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Lange Pauline (2016) Environmental Impacts on Chilika Lake, India, Evaluated Using a Sedimentologic, Chemical and Isotopic Approach
Vennemann T, Decrouy L, Bourgeois G, Delavy K, Ecuyer M, Lange P, Rastogi G, Pattnaik A & Suar M

Lange R (2000) No Correlation between the SiO2 Content of Erupted Magma Type (Basalt-Andesite-Dacite) and Crustal Thickness (~30-50 km) along the Mexican Volcanic Arc
Lange R

Lange Rachel (2009) Mineralogical Controls on Microbial Communities in Glacial Environments
Mitchell A, Lafreniere M, Lange R, Pitts B, Skidmore M & Boyd E

Lange Rebecca (2020) Rapid, Polybaric Phenocryst Growth in Long Valley Basalts during Ascent: Application of Olivine-Melt Thermometry and Hygrometry
Jolles J & Lange R
(2020) Rapid Phenocryst Growth in Xenolith- Bearing Cima Basalts during Ascent: Application of Oliv-Melt Thermometry
Brehm S & Lange R
(2019) Understanding the Origin of Plagioclase Megacrysts in Basalts
Mesa J & Lange R
(2018) Evidence of Rapid Growth of Olivine in Unusually Oxidized Intraplate Melts from Western Mexico
Mesa J & Lange R
(2018) An Olivine-Melt Thermometer Based on DNi, with no Dependence on H2O in the Melt: New Experimental Evidence
Pu X, Lange R, Moore G, Touran J & Gagnon J
(2018) Density Measurements on Li2CO3-Na2CO3-K2CO3-Rb2CO3-Cs2CO3-CaCO3-SrCO3-BaCO3 Liquids: Systematic Trends with Composition
Hurt S & Lange R
(2018) Evidence of Rapid Growth of Olivine Phenocrysts during Ascent in Basalts from the Big Pine Volcanic Field, CA
Brehm S & Lange R
(2018) Evidence for <1 Month Timescale between Melt Segregation, Ascent, Crystal Growth and Eruption of the Bishop Tuff, CA
Lange R & Jolles J
(2014) The Dependence of Fe-Mg Partitioning between Orthopyroxene and Rhyolite Melt on Dissolved Melt H2O Concentration
Waters L & Lange R
(2014) A New Plagioclase-Liquid Hygrometer Applicable to Rhyolites
Lange R & Waters L
(2013) Why do Some Andesite Stratovolcanoes Evolve to Erupt Rhyolite and/Or Rhyodacite and Others do Not?
Lange R, Frey H & Hall C
(2012) Thermodynamic Properties of Carbonate Liquids: Required for Models of Carbonate Stability in the Mantle
OLeary M, Lange R & Ai Y
(2012) Equation of State for CaO-FeO-Mgo-Al2O3-SiO2 Melts and Evolution of a Whole-Mantle Magma Ocean
Asimow P, Thomas C, Agee C, Liu Q & Lange R
(2012) The Density, Thermal Expansion and Compressibility of FeO in Model Basalts (An-Di-Hd) and a Lunar Basalt: Fe2+ in 6-Fold Coordination
Lange R, Guo X, Liu Q & Ai Y
(2012) Resolving the Effects of Degassing vs. Magma Mingling in Andesites and Dacites from Medicine Lake Volcano
Waters L & Lange R
(2011) Experimental Compressibility of Molten Hedenbergite at High Pressure
Agee C, Barnett G, Waller C, Asimow P, Guo X & Lange R
(2008) A "Distillation" Mechanism for Intracrustal Differentiation in Arcs
Lange R

Lange Sascha (2013) Established and Advanced Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy for a Better Understanding of the Structure and Function of Natural Organic Matter in Soils, Water and Sediments
Knicker H, Lange S, van Rossum B & Oschkinat H

Lange Skadi (2018) Microbial Activity Affects Sulfur Distribution in Biogenic Aragonite
Fichtner V, Strauss H, Lange S, Krause S, Borca C, Huthwelker T, Treude T & Immenhauser A

Lange Skadi M. (2015) Effects of Microbial Activity on the Stability of Aragonitic Bivalve Shells: Implications for Early Carbonate Diagenesis
Lange SM, Krause S, Immenhauser A, Ritter A-C & Treude T

