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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Law N. (2007) Investigating the Biogenic Synthesis of Chalcogenide-Based Nanomaterials
Pearce C, Coker V, Pattrick R, Law N, Charnock J, Lloyd J & Zuckermann R

Law R.D. (2017) Mid-Miocene Infiltration of Meteoric Water in the South Tibetan Detachment (Mt Everest, Himalaya)
Gébelin A, Jessup M, Teyssier C, Cosca MA, Law RD, Brunel M & Mulch A
(2013) Improved Crustal PTtD Evolution Constraints Using TitaniQ Thermobarometry
Ashley K, Law R, Stahr D, Thomas J, Caddick M, Spear F & Webb L
(2013) Thermal Structure of the Sgurr Beag Thrust, NW Scotland
Mazza SE, Law RD & Caddick MJ

Law Sally (2023) Hydrous Partial Melting of Natural Oceanic Plateau Basalt Under Varying P-T Pathways: Experimental Constraints on Formation of TTG-Like Magmas
Law S & Hastie A
(2020) Olivine Reveals a Shift in Mantle Fertility, Coincident with Rifting and the Onset of Rhyolitic Volcanism in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
Law S, Bromiley G, Kilgour G & Fitton G
(2019) What can Basalts Tell us About the Evolution of a Rifted Continental Arc?
Law S, Boyce A, Bromiley G, Kilgour G & Saunders K

Law Shanna (2018) Using Hydrothermal Water-Rock Reaction Models to Indicate Microbial Presence
Law S & Cox A
(2018) Changes in Geochemistry and Proteins Across the Transition to Photosynthesis in Hydrothermal Ecosystems
Cox A, Law S, Dahlquist G & Foster J

Law-Wai E. (2002) Tracing Groundwater Transport Underneath a Landfill with SF6, Br, and 3H/3He
Stute M, Simpson HJ, Chillrud SN, Law-wai E & Schlosser P

Lawerence S. (2020) Legacy Arsenic Contamination from Historical Gold Mining on the Floodplains of South Eastern Australia River
Colombi F, Silvester E, Baldwin D, Holland A, Lawerence S, Davis P, Turnbull J, Rutherford I & Macklin M

Lawler M. (2013) Biogenic New Particle Formation and its Potential Impacts on Climate
Smith J, Lawler M, Winkler P, Zhao J & McMurry P

Lawley Christopher (2021) International Database on the Abundance of Critical Minerals in Ores: Relevance to Research and Development of Critical Mineral Resources
Hofstra AH, Bastrakov E, Champion DC, Czarnota K, Emsbo P, Gadd MG, Granitto M, Huston DL, Lauziere K, Lawley C, Lisitsin V, Raymond O & VanDerWielen S
(2015) Os-Pb Isotope Constraints for the Timing of Sulphide Remobilization in Orogenic Gold Systems
Lawley C, Jackson S, Yang Z & Creaser R

Lawley Christopher J. M. (2020) Applications of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in the Study of Orogenic Gold Hydrothermal Rocks
Watts JF, Lawley CJM, Gagnon JE & Rehse SJ
(2020) Canada’s First National-Scale Mineral Potential Model
Lawley C, Smith J, Tschirhart V, Schetselaar E & Eglington B

Lawlor A. (2005) Humic Ion-Binding Modelling and its Application to Field Processes and Ecotoxicology
Tipping E, Lofts S, Lawlor A & Shotbolt L

Lawman A. (2018) Tropical Hydroclimate Change during Heinrich Stadial 1: An Integrative Proxy-Model Synthesis
Gomez K, Sun T, Wu X, Sun C, Piatrunia N, Lawman A, Shanahan T & DiNezio P

