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Laffont Laure (2015) Hg Stable Isotopes as Tracers for Dietary Hg Exposure and Metabolic Detoxification in Humans
Menges J, Laffont L, Maurice L & Sonke J

Laffont Laure (2023) Long-Term Atmospheric Mercury Measurements on Amsterdam Island in the French Southern and Antarctic Lands
Collignon L, Angot H, Magand O, Bertrand Y, Duperray S, Laffont L, Sonke JE & Dommergue A
(2023) Multiple Exposure of Amerindian People to Toxic Metals: How Co-building the Communities Outreach and Empowerment?
Maurice L, Martin LA, Davy D, Laffont L, Decamp P-E, Lartigau F, Landburg GA, Abielie J & Williams A

Laffont Laure (2010) Hg Stable Isotopes in Human Hair as a Tracer for Dietary Hg Exposure
Laffont L, Sonke J, Maurice L, Bacarreza Y & Behra P
(2007) Mercury Stable Isotope Variations in a Bolivian Watershed: Evidence for Mass-Independent Fractionation
Laffont L, Sonke J, Foucher D, Hintelmann H, Behra P & Maurice-Bourgoin L

LaFlamme Crystal (2015) Mass Independent Sulfur Signature in Archean Orogenic Au Deposits
Selvaraja V, Fiorentini M, LaFlamme C, Wing B, Bui T-H & Fielding I

LaFlamme Crystal (2012) Timing Constraints on the Deep Crustal Residence and Subsequent Uplift of the Repulse Bay Block, Melville Peninsula, Nunavut
LaFlamme C, McFarlane C & Corrigan D

LaFlamme Crystal (2024) Assessing the Regional Thermal Overprint of the Grenville Front Tectonic Zone by Multiple in situ Geochronometers
Laureijs CT, Guilmette C, Godet A, Jouvent M, Darveau J, Larson K, Barré G & LaFlamme C

LaFlamme Crystal (2022) Monitoring Mechanisms that Control Gold Precipitation from Auriferous Fluids
LaFlamme C, Sugiono D, Herzog M & Barré G
(2022) The Archean Seawater Sulfate Isotopic Signature Determined from VMS Deposits
Barré G, LaFlamme C, Beaudoin G, Goutier J & Cartigny P

LaFlamme Crystal (2017) Atmospheric Sulfur in the Orogenic Gold Deposits of the Archaean Yilgarn Craton
Selvaraja V, Caruso S, Fiorentini M, LaFlamme C & Bui T-H

LaFlamme Crystal (2019) Controls on Ultra-High-Grade Gold Vein in Orogenic-Gold Deposit, Learnings from the Callie Deposit
Petrella L, Thebaud N & LaFlamme C

Laflèche É.A. (2023) Modeling Biospheric Seasonality on Early Earth and Earth-Like Exoplanets
Laflèche ÉA, Jernigan J, Schwieterman EW & Olson SL
(2022) Modeling N Cycle Seasonality on Early Earth and Beyond
Laflèche ÉA, Schwieterman EW & Olson SL

Lafleur B. (2012) Influence of Afforestation on Soil: The Case of Mineral Weathering
Belanger N, Lafleur B, Claveau Y & Pare D

Lafon J-M. (2019) Archean Crustal Growth in Southeastern Guyana Shield
Lafon J-M & Milhomem Neto JM

LaFond-Hudson S. (2024) Integrating Tide-Driven Wetland Soil Redox and Biogeochemical Interactions into a Land Surface Model
Sulman BN, Wang J, LaFond-Hudson S, O'Meara T, Yuan F, Molins S, Hammond G, Forbrich I, Cardon Z & Giblin A

Lafont C. (2023) Elucidation of Biotic and Abiotic Processes Governing Manganese Redox Cycle in Sediment of Passive Mine Drainage Treatment Plants
Lafont C, van Hullebusch E, Battaglia-Brunet F, Vaxelaire S, Gelabert A & Gorny J

Lafontaine J. (2005) Devil Pike Brook Gold Deposit, South-Central New Brunswick: An Example of a Mesothermal Lode Gold System in the Canadian Appalachians
Lafontaine J, Thorne K & Lentz D

