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Luong T.N. (2021) Phase Transformation of MnCO3 Surfaces within Nanometric Water Films
Luong TN, Ilton ES, Shchukarev A & Boily J-F

Lupatov V. (2006) Experimental synthesis of nucleosides under conditions modelling the Earth’s reduced initial atmosphere.
Lupatov V & Galimov E

LÛpez-MartÌnez M. (2002) Island Arc Origin of the El Arco Porphyry Copper Deposit, Baja California: Evidence from 40Ar-39Ar Dating and Radiogenic Isotopes
Weber B, LÛpez-MartÌnez M & Forsythe L

Lupi S. (2019) Viscosity and Atomic Structure of CO2-bearing Magmas in the Earth’s Interior
Stagno V, Stopponi V, Kono Y, Romano C, Poe BT, Lupi S, D'Arco A, Hrubiak R, Scarlato P, Bonechi B, Perinelli C, Gaeta M & Manning CE

Lupien R. (2019) Modes of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation from Nd Isotopes
Yehudai M, Goldstein SL, Pena LD, Jaume-Segui M, Kim J, Knudson K, Hartman AE & Lupien R
(2019) A 1.5 Myr History of The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation from Nd Isotopes
Goldstein SL, Pena LD, Yehudai M, Jaume-Seguí M, Kim J, Knudson K, Basak C, Hartman A & Lupien R
(2018) Site-Corrected Leaf Wax Biomarker Records Synthesized to Characterize East African Plio-Pleistocene Climate
Lupien R, Russell J, Campisano C, Fiebel C, Beck C, Deino A, Kingston J, Potts R, Lamb H, Pearson E & Cohen A
(2018) The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation over Time from Nd Isotopes
Goldstein SL, Pena LD, Yehudai M, Jaume-Seguí M, Kim J, Knudson K, Basak C, Hartman AE & Lupien R
(2017) The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Through the Mid–Pleistocene Transition
Goldstein SL, Pena LD, Jaume-Seguí M, Kim J, Yehudai M, Knudson K, Basak C, Hartman A & Lupien R

