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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Lozano Alba (2018) Basaluminite Aging at Different pH and Sulfate Concentrations
Lozano A, Fernández-Martínez A, Ayora C & Poulain A

Lozano Alba (2015) Acid Mine Drainage: A Possible Source of Rare Earth Elements
Ayora C, Torres E, Lozano A, Macías F, Carrero S, Pérez-López R & Nieto JM

Lozano Alba (2014) The Role of Se(IV) in the CaCO3 Polymorphism
Fernandez-Gonzalez A, Lozano A & Jimenez A

Lozano Alba (2016) Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium Geochemistry in Acid Mine Drainage Neutralization
Torres E, Ayora C, Lozano A, Macias F, Carrero S, Pérez-López R & Nieto JM

Lozano Antonio (2009) Geochemical Map for Major and Trace Elements in PM10 of Andalusia (South of Spain)
de la Rosa JD, Alastuey A, Querol X, Ramos JL, Gonzalez-Castanedo Y, Sánchez de la Campa AM, Fernández-Camacho R, Contreras J, Godoy F & Lozano A

Lozano S. (2010) Lacustrine Sedimentary Evidence of Millennial Scale Variability in North America and Africa Revealed by XRF Core Scanning
Brown E, Werne J, Rubesch M, Fawcett P, Ortega B, Caballero M & Lozano S

Lozano-Letellier L-L. (2017) Rarte Earth Elements Retention onto Basaluminite: Understanding Sorption Mechanisms
Lozano-Letellier L-L, Ayora A, Torres T, Fernández-Martínez F-M & Macías M

Lozano-Tarazona A. (2023) Using Augmented Reality to Engage Audiences in the Understanding of the Carbon Cycle
Huguet C, Pearse J & Lozano-Tarazona A

Lozanova L. (2009) Soil Erosion Rates at Field Plot Studies in Bulgaria
Rousseva S, Tcvetkova E & Lozanova L

Lozios S. (2012) Novel Thermochronometric Techniques Applied to the Lavrion Detachment, Lavrion Peninsula, Attica, Greece
Seman S, Soukis K, Stockli D, Skourtsos E, Kranis H & Lozios S

Lozoya Colinas A. (2021) Achieving Multiple Rounds of Nucleic Acid Replication in a Prebiotic Solvent: A Solution to the Product Inhibition Problem
Clifton BE, Lozoya Colinas A, Grover MA & Hud NV

Lu A. (2023) Effect of Semiconducting Iron Mineral Goethite Photoreduction on Microbial Community in the Natural Photocatalytic System of Hydrosphere Euphotic Zone
Liu J, Ding H & Lu A
(2023) From Evolution of Mn-Bearing Minerals to Photogeochemical Cycle of Mn
Zhuang Z, Li Y & Lu A
(2019) Photocatalysis of Natural Sulfides and Its Implication for the Origin of Life
Li Y, Li Y, Ding H, Lu A, Liu Y & Wang C
(2019) Photon-Induced Redox Chemistry on Earth’s Surface via Semiconducting Mn Oxides
Li Y, Lu A, Ding H, Li Y, Liu Y & Liu F
(2019) Structural Controls on Cu2+ Sorption Behavior in Biogenic Birnessite
Liu Y, Li Y, Chen N, Ding H & Lu A
(2018) Changes in Carbon Oxidation State of Metagenomes along Geochemical Redox Gradients
Dick J, Tan J, Yu M & Lu A
(2018) Multistage Ilvaite-Bearing Assemblages from the Galinge Skarn Fe Deposit, Western China: A Record of Retrograde Alteration
Yu M, Dick JM, Feng C, Li B, Mao J, Lu A & Zhu Y
(2017) Adsorption and Immobilization of Lead Ion by Fungi
Hao R, Lu A, Yang S, Wang M & Ding Y
(2014) Photoelectrons from Minerals and Energy of Microbes in the Critical Zones
Lu A & Li Y
(2013) Soil Microbial Species Selection and Activity Influenced by Semiconducting Minerals
Li Y & Lu A
(2013) Photoelectrons from Minerals and Microbial World
Lu A & Li Y
(2011) Synergistic Effects of Biocatalysis and Mineral Photocatalysis
Lu A & Li Y
(2011) Analysis of Microbial Molecular Ecology Techniques in Constructed Rapid Infiltration System
Jiang X, Ma M-C, Li J & Lu A
(2009) Integration of Semiconductor Mineral and Bacteria for Treating Environmental Pollutants
Lu A & Li Y

