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Lunt Dan J (2022) Global Deep Ocean Circulation Through the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum – A Neodymium Isotope Perspective
Ross PI, van de Flierdt T, Lunt DJ, Steinig S, Sexton P & Hammond SJ

Lunt Daniel (2017) Constraining Carbon Inputs during the Onset of OAE 1a via Inverse Modelling
Adloff M, Greene S, Naafs D, Monteiro F, Lunt D, Ridgwell A & Hesselbo S
(2017) Evidence for Strong Seasonality in the Shallow Tethys Across the End-Triassic Mass Extinction
Greene S, Petryshyn V, Farnsworth A, Gammariello R, Ibarra Y, Lunt D, Bottjer D, Tripati A & Corsetti F
(2016) Adjusting Marine Proxy Records to Account for Palaeogeographic Change and Plate Movements – Retrieving the Carbon Cycle Signal
Lunt D, Farnsworth A, Loptson C, Foster G, Markwick P, O'Brien C, Pancost R, Robinson S & Wrobel N
(2016) Paleo (Cretaceous – Modern) East Asian Monsoon Controlled by Topography and Mid-Tropospheric Flow, not pCO2
Farnsworth A, Lunt D, Robinson S, Clift P, Worbel N & Markwick P
(2016) Climate Sensitivity: From the Silurian to the Future
Valdes P & Lunt D
(2015) Eocene Seawater pH – Atmospheric CO2 Reconstructions Using Boron Isotopes in Planktonic Foraminifera
Anagnostou E, John E, Edgar K, Pearson P, Ridgwell A, Inglis G, Pancost R, Lunt D & Foster G
(2015) Warm Latest Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Sea-Surface Temperatures from the Tropical Pacific: A Data Model Comparison
Littler K, Lopston C, Lunt D, Bown P, Woodard S & Robinson S
(2013) Paleoclimatic Changes Across the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary: Geochemical Reconstructions from Seymour Island, Antarctica
O'Brien C, Robinson S, Kemp D, Crame JA, Francis J, Lunt D, Ineson J, Whittle R & Bowman V

Lunt Daniel J. (2012) Global Warmth during the Pliocene: A CO2 Paradox?
Haywood A, Lunt D, Dolan A & Hill D
(2012) Delta 11B-Based Atmospheric CO2 Records during the Pliocene at Orbital Resolution
Martinez-Boti MA, Foster GL, Badger MPS, Pancost RD, Schmidt DN & Lunt DJ

Luo A. (2017) A Hydrothermal Complex Chimney found in Dragon Flag Field, Southwest Indian Ridge
Zhou H, Luo A & Yang Q

Luo Baorong (2017) The Geological Features and the Gegularities of Vertical Zoning of Pianyanzi Gold Deposit
Zhang Y & Luo B

Luo Beiping (2011) Phases and Phase Transitions of Tropospheric Aerosols
Marcolli C, Song M, Ciobanu G, Zuend A, Ganbavale G, Zobrist B, Luo B, Soonsin V, Krieger U & Peter T
(2009) Organic Aerosols: Liquids or Glasses?
Marcolli C, Zobrist B, Krieger U, Luo B, Soonsin V, Peter T, Pedernera A & Koop T

Luo Bi-Ji (2017) Coexistence of Early Paleozoic Low-Ca and high-Ca Boninites from the Central Qilian Block, Northwest China: Constraints on Petrogenesis and Implication for Oceanic Subduction and Back-Arc Basin Development
Gao Z, Zhang H-F, Yang H, Luo B-J, Guo L, Xu W-C & Pan F-B

Luo BiJi (2023) Plagioclase as Archives for Incremental Construction of the Quxu Batholith in the Gangdese Magmatic Belt: Implication for the Nature of Magma Reservoirs
Ruan B, Luo B, Zhang H, Zhao X-F, Xu W, Guo L & Pan F

Luo Biji (2022) Origin of K-Feldspar Megacrysts in the Quxu Batholith, Gangdese Belt, Southern Tibet Plateau: Implications for Magma Rejuvenation in a Crystal Mush Reservoir
Yu Y, Zhang H, Luo B, Guo L, Xu W & Pan F
(2018) Petrogenesis Linkage Among the Mesozoic High Mg Andesites, Garnet-Bearing Dacites and Porphyries, Rhyolites and Leucogranites from West Qinling, Central China
Luo B, Zhang H, Xu W, Yang H, Guo L, Pan F, Zhang L, Gao Z & Tao L
(2016) Implications for the Lower Crustal Evoluiton in the West Qinling Orogen, Central China from Geochemical and Isotopic Compositions of Early Mesozoic Magmatic Rocks
Luo B, Zhang H, Yang H, Xu W & Guo L
(2016) Episodic Proterozoic Granitoid Magmatism in Lhasa Terrane, South Tibet: Implications for the Early Evolution of Lhasa Terrane
Xu W, Zhang H, Guo L & Luo B
(2014) Petrogenesis of the Early Indosinian Meiwu Batholith from West Qinling, Central China: Implication for the Cause of Compositional Diversity of Composite Batholith
Luo B, Zhang H, Yang H & Pan F
(2014) U-Pb Zircon Dating, Geochemical and Sr–Nd–Hf Isotopic Compositions of Early-Paleozoic Intrusive Rocks from the Eastern Qilian Orogen, NE Tibetan Plateau: Petrogenesis and Tectonic Significance
Yang H, Zhang H & Luo B