Lupker M. (2022) Towards Sustainable Landscapes – Fluvial Organic Carbon Fluxes Modulated by River Morphology
Repasch M, Scheingross J, Hovius N, Szupiany R, Lupker M, Haghipour N, Eglinton TI & Sachse D
(2020) Fluvial Sediment Transit Time Regulates the Fate of Organic Carbon between Source and Sink
Repasch M, Scheingross J, Hovius N, Wittmann H, Lupker M, Eglinton T, Haghipour N & Sachse D
(2020) Towards Refining the Carbon Budget of the Taiwan Orogeny
Blattmann T, Lin B, Liu Z, Wang S-L, Märki L, Eglinton T & Lupker M
(2020) The Carbon Budget of the Himalayan Orogeny from Source to Sink
France-Lanord C, Derry LA, Feakins SJ, Galy A, Galy V, Girault F, Lupker M & Tachambalath A
(2019) Controls on Riverine Carbon Export along a Latitudinal Transect
Gies H, Lupker M, Haghipour N & Eglinton T
(2019) Tracing Sedimentary Processes in Rapidly Eroding Settings with Paired Cosmogenic in situ 14C and 10Be
Lupker M, Hippe K, Wacker L, Haghipour N, Blard P-H & Lavé J
(2019) Organic and Inorganic Long-Term Carbon Budget of Himalayan Erosion after the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake
Märki L, Lupker M, Gajurel A, Haghipour N, France-Lanord C, Lavé J, Morin G, Gallen S & Eglinton T
(2019) A New Look at Paired-Cosmogenic Nuclide: Paleoaltimetry, Paleodepthmetry and Burial Ages
Blard P-H, Lupker M, Rousseau M & Tesson J
(2019) Status of the in situ 14C Extraction System at CEREGE (Aix-En-Provence, France)
Ermini M, Schimmelpfennig I, Keddadouche K, Tuna T, Bard E, Lupker M, Hippe K & Benedetti L
(2019) Riverine Particulate Organic Matter Sourcing Varies Across the Himalaya
Menges J, Hovius N, Andermann C, Lupker M, Märki L, Haghipour N, Eglinton T, Gleixner G & Sachse D
(2018) Timescales of Leaf Wax Biomarker Transport and Preservation in Alluvial River Systems: Rio Bermejo, Argentina
Repasch M, Sachse D, Hovius N, Scheingross J, Eglinton T & Lupker M
(2018) Pervasive Carbon Export from the Indian Sub-Continent in Response to Holocene Climate Change
Usman MO, Ponton C, Lupker M, Giosan L, Haghipour N & Eglinton T
(2017) Insights into Organic Carbon Oxidation Potential during Fluvial Transport from Laboratory and Field Experiments
Scheingross JS, Dellinger M, Eglington T, Fuchs M, Golombek N, Hilton R, Hovius N, Lupker M, Repasch M, Sachse D, Turowski J, Veith-Hillebrand A & Wittmann H
(2017) Transport of Organic Carbon and Mineral Associations from Soil to Sea in the Godavari River Basin (India)
Kirkels F, Usman M, Zwart H, Basu S, Martes C, Lupker M, Eglinton T & Peterse F
(2017) Holocene Climate- and Anthropogenically-Driven Mobilization of Terrestrial Organic Matter from the Godavari River Basin, India
Usman M, Ponton C, Kirkels F, Zwart H, Basu S, Peterse F, Lupker M, Giosan L & Eglinton T
(2013) Balancing Chemical and Physical Erosion in the Ganga Basin
France-Lanord C, Galy V, Gajurel A, Lavé J, Lupker M & Morin G
(2013) Complex in situ Cosmogenic 10Be-14C Data Suggest Mid-Holocene Climate Change on the Bolivian Altiplano
Hippe K, Kober F, Ivy-Ochs S, Lupker M, Wacker L, Christl M & Wieler R
(2013) Large River Floodplains: Weathering Without Erosion?
Bouchez J, Lupker M, Gaillardet J, France-Lanord C, Louvat P & Maurice L
(2013) Exhumation Rates from Orogenic Areas
Herman F, Champagnac J-D, Lupker M & Willett S
(2012) Geochemical Composition of Erosion Products in Central Nepal: Contraints on Landslide and Soil Erosion Processes
Morin GP, France-Lanord C, Lupker M, Gallo F, Lave J & Gajurel AP
(2012) Origin and Fluxes of Dissolved Sulphate in the Himalayan System: Evaluation and Implication
France-Lanord C, Gajurel A, Galy V, Lupker M & Morin G
(2011) Himalayan Erosion Rates and 10Be Systematics in the Ganga Basin
Lavé J, Lupker M, Blard P-H, France-Lanord C, Bourlès D, Charreau J, Leanni L, Pik R & Puchol N
(2011) Himalayan Weathering Evolution from LGM to Present
Lupker M, France-Lanord C, Galy V, Lavé J & Kudrass H
(2011) Ca Fluxes Linked to Particles Exchange with Seawater during Himalayan Erosion
France-Lanord C, Lupker M, Lartiges B & Gaillardet J
(2010) A Physical Model for a Chemical Flux: An Attempt to Integrate Ganga and Brahmaputra Particle Composition
Lupker M, France-Lanord C, Lavé J & Bouchez J
(2010) Mountain Versus Floodplain Weathering: Example of the Himalayan Basin
France-Lanord C & Lupker M
(2009) Spatial Variation of Weathering in the Ganga Basin
Lupker M, France-Lanord C, Lavé J & Galy V
(2009) Orogenic Sources and Sinks of CO2: The Himalayan Example
France-Lanord C, Galy V & Lupker M

Luppold F.w. (2011) First High-Resolution δ13C-records of the Early Aptian OAE 1a within the Mid-Latitudes of NW-Europe (Germany, Lower Saxony Basin)
Heldt M, Luppold FW, Weiss W, Mutterlose J, Berner U & Erbacher J

Luppold Friedrich (2009) Glendonite Formation in Early Jurassic Dark Shales – Evidence for Methane Seepage in Northern Germany
Teichert B & Luppold F

Luprano M.L. (2019) Microbial Community and Antibiotic Resistance Genes within Reactive Barriers for Artificial Aquifer Recharge
Amalfitano S, Luprano ML, Zoppini A, Petruccioli M, Melita M, Valhondo C, Carrera J & Levantesi C

