pyrites in Paleoproterozoic Black Shales from Francevillian Succession, Gabon
Kurihara A, Sato T, Sawaki Y, Moussavou M & Ueno Y
(2022) Re-examining Deep Time Sulfur Isotope Records from a Micro-Scale Perspective
Paiste K, Bakakas Mayika K, Fike DA, Kirsimäe K, Moussavou M, Wood RS, Richardson JA, Prave T & Lepland A
(2021) The Grandest of Them All: The Lomagundi-Jatuli Event and the Carbon Cycle
Prave T, Kirsimäe K, Lepland A, Fallick T, Kreistmann T, Deines Y, Romashkin A, Rychanchik D, Medvedev P, Moussavou M & Bakakas Mayika K
(2021) Rethinking the Sulfur Isotope Record of the Paleoproterozoic Francevillian Succession of Gabon
Paiste K, Bakakas Mayika K, Fike DA, Kirsimäe K, Crémière A, Juhkama H-R, Wood RS, Moussavou M, Prave T & Lepland A
(2020) Lomagundi-Jatuli Carbon Isotope Excursion – Isotopic Shift Happens
Lepland A, Bakakas K, Moussavou M, Kreitsmann T, Paiste K, Mänd K, Deines Y, Romashkin A, Prave A & Kirsimäe K

Moustafaoui S. (2009) In situ Analysis of the Molecular Organic and Elemental Composition of a 3.33 Ga Microbial Mat from Barberton
Westall F, Lemelle L, Simionovici A, Salomé M, Marrocchi Y, Foucher F, Cavalazzi B, Meibom A, Robert F, Moustafaoui S, Jauss A, Toporski J, Laclean L, Southam G, Susan W, Vilette S, Jamme F & Dumas P

Moustakim M. (2023) Combination between the Caesium-137 Technique and Soil Moisture Data to Assess the Soil Erosion Status in Three Watersheds in Northwest Morocco
Moustakim M, Benmansour M, Amenzou N, Mbaye M, Benkdad A & Damnati B
(2021) Combined Use of Caesium-137 Re-sampling Approach and Excess Lead-210 Sediment Dating to Assess The Impacts of Climate Change and Agricultural Practices on Soil Erosion and Sedimentation in Northwest Morocco
Moustakim M, Benmansour M, Nouira A, Benkdad A & Damnati B

Moutbir O. (2022) The Jebilet-Rehamna-Fourhal Large Igneous Province of 348-340 ma (Meseta, Variscan Belt, Morocco): U-Pb Geochronology, Geochemistry, and Links with Coeval Magmatism on Other Crustal Blocks
Moutbir O, Ait lahna A, Khadraoui FZ, Youbi N, Tassinari C, Ernst RE, El Bilali H & Hadimi I

Mouthereau F. (2017) Unravelling Thermal History in Lower Greenschist Metamorphic Conditions: Coupling Thermochronometers and Thermometers in the Axial Zone, Pyrenees
Waldner M, Bellahsen N, Mouthereau F, Pik R, Bernet M & Scaillet S

Moutiers G. (2009) Selenite and Selenate Reduction by Siderite: In situ and ex situ XAS Experiments
Badaut V, Schlegel ML, Descostes M, Zeller P & Moutiers G

Moutin T. (2017) The Biological Carbon Pump in the Western Tropical South Pacific from a 1D Physical-Biogeochemical Coupled Model (OUTPACE Cruise)
Gimenez A, Baklouti M & Moutin T

Mouttaqi A. (2019) REE and Nb Mineralization in Carbonatites and their Associated silica/Fe-Oxides of the Ouled Dlim Massif in the Reguibat Shield (South Morocco)
Benaouda R, Kraemer D, Bau M, Sitnikova M, Freitag R, Goldmann S, Bouali A & Mouttaqi A
(2010) New Approach for the Determination of a Mantle End-Member Controlling N-Morb-Like Component in Oceanic Basalts and in Intraplate Dupale-Type Basalts: A Metallogenic Implication
Rochd K, Ennih N, Jouhari A, Mouttaqi A & Nasloubi M
(2008) Hydrothermal Zircons: A Tool for Ion Microprobe U–Pb Dating of Ore Mineralization in Polyphase Deposits
Pelleter E, Cheilletz A, Gasquet D, Mouttaqi A, Annich M & Deloule E

Moutte J. (2016) Release of Contaminants from a Steel Slag Landfill and its Impact on Groundwater
Houécande O, Lavastre V & Moutte J

Mouvet C. (2016) Nanoparticles and Bacterial Biofilm Interactions in Natural Groundwater: Implication for NPs Mobility and Toxicity for Bacteria
Crampon M, Hellal J, Michel C, Wille G, Mouvet C & Ollivier P

Mouzakis K. (2013) CO2 Induced Geochemical Reactions at the Pore Scale
Navarre-Sitchler A, Mouzakis K, Rother G, Banuelos JL, Wang X, Kaszuba J & McCray J
(2012) Mudstone Pore Networks: Characterization and Flow Modeling
Navarre-Sitchler A, Mouzakis K, Rother G, Heath J, Dewers T & McCray J
(2011) Changes to Porosity and Pore Structure of Mudstones Resulting from Reaction with CO2
Navarre-Sitchler A, Mouzakis K, Heath J, Dewers T, Rother G, Wang X, Kaszuba J & McCray J

Movahednia M. (2019) Geochemical Zoning of the Ab-Bagh Sub-Seafloor Replacement SEDEX-Type Zn-Pb Deposit, Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone of Iran
Movahednia M, Rastad E, Rajabi A & González Sanz FJ

Movilla J. (2011) Insights on Ocean Acidification from Instrumental Monitoring and Experiments in Aquaria
Pelejero C, Movilla J, Calvo E, Coma R, Serrano E, Ribes M & Fernández-Guallart E

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