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Larssen G. (2011) The Ash that Closed Europe’s Airspace: Part I, Grains Size Distribution of the Eyjafjallajökull Ash and Soluble Salt Coatings
Gislason S, Eiriksdottir E, Alfredsson H, Oskarsson N, Sigfússon B, Larssen G, Hassenkam T, Nedel S, Bouvet N, Hem C, Balogh Z, Dideriksen K & Stipp S
(2011) The Ash that Closed Europe’s Airspace: Part II, the Physical Aspects of the Eyjafjallajökull Ash (Geochemistry Fellow Presentation)
Stipp S, Hassenkam T, Nedel S, Bovet N, Hem C, Balogh Z, Dideriksen K, Eiriksdottir E, Alfredsson H, Oskarsson N, Sigfusson B, Larssen G & Gislason S

Larssen T. (2012) Mercury Contamiation to the Environment and Health Impacts by Small and Large Scale Hg Mining Activties in China
Feng X, Qiu G, Li P, Zhang H & Larssen T
(2012) Mercury Exposure in a Sub-Arctic Population 80 Years ago
Larssen T, Jenssen M, Braaten HF & Njolstad I
(2010) An Integrated Survey on Mercury Pollution and its Impacts in Guizhou Province, China
Larssen T, Zhang H & Feng X

Larsson HÂkan (2002) Fate of Prebiotic Adenine
Hansson TK, Cohn C, Larsson H, Sowerby S & Holm N

Larsson Hans (2020) Carbon and Water Cycle Reconstructions Across the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary in Saskatchewan, Canada, and Implications for Bulk Carbon Interpretations of Mass Extinctions
Bourque R, Douglas P & Larsson H

Larsson J. (2002) Biogeochemistry of Trace Metals during a Coastal Bloom in the Baltic Sea
Ingri J, Larsson J, Nordling S, Gustafsson Ö, Rönnegård J & Andersson P

Larsson M. (2013) Vanadium Leaching from Converter Lime and Speciation in Soil: A Long-Term Field Study
Larsson MA, D'Amato M, Cubadda F, Raggi A, Öborn I & Gustafsson JP
(2012) Vanadate Complexation to Ferrihydrite: X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy and CD-MUSIC Modeling
Larsson M, Gustafsson JP, Sjoestedt C & Persson I

Lartaud F. (2017) The Quest for Evaluating Mg/Ca in Bivalve Shells as a Temperature Proxy: Where are We Now?
Mouchi V, de Rafélis M, Lartaud F, Briard J & Emmanuel L

Larter Stephen (2020) Reversing Flow of Carbon Back to the Geosphere. Scaled Organic Carbon Engineering – Feasible or Fantasy?
Radovic J, Silva R & Larter S
(2019) The Future of Petroleum Resources: From Fuels to Electricity?
Radovic J, Novotnik B, Venkatesan S, Thangadurai V, Strous M & Larter S
(2019) Geoengineering the Carbon Cycles in the Ocean
Larter S, Radovic J, Silva R & De la Fuente J
(2019) Organic Sulfur-Bearing Species as Subsurface Carbon Storage Vectors
Yim C, Silva R & Larter S
(2019) Examining the Role of Aqueous Organo-Silica Complexes on Silicification during Carbonate Diagenesis
Escario S, Nightingale M, Jaggi A, Oldenburg T, Larter S & Tutolo B
(2019) Investigation of Asphaltene Precipitation and Deposition in Baffled Oil-Bearing Carbonate Formations
Algeer R, Huang H & Larter S
(2016) Multiproxy Characterization of Sedimentary Biomarker Archives Using Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Radovic J, Silva R, Larter S & Oldenburg T
(2016) Investigation on Natural Bitumen Occurrence in Birch Mountains Kimberlite Pipes in Northern Alberta
Sonei R, Ghent E, Brown M, Oldenburg T & Larter S

Larter Steve (2018) Biogeochemical Characterization of Surface Sediments along the Pearl River Estuary Transect
Xie W, Radović J, Li P, Li X, Silva R, Oldenburg T, Larter S & Zhang C
(2017) The 1979 Ixtoc-I Oil Spill Revisited
Radovic J, Lincoln S, Silva R, Jaggi A, Romero I, Schwing P, Larson R, Brooks G, Freeman K, Hollander D, Larter S & Oldenburg T

