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Moser A. (2023) Forming a Talc-Rich Slow Slipping Subduction Interface: P-T-T-X History of Metasomatic Rocks
Hoover WF, Condit CB, Teng F-Z, Moser A, Mulcahy S, Easthouse G, Pike C, Lindquist PC, Guevara VE & Berg A
(2022) Stress and Strain Rate Variations in a Chemically Reacting Shear Zone: The Role of Metasomatism in Producing Slow Slip and Tremor
Hoover WF, Condit C, Moser A, Guevara V & Lindquist P
(2017) Hematite Textures and (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry Inform Seismic and Aseismic Fault Zone Processes
Ault A, McDermott R, Moser A, Evans J & Reiners P

Möser C. (2011) Migration of Europium and Uranium in Opalinus Clay Influenced by pH and Temperature
Möser C, Kautenburger R & Beck HP

Moser Desmond (2020) Quantitative Microstructural Analysis of Olivine and Ringwoodite
Tait K, White L, Darling J, Kizovski T, Dunlop J & Moser D
(2018) Nanoscale Horizons in Apatite Geochemistry
Tait K, White L, Cernok A, Darling J & Moser D
(2018) The Shocking State of Ca-Phosphates in Martian Meteorites
Darling J, Tait K, White L, Moser D, Kizovski T, Černok A & Dunlop J
(2018) Mineralogy and Shock Effects in Martian Breccia NWA 8171 by microXRD and Raman Spectroscopy
Cao F, Flemming R, Moser D, Barker I & Song Y
(2018) Measuring Stable O-Isotopes by Atom Probe Tomography: New Insights from ~100 Mineral Analyses
White L, Langelier B, Moser D, Darling J & Tait K
(2018) TEM Analyses of Novel Lunar Zircon Shock Microstructures
Crow C, Han J, Keller L & Moser D
(2018) Unravelling Chronological Complexities in Lunar Materials with Baddeleyite (ZrO2)
Tait K, White L, Moser D & Darling J
(2017) Lunar Zircons: Probing the Moon's Early History
Crow C, McKeegan K & Moser D
(2016) Direct Dating of Shear Zone Operation and Sulphide Mineralisation Using Titanite
Papapavlou K, Darling J, Storey C, Moser D, Lightfoot PC & Lasalle S
(2016) Combining Microstructural and Isotopic Analysis of Baddeleyite to Unravel Solar System Bombardment
White L, Darling J, Moser D, Reinhard D, Horstwood M, Bullen D, Barker I, Prosa T, Olson D, Larson D, Clifton P, Lawrence D & Martin I
(2016) U-Pb Dating of Zircon Shock Microstructures with NanoSIMS
Crow C, Jacobsen B, Moser D & McKeegan K
(2016) Atom Probe Tomography of Martian Zircon and Baddeleyite Reveals a 4.4 Billion Year Record of Cool, Stable and Hydrothermally Altered Crust
Moser D, Reinhard D, Lawrence D, Prosa T, Larson D, Clifton P, Olson D, Price K, Chen Y & Irving A
(2016) Micron-Scale Oxygen Isotope Zoning in Metabasalt Zircon: A Robust History of Crustal Fluid Flow during Crustal Growth
Bowman J, Hilber M, Moser D, Valley J, Mazdab F & Wooden J
(2016) Zircon Microstructural and Chemical Responses to Deformation
Jones G, Moser D & Shieh S
(2016) Shocked Baddeleyite as a New Tool for Lunar Chronology
Darling J, Moser D, Tait K, Chamberlain K, Schmitt A & White L

Moser Desmond E (2022) Reading the Archean Geological Archive Preserved in Tonalite-Trondhjemite-Granodiorite Suites
Kendrick J, Duguet M, Kirkland CL, Liebmann J, Moser DE, Vervoort JD & Yakymchuk C

