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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Kägi Ralf (2015) Sorption Behavior of As on Iron Phases at a Migrating Redox Front
Neidhardt H, Berg M, Frising A, Stengel C, Winkel L, Kägi R, Trang P, Lan V & Viet P

Kagi Robert Ian (2002) Subsurface Carbocation Processes Revealed by Detailed Study of the Aromatic UCM
Warton B, Grice K, Alexander R & Kagi RI

Kagoshima T (2020) Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation between Metallic Melt and Silicate Melt
Li Y, Shi L, Kagoshima T, Sano Y, Gao Z, Sheng Z, Liu Y & Fei Y

Kagoshima Takanori (2021) High 3He/4He Ratios in Pore Fluids at the Outer Slope of the Japan Trench
Kagoshima T, Park J-O, Yamano M & Sano Y
(2021) Groundwater Anomaly Related to CCS-CO2 Injection and the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake in Japan
Sano Y, Kagoshima T, Takahata N, Shirai K, Park J-O, Snyder GT, Shibata T, Yamamoto J, Nishio Y, Chen A-T, Xu S, Zhao D & Pinti DL
(2020) Groundwater Oxygen Anomaly Related to the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake in Japan
Sano Y, Onda S, Kagoshima T, Miyajima T, Shibata T, Nakagawa C, Onoue T & Pinti D
(2020) Gas Geochemistry in Pohang, South Korea: Information on the Active Fault Distribution Near the EGS Site
Kim H, Lee H, Lee J, Lee HA, Woo NC, Lee Y-S, Kagoshima T, Takahata N & Sano Y
(2019) Two Kinds of Authigenic Xenotime Overgrowths in Response to an Early Paleozoic Tectonothermal Event in South China
Lan Z, Li X, Sano Y, Takahata N, Kagoshima T, Zhang S, Zhang G, Liao X, Tang X, Gu L & Mao Q
(2019) Helium Isotopes Reveal Continuous and Intensive Degassing in Kagoshima Bay, Japan
Escobar MT, Takahata N, Shirai K, Kagoshima T, Tanaka K, Obata H & Sano Y
(2019) Variation of Helium Isotopic Compositions Around Mashu, Japan
Kagoshima T, Sano Y & Tanaka A
(2018) Helium Isotopes in Lake Mashu, 2017
Kagoshima T, Sano Y & Tanaka A
(2018) Volatiles Degassing in Central Italy: From Subduction to Active Seismicity
Caracausi A, Chiaraluce L, Camarda M, DeGregorio S, Favara R, Kagoshima T & Sano Y
(2017) Groundwater Helium Anomaly Reflects Strain Change during the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake in Southwest Japan
Sano Y, Takahata N, Kagoshima T, Shibata T, Onoue T & Zhao D
(2016) Halogen Fluxes at Mid-Ocean Ridges and Budget in Surface Environments
Kagoshima T, Ruzié-Hamilton L, Burgess R, Takahata N & Sano Y
(2016) Spatial and Temporal Variations of Helium and Carbon Isotopes at Ontake Volcano, Japan
Sano Y, Kagoshima T, Takahata N, Ishida A, Tomonaga Y, Roulleau E, Pinti D, Fischer T, Lan T, Nishio Y & Tsunogai U
(2015) High Spatial Resolution Cl Isotope Analyses of Apatites Using NanoSIMS
Kagoshima T, Takahata N, Ishida A & Sano Y
(2013) Sulfur and Halogen Fluxes at Mid-Ocean Ridges: Estimations Based on Gas Compositions in MORB Vesicles
Kagoshima T, Sano Y, Takahata N & Marty B
(2012) Estimation of S, F, Br and Cl Fluxes at Mid Ocean Ridges
Kagoshima T, Sano Y, Takahata N, Jung J, Amakawa H & Kumagai H

Kah Linda (2017) Deciphering the Carbonate Record of Mesoproterozoic Biospheric Oxygenation: Insights from Chromium and Uranium Isotopes
Gilleaudeau G, Frei R, Kaufman A, Luo G, Romaniello S, Zhang F, Klaebe R, Sahoo S, Kah L, Azmy K, Bartley J, Chernyavskiy P, Knoll A & Anbar A

Kah Linda C. (2023) Provenance and Diagenesis of Martian Sedimentary Rocks in the Jezero Crater Delta Front from Microscale Observations by the Mars 2020 PIXL Instrument
Hurowitz J, Tice MM, Allwood A, Cable M, Bosak T, Broz A, Caravaca G, Clark BC, Dehouck E, Fairen AG, Gomez F, Grotzinger JP, Gupta S, Johnson JR, Kah LC, Kalucha H, Labrie J, Li AY, Mandon L, Núñez J, Pedersen DAK, Poulet F, Randazzo N, Scheller EL, Schmidt M, Shuster DL, Siebach K, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Tosca NJ, Treiman A, VanBommel SJ, Wade LA, Williford KH & Yanchilina A
(2021) Perseverance Rover Notional Caches for Mars Sample Return
Hickman-Lewis K, Herd CDK, Bosak T, Stack KM, Sun VZ, Benison KC, Cohen BA, Czaja AD, Debaille V, Hausrath EM, Mayhew LE, Moynier F, Sephton MA, Shuster DL, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Weiss BP, Smith CL, Steele A, Flannery D, Goreva YS, Gupta S, Kah LC, Minitti ME, McLennan SM, Madariaga JM, Brown AJ, Williford KH & Farley KA
(2015) Chromium Isotopes in Carbonates Constrain Mesoproterozoic Atmospheric pO2 Levels
Gilleaudeau GJ, Frei R, Kaufman AJ, Kah LC, Azmy K, Bartley JK & Knoll AH
(2015) The Chromium Isotopic Composition of an Early to Middle Ordovician Marine Carbonate Platform, Eastern Precordillera, San Juan, Argentina
D'Arcy J, Frei R, Gilleaudeau G, