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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Lasaga A. C. (2001) A New General Law for Mineral Dissolution
Luttge A & Lasaga AC
(2000) The Oxygen Geochemical Cycle: Dynamics, Stability and Evolution
Lasaga AC & Ohmoto H

Lasaga Antonio (2013) The Biological Control on the Atmospheric pCO2 Level Through Geologic Time
Ohmoto H & Lasaga A
(2008) Anomalous S Isotope Fractionations during Reactions with an Organic Surface: II. Investigations on Natural and Experimental Systems
Watanabe Y, Otake T, Lasaga A & Ohmoto H
(2008) Modeling the Chemical Evolution of the Atmosphere and Oceans
Ohmoto H & Lasaga A
(2008) Anomalous S Isotope Fractionations during Reactions with an Organic Surface: I. Theoretical Investigations
Otake T, Lasaga A, Watanabe Y & Ohmoto H

Lasalle S. (2017) Unravelling the Gold Source of a Witwatersrand-Type Deposit: Insights from Mineral Inclusions in Rutile
Pereira I, Storey C, Darling J & Lasalle S
(2017) Filling the Gap: A Prolonged History of Continental Crust Generation during the Siderian Magmatic Shutdown
Moreira H, Storey C, Fowler M, Gonçalves G), Seixas L & Lasalle S
(2016) Direct Dating of Shear Zone Operation and Sulphide Mineralisation Using Titanite
Papapavlou K, Darling J, Storey C, Moser D, Lightfoot PC & Lasalle S
(2016) Zircon Composition at Different Stages of the Variscan Orogeny
Słodczyk E, Pietranik A, Storey C & Lasalle S
(2016) Zircon from Continental and Oceanic Diorites: Why are They Different?
Pietranik A, Storey C, Lasalle S & Dhuime B
(2016) Small Volume U-Th-Pb Geochronology of Accessory Minerals by Laser Ablation Quadrupole ICP-MS
Lasalle S, Darling JR & Storey CD
(2016) A Rutile-Titanite Oxygen Istope and Trace Element Record of Subduction Fluids
Storey C, Page Z & Lasalle S

Lasbleis M. (2021) Inferring Core-Mantle Boundary Heat Flux Pattern from Seismic Tomography Models Using Mantle Convection Simulations
Gael C, Deschamps F, Amit H & Lasbleis M
(2016) Snow in the Earth's Core
Lasbleis M, Hernlund J & Labrosse S

Lascar E. (2017) Radium Distribution and Mobility in Forest Soils
Lascar E, Rihs S, Pelt E, Pourcelot L, Calmon P, Redon P-O, Galy C, Turpault M-P & Chabaux F
(2016) Comparative Repartition of 226Ra, 238U, 234U and 230Th in Soils Taken in the Vicinity of ANDRA Underground Research Laboratory (Bure, France)
Pourcelot L, Calmon P, Chabaux F, Conil S, Galy C, Granet M, Lascar E, Leclerc E & Redon P-O
(2016) Measurement of Free Radium and Thallium with Donnan Membrane Technique: Application to Complexation Study with Dissolved Organic Matter
Martin L, Simonucci C, Viollier E, Lascar E, Tharaud M, Courbet C, Gourgiotis A, Rad S & Benedetti M

Laschet M. (2010) Recycling of Matter in Tropical and Subtropical Coastal Sands
Huettel M, Chipman L, Hallas K & Laschet M

Lascu I. (2021) When is a Biomineral not a Biomineral? Multi-Scale Complexity of Iron Oxide Crystallisation in the Gunflint Chert
Einsle JF, Lascu I, Popratiloff A, Fu R & MacLaren I
(2018) A Micromagnetic Perspective on the Vortex State in Earth and Planetary Materials
Lascu I, Harrison R, Einsle J & Ball M
(2016) Reconstructing Deep Ocean Circulation Pathway and Strength with Grainsize-Specific Nd Isotopes
Piotrowski AM, Li Y, Cheng X, Crowhurst S, Clegg J, Buisman I, Lascu I, Harrison RJ & McCave IN

Lasenby D. (2003) MC-ICP-MS Determination of Isotopic Fractionation of Cadmium in Simple Aquatic Food Chain
Evans D & Lasenby D

