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Lantzsch H. (2017) Late Quaternary Chronology of the Lower Bengal Fan (IODP Expedition 354) – Paleoclimate Implications
Weber ME, Dekens PS, Reilly BS, Lantzsch H, Selkin PA, Das SK, Williams T, Martos YM, Adhikari RR, Gyawali BR, Jia G, Fox L, Ge J, Manoj MC, Savian J & Meynadier L

Lanyon B. (2019) Clay Nanoparticle and RN Release from the Geotechnical Barrier: Insights from the CFM Long-Term in situ Test (LIT) at GTS
Schäfer T, Quinto F, Kraft S, Rinderknecht F, Lanyon B & Blechschmidt I

Lanyon C. (2007) Investigation of the 'Trigger Molecule Response' Using 13C Stable Isotope Probing of Microbial Membrane Fatty Acids
Dungait J, Kemmitt S, Michallon L, Lanyon C, Evershed R, O'Donnell A & Brookes P

Lanz M. (2017) Hydrothermal Carbonate-Sulfate Assemblages Record the Transition from a Deep to a Shallow Hydrothermal System, Schwarzwald, SW Germany
Burisch M, Walter B, Gerdes A, Lanz M & Markl G

Lanz V. (2009) Fossil and Non-Fossil Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosol
Prevot A, Szidat S, Perron N, Lanz V, Alfarra R, Peter D, Mohr C & Baltensperger U

Lanza N. (2019) The Origin of Vera Rubin Ridge: Oxidative Weathering on Mars?
Fraeman A, Arvidson R, Edgar L, Fedo C, Fischer W, Horgan B, L'Haridon J, Grotzinger J, Lanza N, Milliken R, Morris R, Salvatore M, Siebach K, Stack K, Thompson L, Sun V, Wiens R & Williams A
(2019) Rock Varnish: Implications for Biosignatures on Mars
Marti-Arbona R, Lanza N, Teshima M, Lingappa U, Fischer W & Yeager C
(2019) Manganese as Indicator for Strongly Oxidizing Aqueous Environments in Gale Crater, Mars
Lanza N, Fischer W, Lamm S, Gasda P, Meslin P-Y, Ollila A, Clegg S, Cousin A, Delapp D, Frydenvang J, Forni O, Reyes-Newell A, Salvatore M & Wiens R
(2018) Manganese Oxides on Mars: A Potential Biosignature?
Lanza N, Fischer W, Ollila A, Gasda P & Wiens R
(2018) Microbial Inhabitants of Rock Varnish: Visitors or Niche Specialists
Lingappa U, Fischer W, Lanza N, Challacombe J & Yeager C
(2015) Diversity of Igneous Rocks At Gale, Mars
Cousin A, Sautter V, Mangold N, Fabre C, Forni O, Rapin W, Fisk M, Gasnault O, Lanza N, Lasue J, Meslin P-Y, Newsom H, Ollila A, Payre V, Wiens R & Maurice S

Lanza R. (2013) Holocene Climate Variability from Rio Martino Cave (Western Alps, Northern Italy)
Regattieri E, Zanchetta G, Isola I, Drysdale RN, Zanella E, Lanza R, Hellstrom J, Dallai L, Perrette Y, Couchoud I, Magny M, Vanniere B & Lanci L

Lanzafame G. (2021) CO2 Storage in the Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) SCLM: Clues from Fluid Inclusions, Mineral Chemistry and X-Ray Microtomography
Casetta F, Rizzo AL, Faccini B, Ntaflos T, Giacomoni PP, Lanzafame G, Mancini L & Coltorti M
(2020) Deep Sea Explosive Eruptions may be not so Different from Subaerial Eruptions
Iezzi G, Lanzafame G, Mancini L, Behrens H, Tamburrino S, Vallefuoco M, Passaro S, Signanini P & Ventura G
(2019) Thermo-Barometric Constraints on Mt. Etna Feeding System during the 2015 Summit Eruptive Activity
Giacomoni PP, Casetta F, Valenti V, Lanzafame G, Coltorti M & Ferlito C
(2013) Textural and Compositional Zoning of Plagioclase as Archive of Magmatic Evolution: The Mt. Etna Case Study
Giacomoni PP, Coltorti M, Ferlito C, Bonadiman C & Lanzafame G
(2013) Syn to Post-Eruptive Crystallization of Phenocrysts in Pahoehoe “Cicirara” Lavas from Mount Etna Volcano (Italy)
Lanzafame G, Mollo S, Iezzi G, Ferlito C & Ventura G

