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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Lu Jiangheng (2017) Study on Crystal Phase Change Process of Two Line Ferrihydrite and Cadmium Adsorption Ability
Zhang S, Liu C, Lu H, Zhang W, Huang Y & Lu J

Lu Jianjun (2022) Chlorine Isotope Fractionation during Metal-Chloride Complexation: Implications for Metallogenic Processes
Liu X, Wei H-Z, Williams-Jones A, Jiang S-Y & Lu J
(2017) Hydrothermal Flows: A Direct Approach
Sizaret S, Xiang L, Huang X, Lu J & Wang R-C
(2016) CL-Heterogeneity and REE in Scheelite from a Grand Pollymetallic Deposit in South Hunan, China
Ding T, Ma D & Lu J
(2013) Oxidization of Chalcopyrite Mediated by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Secondary Minerals
Liu H, Lu X, Ouyang B, Zhu X, Li J & Lu J
(2012) Reduction of Jarosite by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 and its Geochemical Implication
Ouyang B, Lu X, Liu H, Lu J, Li J & Wang R
(2012) Two Contrasting Sn- and W-Bearing Granites in the Nanling Range, South China: Evidence from Hf Isotopes
Lu J, Wang R, Ma D, Chen W, Xie L & Zhang R
(2012) XPS Study of Bioleached Arsenopyrite by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
Zhu T, Lu X, Wang R & Lu J
(2012) Peraluminous Rare Metal Granites in South China
Zhu J, Wang R, Lu J & Xie L
(2011) Two Contrasting Ore-Bearing Granites: Sn-Bearing Qitianling Granite and W-Bearing Xintianling Granite, Hunan Province, China
Lu J & Zhang R
(2009) The Characteristics of the Tin-Bearing Granites in the Middle of Nanling Range, South China
Lu J, Chen W, Zhu J, Wang R & Zhang R
(2008) Oxidation Mechanism of Chalcopyrite by A. Ferrooxidans
Li J & Lu J
(2008) The Characteristics of Chloritized Granite Type Tin Deposit in the Furong Tin Deposit District in Hunan Province, China
Lu J, Chen W, Chu J, Wang R, Zeng Q & Zhao L
(2007) Isotopic Geochemistry of Dexing Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit of Jiangxi Province, China
Lu J

Lu Jiayi (2020) Lipid Proxies of Hydroclimate Driven by Tropical Pacific Ocean in East Asian Monsoon Regions
Xie S, Griffiths M, Burls N & Lu J

Lu Jiemin (2013) Modeling Inverse Adsorption Isotope Effects for CO2 and CH4 from Experimental and Field Data
Larson T & Lu J

Lu Jilong (2016) Characterization and Its Significance of n-Alkanes in the Non-Zonal Soil of Jilin Province, Northeast China
Lu J, Gu X, Liu X, Hao L, Zhao Y, Yin Y & Wang C
(2016) Chemical Phase State of Gold in the Yangshan Gold Mining Area, Western Qinling Orogen, China
Yin Y, Lu J, Hao L, Zhao Y, Zhao X, Gu X & Liu X
(2013) Phases of Gold and Silver in The Sediments in The Jidong Gold Ore Concentration Area, China
Lu J, Shi H, Hao L, Zhao Y & Liu H
(2010) Environmental Geochemistry of the Second Songhua River in Northeast China
Lu JL, Hao LB, Zhao YY, Bai RJ, Cai B & Zhao XY

Lu Jinmei (2013) Trace Element Distribution in an Extremely Basic Environment in Mine Tailings
Alakangas L & Lu J

Lu Jue (2023) Magesium Isotope Analysis of Carbonates Using Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Chen W & Lu J
(2022) In situ Determination of Carbon Isotopes in Carbonates by Femtosecond Laser Ablation Multi-Collector ICP-MS
Chen W & Lu J
(2020) Texture and Trace Element Geochemistry of Apatite in Carbonatite Related REE Deposits: Fingerprinting Magmatic-Hydrothermal Processes
Lu J, Chen W, Ying Y & Jiang S
(2018) In situ Carbon Isotope Analysis by Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Chen W, Lu J, Jiang S-Y, Zhao K-D & Duan D-F
(2016) In situ Chemical, Isotopic and Geochronological Investigation of the Shaxiongdong Carbonatite Complex, China
Lu J, Xu C, Ying Y-C & Chen W