Moser Desmond E. (2013) Atomic Views of Martian Evolution
Moser D, Reinhard D, Clifton P, Larson D, Darling J, Tait K, Bugnet M, Gault B & Barker I
(2013) Characterisation of Baddeleyite Oxygen Isotopes and Microstructure
Davies J, Stern R, Heaman L, Moser D & Walton E
(2013) Tomography at Single-Atom Scale of 207Pb and 206Pb in a 4374 Ma Zircon
Valley J, Ushikubo T, Cavosie A, Reinhard D, Lawrence D, Martin I, Larson D, Clifton P, Kelly T, Wilde S, Moser D & Spicuzza M
(2013) The Shocking State of Baddeleyite in Basaltic Shergottite NWA 5298
Darling J, Moser D, Barker I, Tait K, Chamberlain K & Schmitt A
(2012) Speckled Zircon from Mafic Granulite: Mechanism and Meaning
Rayner N, Moser D & Sanborn-Barrie M
(2012) Network of Terrestrial Subsurface Sites in Precambrian Shields: Insights for Early Earth and Mars
Sherwood Lollar B, Onstott TC, Kieft TL, Li L, van Heerden E, Slater GF, Moser DP, Lacrampe-Couloume G, Holland G & Ballentine CJ
(2012) Zircon U-Pb Geochronology of the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt
Darling J, Moser D, Heaman L, Davis W, Stern R, O'Neil J, Carlson R & Francis D
(2012) Reconstructing Impact Basins from ex situ Shocked Zircon
Cavosie AJ, Radovan HA, Moser DE, Barker I, Wooden J, Kitajima K & Valley JW
(2012) Reconstructing a Young Martian History with Igneous Microbaddeleyite Rimmed by Metamorphic Zircon
Moser D, Chamberlain K, Tait K, Schmitt A, Barker I, Hyde B & Darling J
(2012) A Textural and Mineralogical Assessment of NWA 3118
Barlet G, Davis D, Moser D, Tait K, Hyde B & Barker I
(2012) SIMS in situ Micro-Baddeleyite U-Pb Method for Dating Mafic Rocks
Chamberlain K, Schmitt A, Swapp S, Swoboda-Colberg N, Moser D, Wright J, Bleeker W & Khudoley A
(2011) Age and Origin of the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt
O'Neil J, Carlson R, Moser D, Heaman L & Francis D
(2011) Isotopically-Zoned Zircons: Records of Fluid/Melt Flow in the Lower Crust, Kapuskasing Uplift
Bowman J, Moser D, Valley J, Wooden J, Kita N & Mazdab F
(2010) Understanding Lunar Granulites Through a Terrestrial Analogue Study
Dammeier R, Moser D & Osinski G
(2010) Preservation vs. Alteration of Zircon Pb, O Isotope and Trace Elements Following 80 Ma of Lower Crustal Metamorphism, Kapuskasing Uplift
Bowman J, Moser D, Wooden J, Valley J & Kita N
(2010) Distal Transport (>650 km) of Detrital Shocked Zircon in a Cratonic Fluvial System: The Vaal River, South Africa
Erickson T, Cavosie A, Moser D & Radovan H
(2010) Zircon U-Pb Geochronology and Trace Element Chemistry of Lower Crustal Xenoliths, Western Churchill Province of the Canadian Shield
Petts DC, Moser DE, Davis WJ & Longstaffe FJ
(2010) Hot Shock vs. Cold Shock Zircon Across the Vredefort Dome; A Guide for Interpreting Residua of the LHB?
Moser D, Cupelli L, Barker I & Flowers R
(2010) Detrital Shocked Zircon
Cavosie AJ, Erickson TM, Radovan HA & Moser DE
(2009) Tracking Fluid/Melt Flow in the Lower Crust Using Zircon Isotopic (Pb, O) Zoning, Kapuskasing Uplift
Moser DE, Bowman JR, Valley JW, Wooden JL, Kita NT & Mazdab FK
(2008) Zircon U-Pb Age Discordance and Trace Element Alteration due to Deep, Post-Impact Flow; Implications for Planetary Chronology
Moser D, Davis W, Reddy S, Flemming R & Hart R
(2008) Cathodoluminescence (CL), Isotopic (Pb, O) and Trace Element Zoning in Lower Crustal Zircon Documents Growth of Early Continental Lithosphere
Bowman J, Moser D, Wooden J, Valley J, Mazdab F & Kita N
(2006) Meteorite impact-triggered diffusion of Pb and REE in crystalline Moho zircon
Moser D, Davis W, Hart R & Flemming R
(2001) Magmatic Intraplating and Impact Metamorphism of the Lower Kaapvaal Crust; A Combined ID- TIMS/SHRIMP Investigation
Moser DE, Davis WJ, Flowers RM & Hart RJ

Moser Duane (2018) Astrobiological Characterization of Biosignatures from a Planetary Lava Cave Analog
Osburn M, Datta S, Hathaway J, Moser D, Northup D, Papp K & Blank J
(2010) Subsurface Transport of Pu on Nanominerals: Teasing out Biogeochemical Controls in Field Environments
Kersting A, Zavarin M, Dai Z, Felmy A, Kips R, Moser D, Powell B, Tinnacher R & Zaho P
(2002) Dating Ultra-Deep Mine Waters with Noble Gases and Cl-36, Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
Lippmann J, Stute M, Torgersen T, Moser D, Hall J & Onstott TC

Moser J. (2002) Results of Re-Os Round Robin Tests
Meisel T & Moser J

Moser K. (2023) The Influence of Physiological and Lifestyle Factors on Essential Mineral Element Isotopic Compositions in the Human Body: Implications for the Design of Isotope Metallomics Research
Sullivan K, Moore R, Moser K & Vanhaecke F

Moser M. (2014) Existence, Formation, and Role of Soluble Organic-Fe(III) Complexes in the Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron in Sediments
Taillefert M, Beckler J, Moser M & Wilson P