Lanzirotti Anthony (2016) Sulfate Reduction and Zinc Isotope Fractionation Observed Using a Flow-Through Cell and in situ XAS Analysis
Jamieson-Hanes J, Shrimpton H, Veeramani H, Ptacek C, Lanzirotti A, Newville M & Blowes D
(2016) Radiation-Induced Oxidation of Fe in Hydrous Basalt Glasses
Cottrell E, Lanzirotti A, Kelley K, Newville M, Birner S, Davis F, Mysen B & Botcharnikov R

Lanzirotti Antonio (2023) PGE Transport in Sodium Silicate Melt: Insights from X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Chen Q, Huffaker J, Newville M, Lanzirotti A & Lundstrom C
(2023) Ti Site Occupancy in Natural and Synthetic Zircon
Trail D, Tailby N, Ackerson M, Newville M, Lanzirotti A, Chowdhury W, Szumila I, Barboni M & McKeegan KD
(2023) Speciation of Particulate Zn in the Southern Ocean: Implications for Zn-Cycling
Myneni S, Duan J, Cloete R, Sigman DM, Lam PJ, Lanzirotti A, Newville M, Martinez-Garcia A & Roychoudhury A
(2023) Mapping the Redox State of the Young Solar System Using Ytterbium Valence State
Hammouda T, Frossard P, Boyet M, Bouvier A, Newville M & Lanzirotti A
(2022) The Oxidation State of Uranium in Zircon from U M4-edge X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Houchin SK, Tissot FLH, Ibanez-Mejia M, Newville M, Lanzirotti A & Pavia F
(2020) Correcting Fe- and S-XANES Beam Damage and Recognizing Rapid Redox Equilibration of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Lerner A, Muth M, Wallace P, Lanzirotti A, Newville M, Gaetani G, Chowdhury P & Dasgupta R
(2019) Arsenic Sequestration and Mobilization in AMD Sediments
Lefticariu L, Sutton SR, Lanzirotti A, Flynn TM, Pentrak M & Albert-Black C
(2019) Unsaturated Porous Media Experiments on Nanoconfinement Influences of Water Films and Capillarity on Diffusion and Flow
Tokunaga T, Finsterle S, Lanzirotti A & Newville M
(2019) The Oxidation State of Iron in Peridotite Liquids and Implications for Planetary Magma Oceans
Sossi P, Burnham A, Badro J, Lanzirotti A, Newville M & O'Neill H
(2018) Microscale Oxygen Barometry in Basaltic Glasses Using Vanadium K-Edge X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Lanzirotti A, Dyar MD, Sutton S, Newville M, Head E & McCanta M
(2018) Oxybarometry Based on Valence State Proxies: Progress and Challenges
Sutton S, Lanzirotti A, Newville M, Dyar MD & Delaney J
(2018) Universal Fe3+/Fe2+ Calibration and Prediction of Oxygen Fugacity from XAS of Silicate Glasses
Dyar MD, McCanta M & Lanzirotti A
(2018) Chlorine Distribution and Structural State within the Aragonite Shell of the Long-Lived Marine Mollusc Arctica islandica: Exploring a Potential Palaeosalinity Proxy
Clarke L, Witbaard R, Newville M & Lanzirotti A
(2017) Riesite, a New High Pressure Polymorph of TiO2 that Forms Upon Shock-Release – Comparison to (Zr, Ti)O2 in Pseudotachylites
Tschauner O, Ma C, Lanzirotti A & Newville M
(2017) Bromine Distribution and Speciation within the Aragonite Shell of the Marine Mollusc Arctica islandica
Clarke L, Witbaard R, Newville M & Lanzirotti A
(2017) The Redox State of Pre-Shield Stage Magmas at Hawaii
Miller L, O'Neill H, Berry A, Newville M & Lanzirotti A
(2014) Cu Solubility and Complexation in High-Temperature Aqueous Fluids
Watenphul A, Scholten L, Beermann O, Kavner A, Alraun P, Falkenberg G, Newville M, Lanzirotti A, Schmidt C & Jahn S