Larter Steve R. (2015) High-Resolution Geochemical Characterization of Ombrotrophic Peat Bogs from Northern Alberta
Gonzalez-Arismendi G, Huang H, Weerawardhena P, Silva RC, Snowdon RW, Radovic J, Larter SR & Oldenburg TBP
(2015) Comprehensive Screening of Geochemical Proxies Using RADAR Mode FTICR-MS
Radovic J, Silva R, Oldenburg T & Larter S
(2015) An Approach to a Practical Petroleum Charge and Reservoir Fluid Residence Time Dating Method
Sonei R, Marcano N, Snowdon L, Ranger M & Larter S
(2015) Organic Geochemical Proxies – Successes, Failures and the Future
Larter S
(2015) FTICR-MS – Towards Reaction Systems Models in Petroleum Geochemistry
Oldenburg TBP, Silva RC, Radovic J, Snowdon RW, Gonzalez-Arismendi GP, Brown M & Larter SR
(2012) Characterization of Microbial Activity by Petroleum Compositional Changes Using Ultra-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (FT-ICR-Ms)
Oldenburg T, Chanthmontri K, Stopford A, Huang H, Wong M-L, Voordouw G & Larter S
(2012) The Location of Microrganisms in Petroleum Reservoirs
Larter S, Bennett B, Oldenburg T, Adams J & Head I
(2012) Systematics of Biodegradation of Sulfur Compounds in Heavy Oil Reservoirs
Marcano N, Oldenburg T, Mayer B & Larter S
(2012) Canadian Oil Sands; A Window on the Deep Petroleum Biosphere
Head I, Gray N, Sherry A, Maguire M, Grant R, Hubert C, Aitken C, Jones M, Oldenburg T, Bennett B & Larter S
(2011) Beyond Petroleomics – Petroleum Geochemistry for the 21st Century
Oldenburg T, Marcano N, Huang H, Hsieh B & Larter S
(2011) Towards the Geochemical Tricorder: Trends and Needs in Subsurface Geochemical Sensor Systems for Energy Recovery and Carbon Management
Larter S & Snowdon L
(2010) Can Studies of Petroleum Biodegradation Help Fossil Fuel Carbon Management
Larter S, Gates I, Adams J, Oldenburg T & Head I
(2009) Observations of Some Post – Sourcing Alteration Factors on the Metal Signature of Crude Oils
Olsen S, Bennett B & Larter S
(2009) Biogenic Methane Production from Subsurface Petroleum Systems: Organisms and Mechanisms
Gray N, Sherry A, Aitken C, Jones M, Adams J, Erdmann M, Larter S & Head I
(2009) The Petroleum Reservoir Deep Biosphere, New Views from Petroleum Geology and Geochemistry
Bennett B, Huang H, Asgar-Deen M, Adams J & Larter S
(2009) Thermodynamic Constraints on Methanogenic PAH Degradation
Dolfing J, Xu A, Gray N, Larter S & Head I
(2009) Hydrocarbon Biodegradation Trends Related to Fluid and Mineral Geochemistry, Border Plains Region, Western Canada Foreland Basin
Fay M, Larter S & Bennett B
(2005) Indicators of Anaerobic Hydrocarbon Degradation in Petroleum Reservoirs
Bennett B, Aitken C, Jones M & Larter S
(2005) Fluid-Rock Interactions in Petroleum Reservoirs: Alkylphenols
Bennett B, van Duin A & Larter S
(2002) Alkylphenols and Light Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Oilfield Waters are Produced in Source Rocks, not from Petroleum Hydrolysis
Aplin AC, Love G, Dale J, Bennett B, Taylor G & Larter S
(2001) Compositional Changes of Crude Oils during Simulated Migration Through Quartz and Clay Minerals
Tseng H-Y, Gong C, Otten GA, Noke KJ, Bennett B & Larter SR
(2000) Implications of Slow Biodegradation Rates in Oilfields for Crustal Biospheres
Larter S, Head I & Wilhelms A

Lartigau F. (2023) Multiple Exposure of Amerindian People to Toxic Metals: How Co-building the Communities Outreach and Empowerment?
Maurice L, Martin LA, Davy D, Laffont L, Decamp P-E, Lartigau F, Landburg GA, Abielie J & Williams A

Lartiges B. (2023) The Si and Li Isotope Signatures of Chemical Weathering in Tectonically Quiescent, Tropical Areas
Guinoiseau D, Bouchez J, Moquet J-S, Calmels D, Martinez J-M, Aniceto K, Filizola N & Lartiges B
(2012) Biomineralization and Fate of the FeII-Feiii Hydroxy Salt Green Rust vs. Magnetite
Jorand F, Zegeye A, Sergent A-S, Remy P-P, Lartiges B & Hanna K
(2011) Ca Fluxes Linked to Particles Exchange with Seawater during Himalayan Erosion
France-Lanord C, Lupker M, Lartiges B & Gaillardet J
(2009) Influence of Bacterial Cell Bodies and Organic Polymers on the Secondary Mineral Formation (Green-Rust vs Magnetite) from γ-FeOOH Bioreduction
Jorand F, Zegeye A & Lartiges B

Lartigue J. (2004) The Solubility and Dissolution Rates of Natural Apatite
Chaïrat C, Oelkers E, Schott J & Lartigue J