Lupsea M. (2023) A Simplified Approach for Geochemical Modelling of Complex Anthropogenic Deposits
Dai W, Gautier M, Lupsea M, Blanc D & Gourdon R
(2022) What Degree of Complexity to Model the Release of Metals from Solid Deposits from Water Treatment Nature-Based Solutions?
Blanc D, Banc C, Gautier M, Lupsea M, Marsac R & Gourdon R

Lupsea-Toader M. (2020) Release of Metals from Wastewater Residue at Different pHs: An Ultrafiltration Investigation
Banc C, Gautier M, Blanc D, Lupsea-Toader M & Marsac R

Luptáková J. (2020) Remobilization of HFSE and Formation of Rhabdophane and Corkite-Hinsdalite Under Supergene, Highly Acidic Conditions, Velence Hills, Hungary
Ondrejka M, Bačík P, Sobocký T, Mikuš T, Škoda R, Luptáková J & Uher P

Lupton J. (2018) Gas Chemistry of Bubble Plumes and Gas Hydrates along the Cascadia Margin
Lupton J, Baumberger T, Embley R & Merle S
(2016) New Hydrothermal Vents Discovered along the Mariana Back-Arc Spreading Center
Baumberger T, Lupton J, Resing J, Chadwick W, Butterfield D, Baker E, Walker S & Merle S
(2016) Helium Isotope Variations along Southern California Fault Zones
Lupton J, Lilley M, Boles J & Evans L
(2015) Composition within and between Tonga Arc/Lau Basin Backarc Eruptions Reveal Wide Variety of Parent Melts Linked to Eruption Styles
Rubin K, Michael P, Jenner F, Clague D, Glancy S, Hellebrand E, Arculus R, Gill J, Todd E, Lupton J & Embley R
(2015) Helium, Carbon, Trace Metals, and Radiogenic Isotopes in the Northern Lau and North Fiji Basins
Lupton J, Rubin K, Arculus R, Price A & Jackson M
(2013) Timescale and Petrogenesis of 2009 and Older W. Mata Boninite Magmas
Rubin K, Michael P, Gill J, Clague D, Plank T, Escrig S, Glancy S, Todd E, Cooper L, Keller N, Soule A, Hellebrand E, Kelley K, Cottrell L, Jenner F, Arculus R, Ruprecht P, Lupton J, Langmuir C & Embley R
(2013) Helium Isotope and C/3He Signatures in the Northern Lau Basin: Distinguishing Arc, Backarc, and Hotspot Affinities
Lupton J, Lilley M, Butterfield D, Resing J, Arculus R, Rubin K, Graham D, Keller N, Baker E & Embley R
(2011) Distinguishing Arc, Backarc, and Hotspot Affinities Using Helium Isotope and C/3He Ratios
Lupton J, Resing J, Lilley M, Butterfield D, Keller N, Arculus R, Baker E & Embley R
(2011) Isotopic Variations in Mafic Volcanic Rocks from the Western Branch of the East African Rift
Graham D, Furman T, Blichert-Toft J, Lupton J, Ebinger C & Rogers N
(2010) Helium and Carbon Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Fluids on the Southern East Pacific Rise at 11-32 ˚S
Hamasaki H, Ishibashi J-I, Ueno Y, Lupton J & Ohmoto H
(2009) Volatiles in the Loki's Castle and Jan Mayen Vent Fields of the Ultra-Slow Spreading Knipovich and Mohns Ridges
Lilley M, Pedersen R, Thorseth I, Lupton J, Olson E, Freuh-Green G & Baumberger T
(2009) Hydrothermal Systems and Recent Eruptive Activity in the Northern Lau Basin, South Pacific Ocean
Lupton J, Resing J, Arculus R, Lilley M, Embley R, Baker E, Butterfield D, Nakamura K-I, Crowhurst P & Greene R
(2009) Helium Isotopes: From Mantle Degassing to Ocean Circulation
Lupton J
(2008) The Abiotic Production of Hydrocarbons at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
Proskurowski G, Lilley M, Seewald J, Früh-Green G, Olson E, Lupton J, Sylva S & Kelley DS
(2006) Submarine hydrothermal activity along the mid-Kermadec arc, New Zealand: Large-scale effects on venting
De Ronde CEJ, Baker ET, Massoth GJ, Lupton JE, Wright IC, Sparks RJ, Walker SL, Greene RR, Bannister SC, Reyners ME, Ishibashi J & Faure K
(2001) Submarine Hydrothermal Venting Associated with an Active Arc Front: Southern Kermadec Arc, New Zealand
de Ronde CEJ, Massoth GJ, Baker ET & Lupton JE