Lasia A. (2012) Electrolyte Ion Adsorption at the Hematite/Water Interface: Cryogenic X-Ray Photoelectron and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopic Studies
Shimizu K, Shchukarev A, Lasia A, Nystroem J, Geladi P, Lindholm-Sethson B & Boily J-F

Laskar Amzad
(2018) Clumped Isotopes in Firn Air O2 to Study Tropospheric O3 Variations in Recent Past
Laskar A, Andew G & Roeckmann T
(2018) Fragment Ion Measurement of 17O+ and 13C+ of CO2 with MAT253-Ultra
Adnew G, Hofmann M, Laskar A, Paul D, Popa E, Peters W & Röckmann T
(2017) Determination of CO2 Emissions from Agricultural Soils Under Different Land Management Practices Using a Dynamic Steady State Chamber-Based Approach
Spence A, Webster S, Rose D, Williams S & Laskar A
(2016) Clumped Isotope Compositions of Marbles: An Example from the Backbone Range of Taiwan
Laskar A, Yui T-F & Liang M-C
(2009) A Modified Rayleigh Model to Study the Evolution of δ13C in a Soil Profile
Laskar A, Rengaswami R & Yadava M

Laskar Amzad Hussain (2023) Evolution of Thermal Springs in the West Coast Geothermal Province, India: Evidence from Hydrogeochemical and Stable Isotope Studies
Das P, K. M, D. P, Laskar AH, Ak S & Kumar S

Laskar Clement (2023) The Role of S3•- in Molybdenum Transport by Hydrothermal Fluids Revealed by in situ X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Kokh MA, Klemme S, Schmidt C, Hazemann J-L, Testemale D, Laskar C, Borchert M, Bazarkina EF, Moeller C, Pokrovski G & Wilke M
(2023) Platinum Group Elements and Sulfur in Hydrothermal Fluids: A Love Story Told by in situ Spectroscopy, Molecular Dynamics, and Thermodynamics
Laskar C, Bazarkina EF, Kokh MA, Hazemann J-L, Vuilleumier R, Desmaele E & Pokrovski G

Laskar Clément (2021) The Impact of Sulfur on the Transfer of Platinum Group Elements by Geological Fluids
Laskar C, Kokh MA, Bazarkina EF, Desmaele E, Hazemann J-L, Vuilleumier R & Pokrovski GS
(2020) Platinum Speciation and Transport in Sulfur-Rich Hydrothermal Fluids
Laskar C, Pokrovski GS, Kokh M, Hazemann J-L, Bazarkina EF, Desmaele E & Vuilleumier R
(2019) The Impact of Sulfur on the Transfer of Platinoids by Geological Fluids
Laskar C, Pokrovski G, Kokh M, Hazemann J-L, Bazarkina E & Desmaele E

Laske G. (2008) The Hawaiian PLUME Experiment and its Initial Data Assessment
Laske G, Markee A, Orcutt JA, Wolfe CJ, Solomon SC, Collins JA, Detrick RS, Bercovici DA & Hauri EH

Lasken R. (2009) Survival and Growth in an Ultrabasic Environment: How do They do it?
Nealson KH, Johnson O, Kuenen G, Ishii S & Lasken R

Laskhevich V. (2007) Feldspars of Composition K[(Al, Fe)Si3O8]: Their Growth and Ordering Behaviour
Taroev V, Göttlicher J, Kroll H, Kashev A, Suvorova L, Pentinghaus H, Bernotat-Wulf H, Breit U, Tauson V & Laskhevich V