Lu Jun-Fu (2011) Water Pollution Treatment of Chinese Highway Tunnel Construction
Cui G, Wang M, Lu J-F, Zhang W & Wang W
(2011) Environmental Protection Design of Chinese Highway Tunnel
Lu J-F & Cui G-Y

Lu K (2016) The Numerical Optimization of Isotope Dilution Analysis
Tan DC, Zhu JM, Xu LJ & Lu K

Lu Kai (2023) Accurate and Efficient SIMS Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Composition-Variable Minerals: On-Line Matrix Effect Calibration for Dolomite – IAG Young Scientist Medal Lecture
Xu J, Li Q, Tang G-Q, Lu K, Liu Y, Feng L-J & Melgarejo JC
(2023) Sturtian Snowball Earth Triggered by a Widespread Magmatic Province and Thoughts on a Possible Mid-Sturtian Glacial Retreat
Lu K, Mitchell RN, Li X-H & Liu X

Lu Kaite (2022) Validating the High-Precision Measurement of Mo Isotopes at the 5 ng Level Using Double Spike MC-ICP-MS
Zhu J, Zhu H-G, Tan D, Lin X, Lu K & Yang W

Lü Kaiyun (2010) The Applications of Photogrammetric Technology in the Deformation Measurement Based on CCD Camera
Lü K & Zou S

Lu Li (2019) Content and Patterns of Rare Earth Elements in Groundwater, Surface Soil and Carbonate Rocks from Karst Underground River System
Fan L, Zou S, Pei J & Lu L
(2019) A Quantitative Study of the Sources of Nitrate of TypicalUnderground River in Southwest China Based on SIAR Model
Lu L, Wang Z & Pei J
(2018) Sources and Contamination Characteristics of PAHs in Multiple Media in a Karst Underground River System
Lu L, Wang Z & Pei J
(2018) Concentrations and Distribution Characteristics of Rare Earth Elements in Groundwater and Surface Soil from Karst Underground River System
Fan L-J, Zou S-Z, Pei J-G & Lu L

Lü Lin Su (2008) SHRIMP Zircon U-Pb Dating for Gneiss from the Hulan Group of the Xing’an-Mongolian Orogenic Belt, Jilin Province, NE China
Lü LS, Zhang ZH & Liu J

Lu Liu-Yi (2017) Volcanic Source of Phosphorus for Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Phosphorites in the Three Gorge Area, South China: Constraint from in situ REE Geochemistry
Lu L-Y, Pi D-H & Jiang S-Y

Lu Lixin (2023) Understanding Interfacial Properties Associated with Radiation Effects in Complex Nuclear Environments
Pearce CI, Prange M, Young L, LaVerne J, Orlando T, Kimmel G, Liu L, Nienhuis-Marcial ET, Mergelsberg ST, Lu L, Li S, Riechers S, Anovitz LM, Zhang X, Wang Z, Li X, Clark AE, Rosso KM & Schenter GK

Lu Longfei (2020) Biogenic Silica in the Wufeng-Longmachi Shale and Relationship with Shale Gas Accumulation in Sichuan Basin, China
Lu L, Qin J, Borjin T, Liu W & Shen B
(2016) Formation and Hydrocarbon Generation Characters of Organic Acid Salts in Marine Carbonates
Lu L, Liu W & Borjin T
(2011) The Characteristics of Organic Matter Adsorbed on Clay Minerals and its Significance in Carbon Cycling
Cai JG, Ji JF, Lu LF, Ding F & Cai YF
(2009) Thermogravimetric Analysis of Organic Matter Bound to Clay Minerals with Sequential Treatments
Lu L, Cai J & Bao Y
(2009) The Organo-Clay Complexes in Source Rocks – A Natural Material of Hydrocarbon Generation
Cai J, Lu L, Bao Y & Xu J
(2008) Occurrence and Characteristics of Fatty Acids Interaction with Clay Minerals of Surface Sediments from the East China Sea
Cai J, Lu L & Lei T
(2007) The Evidence and Significance of Water Bridge Existence in Smectite of Source Rocks
Lu L, Cai J, Bao Y, Li C, Yang S & Fan D
(2007) The Significance of the Variation Characteristics of Interlayer Water in Smectite of Source Rocks
Cai J, Lu L, Bao Y, Li C, Xu J & Wang X