Luo Bing (2011) General Depositional Features of the Carbonate Platform Gas Reservoir of the Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation in the Sichuan Basin of Southwest China: Moxi Gas Field of the Central Basin
Tan X, Li L, Liu H, Luo B, Zhou Y, Wu J & Ding X

Luo Chao (2016) Understanding the Cenozoic Evolution of East Asian Tectonic-Geomorphology: A Sediment Provenance-Based Approach
Zheng H, He M, Wang P, Wei X, Luo C, Tada R & Clift P
(2013) Chemical Weathering, Atmospheric CO2 Consumption, and the Controlling Factors of a Small Silicate Watershed in Subtropical Zone
Wu W, Zheng H & Luo C
(2012) Chemical Weathering of Large River Catchments in China and the Global Carbon Cycle
Wu W, Zheng H, Yang J & Luo C
(2012) Sr-Nd Isotope Fractionation Against Water Depth: A Case Study of Datong Gauge Station of Yangtze River
Luo C, Zheng H, Wu W & Wang P
(2007) Climate Fluctuations during the Last 3000 Years in Guizhou, China: Evidence from the TIMS-U Series Ages and Oxygen Isotope Composition of Stalagmite
Peng Z, Zhang Z, Luo C, Liu Y & Chou C-L
(2006) The climatic and environmental records in the sediment of the Luobei billabong in the district of Lop-Nur,Xinjiang in recent 30ka
Peng Z, Luo C, Yang D, Zhang Z, Liu W & He J

Luo Chong-Guang (2019) The Behaviour of Mg Isotopes during Brine Evaporation and its Implications on Ancient Seawater Chemistry
Zhang P, Huang K-J & Luo C-G

Luo Chongguang (2020) Radiogenic Sr Isotopic Geochemistry of Late Permian Nb-Ree-Ga Polymetallic Layer from the Xuanwei Formation in Weining, Guizhou Province, Southern China
Luo C, Wen H, Peng J, Du S, Gu H & Xu L
(2018) Effect of Concentration-Dilution Cycle on the Variation in δ37Cl Values in Evaporites
Luo C, Wen H, Xu L, Xiao Y & He M

Luo Chunle (2016) Isotopic Character and Ages of Particulate and Dissolved Organic Carbon (POC, DOC) in the Huanghe River, China
Xue Y, Xu C, Luo C & Wang X
(2016) Two Black Carbon Pools Transported by the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers in China
Wang X, Xu C, Luo C, Xue X & Ge T

Luo Gengming (2019) Ba Evidence for Upwelling in the Ediacaran Ocean
Cheng M, Luo G, Li C & Ni Q
(2019) Extremely 34S-Rich Organic Sulfur in Cryogenian Mn Ore Deposit
Cai C, Sun P, Liu D, Luo G, Izon G, Peng Y & Hu Y

Luo Genming (2020) Organic Matter δ34S Lighter Than the Pyrite in Cryogenian Datangpo Fm
Cai C, Sun P, Liu D, Luo G, Izon G & Xu C

Luo Genming (2015) Rapid Oxygenation of Earth's Atmosphere at ~2330 Ma
Luo G, Ono S, Beukes N, Wang D, Xie S & Summons R

Luo Genming (2016) Multiple Sulfur-Isotopic Evidence for Prolonged Earliest Jurassic Euxinia
Luo G, Richoz S, van de Schootbrugge B, Algeo T, Xie S, Ono S & Summons R

Luo Genming (2013) Return of Archean Low Sulfate Levels during the Earliest Mesoproterozoic Oceans
Luo G, Ono S, Huang J, Li C, Liu J & Xie S
(2013) Carbon Isotopic Evidence for Methane Release during the End-Permian Mass Extinction
Huang J, Lei L, Luo G & Zhou Q

Luo Genming (2017) Perturbation of the Marine Sulfur Cycle during the Devonian-Carboniferous Transition
Liu J, Luo G, Thomas A & Wenkun Q
(2017) Deciphering the Carbonate Record of Mesoproterozoic Biospheric Oxygenation: Insights from Chromium and Uranium Isotopes
Gilleaudeau G, Frei R, Kaufman A, Luo G, Romaniello S, Zhang F, Klaebe R, Sahoo S, Kah L, Azmy K, Bartley J, Chernyavskiy P, Knoll A & Anbar A

Luo Genming (2018) Lipid Biomarker and Isotopic Characteristics of Mesoproterozoic Rocks Formed in Different Sedimentary Environments
Luo G, Chen X, Xie S, Zhang X & Summons R

Luo Genming (2023) Organic Records for Progressive Ecosystem Collapse Leading to the Largest Biotic Crisis in the Phanerozoic – Alfred Treibs Medal Lecture
Xie S, Algeo TJ, Wignall PB, Love GD, Wu J & Luo G

Luo Genming (2022) Constraining Fluctuations in Atmospheric Oxygen in the Wake of the Great Oxidation Event(s)
Uveges BT, Izon G, Ono S, Beukes N, Luo G & Summons RE

Luo Guangfu (2020) Characteristics of H-O Isotopes in Water Masses and Implication for Spatial Variations of Freshwater in Amundsen Sea, West Antarctic
Shao H, He J, Luo G, Cao S & Lan M

Luo Haining (2023) Dysregulation of Steroid Metabolome in Follicular Fluid Links Phthalate Exposure to Diminished Ovarian Reserve of Childbearing-Age Women
Li Y, Xiao N, Liu M, Liu Y, He A, Wang L, Luo H, Yao Y & Sun H

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