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Lounis M.

Lourantou A. (2013) A Precise Climatic Sequencing of the Penultimate Glacial Termination
Landais A, Dreyfus G, Capron E, Jouzel J, Masson-Delmotte V, Roche D, Prié F, Caillon N, Chappellaz J, Leuenberger M, Lourantou A, Parrenin F, Raynaud D & Teste G

Lourenço Alexandre (2011) Late Ordovician to Lower Silurian Transition in Valongo Anticline (Northern Portugal): Evidences of an Erosional Unconformity Previous to the Silurian Sea Level Rise
Couto H & Lourenço A

Lourenço Ana (2011) Magnetic Parameters of Soils Developed on Different Geologic Backgrounds, Central Portugal
Lourenço A, Sant'Ovaia H & Gomes C

Lourenco Diogo (2019) Geodynamic Models and Geological Evidence for Non-Subduction Generation of Archean TTG Crust
Tackley P, Jain C, Lourenco D, Rozel A & Gerya T
(2018) Archean Tectonics and the Generation of Continental TTG Crust in Global Mantle Convection Models
Tackley P, Jain C, Lourenco D, Rozel A & Gerya T
(2017) Mantle Compositional Heterogeneity Arising from Magma Ocean Crystallisation Followed by Long-Term Differentiation: Modelling from a Molten Earth to the Present day
Tackley P & Lourenco D
(2015) Early Evolution and Dynamics of Earth from a Molten Initial Stage
Lourenço D & Tackley P
(2014) Influence of Melting on the Long-Term Thermo-Chemical Evolution of Earth’s Deep Mantle
Tackley P, Lourenco D, Fomin I & Nakagawa T

Lourenco Diogo L. (2016) Modelling the Thermo-Chemical Evolution of the Mantle from a Totally Molten State to the Present day
Tackley P & Lourenco D
(2016) Early Evolution and Dynamics of the Moon from a Molten Initial Stage
Lourenço DL, Tackley PJ, Liebske C, Golabek GJ & Fernandes VA

Lourenco Diogo Louro (2021) Numerical Simulations of Long Term Global Mantle Convection with Crust Production: Advanced Features and Recent Results
Rozel AB, Lourenco DL, Jain C, Tackley PJ & Gerya T

Lourenço N. (2011) He and Ne Isotopic Ratios from the Terceira Rift (Azores): Constraints on the Boundary between Eurasia and Nubia Mantle Sources
Madureira P, Moreira M, Nunes J, Lourenço N, Gautheron C, Carvalho R, Mata J & Pinto de Abreu M
(2008) Multi-Variate Analysis of Elemental Data from the Azores Archipelago and Great Meteor Seamounts
Costa R, Mirão J, Madureira P, Ribeiro L, Pimentel F, Lourenço N & Abreu M

Lourenço R. (2019) Origin, Spatial and Temporal Variation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Stored in the Southern Brazillian Continental Shelf Mudbelts
Neves P, Timoszczuk C, Prates D, Berzaghi J, Ferreira P, Taniguchi S, Lourenço R, Mahiques M, Figueira R & Bicego M

Lourens Lucas (2010) A Reconstruction of Temperature, Sea Level and CO2 over the Past 20 Million Years
de Boer B, Van de Wal R, Bintanja R & Lourens L

Lourens Lucas (2018) Climate Variability on Orbital Time Scales over 18 Million Years of the Late Cretaceous to Middle Eocene
Zachos J, Barnet J, Laurentano V, Littler K, Röhl U, Westerhold T, Kroon D & Lourens L

Lourens Lucas (2015) Automated CO2 Extraction from Air for Clumped Isotope Analysis in the Atmo- and Biosphere
Hofmann MEG, Ziegler M, Pons T, Lourens L & Röckmann T

Lourens Lucas J. (2021) A Neogene Deep-Sea Temperature Record from Clumped Isotopes of Benthic Foraminifera from Walvis Ridge
Kocken IJ, Lyu J, Vorsselmans R, Spiering BR, Stouthamer W, Bode NJ, van Duin L, van de Pol NM, van der Meer A, Müller IA, Lourens LJ & Ziegler M
(2021) Deep-Sea Temperatures Across Two Early Eocene Hyperthermal Events Based on Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry
Agterhuis T, Ziegler M & Lourens LJ