Lange Steve (2017) Retention Mechanisms for Safety Relevant Radionuclides in Cementitious Materials
Lange S, Isaacs M, Klinkenberg M, Read D, Bosbach D & Deissmann G

Lange T.P. (2023) Hydrous Nano-Silicate Melt Inclusions in the Lithospheric Mantle, Persani Mountains Volcanic Field (Transylvania)
Lange TP, Pálos Z, Berkesi M, Pekker P, Szabó A, Szabó C & Kovács IJ
(2023) Focal Plane Array FTIR Imaging as a Semi-Quantitative Tool to Reveal the Metasomatic Origin of Amphibole Lamellae in Pyroxenes of Upper Mantle Xenoliths
Liptai N, Lange TP, Patko L, Aradi LE, Berkesi M, Tollan PME, Padrón-Navarta JA, Hermann J, Gergely S, Szabó C & Kovács IJ
(2023) Integrated Geodynamic Stations in Central Europe
Kovács IJ, Szabo C, Szakács A, Lange TP, Kővágó Á, Gelencsér O, Gál Á, Berkesi M, Liptai N, Patko L, Palcsu L, Bozso I, Gergely S, Süle B, Novák A & Wesztergom V
(2021) Infrared Spectroscopy of Amphibole Lamellae in Pyroxenes from Mantle Xenoliths of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
Liptai N, Lange TP, Patkó L, Aradi LE, Berkesi M, Tollan PM, Padrón-Navarta JA, Hermann J, Szabó C & Kovács IJ
(2021) Does Dawsonite Preserve Mantle CO2 Signature? Implication for CO2 Origin at Covasna, Eastern Transylvania, Romania
Lange TP, Cseresznyés D, Szakács A, Czuppon G, Papucs A, Kővágó Á, Gelencsér O, Gál Á, Király C, Szabó Á, Gyila S, Palcsu L, Demény A, Szabó C, Falus G & Kovács IJ
(2020) Distribution of ‘water’ in the Lithospheric Mantle of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region and its Effect on Rheology
Liptai N, Patkó L, Lange TP, Aradi LE, Berkesi M, Szabó C & Kovács IJ
(2019) The Pannon LitH2Oscope Project: Developing the ‘pargasosphere’ Concept
Kovács IJ, Szanyi G, Gráczer Z, Wéber Z, Süle B, Timkó M, Czifra T, Liptai N, Berkesi M, Lange T, Patkó L, Novák A, Molnár C, Szűcs E, Szabó C & Wesztergom V
(2019) First Results on Nano-Scale Investigations of Mantle Minerals from Carpathian-Pannonian Region Peridotite Xenoliths
Pálos Z, Kovács IJ, Pekker P, Pósfai M, Lange T, Liptai N, Berkesi M & Szabó C
(2019) Structural Hydroxyl Contents of Nominally Anhydrous Minerals in Peridotite Xenoliths and their Geophysical Importance, Perşani Moutains Volcanic Field, Transylvania (Romania)
Lange TP, Liptai N, Patkó L, Berkesi M, Kesjár D, Szabó C & Kovács IJ
(2019) Hyperspectral FTIR Imaging as a Method to Detect Volatile-Bearing Microphases in Peridotite Xenoliths from the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
Liptai N, Kovács IJ, Lange TP, Pálos Z, Berkesi M, Szabó C & Wesztergom V

Langelier B. (2018) Atomic-Scale Chemical Implications of Phase Separation, Solid State Transformation, and Recrystallization in Feldspathic Phases and Glasses
Kizovski T, White L, Tait K, Langelier B, Gordon L, Harlov D & Norberg N
(2018) Measuring Stable O-Isotopes by Atom Probe Tomography: New Insights from ~100 Mineral Analyses
White L, Langelier B, Moser D, Darling J & Tait K

Langenfelds R. (2012) Concentrations and Isotope Ratios of He and Other Noble Gases in the Atmosphere during 1978-2011
Brennwald MS, Vollmer MK, Vogel N, Figura S, North RP, Langenfelds R, Steele LP & Kipfer R

