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Landais Amaelle (2023) 17O-Excess of Tropical Forest and Savanna Phytoliths Record Diurnal Atmospheric Relative Humidity of the Growing Season: Implications for Paleoclimate Reconstructions and Model-Data Comparisons
Alexandre A, Outrequin C, Peugeot C, Grippa M, Ndiaye O, Vallet-Coulomb C, Aleman J, Landais A, Sonzogni C, Au Yang D, Mazur J-C, Voigt C, Ouani T, Afouda S, Wubda M, Mougin E, Soumaguel N, Tagesson T & Fensholt R
(2023) Validating the Use of VCOF-Crds for Precise & Accurate Triple Oxygen Isotope Analyses of CO2, H2O and Carbonates
Chaillot J, Daëron M, Pesnin M, Clauzel T, Casado M, Landais A & Kassi S
(2021) Triple Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Ocean Water from Mariana Trench
Lin Y, Wu N, Ta K, Landais A & Peng X
(2021) The Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Phytoliths, a Proxy of Relative Humidity: Impact of the Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Soil Water and Vegetation Type
Alexandre A, Outrequin C, Vallet-Coulomb C, Peugeot C, Afouda S, Couapel M, Landais A, Mazur J-C, Sonzogni C, Ouani T & Wubda M
(2021) Direct, Precise Measurements of Oxygen-17 Anomalies in CO2 Using VCOF-Crds
Chaillot J, Kassi S, Casado M, Landais A & Daëron M
(2018) New Developments at the Laboratory for Radiokrypton and Radioargon Dating at USTC
Jiang W, Yang G-M, Ritterbusch F, Chu Y-Q, Dong X-Z, Gu J-Q, Hu S-M, Landais A, Lipenkov V, Lu Z-T, Stenni B & Tong A
(2013) Quantification of the Role of Orbital and Millennial Timescale Processes on δ18O and 17Δ Signals
Reutenauer C, Landais A, Woillez M-N, Risi C, Braconnot P, Blunier T, Mariotti V & Kageyama M
(2013) A Precise Climatic Sequencing of the Penultimate Glacial Termination
Landais A, Dreyfus G, Capron E, Jouzel J, Masson-Delmotte V, Roche D, Prié F, Caillon N, Chappellaz J, Leuenberger M, Lourantou A, Parrenin F, Raynaud D & Teste G
(2013) Improvements of the Coherent and Precise Ice Core Dating Tool Datice: New Data and Parameterization
Bazin L, Landais A, Durand G, Ritz C, Montagnat M, Lemieux-Dudon B & Raynaud D
(2012) Combination of Water Isotopes to Improve Temperature Reconstruction
Landais A, Winkler R, Barkan E, Dapoigny A, Eykakin A, Falourd S, Fourre E, Jean-Baptiste P, Luz B, Minster B, Petit J-R, Prie F & Risi C
(2011) Spatial and Temporal Tritium Variability at Vostok Station
Fourre E, Jean-Baptiste P, Petit J-R, Lipenkov V, Winkler R & Landais A
(2011) How are Oceanic δ18O Changes Imprinted in Ice Core Records ?
Jouzel J, Hoffmann G, Landais A, Stenni B, Masson-delmotte V & Waelbroeck C

Landais G. (2015) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Analyses: Improvement and Application to Urban Aerosols
Au Yang D, Landais G, Assayag N, Bui TH, Wing B, Widory D & Cartigny P

Landais P. (2000) Constraints on the Paleoenvironement Interpretation of Steranes from Ancient Sediments
Fleck S, Michels R, Faure P, Schlepp L, Elie M, Ashkan S & Landais P

Landau K. (2012) Osmium Contamination of Seawater Samples Stored in Polyethylene Bottles
Sharma M, Chen C, Blazina T & Landau K

Landburg G.A. (2023) Mercury and Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in the Guianas: Insights from Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments
Martin LA, Maurice L, Diouf M, Landburg GA, Abielie J, Cameron C & Williams A
(2023) Multiple Exposure of Amerindian People to Toxic Metals: How Co-building the Communities Outreach and Empowerment?
Maurice L, Martin LA, Davy D, Laffont L, Decamp P-E, Lartigau F, Landburg GA, Abielie J & Williams A

Landeau M. (2021) Tidal Pull of the Earth Strips the proto-Moon of its Volatiles
Charnoz S, Sossi PA, Lee Y-N, Siebert J, Hyodo R, Allibert L, Landeau M, Oza A & Moynier F

Landenberger B. (2013) Initiation and 35 Myr Duration of S-Type Granitic Magmatism in an Accretionary Orogen
McKibbin S, Landenberger B, Collins B & Fanning M

