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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Lanny V. (2015) Sedimentary Redox-Sensitive Trace Metals Reveal Large Changes in Deglacial Ocean (De)oxygenation along the Southern Chilean Margin
Lanny V, Jaccard SL, Chase Z & Michel E

Lanoil B. (2008) Chemistry of an Antarctic Subglacial Environment – The Role of Subglacial Geochemical Processes in Global Biogeochemical Cycles and Quantifying Subglacial Hydrological Processes
Vogel SW, Tulaczyk S & Lanoil B
(2002) Carbon Cycling in the Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Systems: A Review
Zhang C, Sassen R & Lanoil B

Lanoisellé M. (2013) Use of Mobile Laser-Based Methane Analysers to Target Plume Sampling for High-Precision Isotopic Analysis
Lowry D, Fisher R, France J, Lanoisellé M, Zazzeri G, Nisbet E, Wellpott A & Bauguitte S

Lanos C. (2018) Nature and Dynamics of Organic Matter in the Seine Estuary (France) at the Bulk and Molecular Levels
Thibault A, Huguet A, Parlanti E, Micheau C, Sourzac M, Lanos C & Derenne S

Lanoux A. (2007) Residence Time of Suspended Particles in the Dordogne River: Indications Derived from 7Be and 210Pb
Lanoux A, Schmidt S, Etcheber H, Condom T & Saari H-K

Lanpher K.B. (2021) Direct Temperature Effects on Microbial Community Facilitated Phosphate Turnover
Lanpher KB & Popendorf KJ

Lanphere M.A. (2005) Eruptive History of Mount St. Helens, Washington- a Summary with New Data
Clynne M, Wolfe E, Calvert A, Pallister J, Champion D, Lanphere M & Evarts R
(2003) Alkalic Through Tholeiitic Shield-Stage Development of Kilauea, Hawaii
Sisson T, Calvert A, Coombs M, Kimura J, Lanphere M & Lipman P
(2002) Magma Differentiation Rates and Processes at Mount Mazama (Crater Lake), a Cascades Arc Volcano
Bacon CR & Lanphere MA

Lansard Bruno (2013) Study of the Natural Iron Fertilization off Crozet and Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean) Using Radium Isotopes as Tracers
van Beek P, Sanial V, Lansard B, Souhaut M, Kestenare E, D'Ovidio F, Zhou M & Blain S

Lansard Bruno (2015) Temporal Variability of Carbon Recycling in Deltaic Sediments at Different Time Scales: An Example from the Rhône River Delta
Rabouille C, Toussaint F, Cathalot C, Rassmann J, Lansard B, Laborde N, Moriarty J & Harris C
(2015) What Have We Learned from Ra Isotopes About the Natural Iron Fertilization Offshore from the Crozet and Kerguelen Islands?
Sanial V, van Beek P, Lansard B, Souhaut M, Kestenare E, Dehairs F, Jacquet S, d'Ovidio F, Meng Z & Blain S

Lansard Bruno (2021) Interface Versus Internal Recycling of Organic Matter in Coastal Sediments: A Case Study from Two RioMars – The Louisiana Shelf and the Rhône Prodelta
Rabouille C, Lansard B, Rabalais NN, Owings SM, Rassmann J, Bombled B, Metzger E, Beckler J & Taillefert M

Lansard Bruno (2017) Benthic Fluxes Indicating Uncoupled Aerobic and Anaerobic Processes in the Rhône River Prodelta
Rassmann J, Eitel E, Cathalot C, Brandily C, Lansard B, Taillefert M & Rabouille C

Lanson B. (2023) Molecular Scale Understanding of Ni2+ Adsorption on Swelling Clay Minerals
Stotskyi V, Di Lorenzo F, Marques Fernandes M, Scheinost AC, Krack M, Lanson M, Lanson B & Churakov SV
(2022) Metal Sorption on Clay Minerals Aiming at the Geological Storage of Nuclear Wastes
Di Lorenzo F, Stotskyi V, Scheinost AC, Lanson M, Lanson B, Churakov SV & Marques Fernandes M
(2021) Ferrobrucite Synthesis and Reactivity Under Hydrothermal Conditions Below 150℃
Carlin W, Malvoisin B, Brunet F, Lanson B, Findling N, Lanson M, Fargetton T, Jeannin L & Lhote O
(2019) Water Trapping Dynamics in Carbohydrate-Populated Smectite Interlayer Nanopores: Experiments and Theory
Aristilde L, Kelch S, Ferrage E, Lanson B, Bakker E & Charlet L
(2012) A Multi-Proxy Study of the Mackenzie Shelf Waters
Lansard B, Mucci A, Brown K & Babin M
(2011) Nucleation and Growth of Acicular Goethite from Ferric Hydroxide Gel Under Moderate Temperature (30 and 70℃)
Montes-Hernandez G, Beck P, Renard F, Quirico E, Lanson B, Chiriac R & Findling N
(2010) Water Organization in Na-Saponite. An Experimental Validation of Numerical Data
Ferrage E, Sakharov BA, Michot LJ, Lanson B, Delville A & Cuello GJ
(2009) Interlayer Structures and Binding Conformations in the Interaction of a Tetracycline Antibiotic with a Smectite Clay
Aristilde L, Lanson B, Johnson M & Charlet L
(2009) X-Ray Views of the Defect Structure and Chemistry of Environmental Nanoparticles
Manceau A, Lanson B, Marcus M, Skanthakumar S & Soderholm L
(2005) Structure Determination of Natural and Synthetic Nanocrystalline Phyllomanganates
Lanson B & Manceau A
(2004) Influence of pH on the Hydration State of Ca-Montmorillonite: XRD Profile Modeling Vs Chemical Modeling
Ferrage E, Tournassat C & Lanson B
(2001) What Determines the Coordination Chemistry of Zn Sorbed on Phyllomanganate?
Manceau A, Lanson B & Drits VA
(2000) Surface Structural Control of Trace Element Partitioning in Natural Mn Oxides
Manceau A, Lanson B & Drits V