Langenhorst F. (2016) Reactive Ammonia in the Protoplanetary Disk
Harries D, Hoppe P & Langenhorst F
(2015) Trace Elements as Clue for Understanding the Origin of Lake Bosumtwi Crater Related Glass (Ivory Coast Tektites, Microtektites, Fall Back Particles, Suevite Glass)
Deutsch A, Langenhorst F & Berndt J
(2015) Oxidation State of Transition Metals in (Micro-)tektites and Suevite Glass from Bosumtwi Crater, Ghana
Langenhorst F, Stoyanov E, Deutsch A & Göttlicher J
(2015) Experiments on Direct Precipitation from Precambrian Seawater
Schumann M, Pollok K & Langenhorst F
(2015) “In Vitro” Modifications of Mineral Fibers – Observations by Transmission Electron Microscopy
Vigliaturo R, Langenhorst F, Pollok K, Harries D, Capella S & Belluso E
(2014) Gas Release from Minerals and Rocks
Heide K, Langenhorst F & Heide G
(2013) Fluid-Induced Redox Processes at the Slab-Mantle Interface: Insights from Ultrahigh-Pressure Garnet Peridotites
Malaspina N, Langenhorst F & Poli S
(2011) Bacterial Oxidation of Pyrrhotite and Troilite Under Acidic Conditions
Hopf J, Pollok K, Hochella MF & Langenhorst F
(2011) Pyrrhotite Oxidative Dissolution: A Microstructural Perspective by FIB-TEM and Surface Topometry
Harries D, Pollok K & Langenhorst F
(2011) Interfaces and Exchange Coupling
McEnroe S, Robinson P, Fabian K, Harrison R, Miyajima N & Langenhorst F
(2010) Nickel Sulfide Formation by a Sulfate-Reducing Consortium Originating from Heavy Metal Polluted Creek Soil
Sitte J, Pollok K, Finster K, Löffler S, Burkhardt E-M, Langenhorst F, Büchel G & Küsel K
(2009) Structural Complexity in Pyrrhotites: What are the Implications for Fluid-Mineral Interactions?
Harries D, Pollok K, Etzel K & Langenhorst F
(2008) A Combined LA-ICP-MS and DEGAS Study on Bediasites and Ivory Coast Tektites
Deutsch A, Langenhorst F, Luetke S & Berndt J
(2007) ATEM-Eels Study of Diamond-Like Phases in the B-C-N System
Langenhorst F & Solozhenko V
(2007) Stability of Hydrous Ringwoodite in the Martian Mantle
Ganskow G, Langenhorst F, Pollok K, Frost D & Keppler H
(2007) Impact Related and Late Crystallisation Products of Shergotty
Bläß U & Langenhorst F
(2007) TEM Investigations of Bacterial Effects on Biotite Dissolution
Hopf J, Langenhorst F & Merten D
(2007) Textural and Microstructural Analysis of Rapidly Grown Omphacite from Eclogite Facies Pseudotachylytes
Pollok K, Heidelbach F, Langenhorst F & John T
(2004) On the Shock Behavior of Anhydrite
Deutsch A, Langenhorst F, Ivanov B & Hornemann U
(2004) A Macroscopic and Microscopic Investigation of the MgCO3-CdCO3 Solid Solution
Bromiley F, Boffa-Ballaran T, Zhang M & Langenhorst F
(2004) The Crystal Chemistry of Aluminous Perovskite may Cause Precipitation of Metallic Fe in the Lower Mantle
Frost D, Tronnes R, Liebske C, Langenhorst F, McCammon C & Rubie D
(2004) Phase Relations in the Hematite-Ilmenite Series: Crucial in Acquiring and Preserving Crustal Magnetism
Robinson P, Harrison R, McEnroe S, Langenhorst F & Heidelbach F
(2002) The Oxidation State of Iron in the Lower Mantle
Frost DJ & Langenhorst F

Langenhort F. (2004) Exploring Effects of Nanoscale Exsolution on Magnetic Properties in the Hematite-Ilmenite Series
McEnroe S, Harrison R, Langenhort F, Robinson P, Jackson M, Kasama T & Brown L

Langer Gerald (2011) Calcium Carbonate Precipitation by the Marine Cyanobacterium Trichodesmium
Kranz SA, Wolf-Gladrow D, Nehrke G, Langer G & Rost B
(2010) The Role of Ca Pools in the Calcification Process of Foraminifera
Nehrke G, de Nooijer L, Langer G, Meibom A & Bijma J

