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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Landon Mathew K (2017) Characterization of Produced Water from the Fruitvale, Lost Hills, North Belridge, and South Belridge Oil Fields, California, USA
Kulongoski JT, Wright MT, McMahon PB, Davis TA & Landon MK
(2017) Noble Gas Characteristics of Produced Gases from the Lost Hills and Fruitvale Oil Fields, USA
Barry P, Kulongoski J, Tyne R, Hillegonds D, Byrne D, McMahon P, Landon M & Ballentine C

Landon Matthew (2018) Noble Gas Characterisation of Produced Waters from the Fruitvale and Lost Hills Oil Fields, CA, USA
Tyne R, Barry P, Kulongoski J, Landon M, Hillegonds D, McMahon P & Ballentine C
(2018) Noble Gas Characteristics in Groundwaters Near Selected Oil Fields from the San Joaquin Basin, USA
Barry P, Hunt A, Kulongoski J, Tyne R, Davis T, Wright M, McMahon P, Landon M & Ballentine C

Landon-Browne A. (2023) The Platinum Stable Isotope Signature of the Earth’s Mantle
Landon-Browne A, Freymuth H, Bagard M-L, Hu J, Shaw KMM, Matthews S & Williams HM
(2022) Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes in Global Basalts Through Time and the Evolution of Mantle Mineralogical Heterogeneity
Williams HM, Soderman CR, Matthews S, Landon-Browne A, Puchtel IS & Shorttle O
(2021) The Iron Isotope Compositions of Komatiites: Insights into the Early Earth Differentiation Processes
Landon-Browne A, Soderman CR, Puchtel IS, Freymuth H, Matthews S & Williams HM
(2021) Non-Traditional Stable Isotope Constraints on Mantle Mineralogical Heterogeneity: Past, Present and Future
Williams HM, Soderman CR, Matthews S, Landon-Browne A, Rizo H, Puchtel IS & Shorttle O
(2018) 182W and 142,143Nd of Neoarchean Ferropicrites from the Wawa Subprovince (Ontario, Canada)
Landon-Browne A, O'Neil J & Rizo H

Landrein P. (2012) Contribution of Natural Tracers (Cl, He) to Development of 3D Basin Model. Paris Basin, France
Rebeix R, Benabderrahmane H, Le Gal La Salle C, Lavielle B, Lavastre V, Jean Baptiste P, Fourre E, Vinsot A, Landrein P, Matray JM, Pagel M & Michelot JL
(2012) Dating Fluid Flow Events in a Shallow Sedimentary Basin: The Key Contribution of K-Ar Geochronology of Authigenic Illite
Blaise T, Clauer N, Cathelineau M, Boulvais P, Boiron M-C, Techer I, Tarantola A & Landrein P

Landro J-K. (2017) Subsurface Sulfur Cycling in Loki’s Castle Hydrothermal Barite Field: Insights from Sulfate Reduction Rates
Roerdink D, Landro J-K, Jørgensen SL, Zhao R, Baumberger T, Økland I & Thorseth I

Landrot G. (2022) Legacy (Pb, Cu, Zn) and Emerging (Sb) Trace Metal Contaminants in the Road – Highway Stormwater Pond Continuum: A Focus on Geochemistry and Speciation of Antimony
Philippe M, Le Pape P, Resongles E, Landrot G, Freydier R, Casiot C, Baya C & Ayrault S
(2021) Influence of Trace As or Ni on Pyrite Precursors and Nucleation Kinetics at Low Temperature: High Resolution Mineralogical and Crystallochemical Analysis
Baya C, Le Pape P, Baptiste B, Brest J, Landrot G, Elkaim E, Noel V, Blanchard M, Ona-Nguema G, Juillot F & Morin G
(2018) FASTOSH: A Software to Process XAFS Data for Geochemical & Environmental Applications
Landrot G
(2018) Ni Isotopic Fractionation at the Interface with Mineral Phases
Zelano IO, Montarges-Pelletier E, Gley R, Fraysse F, Cloquet C & Landrot G
(2017) Decrease in Rice Production during the Dry Season in a Central Region of Thailand: Linking Water, Paddy Soil, and Rice Properties
Khaokaew S, Takrattanasaran N, Lachitavong K & Landrot G
(2017) Lead (Pb) Association with Soil Organic Matter: Characterization in Soil Particle-Size Fractions and Effect on the Efficiency of a Phosphorus-Based Method to Stabilize Pb
Landrot G & Khaokaew S
(2016) Determining the Dissolution Capacity and Structure at the Molecular Level of Fishbone-Derived Pyromorphite Formed to Stabilize Lead (Pb)
Khaokaew S & Landrot G
(2016) Using Synchrotron-Based Tools to Determine the Effects of Soil Organic Matter on the Efficiency of a Lead Stabilization Method
Khaokaew S & Landrot G
(2016) Microcontinuum Modeling of CO2-water-Rock Interaction
Steefel C, Beckingham L & Landrot G
(2012) Measurement of the Reactive Surface Area Relevant to CO2 Mineralization in a Reservoir Sandstone
Landrot G, Ajo-Franklin J, Cabrini S & Steefel C
(2011) Time-Resolved Metal(loid) Reactivity at Biogeochemical Interfaces
Sparks D, Ginder-Vogel M & Landrot G
(2009) Quantification of Rapid Environmental Redox Processes Using Quick-Scanning X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (Q-XAS)
Ginder-Vogel M, Landrot G & Sparks D