Lawrence A. (2023) Attrition of Minority Groups in the UK Geochemistry Workforce Across the Academic Career Ladder
Bots P, Maters E, Appiah F, Gagnon J, Bhagwat S, Riches AJV, Little SH, Chi Fru E, Ngwenya B, Lawrence A & Anand [she/her] P
(2023) Is the Geochemistry Academic Work Environment a Potential Barrier to Inclusion and Progression?
Anand [she/her] P, Lawrence A, Little SH, Bots P, Gagnon J, Appiah F, Riches AJV, Maters E, Chi Fru E, Bhagwat S & Ngwenya B
(2023) Autistic Voices in Geoscience: Towards Greater Inclusion of Neurological Diversity
Jeffery AJ, Rogers SL, Hulme JA, Jeffery KLA, Hallam C, Lucherini M, Lawrence A, Pringle JK, Lau L, Derbyshire EJ, Bullock LA & Stemp I
(2021) Six Simple Steps Towards Making Fieldwork More Accessible and Inclusive
Lawrence A & Dowey NJ
(2021) Race, Racism, and Barriers to the Participation of Black People in the Geological Sciences: How Bad is it? Should We do Something About it? What can We do About it?
Dowey NJ, Jackson CA-L, Barclay J, Fernando B, Giles S, Houghton J, Khatwa A, Lawrence A, Mills K, Newton A, Rogers S & Williams R

Lawrence C. (2021) Mapping Contaminant Distributions and Sources Across Heterogeneous Landscapes Through Remotely Sensed Metal Bioaccumulation
Grant K, Chadwick KD, Brodrick PG, West J, Lawrence C, Falco N & Maher K
(2019) Kinetic Heterogeneity of Soil Organic Matter at the Global Scale
Lawrence C, Heckman K, Hicks Pries C, Crow S, Sierra C & Trumbore S
(2019) Rock Respiration: Sub-Soil Carbon Oxidation in the Unsaturated Bedrock of a Forested Hillslope
Druhan J, Tune A, Wang J, Lawrence C & Rempe D
(2018) Differential Movement of Solid Phases: A Case Study of Soil Organic Carbon Storage
Druhan J & Lawrence C
(2018) A Reactive Transport Model for Heterotrophic Respiration in Soil Profiles Constrained with Laboratory Incubations Using Multiple Pulse Wetting Events
Liu Y, Lawrence C, Winnick M, Hsu H-T, Maher K & Druhan J
(2017) A New Age of Radiocarbon: Reactive Transport Models as a Tool for Assessing Soil Carbon Cycling
Lawrence C, Druhan J, Heckman K & Berhe A
(2016) Variations of Organic Matter Composition with Climate, Soil Age, and Depth
Lawrence C, Schulz M & Tfaily M
(2016) A Reactive Transport Model Including Low Soil Moisture Limitations on Soil Carbon Respiration
Liu Y, Druhan J, Sanford R, Lawrence C, Winnick M & Maher K
(2015) Signatures of Long-Term Rhizosphere Processes at Depth—xeric Versus Mesic Soil-Moisture Regimes
Schulz M, Lawrence C & Stonestrom D
(2014) Organometal Complexes Link Soil Development and Carbon Cycling
Lawrence C, Schulz M & Maher K
(2014) Iron in Soils of a Marine Terrace Chronosequence: The Development of Structured Heterogeneity
Schulz M, Lawrence C, Stonestrom D, Manning J & Kyker-Snowman E
(2012) Marine Terrace Soils along the West Coast of North America: A Weathering Archive?
Schulz M, Lawrence C, Stonestrom D, Bullen T, Harden J, White A, Fitzpatrick J & Masiello C
(2012) Modeling the Influence of Organic Acids on Soil Weathering
Lawrence C, Maher K, Schulz M & Harden J
(2012) The Weathering Forefront for Permafrost Carbon: Priorities for Critical Zone Research
Harden J, Ewing S, Jorgenson T, Koven C, Lawrence C, Schulz M & Waldrop M
(2010) The Role of Disturbance in the Regulation of Carbon Exchange by Soils
Harden J & Lawrence C
(2010) Toward a Model Framework for Evaluating the Long-Term Capacity of Soils to Sequester Carbon
Lawrence C & Harden J

Lawrence Dan (2014) Applications of Atom Probe Tomography in Geological Science
Kelly T, Clifton P, Reinhard D, Prosa T, Olson D, Lawrence D, Martin I & Larson D
(2013) Tomography at Single-Atom Scale of 207Pb and 206Pb in a 4374 Ma Zircon
Valley J, Ushikubo T, Cavosie A, Reinhard D, Lawrence D, Martin I, Larson D, Clifton P, Kelly T, Wilde S, Moser D & Spicuzza M