Lourenso N. (2012) The Terceira Rift, Azores: A Melt Inclusion Study of Submarine Lavas
Marques F, Scott S, Madureira P, Conceicao P, Lourenso N & Rosa C

Lourino-Caban B. (2016) Solid/solution Distribution Coefficient (Kd) of Trace Stable Elements and Radionuclides during a Nuclear Power Plant Liquid Regulatory Release in the Seine River – Field Data vs. Geochemical Modeling
Benedetti M, Ilina S, Copin F, Eyrolle F, Boyer P, Lourino-Caban B, Sivry Y & Gelabert A

Loutey D. (2016) Mechanism of H2S Oxidation by Dissimilatory (Per)chlorate-Reducing Microorganism Azospira Suillum PS
Mehta-Kolte M, Loutey D, Wang O, Youngblut M & Coates J
(2016) Impacts of Perchlorate on Temporal Changes in Microbial Community Structure and Hydrocarbon Consumption in a Sulfidogenic Oil Reservoir Simulation
Shrestha P, Nowak J, Liu Y, Loutey D, Louie W, Goldstein A & Coates J

Louvat Didier (2002) REE Migration in Groundwaters Close to the Natural Fission Reactor of Bangombé (Gabon)
Stille P, Gauthier-Lafaye F, Jensen K, Bracke G, Ewing R & Louvat D
(2000) Spatio Temporal Variability of Cesium Fallout in One High Altitude Catchment Basin
Pourcelot L, Bouisset P, Calmet D & Louvat D
(2000) Tracing of Plutonium Contamination over Inundated Areas of Camargue (France)
Duffa C, Renaud P & Louvat D

Louvat Dr. Pascale (2023) Ge/Si and δ11B for Quantifying Hydrothermal Inputs in River Solute Fluxes in Active Volcanoes in the Southern Andes
Peña A, Perez-Fodich A, Louvat DP & Tardani DD