Landrum A.R. (2018) Effective Climate Communication: Is Curiosity Key?
Landrum AR

Landry A. (2023) Levels of Uranium-238 and Radium-226 in the Kennebecasis River Sediment (New Brunswick, Canada) as Shale Gas Activities Indicators and their Environmental Legacy
Landry A & Clarisse O
(2022) Sediment: A Permanent Sink for Radium?
Landry A & Clarisse O

Landry K. (2023) Equatorward Expansion of the North Pacific Oxygen-Deficient Zones over the Past Three Decades
Landry K, Dong S, Chen J-J, Kong T, Osorio Rodriguez D, Pavia F, Subhas AV, Peng XN, Adkins J, Berelson WM & Wang XT

Landsberg J. (2013) Direct Measurements of Isotopic Fractionation Factors of Water Vapor over Ice for Temperatures Below 235 K
Lamb K, Clouser B, Sarkozy L, Stutz E, Kühnreich B, Landsberg J, Habig J, Hiranuma N, Wagner S, Ebert V, Kerstel E, Möhler O, Saathoff H & Moyer E
(2013) Water H218O Isotope Studies in the AIDA Cloud Simulation Chamber
Kühnreich B, Landsberg J, Habig J, Wagner S, Moyer EJ, Saathoff H, Ebert V & Kerstel E
(2013) Robust Calibration Systems Based on Syringe Pumps for Water Vapor Isotopologue Measurements
Stutz E, Landsberg J, Sarkozy L, Moyer E & Kerstel E
(2013) Applications of Absorption Spectroscopy for Water Isotopic Measurements in Cold Clouds
Moyer E, Sarkozy L, Lamb K, Clouser B, Stutz E, Kuhnreich B, Landsberg J, Habig J, Hiranuma N, Wagner S, Ebert V, Kerstel E, Moehler O & Saathoff H

Landsberger S. (2012) Time Series of Elemental Carbon Concentrations at Alert, Nanuvut, Canada
Lin L, Hopke P, Belden C & Landsberger S

Landschützer P. (2020) Carbon and CO2 Dynamics in the Global Coastal Ocean: Spatiotemporal Variability, Drivers, and Implications for the Global C Budget
Regnier P, Resplandy L, Roobaert A, Laruelle G, Landschutzer P, Gruber N & Ciais P
(2016) Air-Water CO2 Exchange in Continental and Coastal Systems – Regional and Global Budgets
Lauerwald R, Laruelle G, Hastie A, Landschützer P, Weyhenmeyer G, Sobek S, Hartmann J, Ciais P, Gruber N & Regnier P
(2015) Carbon Fluxes in the Land to Ocean Continuum: Updated Synthesis and Implications for the Anthropogenic CO2 Budget
Regnier P, Laruelle G, Lauerwald R, Landschützer P, Cai W-J, Ciais P, Friedlingstein P, Gruber N, Hartmann J & Mackenzie F
(2015) Regionalized Global Budget and Drivers of the CO2 Air-Sea Exchange in Continental Shelf Seas
Laruelle G, Lauerwald R, Landschützer P, Gruber N & Regnier P

Landsman-Gerjoi M. (2019) Dissolved Organic Matter Biodegradation: How Substrate, Microbial Activity and Environmental Conditions Converge
Perdrial J, Landsman-Gerjoi M, Lancellotti B, Seybold E, Kincaid D, Adair C, Schroth A & Wymore A
(2017) Do Clay Minerals Affect Dissolved Organic Matter Bioavailability in Batch Experiments?
Perdrial J, Landsman-Gerjoi M, Adair C & Cincotta M

