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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Lanfranco A.M. (2001) The Identification of Mixed-Metal Hydroxylapatites in Soils
Lanfranco AM, Schofield PF, Valsami-Jones E, Hodson ME & Murphy PJ

Lang B.E. (2001) Thermodynamics of the Fe-O-H System
Majzlan J, Navrotsky A, Lang BE, Stevens R, Woodfield BF & Boerio-Goates J

Lang F. (2008) Influence of Metal Cations on Iron Oxide Formation
Liese A, Singh B, Grafe M & Lang F
(2005) Citrate Impairs the Diffusion of Phosphate into Goethite
Mikutta C, Lang F & Kaupenjohann M

Lang J. (2017) Copper Metallogenesis in Upper Palaeozoic Sedimentary Rocks from the Irish Variscides
Lang J, Meere P, Solferino G & Unitt R

Lang M. (2020) Minerals Under Extreme Conditions: Heavy Ion Irradiations Under High Pressure and in situ Raman Spectroscopy
Tzifas I, Voss K-O, Boehler R, Lang M, Merk B, Toimil-Morales M-E, Severin D & Trautmann C
(2017) Energetics and Annealing Behavior of Radiation Damage in Pyrochlores
Navrotsky A, Chung C-K & Lang M
(2017) Structural Insights into UO2-based Model Systems for Spent Nuclear Fuel
Finkeldei S, Baena A, Palomares R, Brandt F, Deissmann G, Bukaemskiy A, Lang M, Ewing R & Bosbach D
(2016) Characterization of Radiation Effects in Complex-Oxide Nuclear Waste Forms: New Application of Neutron and X-Ray Total Scattering Techniques
Lang M, Shamblin J, Tracy CL, Finkeldei S, Bosbach D & Ewing RC
(2014) Formation and Annealing Behavior of Unetched Fission Tracks: Apatite vs. Zircon
Li W, Lang M, Gleadow A & Ewing R
(2008) Radiation Effects in Zircon and Apatite
Ewing R, Weber W & Lang M

Lang N. (2007) Isotopic and Geochemical Characteristics of Late Neoproterozoic Oceans from the Dalradian Supergroup of Scotland: Local Basin Infilling or Global Signatures?
Lowry D, Lang N & Grassineau N

Lang Otto (2022) A New Approach to Quantify the Mineralogical Make-Up of the Mantle Sources
Lambart S & Lang O
(2021) Partitioning of First row Transition Elements in Mantle Lithologies
Lang O & Lambart S
(2020) Lithological Heterogeneities in the Mantle: Origins and Contributions to Magma Genesis (Keynote 3a)
Lambart S & Lang O

Lang Otto I. (2023) Progressive Carbonatite-Rock Interactions Recorded in Magmatic Cumulates from Santo Antão (Cabo Verde)
Lambart S, Lang OI & Murphy JR

Lang Susan (2022) Fluid Mixing and Spatial Mineralogical and Geochemical Variability in the LCHF Chimneys
Aquino KA, Früh-Green GL, Rickli J, Foubert A, Bernasconi SM & Lang S
(2019) Enormous Excess 223Ra in Fluids from the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
Moore W, Frankle J, Lang S & Benitez-Nelson C
(2019) Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Carbonate-Brucite Chimneys and Vent Fluids from Lost City Hydrothermal Field, 30°N MAR
Aquino K, Früh-Green G, Bernasconi S & Lang S
(2018) Organics and Life in the Serpentinite Subsurface
Lang S, Camper N & Benitez-Nelson B
(2018) Deeply-Sourced Formate Fuels Sulfate Reducers but not Methanogens at Lost City Hydrothermal Field
McGonigle J, Brazelton W & Lang S
(2018) Influence of Energy Availability on the Carbon Isotopes of Methane and Biomarkers during Hydrogenotrophic Methanogenesis
Nguyen T, Topçuoğlu B, Holden J & Lang S
(2014) Tracking the Fate of Carbon in Serpentinite-Hosted Systems
Lang S, Schwarzenbach E & Früh-Green G
(2013) Biogeography of Serpentinite-Hosted Ecosystems
Brazelton W, Cardace D, Fruh-Green G, Lang S, Lilley M, Morrill P, Twing K & Schrenk M
(2011) Microbial Utilization of the Products of Serpentinization at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
Lang S, Fruh-Green G, Bernasconi S, Butterfield D, Lilley M, Proskurowski G & Mehay S