Louvat P. (2022) The Chemical Composition and Weathering Fluxes of Rivers Draining Volcanoes in the Southern Andes
Perez-Fodich A, Louvat P, Peña A & Tardani D
(2021) High Precision MC-ICP-MS Measurements of δ11B from ng Amounts in Carbonate Samples, Using Microsublimation and Direct Injection (µ-δDIHEN)
Buisson M, Louvat P, Thaler C & Rollion-Bard C
(2021) Hydrothermal Influence on Rock Weathering in the Kirishima Volcanic Complex
Romero Mujalli G, Hartmann J, Hosono T, Ide K, Amann T & Louvat P
(2021) Controls of Climate and Organic Matter on Uranium Fluxes to Lake Sediments over the Holocene
Lefebvre P, Sabatier P, Mangeret A, Gourgiotis A, Le Pape P, Develle A-L, Louvat P, Diez O, Reyss J-L, Gaillardet J, Cazala C & Morin G
(2021) Evolution of Noncrystalline Uranium in Lake Sediments over 3, 300 Years
Lefebvre P, Gourgiotis A, Mangeret A, Sabatier P, Le Pape P, Diez O, Louvat P, Menguy N, Merrot P, Baya C, Zebracki M, Blanchart P, Malet E, Jézéquel D, Reyss J-L, Bargar J, Gaillardet J, Cazala C & Morin G
(2021) Biomineralization Against all Odds: Strategies of Bacteria, Foraminifera and Bryozoa to Control Precipitation, Mineralogy, and pH Against Environmental Conditions
Thaler C, Rollion-Bard C, Louvat P, Bartolini A, Paris G, Menez B, Bonifacie M & Ader M
(2020) Zn Isotopes can Reveal Past Eutrophication of Continental Lakes: The Example of Baldeg (Switzerland)
Juillot F, Noël V, Voegelin A, Louvat P, Gelabert A, Mueller B & Morin G
(2019) A First Step to Better Understands Nanoparticle Geochemistry: The direct-Injection/spICPMS
Tharaud M, Louvat P & Benedetti MF
(2019) Reconstitution of the Isotopic Composition of Boron in Seawater over Geological Times
Buisson M, Louvat P, Rollion-Bard C, Bouchez J, Horita J & Gaillardet J
(2019) Boron Isotopic Ratio Measurements at ng Levels with the µ-δDIHEN Introduction System
Louvat P, Tharaud M, Buisson M, Rollion-Bard C & Benedetti MF
(2019) Does the Polymorphism Control the Boron Isotopic Composition of Biocarbonate?
Rollion-Bard C, Griesshaber E, Schmahl W, Louvat P & Faure L
(2019) Isotopic Composition of Boron Adsorbed on Amorphous Silica
Saldi G, Louvat P, Schott J & Gaillardet J
(2017) Tracing the Fate of Mg and Ca Originating from Liming in Beech Forest Ecosystems of Northern France over 40 Years: Ecosystem Nutrient Budgets and 26Mg/24Mg and 87Sr/86Sr Natural Isotope Ratio Variations
Court M, Van der Heijden G, Louvat P, Bolou-Bi E, Nys C, Saint-André L & Legout A
(2017) Geochemical Characteristics of New Spring Water Occurred after the Kumamoto Earthquake
Hosono T, Hashimoto M, Hartmann J, Louvat P, Bouchez J, Gaillardet J, Washington K, West J, Okumura A, Ide K, Sato T & Takahashi H
(2017) Boron Isotopes in Rivers from Volcanic Islands: A Weathering Proxy?
Louvat P & Gaillardet J
(2017) Combining Uranium and Boron Isotope Ratios to Trace Anthropogenic Salinity Inputs to the Rio Grande River in Southwest USA
Ma L, Garcia S, Nyachoti S, Louvat P & Gaillardet J
(2016) The Global Riverine Li Budget to the Ocean
Gaillardet J, Henchiri S, Bouchez J, Dellinger M, Louvat P & Raymond PA
(2016) Behaviour of Boron Isotopes in the Streams and Springs of AsO Caldera, Kyushu, Japan
Louvat P, Hartmann J, Hosono T, Kiyoshi I, Bouchez J & Gaillardet J
(2016) Zinc Dynamic Across the Rio Negro Basin: Constraints from Zn Isotopes
Guinoiseau D, Gélabert A, Louvat P, Allard T, Turcq P & Benedetti MF
(2016) Cosmogenic Nuclides, River Geochemistry, and Lanforms Reconstruction Methods Comparison to Study the Coopling between Chemical Weahering and Mechanical Erosion in a Steep Reunion Island Basins
Gayer E, Louvat P, Bouchez J, Michon L, Gaillardet J, Sy A & Havas R
(2015) Bromine Isotope Measurement by MC-ICP-MS in Wet Plasma Conditions
Louvat P, Coleman M, Bonifacie M, Giunta T & Michel A
(2015) Is the Earth Surface Denudation Operating at Steady State?
Bouchez J, Dellinger M, Gaillardet J, Louvat P & Gayer É
(2015) Zinc Isotope Fractionation onto Reactive Minerals: The Case of Kaolinite
Guinoiseau D, Gelabert A, Louvat P, Moureau J & Benedetti MF
(2015) The Importance of Sedimentary Cannibalism for Global Weathering
Gaillardet J, Bouchez J, Louvat P, Dellinger M, Calmels D & Hilton R
(2015) Multi-Isotope Tracers of Human Impact on Anthropophile Elements in River Systems
Chen J, Gaillardet J, Busigny V, Bouchez J, Louvat P & Wang Y
(2014) Zinc and Copper Isotope Fate in Amazonian Mixing Zone
Guinoiseau D, Louvat P, Gélabert A & Benedetti MF
(2014) Zn Sources in the Seine River Watershed: Information from XAS and Isotopic Analyses
Bonnot C, Gelabert A, Morin G, Louvat P, Proux O & Benedetti MF
(2014) Halogen Stable Isotopes (δ37Cl and δ81Br) in Volcanic Systems
Bonifacie M & Louvat P
(2014) The Amazon River: Behaviour of Particulate and Dissolved Matter in the Initial Mixing at the Rio Negro/Solimoes Confluence
Benedetti MF, Guinoiseau D, Louvat P, Turcq P & Bernardes M