Landtwing M.R. (2005) Bingham: A Mesothermal Cu-Au Deposit Dominated by Vapor Transport of Metals?
Landtwing M, Heinrich C, Pettke T & Halter W
(2004) Boiling, Condensation and Vapour Contraction in Magmatichydrothermal Cu-Au Ore Systems
Heinrich C, Driesner T & Landtwing M
(2002) Fluid Evolution at the Bingham Cu-Au-Mo-Ag Porphyry Deposit
Landtwing MR, Heinrich CA, Halter WE, Pettke T, Redmond PB & Einaudi MT
(2001) Six Fluids in Ore-Forming Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems
Heinrich CA, Halter WE, Pettke T, Audétat A, Ulrich T, Landtwing M & ̧nther DG

Landwehr D. (2000) Partitioning of U and Th between Low-Ca-Clinopyroxenes and Anhydrous Silicate Melts: Consequences for the Generation of U-Th-Diseqilibrium during Mantle Melting
Landwehr D, Blundy JD & Wood BJ

Lane A. (2008) Deep UV Native Fluorescence and Resonance Raman Spectroscopy for Life-Detection
Bhartia R, Hug W, Reid R, Salas E, Nealson K & Lane A
(2005) Optical Detection of Organic Molecules in Extreme Environments
Conrad P, Lane A, Bhartia R & Hug W
(2004) Non-Contact Rapid Detection of Chemical Biosignatures in Rock and Sediment
Conrad P, Lane A & Bhartia R
(2001) Mars Mineralogy by Microbeam Raman Spectrometry
Haskin LA, Wang A, Jolliff BL, Wdowiak TJ, Agresti DG, Lane AL & Squyres SW

Lane C.

Lane D. (2016) Towards an Understanding of the Mineralogical Deportment of 210Po and 210Pb in Geological Samples
Cook N, Schmandt D, Rollog M, Lane D, Ciobanu C, Ehrig K & Grano S

Lane J. (2019) Geochemical and Biological Effects of Oil and Gas Wastewater Releases
Cozzarelli I, Akob D, Benthem A, Haase K, Mumford A, Orem W, Skalak K, Engle M, Kent D, Farag A, Harper D, Thamke J, Briggs M & Lane J
(2010) Electrical Geophysical and Geochemical Monitoring of in situ Enhanced Bioremediation
Johnson T, Versteeg R, Day-Lewis F, Wright K, Major W & Lane J

Lane M. (2008) Sulfates on Mars: How Recent Discoveries from CRISM, OMEGA and the MERs are Changing Our View of the Planet
Bishop J, Lane M, Dyar D, Parente M, Roach L, Murchie S & Mustard J
(2008) Sulfates on Mars: Comparison with Spectral Properties of Analog Sites
Bishop J, Alpers C, Coleman M, Sobron P, Lane M, Dyar D & Schiffman P

Lane N. (2021) Spontaneous Assembly of Iron-Sulfur Clusters at Low Concentrations of Cysteine
Jordan SF, Ioannou I, Rammu H, Halpern A, Bogart LK, Ahn M, Vasiliadou R, Christodoulou J, Maréchal A & Lane N
(2019) Lipid Vesicles as Protocells at the Origin of Life in Alkaline Hydrothermal Vents
Jordan SF, Rammu H, Zheludev IN, Hartley AM, Maréchal A & Lane N
(2014) Proton Flux and the Origin of Life
Lane N

Lane Samuel (2014) Biogenic Methane Potential of Bowen Basin, Queensland Coal Preparation Plant Rejects
Lane S, Zheng H, Evans P, Rudolph V, Golding S & Gilcrease P

Lane Stephen (2013) Are Molybdenum Concentrations and Isotopes a Tracer for Anthropogenic Pollution in the Atmosphere?
Tennant A, Lane S, Proemse B & Wieser M

Lane V. (2008) Copper Adsorption on Natural Schwertmannite and Sulfate-Rich Goethite in AMD Systems
Webster-Brown J, Swedlund P & Lane V
(2000) Factors Influencing the Precipitation of Sulphate-Rich Iron Oxides, and their Ability to Adsorb Trace Metals
Swedlund P, Webster J, Lane V, Saul D & Howarth R

Laneuville M. (2020) Asymmetric Early Post-Magma Ocean Crust Building on the Moon’s Nearside
Elardo S, Laneuville M, McCubbin F & Shearer C
(2017) Heterogeneous Lunar Crust Formation
Laneuville M
(2017) Evolution of the Water Cycle Since the Archean as Constrained by Hydrogen Isotopes
Kurokawa H, Foriel J & Laneuville M
(2016) A Systems Model of Earth’s Early Abiotic Nitrogen Cycle
Cleaves H, Laneuville M & Virgo N
(2016) Heterogeneous Lunar Crust Formation
Laneuville M

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