(2013) U-Pb Dating of Carbonates and Fluorite: Prospects for Understanding Fluids from Deposition Through Burial
Rasbury T, Parrish R, Austin-Gidding W, Lanzirotti T, Tomascak P & Kyle R
(2013) High Energy Synchrotron X-Ray Geochemical Probes
Sutton S, Newville M, Lanzirotti A, Rivers M & Wirick S
(2013) Linking Nutrient and Contaminant Dynamics in Rhizopheres of Hyperaccumulators
Rosenfeld C, Chaney R, Lanzirotti A & Martinez CE
(2012) Trace Metals and Soil Solids: Effects of Soil Heterogeneity on Zn Mobility
Rosenfeld C, Chaney R, Lanzirotti A & Martinez CE
(2012) Flying Through Time: New microXRF Techniques Create Opportunities to View the Past
Rasbury T, Frodsham A, Lanzirotti A & Dickson JAD
(2010) Prospects for Nanoscale, Hard X-Ray Studies of Extraterrestrial Materials
Lanzirotti A, Sutton S & Flynn G
(2010) Oxidation of Added Mn(II) in Soils as Observed by the Cr Oxidation Test and Mn XANES Spectroscopy
Ross D & Lanzirotti A
(2008) Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence Microtomography in Geo-, Cosmo-, and Bio-Chemistry
Lanzirotti A, Sutton S, Newville M & Rivers M
(2008) Hard X-Ray Microprobes Using Mirrors: Capabilities, Applications and Future Developments
Sutton S, Newville M, Eng P, Rivers M & Lanzirotti A
(2007) Trace Element Distributions and Coral Skeleton Micromorphology Following a Bleaching Event
Hendy E, Lanzirotti A, Rasbury T & Lough J
(2006) Synchrotron X-ray Microbeam Techniques in Assessing Metal Bioavailability in the Environment
Lanzirotti A & Sutton S
(2006) Synchrotron µ-XRF mapping of elemental distributions across coral skeleton micro-architecture
Hendy E, Lanzirotti A, Rasbury T & Lough J
(2005) X-Ray Fluorescence Microprobes Using Microfocusing Mirrors
Sutton S, Newville M, Rivers M, Eng P & Lanzirotti A
(2005) Geometric Constraints of in situ Synchrotron micro-XANES Determinations of Oxidation State
Delaney J, Dyar MD, Gunter M, Sutton S & Lanzirotti A
(2005) Transmission and Fluorescence Mode microXAS Analysis of Oriented Mineral Grains
Dyar MD, Delaney J, Gunter M, Sutton S & Lanzirotti A
(2005) Speciation and Surface Complexation of As on Hydrous Ferric Oxide in Soils Modified by in situ Chemical Fixation
Donahoe R, Yang L & Lanzirotti A
(2005) Transformation of Arsenic Species in Solids and Porewaters from Yellowknife Bay, NWT, Canada
Andrade CF, Jamieson HE, Walker SR, Lanzirotti A, Praharaj T & Fortin D
(2004) Uranium and Other Trace Element Incorporation into Tufa Calcite
Cole J, Rasbury E, Montanez I, Pedone V, Lanzirotti A & Hanson G
(2002) Micro-Scale Pb Distribution and Oxidation in a Shooting Range Soil
Vantelon D, Lanzirotti A, Aeschlimann B, Guenther D, Scheinost A & Kretzschmar R
(2001) Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence Microprobe Determination of Halides in Natural and Synthetic Aqueous-Fluid Inclusions: Analytical Protocol for Low-Salinity Inclusions
Gray JC, Vanko DA, Bodnar RJ, Sutton SR & Lanzirotti A
(2001) Trace Element Incorporation in Caliche Paleosols
McCall K, Rasbury ET & Lanzirotti A
(2001) The Use of WDS in Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence and Spectroscopy: Case Studies Involving Heterogeneous Reactivity at the Mineral-Water Interface
Rakovan J, Sutton S, Newville M & Lanzirotti A