(2013) Back to Basics: Boron Isotopic Fractionation in Synthetic Calcite and Aragonite
Noireaux J, Mavromatis V, Schott J, Gaillardet J, Montouillout V, Louvat P & Neuville D
(2013) Determation of Sources and Flowpaths of Nitrate in a Karstic Watershed
Briand C, Sebilo M, Plagnes V, Louvat P & Chesnot T
(2013) Lithium Isotopic Composition of the Dissolved Load in the Amazon River Basin
Dellinger M, Gaillardet J, Bouchez J, Calmels D, Louvat P, Gorge C & Maurice L
(2013) XAS and Isotopic Approaches to Identify Zn and Cu Sources in the Seine River Watershed
Bonnot CA, Gélabert A, Morin G, Louvat P & Benedetti MF
(2013) Evolution of Anthropogenic Contamination in the Seine River (France) over the Last 15 Years Revealed by Boron Isotope Ratios
Louvat P, Guinoiseau D, Paris G, Chen J-B, Chetelat B & Gaillardet J
(2013) Iron Isotopes in the Suspended Load of the Seine River (France): Natural Versus Anthropogenic Sources
Chen J-B, Busigny V, Gaillardet J & Louvat P
(2013) Large River Floodplains: Weathering Without Erosion?
Bouchez J, Lupker M, Gaillardet J, France-Lanord C, Louvat P & Maurice L
(2013) Cosmogenic Nuclides, River Geochemistry, and Lanforms Reconstruction Methods to Estimate Erosion Rates in Reunion Island
Gayer E, Louvat P, Michon L, Etzol C & Kurz M
(2013) Li Isotopes: The Ideal Weathering Tracer?
Gaillardet J, Dellinger M, Bouchez J, Clerque C, Louvat P, Dessert C & Gorge C
(2012) Boron Incorporation in Synthetic Calcite and Aragonite Revealed by B Isotopes and 11B MAS NMR
Noireaux J, Mavromatis V, Gaillardet J, Schott J, Louvat P & Montouillout V
(2012) Sources and Processes Identification for Zn Cycling in the Seine River, France
Jouvin D, Gelabert A, Louvat P, Morin G, Juillot F & Benedetti MF
(2012) Evidence of Ocean Acidification Viewed by Boron Isotopes and B/Ca in Scleractinian Corals
Douville E, Gonzalez-Roubaud C, Louvat P, Gaillardet J, Cabioch G, Montagna P, Frank N & Gehlen M
(2012) The Fractionation of Lithium Isotopes during Continental Weathering: Clues from the Amazon and Mackenzie Rivers
Dellinger M, Gaillardet J, Galy V, Louvat P, Birck J-L & Bouchez J
(2012) Denudation of the Lesser Antilles
Gaillardet J, Lajeunesse E, Rad S, Dessert C, Louvat P, Rive K, Agrinier P, Lloret E & Benedetti M
(2011) Isotopic Tracing of Lithium Sources in the Seine River, Paris (France)
Vigier N, Gaillardet J, Louvat P & Chen J
(2011) A Paradox between Mg and Li Isotope Ratios during Weathering
Tipper E, Calmels D, Gaillardet J, Louvat P, Capmas F & Dubacq B
(2011) Direct Injection Nebulization with MC-ICP-MS: Performances and Prospects
Bouchez J, Louvat P, Paris G, Gaillardet J & Moureau J
(2011) Fe Isotope Cycling in Ferruginous and Anoxic Lake Pavin (France) from Water Column to Sediment
Busigny V, Planavsky N, Jézéquel D, Louvat P, Michard G, Viollier E & Lyons T
(2011) The Subduction Weathering Factory
Gaillardet J, Louvat P, Dessert C & Lajeunesse E
(2011) Cu Isotopes Suggest Cu Reduction during Acquisition in Higher Plants
Jouvin D, Weiss D, Bravin MN, Louvat P, Hinsinger P & Benedetti MF
(2010) Did Evaporites Record the Boron Isotopic Composition of Seawater?
Paris G, Gaillardet J & Louvat P
(2009) Himalayas Uplift and Indonesian Island Arcs Activity Recorded in the Equatorial Indian Ocean Water: Pb and Nd Isotope Stratigraphy
Meynadier L, Allègre CJ, Gourlan AT, Göpel C, Louvat P & Limmois D
(2009) Zn Isotopic Fractionation: Why Organic Matters
Jouvin D, Louvat P, Juillot F, Maréchal CN & Benedetti MF
(2008) Multi-Isotopic (Zn, Cu) Approach for Anthropogenic Contamination of Suspended Sediments of the Seine River, France
Chen J-B, Gaillardet J & Louvat P
(2008) Fractionation of Copper Isotopes in Plants
Jouvin D, Louvat P, Maréchal C & Benedetti M
(2008) Ca Isotope Ratios in the Largest Rivers in the World: Implications for the Global Ca Budget and Weathering Processes
Tipper E, Gaillardet J, Galy A, Louvat P & Bickle M
(2007) Denudation Rates in NE-Iceland. Evolution of a Steady State Model of Erosion
Eiriksdottir ES, Louvat P & Gislason SR
(2007) Zn Isotopic Fractionation during Complexation with Organic Matter
Jouvin D, Louvat P, Marechal C & Benedetti M
(2007) Is the Isotope Composition of Reunion Really Homogeneous?
Nauret F, Arigot M, Louvat P & Moreira M
(2007) Chemical Erosion in the Himalayas-Tibet for the Past 4 Million Years Studied by Pb and Nd Isotopic Stratigraphy
Meynadier L, Gourlan AT, Louvat P & Allègre CJ
(2007) Zn Isotope Measurements in Freshwater and its Use as a Probe of Anthropogenic Contamination in the Seine River
Chen J, Gaillardet J & Louvat P
(2007) MC-ICP-MS Measurements with d-Dihen Direct Injection Nebulization
Louvat P, Bouchez J, Paris G & Gaertner M
(2005) Weathering Process on Tropical Volcanics Islands (Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion) by Using U-Series
Rad S, Gaillardet J, Louvat P, Bourdon B & Allegre CJ