Langer Gerald (2015) Submicron Measurements of Mg Isotopes in Biogenic Carbonates Using LA-MC-ICPMS
Sadekov A, Lloyd N, Misra S, Mewes A, Shuttleworth S, Langer G, Bijma J & Elderfield H
(2015) New Insight into Emiliania huxleyi Coccosphere Formation
Hoffmann R, Yin X, Kirchlechner C, Alexa P, Ziegler A, Kelm K, Wochnik AS, Langer G, Scheu C, Griesshaber E & Schmahl WW
(2013) A New Model for Biomineralization and Trace-Element Signatures of Foraminifera Tests
Nehrke G, Keul N, Langer G, de Nooijer L, Bijma J & Meibom A
(2013) Opening the Foraminiferal Proxy Black Box a Bit Further
Bijma J, Brombacher A, Funcke A, Howes E, Kaczmarek K, Keul N, Langer G, Nehrke G, de Nooijer L, Raitzsch M & Reichart G-J

Langer Gerald (2018) Lithium Isotopic Composition of Benthic Foraminifera: A New Proxy for paleo-Ph Reconstruction
Roberts J, Kaczmarek K, Langer G, Skinner L, Bijma J, Bradbury H, Turchyn A, Lamy F & Misra S

Langer Gerald (2017) Revisiting Mg Isotopic Fractionation in Foraminifera
Sadekov A, Langer G, Misra S, Lloyd N, Kaczmarek K, Mewes A, Holland K, Eggins S, Allen K, Bijma J & McCulloch M
(2017) The Possible Future of Coccolithophores in an Acidifying Ocean
Delebecque N, Boyé M, Probert I, Sutton J, Ponzevera E, Langer G & Marie-Alexandrine S
(2017) NEW CARBONATE SYSTEM PROXIES: Sr/Ca and U/Ca in Foraminifera
Keul N, Langer G, deNooijer L, Thoms S, Nehrke G, Reichart G-J & Bijma J

Langer Gerald (2023) Calcification Response of Emiliania huxleyi to Acidification Under Calcite and Aragonite Sea
Wang H, Ruiz-Pino D, Gardin S, Probert I & Langer G

Langereis C. (2015) Eocene Volcanics of the Talysh (Azerbaijan)
van der Boon A, Kuiper K, Langereis C & Krijgsman W

Langeveld J. (2017) Estimating Carbon Dynamics in Global Aquifer Systems Using a Mechanistic Model
Langeveld J, Bouwman L, Beusen A, van Hoek WJ & Middelburg J
(2017) Towards Quantification of the Global Riverine Carbon Balance
van Hoek WJ, Bouwman L, Beusen A, Langeveld J & Middelburg J

Langevin Yves (2015) ROSETTA: Main Scientific Results One Year after the Rendez-Vous
Langevin Y
(2015) COSIMA – Analysis of Collected Dust Particles in the Inner Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Hilchenbach M, Paquette J, Langevin Y, Kissel J, Briois C, Koch A, Schulz R & Silén J

Langevin Yves (2016) Compositionof Dust Particles Collected in the Inner Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as Measured by COSIMA Onboard Rosetta
Siljeström S, Hilchenbach M, Fray N, Bardyn A, Cottin H, Briois C, Baklouti D, Engrand C, Langevin Y, Paquette J, Stenzel O & Kissel J

Langevin-Joliot H. (2017) Pierre and Marie Curie and Radioactivity
Langevin-Joliot H

Langhof J. (2017) What Controls Ikaite (CaCO36H2O) Formation in Ikka Fjord, Greenland?
Stockmann G, Tollefsen E, Skelton A, Brüchert V, Balic-Zunic T, Langhof J & Skogby H

Langille J. (2010) Petrochronologic Constraints on Partial Melting in the Leo Pargil Dome, NW India
Lederer G, Cottle J, Jessup M, Langille J & Ahmad T
(2010) Timing of Metamorphism and Extension in the Western Himalaya: Leo Pargil Dome, NW India
Langille J, Jessup M, Cottle J, Lederer G & Ahmad T

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