Lupu A. (2021) Acid Generation Potential and Metal(loid) Release from Resuspended Sulfidic Mine Waste
Helser JR, Lupu A & Cappuyns V

Lupu R. (2014) The Tethered Moon
Zahnle K, Lupu R & Dobrovolskis A

Lupulescu M (2005) Structural State of Th in Fluoroapatite Determined by Single Crystal XRD and EXAFS
Rakovan J, Luo Y, Elzinga E, Pan Y, Lupulescu M & Hughes J

Lupulescu Marian (2018) Trace Element Intercalibration of EPMA and LA-ICP-MS for a Diverse Collection of Tourmalines
Singer JW & Lupulescu M

Luque F.J. (2011) Graphite-Bearing Norites (Cortegana Igneous Complex, SW Spain): Mantle-Derived Carbon or Crustal Contamination?
Piña R, Crespo-Feo E, Ortega L, Barrenechea JF & Luque FJ
(2003) Isotopic Studies of Vein Type Graphite from Ultramafic Massifs of Ronda (Spain) and Beni Bousera (Morocco)
Crespo E, Wada H, Rodas M & Luque F

Luque J. (2009) Fluid Composition and Carbon Isotope Evolution in the Borrowdale Graphite Deposit (United Kingdom)
Barrenechea JF, Luque J, Ortega L, Millward D & Rodas M

Luquot Linda (2009) X-Ray Microtomography Characterization of Hydrochemical Properties Changes Induced by CO2 Injection
Luquot L & Gouze P
(2009) Experimental Study of Carbon Sequestration Reactions Controlled by the Percolation of CO2-rich Brine Through Peridotites
Andreani M, Luquot L, Gouze P, Godard M, Hoise E & Gibert B

Luquot Linda (2011) CO2 Sequestration in Olivine Rich Basaltic Aquifers: A Reactive Percolation Experimental Study
Peuble S, Godard M, Gouze P & Luquot L

Luquot Linda (2016) The Role of Mineral Heterogeneity on the CO2 Storage Capacity and Injectivity Under CO2 Supercritical Conditions
Garcia-Rios M, Luquot L, Soler JM & Cama J
(2016) Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Modelling of CO2-rich Brine Injection Through Sandstone Samples: Role of Flow Rate, Brine Composition, Mixing and Spreading Effects
Luquot L, Soler-Sagarra J, Gouze P, Martinez-Perez L, Saaltink M, Di Gaspari F & Carrera J
(2016) Hydrodynamic and Geochemical Evolution of Artificially Fractured Marl Cores Under Supercritical CO2 Conditions
Dávila G, Luquot L, Soler JM & Cama J

Luquot Linda (2014) Gypsum Precipitation during Interaction between CO2-Rich Sulfate Solution and Carbonate Rocks (From Atmospheric to Supercritical CO2 Conditions)
Cama J, Garcia-Rios M, Luquot L & Soler JM
(2013) Geochemical Investigations of Saltwater Intrusion into the Coastal Carbonate Aquifer of Mallorca, Spain
Garing C, Luquot L & Gouze P
(2013) Characterization of Transport Parameters during Limestone Dissolution Experiments
Luquot L, Rötting T & Carrera J
(2013) Interaction between CO2-Rich Brine and Marly Shale Under Supercritical CO2 Conditions
Dávila G, Luquot L, Soler JM & Cama J

Luquot Linda (2021) Evaluation of Barcelona Soil Capacity for Sorption and Degradation of Emerging Contaminants
Garcia-Rios M, Duporte G, Gomez E & Luquot L
(2021) Monitoring of Hydrodynamic, Mechanical, Geo-Electrical and Chemical Properties of a Carbonate Rock during Experimental Dissolution
Leger M, Luquot L & Roubinet D
(2021) Geoelectrical Monitoring of Dissolution and Precipitation Reactions in a Water-Saturated Calcareous Porous Medium
Rembert F, Jougnot D, Luquot L & Guérin R

Luraschi P. (2020) Evolution of Mineralogy and Porosity of Cement-Clay Interfaces
Luraschi P & Gimmi T
(2019) Long-Term Evolution of Porosity and Mineralogy at Cement-Clay Interfaces
Luraschi P & Gimmi T

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