Lawrence Daniel (2016) Combining Microstructural and Isotopic Analysis of Baddeleyite to Unravel Solar System Bombardment
White L, Darling J, Moser D, Reinhard D, Horstwood M, Bullen D, Barker I, Prosa T, Olson D, Larson D, Clifton P, Lawrence D & Martin I
(2016) Atom Probe Tomography of Martian Zircon and Baddeleyite Reveals a 4.4 Billion Year Record of Cool, Stable and Hydrothermally Altered Crust
Moser D, Reinhard D, Lawrence D, Prosa T, Larson D, Clifton P, Olson D, Price K, Chen Y & Irving A

Lawrence David (2016) New Lunar Non-Polar Highlands Perspectives of Regolith Maturation
Cahill J, Lawrence D, Delen O, Stickle A, Patterson W & Greenhagen B

Lawrence David (2009) Using MESSENGER Neutron Spectrometer Data to Identify Neutron-Absorbing Elements on Mercury’s Surface
Lawrence DJ, Feldman WC, Goldsten JO & Solomon SC
(2009) Integrating Lunar Sample Data with Lunar Prospector Thorium Data: Insights into the Thermal and Magmatic Evolution of the Moon
Hagerty J, Lawrence D, Shearer C & Hawke BR

Lawrence David (2009) Hypersaline Metalliferous Fluids Associated with Orogenic Gold Deposits in the Loulo Mining District, West Mali; Significance to Ore Genetic Models
Treloar P, Lawrence D, Rankin A & Harbidge P

Lawrence James (2012) Proxies of Tropical Cyclone Isotope Spikes in Precipitation: Suitable Species in Subtropical Climate Zones
Lawrence J, Maddocks R, Slowey N & Roark B

Lawrence John R. (2012) Microbial Communities in Low-Permeability Uranium Mine Tailings
Bondici V, Hill J, Khan N, Lawrence J, Wolfaardt G, Kotzer T & Korber D
(2010) Biotransformation of Selenium in Multispecies Biofilm
Yang S-I, Pickering IJ & Lawrence JR
(2009) 2D, 3D, and in situ STXM in Geomicrobiology
Obst M, Wang J, Karunakaran C, Benzerara K, Dynes JJ, Lawrence JR, Swerhone GDW & Hitchcock AP
(2008) Biofilm Structure and Biochemistry with Soft X-Ray Scanning Transmission Microscopy
Dynes J, Rema T, Hitchcock A, Korber D, Leppard G, Swerhone G, Obst M & Lawrence J
(2008) Geomicrobiology with Soft X-Ray Scanning Transmission Microscopy
Hitchcock A, Dynes J, Obst M, Lawrence J & Leppard G
(2008) Aragonite as a Precursor Phase of Cyanobacterial Calcite Precipitation and the Influence of EPS on the Nucleation Process – A STXM Study
Obst M, Hitchcock AP, Dynes JJ, Lawrence JR, Swerhone GDW & Benzerara K
(2005) Mapping of Metal Species in Biofilms Using Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy
Lawrence J, Dynes J, Hitchcock A, West M, Leppard G, Swerhone G, Tyliszczak T & Araki T

Lawrence K. (2023) North Atlantic N2 Fixation during the Pliocene-Pleistocene Transition
Yehudai M, Farmer JR, Straub M, Schiebel R, Auderset A, Lawrence K, Sigman DM, Studer AS, Ogretmen N, Haug GH & Martinez-Garcia A

Lawrence L. (2020) 25 Ma Explosive Volcanism Produced by Magma Immiscibility in the Rukwa Rift, Western Branch of the East African Rift System
Lawrence L, Spandler C, Roberts E & Hilbert-Wolf H

Lawrence M (2006) Significance of the longevity of the marine rare earth pattern
Lawrence M, Collerson K & Kamber B

Lawrence M Jayne (2010) Effects of Surfactant Coating on the Fate of Engineered Oxide Nanoparticles in Simulated Wastewater Treatment
Jarvie H, Al-Obaidi H, King S, Bowes M, Lawrence MJ, Drake A, Green M & Dobson P

Lawrence R (2004) Grain Boundary Diffusion of Mg and Ca in Synthetic Diopside Aggregates
Lawrence R, Azough F, Freer R & Leach C

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