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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Lapidus-Lavine G. (2008) Siderophores Catalyze the Oxidation of Commercial Pb to Nano-Sized Lead (Hydr)oxides Stable in Water at pH 5 and 25℃
Cornejo-Garrido H, Guzman J, Alonso-Gomez A, Fernandez-Lomelin P, Trejo M, Hao Z, Lapidus-Lavine G, Gilbert B & Cervini-Silva J

Lapied E. (2005) What Earthworms get up to in Soil
Hodson M, Andre J, Ashton HS, Arnold RE, Carpenter D, Currie M, Lapied E & Nahmani JY

Lapierre H. (2002) Metasomatic Origin of Pyroxenites in the Solomon Islands
Berly T, Hermann J, Arculus RJ & Lapierre H
(2002) Contrasting Mantle Sources for the Permian Mafic Magmatism in the Alps: Insight from the Mont-Collon Gabbro (Dent-Blanche Nappe, Western Alps)
Monjoie P, Bussy F, Schaltegger U, Lapierre H & Pfeifer H-R
(2000) Peridotites, Gabbros and Basalts Exposed on San Jorge, Santa Isabel and Choiseul Islands (Solomon Islands): Accretion of Ontong Java Plateau's Fragments or Exhumation of Arc Related Rocks?
Berly T, Arculus R, Lapierre H & Eggins S
(2000) Paleozoic-Triassic Plume-Derived Magmas in the Canadian Cordillera Play a Key Role in Continent Growth
Lapierre H, Bosch D, Tardy M & Struik L
(2000) Remnants of the Cretaceous Colombian Oceanic Plateau in Ecuador: Evidenced by the Petrology and the Geochemistry of Picrites and Mg-Rich Basalts
Mamberti M, Lapierre H, Bosch D, Eggins S, Jaillard E, Hernandez J & Polvé M

Lapitsky S. (2011) Behavior of Mercury in Thermal Sources of Kamchatka
Alekhin Y, Lapitsky S & Mukhamadiyarova R

Lapkovsky A. (2010) Ge-Bearing Minerals in Rocks and Ores of Native Iron from Dzhaltul Intrusion (Siberian Platform)
Lapkovsky A & Ryabov V
(2010) The PGE Contents – δ13C Correlation in Native Fe(-Pt) Ores, Dzhaltul (The Siberian Plate)
Ryabov V, Ponomarchuk V, Semenova D & Lapkovsky A

Laplante K. (2011) Fossilization of Microaerophilic Iron Oxidizing Bacteria from Marine Hydrothermal Vents
Leveille R & Laplante K

Lapointe F. (2017) Long-Term Continental Scale Reconstruction of Soil Erosion Based on Lake Sediment Archives and RUSLE Model
Jenny J-P, Francus P, Lapointe F, Koirala S, Ahrens B, Baud A, Gregory-Eaves I, Normandeau A, Noren A & Carvalhais N

LaPointe Z. (2012) A Record of Northern Hemisphere Climate Variability during the Penultimate Glacial from High Resolution Speleothem Data
LaPointe Z, Asmerom Y, Polyak V & Lachniet M