Landes F. (2019) A City Built on a Mine: The Extent and Impacts of Residual Lead Contamination on Environmental Health in Kabwe, Zambia
Filippelli G, Wood L, Levy J, Hay MC, Mutiti S, Ericson B, van Geen A & Landes F
(2017) Developing and Deploying a Field kit for Lead in Soils in NYC and Peru
Landes F, Ponce-Canchihuamán JC, Inauen J, Markowski K, Ellis T & van Geen A

Landesman C. (2014) Determination and Speciation of Anthropogenic Tritium in the Loire River Estuary (France)
Péron O, Pastor L, Gegout C, Fourre E, Siclet F, Montavon G & Landesman C

Landin T. (2015) Nanoscale Investigation of Hydroxylapatite Formation in Alligator Gar Fish Scale
Livi K, Remasse Q, Bouchet-Marquis C, Mcclellan P, Lafferty B, Seiter J, Chen L, Landin T, Landis W, Sahai N, Brydson R & Hodo W

Landing William (2020) Relationship between Atmospheric Aerosol Mineral Surface Area and Iron Solubility
Ingall E, McDaniel MF, Morton P, Castorina E, Weber R, Shelley R, Landing W, Longo A, Feng Y & Lai B
(2019) The Air-Sea Chemical Exchange in the Arctic Ocean: Lessons Learned from the 2015 GN01 US GEOTRACES Cruise
Gao Y, Marcay C, Yu S, Fan S, Mukherjee P, Buck C & Landing W
(2017) Fluxes of Bio-Active Aerosol Trace Elements in the North Atlantic
Landing W, Shelley R, Ebling A & Morton P
(2017) Aerosol Deposition and Fractional Solubility of Trace Elements in the Remote Ocean
Buck C, Landing W, Aguilar-Islas A, Marsay C & Kadko D
(2017) Evaluation of Labile Iron Processing in Atmospheric Models
Ito A, Myriokefalitakis S, Kanakidou M, Mahowald N, Baker A, Jickells T, Sarin M, Bikkina S, Gao Y, Shelley R, Buck C, Landing W, Bowie A, Perron M, Meskhidze N, Johnson M, Feng Y & Duce R
(2017) Trace Elements in Aerosols, Rain, and the Sea-Surface Microlayer of the South Pacific Ocean Under Low Wind Conditions
Shelley R, Wyatt N & Landing W
(2016) The Magnesium Isotopic Composition of Cenozoic Planktonic Foraminifera
Dial A, Misra S, Salters V & Landing W
(2016) Quantifying the Deposition of Biologically-Essential Trace Elements from the Atmosphere to the Oceans: Impacts on Primary Production and Climate
Landing W
(2015) The Magnesium Isotopic Composition of Planktonic Foraminifera
Dial A, Misra S, Landing W & Salters V
(2015) Fe Isotope Ratios as a Tracer for Anthropogenic Aerosol Fe Sources
Conway T, Shelley R, Aguilar-Islas A, Landing W, Mahowald N & John S
(2013) Hg Isotope Fractionation Among Atmospheric Mercury Species Above a Coastal Suburban Environment (Pensacola, Florida, USA)
Perrot V, Eller V, Landing W & Salters V
(2010) Comparative Estimates of the Flux of Bioactive Trace Elements to the Upper Water Column in the Pacific Ocean
Milne A, Buck C, Measures C & Landing W
(2010) Development of a Dynamic Mercury Cycling Model for the Gulf of Mexico
Harris R, Pollman C, Landing W, Morey S, Dukhovskoy D & Axelrad D
(2009) Global Patterns of Dust Deposition Deduced from Dissolved Al in the Surface Ocean
Measures C, Landing B, Buck C, Brown M, Hiscock B, Grand M, Hatta M & Gosnell K

Landing William M. (2022) Atmospheric Deposition of Bio-Essential Trace Elements in the Southwestern Indian Ocean: Results from the 2021 Swings Research Cruise
Landing WM, Morton PL, Stephens M & Kadko D
(2021) Variability in Seawater Concentrations of Lithium
Steiner Z, Achterberg EP, Landing WM, Bohlin MS, Prakash S, Vinaychandran PN, Greaves M & Turchyn A(

Landing Site Selection Working Group T. (2017) Searching for Traces of Life with the ExoMars Rover: The What, When, and Where of Landing Sites
Vago JL, Westall F, Loizeau D, Sefton-Nash E, Svedhem H, Rodionov D, Landing Site Selection Working Group T & ExoMars Project Team T