Lang Susan Q (2023) Insights into the Variability of Speleothem Organic Carbon Isotopic Composition
Lechleitner F, Lang SQ & Rowan S

Lang X. (2022) Paleoenvironment and Deposition of the Early Toarcian (Early Jurassic) Siderite-Bearing Lacustrine Sequence of the NE Ordos Basin, China: Implications for the Jenkyns Event
Li B, Jin X, Corso JD, Ogg JG, Lang X, Baranyi V, Preto N, Qiao P & Shi Z
(2021) A Prolonged Ice-Age in the Late Ediacaran Period: A Possible Fuse of Animal Evolution?
Wang R, Shen B, Lang X, Wen B, Ma H, Peng Y, He R, Li C, Huang T & Zhou C
(2020) Sulfur Record of Rising in Marine Sulfate Levels 800 Million Years ago
Lang X, Li S, Ma H & Shen B
(2020) The Reversed Redox Zonation in the Early Cambrian Ocean: The Isotope Evidence from Pyritized Sponge Spicules
Liu Y, Wang R, Ding W, Lang X, Huang K & Shen B
(2020) The Coupling of Marine Sulfur and Iron Cycle in the Wake of Marinoan Snowball Earth
Shen B, Wang R, Fu B, Huang K & Lang X
(2019) Tracking the Metabolic Pathways by in situ Iron and Sulphur Isotope Analyses of Sedimentary Pyrite
Wang R, Shen B, Lang X & Huang K
(2019) Coupling of Continental Weathering and Marine Phosphorus Cycle
Shen B, Wang R, Lang X, Ding W & Liu Y
(2019) Local Environmental Variations Obscure the Interpretation of Pyrite Sulfur Isotope Records
Lang X, Tang W, Ma H & Shen B

Lang Y.-C. (2014) Behaviour of Stable Carbon and Sulfur Isotopes in Soils of a Karst Region
Lang Y-C, Tian L-Y, Liu C-Q, Ding H, Guo QJ, Zhao Z-Q & Liu T-Z

Lang Yun-Chao (2018) Mechanisms Controlling Carbon and Nitrate Transportation in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area
Li S-L, Zhong J, Yue F, Lang Y-C & Liu C-Q
(2017) The Chemical and Isotopic Characteristics of Dissolved Sulfate in Rivers of Songliao Basin, NE China
Lang Y-C, Li S-L, Liu C-Q, Ding H, Yue F, Li X, Zhao Z & Hu J
(2017) Variation of Water Chemistry and Dissolved Carbon to Hydrological Conditions in a Large River, SW China
Li S-L, Zhong J, Yue F, Lang Y & Liu C-Q
(2016) Discrimination of Dissolved Sulfate and Chloride Sources in Yangtze River, China
Lang Y-C, Liu C-Q, Aravena R, Ding H, Li S-L, Zhao Z, Chetelat B, Wang B & Wang Q
(2016) Distribution Characteristic and Sources Apportionment of Polycyclic Aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) in the Songhua River Drainage Basin, Northeast China
Hu J, Zhao Z, Lang Y, Guo Q, Yang J & Song G
(2011) Erosion Rate Estimated from Surface and Profile of Cosmogenic 36Cl in Carbonates in China
Liu C-Q, Xu S, Freeman S, Lang Y-C, Phillips R, Tu C-L & Wilcken K
(2011) Accumulation of Trace Elements in Paddy Soil and Dry Land Under Different Geological Background
Tu C, He T, Liu C-Q & Lang Y-C
(2009) Hydrogeochemical Cycling of Nutrients in a Small Karst Catchment
Lang Y-C, Liu C-Q, Ding H, Liu W-J, Li L-B & Li H-T
(2009) Variations in Content and Isotopic Composition of Sulfate in Changjiang (Yangtz River) Water
Liu C-Q, Lang Y-C, Strauss H, Chetelat B, Wang B-L, Li S-L & Li J
(2008) Sulfur Isotope as an Approach Tracing Cycling of Sulfur in Small Karstic River Basins in Southwestern China
Lang Y-C, Liu C-Q, Ding H, Li S-L, Li J & Xue Z-C
(2007) Important Roles of Sulfur Cycling in Karstic Catchment Erosion, Southwest China
Liu C-Q, Jiang Y-K, Lang Y-C, Li S-L, Peng J-H & Xu Z-F
(2007) Determination of SO42- Sources Using Stable S Isotope for Two Karstic Ground Water Systems, Guizhou Province, Southwest China
Lang Y-C, Liu C-Q, Li S-L, Gu F & Zhao Z-Q
(2007) Evolution of Carbon in the Karst Groundwater, Zunyi, China
Li S-L, Liu C-Q, Lang Y-C, Zhao Z-Q & Zhou Z-H