Lu Man (2020) Paleofire Records Reveal Possible Mechanisms of the Termination of the Late Devonian Upper Kellwasser Marine Anoxia
Lu M, Lu Y, Sun Y, Carroll R & Ikejiri T
(2019) Preliminary Geochemical Evidence of Co-evolution of First Forestation and Marine Anoxia in the Southernmost Appalachian Basin during the Late Frasnian Mass Extinctions
Lu Y, Lu M, Ikejiri T & Sun Y
(2018) Revisiting the Early Land Forest Hypothesis for a Late Devonian Mass Extinction Process in the Southern Appalachian Basin Using an Organic Geochemical Characterization of the Chattanooga Shale (Frasnian to Famennian)
Lu M, Lu Y, Sun Y, Ikejiri T, Sun D & Carroll R
(2016) Can Biomarkers in Non-Fossiliferous Chattanooga Shale (Late Devonian) Show Evidence of the Earliest Land Forest on the Southern Appalachian Landmass?
Lu M, Lu Y, Ikejiri T, Ibrahim Ç, Pashin J & Hogancamp N

Lu Mei (2017) Natural Metallic Nano-Micro Particles: From Ores to the Surface
Lu M, Ye R, Liao J, Deng J & Wang Z
(2017) Mineralogy Study in the Zijinshan Orefield, Fujian Province, China
Ye R, Lu M, Zhang W, Dong Y & Wang X

Lü Miao (2021) Reconstructing the Late Ediacaran Sulfur Cycle Using New Data from South China
Tian Z, Zhou Y, Mills BJW, Zhu M, Lu M, Li C, Shi W & Shields GA
(2020) Reconstructing Biogeochemical Cycles during and after the Ediacaran DOUNCE (Shuram) Excursion
Tian Z, Shields G, Zhou Y, Zhu M & Lu M
(2009) Testing Primary Origin and Duration of the Largest Negative δ13C Excursion in the Ediacaran Ocean: Insight from South China
Zhu M, Lü M, Shen Y, Shields G & Zhang J

Lu N. (2001) Water Adsorption Characteristics of Smectite/Kaolinite Clay Mixtures for Engineered Waste Barriers
Likos WJ & Lu N

Lu P (2005) Display and Retraction of Outer Membrane‚ Cytochromes by Shewanella oneidensis in Response to Electron Acceptor Availability
Gorby Y, Biju V, Pan D, Mclean J, Saffarini D, Fredrickson J & Lu P

Lu Peina (2021) Phosphorus Biogeochemistry Differs in Rhizosphere Compared to Bulk Soils in Long-Term Wheat Fertilization Trials in Saskatchewan, Canada
Cade-Menun B, Bainard L, Lu P & Sehn C

Lu Peng (2023) Bridging Basic Science of Geochemical Kinetics and Applications to CO2 Removal and Sequestration Through Geochemical Modeling
Lu P, Zhu C, Zhang Y, Gong L & Skaneda S
(2013) Pb and Zn Coprecipitation with Iron Oxyhydroxide Nano-Particles
Lu P, Kelly S & Zhu C
(2011) Recent Advances in Kinetics of Water-Rock Interaction and Applications to Geological Carbon Sequestration
Zhu C, Lu P & Liu F
(2010) Implications of the New Hypothesis on the Apparent Discrepancy between Field – Lab Feldspar Dissolution Rates on Modeling Reactive Transport in the Critical Zone
Zhu C, Lu P & Ganor J
(2010) Multi-Phase Reactive Flow and Transport Modeling of CO2 Sequestration in the Mt. Simon Sandstone Formation, Midwest USA
Liu F, Lu P, Xiao Y & Zhu C
(2010) Experiments of CO2-Brine-Feldspars/Sandstone/Shale Interactions: Implications for Geological Carbon Sequestration
Lu P, Liu F, Hedges S, Griffith C, Soong Y & Zhu C
(2009) New Experimental Data and Modeling Results of Coupled Alkali Feldspar Dissolution and Secondary Mineral Precipitation
Zhu C, Lu P, Fu Q & Seyfried B

Lu Pengda (2023) Processing the Bitumen-Sulfide History in the Sichuan Basin, China
Stein H, Deng B, Yang G, Hannah J, Lu P & Liu S

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