Lanson Martine (2013) REE Microdistribution in Laterite from Madagascar
Janots E, Brunet F, Berger A, Bernier F, Munoz M, Lanson M, Trcera N & Gnos E

Lanson Martine (2017) Imaging and Structural Characterization of HgS Nanoparticles in Organic Matrice: Results and Challenges
Gaillot A-C, Lebedev O, Pelloquin D, Lanson M & Manceau A

Lanson Martine (2015) Ce(III) and Ce(IV) Distribution and Fractionation during Lateritisation: Insights from XRF/ XAS
Janots E, Bernier F, Brunet F, Muñoz M, Trcera N, Berger A & Lanson M

Lanson Martine (2021) Development and Calibration of a New Method Geo-Chronometric (U-Th-Sm)/He on Magnetite and Spinel in Ultrabasic Rocks
Corre M, Agranier A, Lanson M, Schwartz S, Brunet F & Gautheron CE
(2021) Ferrobrucite Synthesis and Reactivity Under Hydrothermal Conditions Below 150℃
Carlin W, Malvoisin B, Brunet F, Lanson B, Findling N, Lanson M, Fargetton T, Jeannin L & Lhote O
(2021) Evaluation of Selectivity of Sequential Extraction Procedure for REE Speciation in Laterite
Denys A, Janots E, Auzende AL, Findling N, Lanson M & Trcera N

Lanson Martine (2022) Metal Sorption on Clay Minerals Aiming at the Geological Storage of Nuclear Wastes
Di Lorenzo F, Stotskyi V, Scheinost AC, Lanson M, Lanson B, Churakov SV & Marques Fernandes M

Lanson Martine (2023) Understanding How Organic Molecules Control Mineral Nucleation at the Nanoscale
Baken A, Van Driessche AES, Fernandez-Martinez A, Kellermeier M, di Michiel M & Lanson M
(2023) Molecular Scale Understanding of Ni2+ Adsorption on Swelling Clay Minerals
Stotskyi V, Di Lorenzo F, Marques Fernandes M, Scheinost AC, Krack M, Lanson M, Lanson B & Churakov SV
(2023) Understanding Calcium Carbonate Crystallization Pathways for Concrete Recycling
Dehue MM, Lanson M, Hazemann J-L, Ben Haha M, Zajac M & Fernandez-Martinez A

Lanteigne S. (2012) Trace Element Interactions with Altered Surfaces in Smelter Affected Acidic Soils; Sudbury, Canada
Lanteigne S, Schindler M & McDonald A

Lantink Margriet (2019) Geochemical Fingerprinting of Eccentricity-Related Cycles in ~2.5 Ga Banded Iron Formation
Lantink M, Davies J, Hennekam R, Hilgen F, Howard H, Martin D, Mason P, Reichart G-J & Schaltegger U
(2017) Fe Isotopes in Primary Hematite Constrain Marine Redox Conditions at the Base of the 2.4 Ga Hotazel Fm
Lantink M, Oonk P, Floor G, Tsikos H & Mason P

Lantink Margriet L. (2021) Milankovitch Climate Control on Redox Cyclicity at the Onset of the Great Oxidation Event
Lantink ML, Davies JHFL, Hennekam R, Hilgen FJ, Lenstra WK, Martin DM, Mason PRD, Reichart G-J, Ovtcharova M & Slomp CP

Lantuit H. (2020) Mercury Methylation in Permafrost Thaw Ecosystems
Canário J, Jusek M, Hintelmann H, Pilote M, Hugelius G, Wagner J, Vieira G, Martin V, Ritcher A, Lodi R & Lantuit H

Lantuti H. (2020) Potential and Limitations of 228Th/232Th Disequilibria for the Dating of High Sedimentation Marine Sequences: Example from Herschel Basin, Beaufort Sea
Carnero-Bravo V, Hilaire-Marcel C, Ghaleb B, De Vernal A, Falardeau J, Chassiot L, Vonk J, Tanski G, Lantuti H & Fritz M

Lantz C. (2020) Planetary Terrestrial Analogues Library (PTAL) Project: NIR Characterization of Samples
Poulet F, Loizeau D, Lantz C, Pilorget C, Bibring J-P & Hamm V

Lantz M. (2023) Radiocesium Traces the Impact of Climate on Erosion in Sweden
Jakabová V, Nilsson E, Lantz M, Andersson Sundén E, Salminen-Paatero S, Gustavsson C & Barker AK
(2023) Modifying the Hydrological Model SWAT+ to Include 137Cs Dynamic Processes
Nilsson E, Kim M, Jakabová V, Andersson Sundén E, Lantz M, Gustavsson C, Salminen-Paatero S, Paatero J & Barker AK

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