Larue C. (2012) Foliar Transfer of TiO2 and Ag Nanoparticles in Lettuce
Larue C, Cecillon L, Castillo-Michel H, Barthes V, Magnin V, Findling N, Bureau S & Sarret G
(2009) Investigation of Nanoparticles and Carbon Nanotubes Toxicity and Transfer in Bacteria and Plants
Carrière M, Simon-Deckers A, Larue C, Mayne-L'Hermitte M, Herlin-Boime N & Reynaud C

Larue J. (2020) On Processes for Stipulating Temperature Limits at Disposal
Bracke G, Hartwig-Thurat E, Larue J, Meleshyn A & Weyand T

Laruelle Goulven (2020) Carbon and CO2 Dynamics in the Global Coastal Ocean: Spatiotemporal Variability, Drivers, and Implications for the Global C Budget
Regnier P, Resplandy L, Roobaert A, Laruelle G, Landschutzer P, Gruber N & Ciais P
(2020) Coupled River/Estuary Modeling Approach for Carbon Dynamics in a Temperate European River
Laruelle G, Marescaux A, Thieu V & Garnier J

Laruelle Goulven (2012) Multi-Scale Segmentation of Global Continental and Coastal Waters: Typological Analysis and Application to the Carbon Budget
Duerr H, Laruelle G, Lauerwald R, Hartmann J, Regnier P & Slomp C
(2010) Silica Cycle: The Land-Ocean Connection
Van Cappellen P, Loucaides S & Laruelle G

Laruelle Goulven (2018) Application of a Generic Estuarine Model to Coastal Waters: A Mechanistic Understanding of pH and the Carbonate System
Laruelle G, Cai W-J, Thieu V, Raimonet M, Volta C, Marescaux A, Garnier J & Regnier P

Laruelle Goulven (2015) Carbon Fluxes in the Land to Ocean Continuum: Updated Synthesis and Implications for the Anthropogenic CO2 Budget
Regnier P, Laruelle G, Lauerwald R, Landschützer P, Cai W-J, Ciais P, Friedlingstein P, Gruber N, Hartmann J & Mackenzie F
(2015) Spatial Patterns in CO2 Evasion from the Global River Network
Lauerwald R, Laruelle G, Hartmann J, Ciais P & Regnier P
(2015) Regionalized Global Budget and Drivers of the CO2 Air-Sea Exchange in Continental Shelf Seas
Laruelle G, Lauerwald R, Landschützer P, Gruber N & Regnier P
(2015) Ocean Margins as an Increasing Sink for Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Cai W-J, Laruelle G, Hu X, Yin K & Regnier P

Laruelle Goulven (2016) Air-Water CO2 Exchange in Continental and Coastal Systems – Regional and Global Budgets
Lauerwald R, Laruelle G, Hastie A, Landschützer P, Weyhenmeyer G, Sobek S, Hartmann J, Ciais P, Gruber N & Regnier P

Laruelle Goulven G (2021) High-Resolution Statistical Quantification of Aeolian Dust Provenance in East Antarctica over the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition
Vanderstraeten A, Mattielli ND, Laruelle GG, Bory A, Gili S, Gabrielli P, Boxho S & Bonneville S

Laruelle Goulven G. (2023) Reading Dust Provenance in Epica Dome C Ice Core (East Antarctica): High-Resolution, Quantitative Records from a New Rare Earth Elements (REE) Mixing Model
Boxho SL, Mattielli N, Vanderstraeten A, Laruelle GG, Bory A, Gabrielli P, Gili S & Bonneville S
(2023) Rare Earth Elements and Radiogenic Isotopes from Mineral Dust in East Antarctica: Sensitive Tracers of the Atmospheric Circulation and Climate Variability Through Time
Mattielli N, Gili S, Boxho SL, Vanderstraeten A, Laruelle GG, Bory A, Chaput A, King JS, Gaiero D, Delmonte B, Vallelonga P, Formenti P, Gabrielli P & Bonneville S
(2018) Modelling Estuarine Biogeochemical and pH Dynamics: From the Local to the Global Scale
Volta C, Laruelle GG, Arndt S & Regnier P

Larva O. (2020) Can Dating MRT of Groundwater with C-14 be Reliable in Alluvial Aquifers?
Marković T, Karlović I, Maldini K, Šparica Miko M, Larva O & Brkić Ž
(2009) Problems with High Concentrations of Mn and Fe at the Pumping Site Petruševec – Zagreb (Croatia)
Larva O, Marković T & Brkić Ž

Lary B. (2019) Identifying Hydraulic Fracturing "Sweet Spots" Using Crustal Noble Gases
Lary B, Eymold W, Whyte C, Harrington J, Moortgat J & Darrah T

Lasaga A. C. (2001) Modeling the Long-Term Evolution of Atmospheric Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
Ohmoto H & Lasaga AC

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