Lu B. (2003) Limitation of Coral Isotope Records for Paleo-Sst & SSS Reconstruction
Shimamura M, Wang L, Xu G, Lu B & Oba T

Lu Chao (2016) Effect of Extraction Variables on the Chelant-Induced Washing Treatment of Cesium-Contaminated Soils
Rahman IMM, Sawai H, Lu C, Begum ZA & Hasegawa H

Lu Chaojin (2023) Using Dual Clumped Isotope Proxies (Δ48 and Δ47 Values) to Identify Microbial Associated Dolomite
Swart PK, Lu C, Murray S, Pourmand A & Moore E
(2022) The Application of the Dual Clumped Isotope Thermometry Analyses (Δ47 and Δ48) to the Understanding of Dolomite Formation
Lu C, Swart PK & Sean M

Lu Cheng (2019) A Possible Reservoir for Primordial Helium in the Lowermost Mantle
Redfern S, Feng X, Zhang J, Lv J, Li H, Lu C, Liu H, Chen C & Ma Y

Lu Chris (2020) Mud Gas Isotopic Logging Using Mid Infrared Laser Spectromtory
Hu J, Zhu D, Wu S, Lu C, Sneddon A & Tang Y

Lu Chun-Hung (2017) Factors Controlling Methane Flux from Riverine Wetlands of Northen Taiwan
Lu C-H, Wang P-L & Lin L-H

Lu Chunlei (2019) Quantifying Nitrate Sources in Groundwater Using Isotopic Analysis Combined with a Bayesian Isotope Mixing Model in Northeastern Suburbs of Beijing
Ren L, Lu C, Cheng L & Ding A

Lu Chunsong (2015) Key Buffering Factors of Aerosol-Indirect Effects: Their Physical Understanding and Parameterization in Climate Models
Liu Y, Chen J, Lu C & Zhang M

Lu Dan (2010) Assessment of Predictive Uncertainty in Coupled Groundwater Reactive Transport Modeling
Ye M, Lu D, Miller G, Curtis G, Meyer P & Yabusaki S

Lu Dan Ping (2011) The Phase Equilibrium of Ternary System Cd2+, Na+//Cl--H2O at 298 K
Huang Y, Lu D & Zou F
(2010) Heavy Metal Contamination in Fluvial Sediments Caused by Dexing Cu Mine, Jiangxi, China
Ni SJ, Chen CH, Zhang CJ, Lu DP & Li ZQ
(2010) Potential Ecological Risk Assessment Model for Heavy Metal Contamination of Agricultural Soils
Li ZQ, Liu W, Lu DP & Wang JZ

Lu F (2000) Fertile Lithosphere Mantle beneath Yangtze Craton: Evidence from a Garnet Lherzolite from Dahongshan Kimberlite, Hubei, China
Zhang H, Lu F, Liu Y, Zhou X, Sun M & Zhou M
(2000) Multiphase Mineral Inclusions in Diamonds from Fuxian and Mengyin Kimberlites, Eastern China
Zhang H, Menzies MA, Zhao L, Lu F & Zhou X

Lu Feng (2015) The Application of High Resolution Chemostratigraphy to Improve Reservoir Characterization – An Example from the Shu’aiba Formation, Saudi Arabia
Lu F, Reid C, Taylor D & Shen S

Lu Fengyan (2019) The 9.2 ka Event in Asian Summer Monsoon Area: The Strongest Millennial Scale Collapse of the Monsoon during the Holocene
Zhang W, Yan H, Dodson J, Cheng P, Liu C, Li J, Lu F, Zhou W & An Z

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