Laforce B. (2019) Unmelted Antarctic Micrometeorites at the Nanoscale
Van Maldeghem F, Goderis S, Laforce B, Soens B, De Pauw E, Suuronen J-P, Van Ginneken M, Debaille V & Claeys P
(2018) Tracing Meteoritic Components in Cretaceous-Paleogene Microkrystites Using XRF Nano-Analysis
Goderis S, Laforce B, Belza J, Tucoulou Tachoueres R, Van Malderen S, Vekemans B, Vincze L & Claeys P

LaForce T. (2024) Academic-Industry-Government Partnerships in Nuclear Waste Management to Advance Applied Research and Workforce Development in the US
Hasiuk F, LaForce T, Stein E, Sassani D, Zheng L, Wainwright HM, Caporuscio F, Mendez C, Saltzstein S & Peddicord L

Laforet S. (2023) Space Weathering Influence on Ryugu's IR Signature: Insights from Nanoscale Vibrational Spectroscopy in the STEM
Laforet S, Leroux H, Le Guillou C, Jacob D, de La Pena F, Marinova M, Walls M, Tizei L, Beck P, Phan VTH & Noguchi T
(2023) Organics in Ryugu, Orgueil and Other Chondrites Analyzed in situ by STXM and TEM
Le Guillou C, Bernard S, Leroux H, Marinova M & Laforet S
(2022) Space Weathering Formation of Glassy Layers at the Surface of Ryugu: A STEM-Edx Study
Laforet S, Leroux H, Le Guillou C, Jacob D, Marinova M, de La Pena F & Noguchi T

Lafortune S. (2013) Caprock’s Nanoporus Structure Modification by Supercritical CO2/Water Interaction: A Contribution of Adsorption Techniques
Rhenals Garrido DR, Lafortune S, Souli H & Dubujet P
(2011) Understanding O2-Deficient and CO2-enriched Gas Production and Migration in the Subsurface Above a Coal Post-Mining Area Through in situ Gas Monitoring and Modelling
Lafortune S, Charmoille A & Pokryszka Z
(2008) Noble Gases as Precursors of CO2 Deep Storage Leaks Towards Surface
Lafortune S, Moreira M, Agrinier P, Schneider H & Catalette H
(2007) First Steps in the Feasibility Study of CO2 Geological Storages Monitoring Through Noble Gas Geochemistry
Lafortune S, Moreira M, Agrinier P, Schneider H & Catalette H

Lafrance B. (2024) Mineralogical and Textural Characterization of the Gold Mineralization in the LP Zone of the Great Bear Deposit, Ontario, Canada
Boehme WH, Brueckner SM, Lafrance B, Laverge M, Simmons J, Tinkham D, Greenwood R & Ordóñez Calderón JC

LaFree S.T. (2002) Impact of Tire-Derived Fuel on the Chemical Composition of Coal-Combustion Products
Gieré R, Carleton LE, LaFree ST, Zingg A & Tishmack JK

Lafreniere Melissa (2012) Controls on Summer Deposition of Atmospheric Sulphate and Nitrogen in Alpine Valleys of the Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains
Wasiuta V, Lafreniere M, Kyser K, Norman A-L & Hastings M
(2009) Mineralogical Controls on Microbial Communities in Glacial Environments
Mitchell A, Lafreniere M, Lange R, Pitts B, Skidmore M & Boyd E

Lafrenière Melissa (2017) A Pan-Canadian Study of Optical Properties of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Active Layer and Permafrost
Fouché J, Christiansen C, Lafrenière M, Grogan P & Lamoureux S

Lafreniere Melissa (2013) Subsurface Mineral Weathering in Transient Layers of Permafrost in the Canadian High Arctic
Lafreniere M, Montross S, Holloway J & Lamoureux S

Lafuerza S. (2018) The Coupled Chemistry of In and Au in Sphalerite Studied by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Synthetic Crystals
Tonkacheev D, Filimonova O, Tagirov B, Trtigub A, Kvashnina K, Lafuerza S & Chareev D

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