Lao Y. (2009) Sedimentary 231Pa/230Th Ratios are Not a Proxy for Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Anderson R, Lao Y & Fleisher M

Laouar R. (2019) Witness of UHP Metamorphism in the Western Mediterranean
Bruguier O, Bosch D, Caby R, Vitale-Brovarone A, Fernandez L, Hammor D, Laouar R, Ouabadi A & Abdallah N
(2017) Ultramafics in the Western Mediterranean: A Geochemical Perspective from the Collo Area (NE Algeria)
Bosch D, Bruguier O, Costa S, Abdallah N, Ouabadi A, Laouar R & Abbasene F
(2017) Age and Geochemical Characteristics of Kinzigites from the Collo Area (NE Algeria)
Bruguier O, Bosch D, Costa S, Abdallah N, Ouabadi A, Laouar R & Abbasene F

Lapanje Ales (2021) Global Mercury Observation Training Network (GMOS-Train)
Horvat M, Sonke JE, Heimbuerger-Boavida L-E, Lobnik A, Jonsson S, Dommergue A, Pirrone N, Amouroux D, Ebinghaus R, Knoery J, Corns W, Lapanje A, Kocman D, Hedgecock IM, Bieser J, Matthias V, Schrum C, Lorrain A & Point D

Lapanje Aleš (2023) Methylmercury Detection Through Changes in the Electrical Conductivity Across Gold Films with MerB (Organomercurial-Lyase) Functionalized Nanoparticles
Mabes Raj AFPA, Rijavec T, Horvat M, Lobnik A, Kosak A & Lapanje A
(2023) Redox Transformation of Uranium by Iron-Reducing Bacteria as Single Culture and in Artificial Multispecies Bio-Aggregates
Hilpmann S, Jeschke I, Deev D, Zugan M, Lapanje A, Rijavec T, Hübner R, Schymura S & Cherkouk A

Lapanje Andrej (2011) Identification of Transboundary Geothermal Aquifers by Hydrogeochemistry
Rman N, Szocs T & Lapanje A

Lapen Thomas (2020) Petrologic, Elemental and Isotopic Characterization of Unique Depleted Olivine Microwebsteritic Shergottite Northwest Africa 13179
Irving A, Carpenter P, Righter M, Lapen T, Tepper J & Hoefnagels B
(2017) Natural Silicon Isotope Fractionation between Hot Spring Waters and Associated Siliceous Sinter Deposits in Cistern Spring, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, U.S.A
Chen X, Chafetz H & Lapen T
(2016) Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf Isotope Systematics of Nakhlite NWA 10153
Righter M, Lapen T, Andreasen R & Irving T
(2014) Geodynamic Implications of Amphibolites from the Mariana Forearc
Heywood L, Reagan M, Andreasen R, Righter M, Lapen T, Michibayashi K, Jicha B & Goff K
(2014) Eucrite Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf Ages and Constraints on Excess of 176Hf
Righter M, Andreasen R & Lapen T
(2014) In situ Magnesium Isotopes and Trace Elements in Ungrouped Achondrite Northwest Africa 7325
Andreasen R, Righter M, Lapen T & Irving A
(2013) Constraining the History of the Mojavian Lithosphere with Sr, Nd, Hf, and Os Isotopes of Peridotite Xenoliths from Dish Hill, California
Armytage R, Brandon A, Peslier A & Lapen T
(2012) Metasomatic Control of Water in Garnet and Pyroxene from Kaapvaal Craton Mantle Xenoliths
Peslier AH, Woodland AB, Bell DR, Lazarov M & Lapen TJ
(2010) Northwest Africa 3163: A Window into the Deep Lunar Crust?
Shafer J, Hall C, Lapen T & Brandon A
(2010) Hybridized Mantle Sources of Shergottites and ALH 84001
Lapen T & Brandon A
(2009) Sm-Nd Geochronology of the Zermatt-Saas Ophiolite, Northern Italy
Springer K, Lapen T, Baumgartner L, Johnson C & Beard B
(2009) U-Pb Dating of Detrital Zircons by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
Shaulis B & Lapen T
(2008) Petrology of New Martian Meteorite LAR06319, an Olivine-Pheric Basaltic Shergottite
Peslier A, Brandon A, Lapen T & Lee C-T
(2008) Age and Lu-Hf Isotope Systematics of RBT04262 and Implications for the Sources of Enriched Shergottites
Lapen T, Brandon A, Beard B, Peslier A, Lee C-T & Dalton H
(2007) Lu-Hf Age and Isotope Systematics of the Dora Maira Nappe, Western Alps
Lapen T, Johnson C & Beard B
(2007) Successes and Failures of Garnet Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Geochronology: Examples in Eclogites from the Western Alps
Mahlen N, Johnson C, Baumgartner L, Skora S, Lapen T & Beard B
(2005) Archean to Middle Proterozoic Evolution of the Sandvik Ultramafic Body, Norway: Evidence from Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf Isotope Analyses
Lapen TJ, Medaris Jr. LG, Johnson CM & Beard BL
(2005) <+>238<$>U-<+>206<$>Pb Geochronology of Eclogite-Facies Metamorphism, Monte Rosa Massif, Western Alps, Italy
Lapen TJ, Johnson CM, Baumgartner LP & Beard BL
(2005) Lu-Hf Geochronology of Eclogites from Pfulwe, Zermatt-Saas Ophiolite, Western Alps, Switzerland
Mahlen N, Skora S, Johnson C, Baumgartner L, Lapen T, Beard B & Pilet S
(2002) Lu-Hf Geochronology of UHP Metamorphism in the Zermatt-Saas Ophiolite, Lago di Cignana, Italy
Lapen TJ, Mahlen NJ, Johnson CM, Beard BL & Baumgartner LP