Moses C. (2004) Salinity Changes in the Atlantic: Confirmation from Proxy Records in Corals and Sclerosponges
Swart P, Moses C, Rosenheim B, Helmle K & Dodge R

Moses D. Salome (2018) Sorption of 137Cs onto a Muscovite-Rich Test Material from the Georgia Kaolins
Moses DS, Elliott WC, Wanpler JM, Powell BA & Avant DA

Moses Dominique (2017) Sorption of Cs-137 by Muscovite Separated from Kaolin Ore
Elliott WC, Moses D, Wampler JM, Powell BA & Avant DM

Moses J. (2014) Compositional Trends in the Atmospheres of Hot Neptunes
Moses J, Line M, Visscher C, Richardson M, Nettelmann N, Fortney J, Barman T, Stevenson K & Madhusudhan N

Moses M. (2020) Astrobiology Markers Predicted by Synthetic Metabolisms Generated by Stochastic Evolutionary Network Expansion and Reduction
Dadashi A, Fricke GM, Kempes C, Libby E & Moses M

Moses W. (2012) Bulk Redox Status or Redox Microenvironments: Which is More Important for Controlling Trace Element Transport?
Nico P, Varadharajan C, Beller H, Han R, Yang L, Brodie E, Conrad M, Bill M, Slowey A & Moses W

Moshammer B. (2012) C-, O- and Sr-Isotopes in Marbles from the Eastern Alps
Hoinkes G, Puhr B, Schuster R, Richoz S & Moshammer B

Moshchenko A. (2006) Application of Coplex Geochemical Technique for oil and Gas Prospecting
Moshchenko A

Mosher H. (2011) Monitoring Emissions from the Athabasca Oil Sands Using Stable Isotopes from Black Spruce (Picea Mariana)
Mosher H & Wolfe A

Mosher J. (2010) Methylmercury Production by Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ND132: Influences of Natural Organic Matter and Growth Stage
Biswas A, Brooks S, Miller C, Southworth G, Mosher J, Drake M & Yin X

Moskovitz N. (2010) Effects of Silicate Melt Migration on the Differentiation of Planetesimals
Moskovitz N & Gaidos E

Moskowitz B. (2014) Low-Temperature Serpentinization Produces Abundant Hydrogen within the Temperature Limits of Life
Klein F, Bach W, Humphris SE, Kahl W-A, Jöns N, Moskowitz B & Berquó TS
(2012) Serpentinization and the Flux of Reduced Volatiles to the Seafloor
McCollom T, Klein F, Bach W, Moskowitz B, Berquo T & Templeton A
(2001) Biogeochemical Cycling by and Dynamics of Magnetotactic Microorganisms in Chemically- Stratified Coastal Salt Ponds
Bazylinski DA, Frankel RB, Edwards KJ, Moskowitz BM, Schlezinger DR & Howes BL

Moskvin V. (2010) Carbon Isotope Fractionation in the Oil of the Lake Baikal
Moskvin V, Semenova D, Ponomarchuk V & Khlistov O

Mosley L. (2019) Calibration of Stable Strontium Isotopes (δ88/86Sr) with Respect to Salinity and Carbonate Saturation in Lagoon-Estuarine Environments
Shao Y, Farkaš J, Mosley L, Wong H, Samanta M, Tyler J, Holmden C, Gillanders B, Kolevica A & Eisenhauer A
(2017) Trace Metal(loid) Release and Transport from Gold Mine Tailings in Porgera, Papua New Guinea
Hoagland B, Mosley L, Russo T, Kirby J, Cullen C & Raven M
(2017) Remediation of Acid Sulphate Soils: The Role of Organic Matter
Koelbl A, Marschner P, Fitzpatrick R, Mosley L & Koegel-Knabner I
(2017) Calibration of Marine Ca and Sr Isotope Proxies Against ‘salinity’ in Fresh-To-Hypersaline Coastal Lagoon-Estuarine Settings of South Australia
Shao Y, Farkas J, Holmden C, Mosley L, Kell-Duivestain I, Izzo C, Reis-Santos P, Tyler J, Haynes D, Tibby J & Gillanders B
(2010) Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Lowland Acid Sulfate Soil Landscapes
Bush R, Sullivan L, Burton E, Johnston S, Keene A, Wong V & Mosley L

Mosley-Thompson E. (2023) Late-Pleistocene Paleodust Records from the Guliya Ice Cap (Northwestern Tibet)
Beaudon E, Griffith EM, Sheets J, Scher H, Bizimis M, Sexton J, Sierra-Hernández R, Mosley-Thompson E & Thompson LG

Mosquera O.M. (2023) Fruit-Extracted Thiols as Tools for Mercury Removal in Contaminated Water Sources
Vecino-Mantilla MM, Pinilla C, Mass J, Allan N, Davis S & Mosquera OM

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