Laskin A. (2023) Volatility Measurements of Individual Components in Organic Aerosol Mixtures
Laskin A
(2018) Molecular Dynamics and Quantum Chemistry Studies of Complex Soil Organic Matter Interactions with Solvated Metal Ions and Mineral Surfaces
Andersen A, Govind N & Laskin A
(2016) Airborne Soil Organic Particles
Laskin A
(2016) Complementary Microscopies on Atmospheric Aerosols
Gilles M & Laskin A
(2015) Single Particle Measurements of Atmospheric Aerosol Chemistry: Past, Present and Future
Moffet R, O'Brien R, Pham D, Knopf D, Laskin A & Gilles M
(2015) Towards Quantitative Mixing State Measurements: The Sacramento Case Study
Moffet R, O'Brien R, Wang B, Yu X-Y, Alpert P, Riemer N, West M, Sun Y, Knopf D, Laskin A & Gilles M
(2015) Atmospheric Particles: Viscosity, Phase, and Response to Relative Humidity
Gilles M, Harder T, Farland D, Vezina N, Wang B & Laskin A
(2015) The Role of Condensed-Phase Photochemistry in Atmospheric Processing of Aerosols and Aqueous Droplets
Aiona PK, Blair SL, Epstein SA, Hinks ML, Laskin A, Laskin J, Lee HJ, Lignell H, Lin P, MacMillan AC, Malecha KT, Nizkorodov SA & Romonosky DE
(2015) Chemical Imaging of Atmospheric Particles
Laskin A, Wang B, Laskin J, Nizkorodov S, Moffet R, Knopf D & Gilles M
(2014) Molecular Characterization of Brown Carbon – What Can be Learned and How?
Laskin A
(2014) Spectro-Microscopy of Atmospheric Particles: Viscocity
Gilles M, Laskin A, Moffet R, Wang B, Neu A, Epstein S, MacMillon A, Nizkorodov S & O'Brien R
(2014) Spectro-Microscopy of Ambient Aerosol Particles: Observational Constraints on Mixing State Parameterization
O'Brien R, Wang B, Laskin A, West M, Riemer N, Gilles M & Moffet R
(2014) Chemical Composition and Morphological Characteristics of Ambient and Laboratory Generated Soot Particles
O'Brien R, Sharma N, Pham D, Zaveri R, Shilling J, Mazzoleni C, Laskin A, Gilles M & Moffet R
(2010) Spectro-Microscopy of Carbonaceous Particulates
Gilles M, Moffet R & Laskin A

Laskin J. (2015) The Role of Condensed-Phase Photochemistry in Atmospheric Processing of Aerosols and Aqueous Droplets
Aiona PK, Blair SL, Epstein SA, Hinks ML, Laskin A, Laskin J, Lee HJ, Lignell H, Lin P, MacMillan AC, Malecha KT, Nizkorodov SA & Romonosky DE
(2015) Chemical Imaging of Atmospheric Particles
Laskin A, Wang B, Laskin J, Nizkorodov S, Moffet R, Knopf D & Gilles M

Laskou M. (2010) Biomineralization of Halotrichite on Bauxite Ores
Laskou M, Economou-Eliopoulos M & Mitsis I

Laskov C. (2011) Comparison of Different Evaluation Schemes and Optimization of Instrumental Parameters for Chlorine Isotope Analysis of Organic Compounds Using GC-Qms
Jin B, Laskov C, Rolle M & Haderlein SB
(2011) Combining Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Methods to Obtain Speciation of Quinones
Orsetti S, Spahr S, Laskov C & Haderlein S
(2009) Reductive Transformation of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons at Iron Minerals in the Presence of Organic Sorbates
Laskov C, Schmidt A & Haderlein S

Lasnier B. (2005) A New Geochemical Tool to Separate Basaltic from Metamorphic Blue Sapphires
Peucat J, Ruffault P, Fritsch E, Simonet C, Lasnier B & Bouhnik-LeCoz M
(2001) Mexican Gem Opals: Nano- and Micro-Structure, Raman Spectra, Origin of Color, and Comparison with Other Common Opals of Gemological Significance
Fritsch E, Ostrooumov M, Rondeau B, Barreau A, Albertini D, Marie A-M, Lasnier B & Wery J

Laso Perez R. (2021) Characterization of the Archaeal Communities Involved in Methane and Hydrocarbon Oxidation within Hydrothermal Environments of the S. Pescadero Basin (Gulf of California)
Laso Perez R, Crémière A, Wu F, Speth DR, Schubotz F, Magyar J & Orphan V

Lass S. (2000) N-Morb or a Depleted Plume Component? Evidence from Hf-Nd Isotope Systematics of Tertiary Picritic and Basaltic Lava Flows from Baffin Island
Kempton PD, Fitton JG, Francis D & Lass S

Lassak T. (2005) On the Enigmatic Basalts of the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho
Reid M, Graham D, Cooper L & Lassak T

Lassaletta L. (2017) Estimating Future Nitrogen Fertilizer Use in Global Croplands
Mogollón JM, Lassaletta L, Beusen A & Bouwman A(

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