Lang-Yona N. (2009) Optical Properties of Aerosols with Organic Components Using Cavity Ring Down Spectrometry
Rudich Y, Abo Riziq A, Erlick C, Adler G, Trainic M & Lang-Yona N

Langdon A.E. (2010) Untangling the True Phylogeny of Leptothrix ochracea with Single Cell Genomics and FISH
Fleming EJ, Langdon AE, Stepanauskas R, Poulton N, Masland D & Emerson D

Langdon P. (2018) Precipitation Changes in the South Pacific Convergence Zone during the Last 2, 000 Years Using Dinosterol Hydrogen Isotopes from Freshwater Lake Sediments
Maloney A, Nelson D, Richey J, Prebble M, Hassall J, Sear D, Langdon P & Sachs J
(2015) Modern Spatial Rainfall Rate is Well Correlated with Coretop δDdinosterol in the South Pacific Convergence Zone
Maloney A, Nelson D, Sachs J, Hassall J, Sear D & Langdon P

Lange A. (2014) The Petrogenesis of Plagioclase Ultraphyric MORB
Nielsen R, Tepley F & Lange A
(2011) Megacryst Compositional Heterogeneities in Plagioclase Ultraphyric Basalts (PUBs)
Tepley Iii F, Lange A, Burleigh A, Nielsen R & Kent A

Lange B. (2013) Modeling of Copper and Cobalt Fractionation in Soils: A Useful Tool to Predict Edaphic Factors Influence Upon Cu and Co Accumulation in Two Metallophytes
Lange B, Faucon M-P, Mahy G, Jitaru P & Pourret O

Lange Carina (2012) 230Th-Normalized Fluxes of Biogenic Components from the Central-Southernmost Chilean Margin during the Last Deglaciation and the Holocene
Fukuda M, Harada N, Sato M, Lange C, Kawakami H, Pantoja S, Matsumoto T & Motoyama I

Lange Carina B. (2013) Changes in Biological Pump by 230Th-Normalized Flux of Biogenic Components Recorded in the Chilean Margin Sediment during the Past 22kyr
Fukuda M, Harada N, Sato M, Lange CB, Kawakami H, Pantoja S, Matsumoto T & Motoyama I

Lange Heiko (2013) A Possible Route to Potassium Enriched Aqueous Solutions on Early Earth
Taran O, Lange H & Whitesides G

Lange Holger (2011) Synoptic Approaches to Scale CH4 Flux in Boreal Landscapes
Dörsch P, Lange H, Thomas B, Siljanen H, Jensen S & Bakken L

Lange I. (2017) Quantitative Analysis of Solid Solution Dissolution Kinetics
Lange I, Fischer C, Arvidson RS & Luttge A

Lange O. (2020) Data Services and Trans-National Access Program Accessible Through EPOS Multi-Scale Laboratories
Hellebrand E, Wessels R, Hamers M, Lange O, ter Maat G, Plümper O & Drury M

Lange Patricia (2015) Ammonia-Oxidizing Thaumarchaeota Form a Large Fraction of the Archaeal Community in Pristine Limestone Aquifers
Lazar C, Herrmann M, Lange P, Totsche K-U & Küsel K

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