Laporte D. (2023) Reactive Porous Flow in Deep Crustal Mushes, and Early Evolution of Primitive Magmas in a Continental Rift: The Oldoinyo Lengai Volcanic Area Example
Mourey A, France L, Ildefonse B, Gurenko A & Laporte D
(2023) CO2-rich Basanitic Magmas Generation in Continental Intraplate Regions: Insight from Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions in the Bas-Vivarais Volcanic Province (Ardèche, France)
Buso R, Laporte D, Schiavi F, Cluzel N & Laumonier M
(2021) Very High CO2 Contents (≥3 Wt%) in Olivine-Hosted Magmatic Inclusions from the Bas-Vivarais Volcanic Province (Ardèche, France): Implications for Magma Genesis in a Continental Intraplate Region
Buso R, Laporte D, Schiavi F, Cluzel N & Laumonier M
(2020) Ce-Nd Isotopic Composition of the Continental Crust: First Measurements of Lower Crust Samples
Israel C, Boyet M, Doucelance R, Bonnand P, Laporte D, Dhuime B & Ionov D
(2019) Li and B Contents in Silicate Melts as Tracers of Volcanic Degassing
Spallanzani R, Cichy SB, Wilke M, Oelze M, Koga K & Laporte D
(2018) The Contribution of Bubble-Hosted Mineral Phases to the Volatile Content of Melt Inclusions Estimated by 3D Raman Imaging
Schiavi F, Gómez-Ulla A, Venugopal S, Hardiagon M, Bolfan-Casanova N & Laporte D
(2017) Characterization of Volatile Contents in Primitive Magmas of an Active Carbonatitic Volcanic Complex (Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania)
Mourey A, France L, Laporte D & Gurenko A
(2017) Equilibrium Tin Isotope Fractionation during Metal-Sulfide-Silicate Differentiation: A NRIXS Approach
Roskosz M, Amet Q, Fitoussi C, Laporte D, Hu M & Alp E
(2017) The Diffusion Coefficients of Noble Gases (He-Ar) in a Synthetic Basaltic Liquid: One-Dimensional Diffusion Experiments
Tissandier L, Burnard P, Amalberti J & Laporte D
(2016) Diffusion-Driven D/H Fractionation in Silicates during Hydration, Dehydration and Degassing
Roskosz M, Laporte D, Deloule E, Ingrin J, Remusat L, Depecker C & Leroux H
(2015) Argon Solubility in H2O-CO2 Bearing Basaltic Melts at Upper Mantle Conditions
Fabbrizio A, Bouhifd A, Andrault D, Bolfan-Casanova N, Manthilake G & Laporte D
(2014) Experimental and Numerical Simulations of Li Isotope Fractionation during Degassng of Rhyolitic Magma
Koga KT, Laporte D, Rose-Koga E & Cluzel N
(2013) CO2 Degassing in a Haplo-Basaltic Magma: An Experimental Approach
Hardiagon M, Laporte D, Morizet Y & Provost A
(2013) He and Ar Diffusivity in Basaltic Glasses and Melts
Amalberti J, Burnard P & Laporte D
(2013) Experimental Melting of Phlogopite-Peridotite at 1 GPa – Implications for Potassic Magmatism
Condamine P, Médard E, Laporte D & Nauret F
(2012) Heterogeneous Hydrous Mantle in Arc Settings: Constraints on the Genesis of Silica-Undersaturated Arc Magmas
Sorbadere F, Medard E, Laporte D & Schiano P
(2011) Lithium-Boron Isotope Fractionation during Degassing of Rhyolitic Magma
Koga KT, Rose-Koga EF, Laporte D, Cluzel N, Shimizu N & Deloule E
(2006) Experimental insights into slab-mantle interactions in subduction zones: melting of adakite-metasomatized peridotite and the origin of the 'arc signature'
Rapp RP, Laporte D, Martin H & Shimizu N
(2005) Partial Melting of a Fertile Peridotite: Application of the Microcrack Extraction Technique
Mönicke A, Laporte D & Schiano P
(2004) Mantle Source Heterogeneity Recorded in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from the FAMOUS Zone, Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Laubier M, Schiano P, Doucelance R, Laporte D & Ottolini L

Laporte E. (2008) Migration of U in a Polluted Calcareous Peat-Land
Phrommavanh V, Descostes M, Beaucaire C, Laporte E & Gaudet J-P
(2007) Role of Bacteria on Uranium Migration in a Calcareous Peatland
Phrommavanh V, Klein J, Descostes M, Beaucaire C, Gaudet J-P, Prestel E, Dubow M & Laporte E

Laporte S. (2016) Prebiotic Chemistry at an Oxide/Water Interface
Laporte S, Pietrucci F, Guyot F & Saitta AM
(2015) Ab Initio Prebiotic Chemistry: Miller-Like Experiments and Beyond
Saitta AM, Saija F, Pietrucci F, Laporte S, Finocchi F & Guyot F

Laporte-Magoni C. (2019) Fibrous Antigorite from New Caledonia. An Environmental Health Hazard?
Petriglieri JR, Turci F, Tomatis M, Avataneo C, Fubini B, Gazzano E, Aldieri E & Laporte-Magoni C

Lapotre M. (2016) Mineralogy of Eolian Sands at Gale Crater, Mars
Achilles C, Downs R, Vaniman D, Yen A, Blake D, Morris R, Ming D, Rampe E, Morrison S, Bristow T, Chipera S, Ehlmann B, Lapotre M, Fendrich K, Sarrazin P, Craig P, Crisp J, Grotzinger J, Des Marais D & Farmer J
(2016) MSL Chemistry and Mineralogy of the Bagnold Dunes, Gale Crater
Ehlmann B, Achilles C, Bridges N, Conrad P, Cousin A, Edgett K, Fraeman A, Johnson J, Lapotre M, Litvak M, Rowland S, Schroder S, Sutter B, Stein N, Thompson L, Vaniman D, Vasavada A & Yen A

Lapp M. (2017) The Late- to Post-Collisional Teplice Rhyolite, Central-European Variscides (German-Czech Border): Unraveling Processes and Evolution of A-Type Granitic Melts
Casas-García R, Rapprich V, Breitkreuz C, Schulz B, Haser S & Lapp M