Louvel Marion (2013) A High T Cell for the in situ Study of Flux-Driven Magmatic Processes
Louvel M, Testemale D, Lahera E & Hazemann J-L
(2010) Zr Mobilization and Complexation in Subduction Zone Fluids
Louvel M, Sanchez-Valle C, Malfait WJ, Testemale D & Hazemann J-L
(2009) Zr Speciation and Partitioning in SiO2-rich Aqueous Fluids and Silicate Melts
Louvel M, Sanchez Valle C, Petitgirard S, Cardon H, Daniel I & Cauzid J
(2009) Thermal Stability of Maghemite: Fingerprint for Basalt Weathering
Gehring A, Fischer H, Louvel M, Weidler P & Luster J

Louvel Marion (2021) Stability of Pyrochlore and Trace Element Partitioning in Carbonatitic Systems
Louvel M & Klemme S
(2021) Molecular Dynamic Simulations to Understand the Hydrothermal Deposits of Rare Earth Elements
Guan Q, Mei Y, Etschmann B, Louvel M & Brugger J
(2021) Redox Controls on the Solubility of SnO2 Cassiterite and the Speciation of Tin in Crustal Fluids
Sanchez-Valle C, Springklee C, Louvel M, Pluckthun C, Hazemann J-L & Testemale D

Louvel Marion (2023) In situ Spectroscopic Investigations of Volatiles Speciation in Hydrous Melts and Magmatic Fluids
Louvel M, Chatelin T, Hazemann J-L & Slodczyk A
(2023) Mass Dependent Fractionation of Geochemical Twins by Coordination Change
Loges A, Louvel M, Borchert M, Jahn S, Keller B & John T

Louvel Marion (2019) Carbonate Mineral Solubility in Deep Earth
Farsang S, Louvel M, Mezouar M, Rosa AD & Redfern SAT
(2019) How Fluids Mobilize Rare Earth Elements: An in situ XAS Study of REE Hydrothermal Speciation
Louvel M, Etschmann B, Testemale D & Brugger J
(2019) Developments for the in situ Study of High P-T Fluids and Melts at the Diamond Light Source
Anzellini S, Louvel M, Drewit J, Farsang S, Keeble D, Ross A, Amboage M & Walter M

Louvel Marion (2020) Effect of F and P on the Magmatic Enrichment of Nb, Ta and REE in Carbonatic Melts
Louvel M & Klemme S
(2020) Yttrium Speciation in Sulfate-Rich Hydrothermal Ore-Forming Fluids
Guan Q, Mei Y, Etschmann B, Louvel M & Brugger J
(2020) In situ Characterization of Fluids and Melts to Shallow Supecritical and Magmatic Conditions
Testemale D, Louvel M, Goujon C, Legendre M, Lahera E & Hazemann J-L

Louvel Marion (2016) Solubility and Speciation of HFSE/REE in High Temperature Fluids
Mavrogenes J, Louvel M, Testamale D & Hazemann J-L
(2016) In situ Constraints on Volatiles in Slab-Derived Fluids and Melts
Louvel M, Sanchez-Valle C & Walter M

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