Lapen Thomas J. (2020) Pb and Rb-Sr Isotope Systematics of Enriched Components in Tissint
Suarez SE, Lapen TJ, Righter M, Beard BL & Irving AJ

Laperche V. (2013) Modelling the Migration of Mercury in a Column Experiment: Biotic Against Abiotic Mechanisms
Blanc P, Burnol A, Harris-Hellal J & Laperche V

Lapham Laura (2014) The Microbial Methane Observatory for Seafloor Analysis (MIMOSA): Long-Term Coupled Geochemistry and Microbiology Experimentation in the Deep-Sea
Orcutt B, Lapham L, Girguis P, Wheat CG, Marshall K & Delaney J
(2013) A Multi-Isotope (H, O, C, S, B, Mg, Ca, Ba) Approach to Study Diagenesis in Black Sea-Type Sediments
Böttcher ME, Lapham L, Gussone N, Struck U, Buhl D, Immenhauser A, Möller K, Petret C, Nägler T, Dellwig O, Schnetger B, Huckriede H, Halas S & Samankassou E

Lapham Laura (2010) Mechanisms Influencing Hydrate Dissolution Rates in Under-Saturated Systems: Lessons from Field Observations and Laboratory Results
Lapham L, Wilson R, Short T, Bell R & Chanton J

Lapham Laura (2020) Novel Approaches Reveal Unexpected Biogeochemical Dynamics in Extreme Environments
Joye S, Montgomery A, Hunter K, Zhuang G-C & Lapham L

Lapham Laura (2018) Using an Isotope, Reaction-Transport Model to Assess Controls on the Efficiency of Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in Baltic Sea Sediments
Lapham L, Alperin M, Fossing H, Ferdelman T, Brüchert V, Rehder G & Jørgensen BB

Laphsin P. (2014) Lichens as a Source of Soluble Precursors for Humification
Zavarzina A, Zagoskina N, Makarov M, Nikolaeva T, Laphsin P & Zavarzin A

Lapid G. (2023) Long- and Short- Term Interplay between Dissolved and Particulate Trace Elements: Insights from the Red Sea Dust, Marine Particles and Seawater Timeseries (REDMAST)
Torfstein A, Benaltabet T & Lapid G
(2023) Dissolved Trace Metals, Rare Earth Elements and Pb Isotopes in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Benaltabet T, Lapid G, Alkalay R, Weinstein Y, Steffens T, Achterberg EP & Torfstein A
(2022) Dissolved Aluminium in the Gulf of Aqaba, Northern Red Sea: On the Short- and Long- Term Effects of Daily Time Scale Dust Storms, Wet Deposition and Sediment Resuspension
Benaltabet T, Lapid G & Torfstein A
(2022) Dissolved Trace Metals and Pb and Th Isotope Dynamics between the Continental Shelf and the Deep and Warm Ultraoligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean
Torfstein A, Benaltabet T, Lapid G, Alkalay R, Steffens T, Achterberg EP & Weinstein Y
(2022) The (234U/238U) Compositions and Trace Element Concentrations of Sequential Leachates of Atmospheric Dust Collected in the Northern Red Sea between 2009-2019
Lapid G & Torfstein A
(2021) Seawater Aluminium Seasonal Dynamics and Response to Short-Term Perturbations in the Gulf of Aqaba, Northern Red Sea
Benaltabet T, Lapid G & Torfstein A
(2021) Constraints on the Provenance and Weathering Rates of Atmospheric Dust from the U and Nd Isotopic Compositions of Carbonate and Silicate Phases
Lapid G, Torfstein A, Teutsch N & Erel Y
(2020) Dissolved 230Th and 232Th as Tracers of Particle Fluxes in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea
Lapid G, Benaltabet T & Torfstein A
(2020) Seasonal Seawater Al Dynamics and Response to Short-Term Perturbations in the Gulf of Aqaba, Northern Red Sea
Benaltabet T, Lapid G & Torfstein A

Lapides I. (2011) Heating Organoclays: Does it Affect their Potential to Interact with Organic Compounds in Aqueous Environment?
Borisover M, Yariv S, Bukhanovski N & Lapides I

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