Laptev Y. (2004) Solubility and Mass Transfer of Gold between Au(met) and FeS2 Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Rozov K & Laptev Y
(2004) Experimental Study of the Change in the Composition of Gold-Silver Alloys Under Hydrothermal Conditions in the Presence of Pyrite
Laptev Y

Laptsevich A. (2020) Crust – Mantle Boundary beneath the Pripyat Rift: Insights from Minerals of Hornblenditic Xenoliths
Volkova G, Nosova A, Voznyak A, Sazonova L, Yutkina E, Anosova M, Tikhomirova Y, Kuzmenkova O & Laptsevich A

Lapus M. (2023) Hydrogeochemistry of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in a Volcanic Coastal Area: Mabini Peninsula, The Philippines
Bangun A, Williams E, Nguyen A, Lapus M, Rodolfo R & Cardenas MB

Lapworth D. (2011) Multimethod Characterisation of Nanoparticles in the Environment
Stolpe B, Lead J, Lapworth D, Handley-Sidhu S, Fabrega J, Galloway T, Poole J, Whitby C & Colbeck I

Laquire C. (2011) Photochemical Production of Dissolved Organic and Inorganic Nutrients from Resuspended Sediments
Kieber R, Southwell M, Laquire C, Thompson L, Skrabal S, Avery B & Mead R

Lara Lucas Stori De (2014) Clay‐swelling Inhibition Effects by SiO2 Nanoparticles: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Lara LSD & Miranda CR

Lara Luis E (2021) Effect of Stratovolcanic Edifices on Timescales of Mafic Magma Ascent: Case Study from Puyehue-Cordón Caulle, Chile
Chamberlain KJ, Morgan D, Lara LE & Rivalta E

Lara Luis E. (2023) Unraveling the Origin and Magmatic Evolution of the Rejuvenated Volcanism in the Juan Fernández Ridge, SE Pacific
Reyes J, Orellana C, Gutiérrez V, Lara LE, Hauff F & Hoernle K
(2011) Along-Arc Geochemical Variations in the Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile
Jacques G, Hoernle K, Wehrmann H, Garbe-Schönberg D, van den Bogaard P, Hauff F, Mahlke J, Schumann K & Lara LE

Lara Luis.E (2015) The Individuality of Ascent Paths in Small Volcanic Systems: Small Eruptive Centres Near Villarrica Volcano, Chile
McGee L, Morgado E, Handley H, Turner M, Lara LE, Brahm R & Parada MA
(2014) Magmatic Processes and Time Scales Below a Yet-To-Be Silicic Caldera Eruption
Costa F, Jay J, Pritchard M, Lara L, Singer B & Herrin J

Lara M. (2016) Early Miocene Accretion of Panamá to Northern South America. Sedimentologic and Geochronologic Evidence from an Intramontane Siliciclastic Succession in the Northwestern Andes
Lara M, Silva-Tamayo JC & Ana Milena S

Lara Y.J. (2023) Tracking Photosynthetic Organisms in the Proterozoic Fossil Record
Sforna MC, Demoulin CF, Loron CC, Lara YJ, Cornet Y, François C, Grolimund D, Ferreira Sanchez D, Somogyi A, Medjoubi K, Tucoulou Tachoueres R & Javaux EJ
(2021) In situ Detection of Bound Ni-Tetrapyrrole Moieties in ~1 Gyr-Old Eukaryote Microfossil Suggesting its Phototrophy
Sforna MC, Loron CC, Demoulin CF, François C, Cornet Y, Lara YJ, Grolimund D, Ferreira Sanchez D, Medjoubi K, Somogyi A, Addad A, Fadel A, Compère P, Baudet D, Brocks JJ & Javaux EJ
(2021) Integrative Paleontological and Geochemical Study of the Microfossil Polysphaeroides Filiformis and its Implication for Deep Time Cyanobacterial Evolution
Demoulin CF, Sforna MC, Lara YJ, Loron CC, Cornet Y, Tucoulou Tachoueres R, Grolimund D, Ferreira Sanchez D, Addad A, Fadel A, Compère P & Javaux EJ
(2021) UV-Screening Pigment Enabling Ancient Photosynthesis
Lara YJ, McCann A, Malherbe C, François C, Demoulin CF, Sforna MC, Eppe G, De Pauw E, Wilmotte A, Jacques P & Javaux EJ
(2020) Nickel as Tracer of Oxygenic Phototrophy in the Fossil Record
Sforna MC, Loron CC, Demoulin CF, François C, Cornet Y, Lara YJ, Grolimund D, Sanchez D, Medjoubi K, Somogyi A, Addad A, Fadel A, Compère P & Javaux EJ

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