Landis J (2005) Seasonal Mineralogical Transformations Influence Heavy Metal Release from Mine-Impacted Coeur d‚Alene River (ID) Wetlands
Bostick B, Landis J & Gehrke G

Landis Joshua (2018) Experiments on Radium Co-precipitation into Sulfates and its Implications for Radium Removal in Wastewater
Ouyang B, Feng X, Landis J, Warner N & Renock D
(2015) Reductive Weathering of Black Shale during Hydraulic Fracturing and Release of Barium
Renock D, Sharma M & Landis J

Landis Joshus (2014) Diagenetic Transformation of Barite to Pyrite: Clues from in situ S Isotopes in Devonian Marcellus Shale
Renock D, Sharma M, Whitehouse M, Landis J, Niu D & Symcox C

Landis M. (2010) Size and Element Specific Solubility of Aerosols from NE U.S. Sources
Graney J & Landis M

Landis Richard (2014) Interaction of Benthic Oligochaetes, T. tubifex, with Mercury Impacted Sediments
Offutt A, Schierz A, Landis R & Reible D
(2014) Measurement of Mercury Flux from a River Bank Environment
Bireta P, Reible D, Schierz A, Grundy J & Landis R

Landis Richard C. (2018) Application of Synchrotron-Based Spectroscopic Techniques and Laboratory Transport Studies to Understand Cycling of Mercury in a Riverine Environment
Wang AO, Elena KMA, Fellin S, Corriveau M, Ptacek CJ, Blowes DW, Finfrock Z, Paktunc D, Landis RC, Dyer JA, Mack EE & Grosso NR
(2013) Understanding Biogeochemical Transformation and Mobilization of Hg from River Bank Soils: South River, Virginia
Lazareva O, Sparks DL, Landis RC, Grosso NR, Collins J, Dyer JA, Ptacek C, Hicks S & Montgomery D
(2013) Novel Method for Compound Specific Stable Isotope Analysis of Contaminated Groundwater Across the Sediment-Water Interface
Passeport E, Chu K, Lacrampe Couloume G, Landis R, Lutz EJ, Mack EE, West K & Sherwood Lollar B
(2013) Field Sampling for Porewater Mercury and Methylmercury Using DGT
Reible D, Bireta P, Schierz A, Grundy J & Landis R
(2012) Characterization of Various Biochars Used for Mercury Treatment and Assessment of their Potential to Release Soluble Components
Liu P, Ptacek CJ, Blowes DW, Berti WR & Landis RC
(2012) Characterization of Hg Leaching from the Riverbank Sediments of the South River, VA
Paulson K, Desrochers K, Ptacek C, Blowes D, Gibson B, Landis R, Dyer J & Grosso N
(2012) The Characterization and Evaluation of Different Biochars as Reactive Materials for Mercury (II) Stabilization
Wang A, Liu P, Ptacek C, Blowes D, Landis R, Berti W & Dyer J
(2012) Stablization of Mercury in Riverbank Sediments of the South River, Virginia (U.S.A.)
Desrochers K, Ptacek C, Blowes D, Landis R, Dyer J, Berti W & Grosso N

Landis William (2014) High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Structure of Collagen Fibrils and Its Role in Vertebrate Skeletal Biomineralization
Xu Z, Yang Y, Zhao W, Wang Z, Landis W, Cui Q & Sahai N

Landis William (2015) Nanoscale Investigation of Hydroxylapatite Formation in Alligator Gar Fish Scale
Livi K, Remasse Q, Bouchet-Marquis C, Mcclellan P, Lafferty B, Seiter J, Chen L, Landin T, Landis W, Sahai N, Brydson R & Hodo W

Landkamer L. (2012) Sulfate Reduction and Methanogenesis in Coal Microcosms
Glossner A, Gallagher L, Landkamer L, Figueroa L, Munakata-Marr J & Mandernack K
(2010) Microbial Methanogenesis from a Consortium Enriched from the Powder River Basin, WY
Glossner A, Gallagher L, Landkamer L, Figueroa L, Munakata-Marr J & Mandernack K

Landl M. (2020) The Impact of Rhizosphere Soil Structure and Mucilage on Root Water Uptake – A Simulation Study
Landl M, Phalempin M, Vetterlein D, Schlueter S, Javaux M & Schnepf A

Landman N. (2020) Volatilized Extraterrestrial Zn Isotope Signatures in Marine and Terrestrial K-Pg Boundary Sites
Mathur R, Spencer M, Mahan B, Godfrey L, Garb M, E. Oboh-Ikuenobe F & Landman N

Landolfi A. (2015) Phosphorus Controls on Marine N2 Fixation
Oschlies A, Landolfi A, Rabouille S, Koeve W, Pahlow M & Somes C

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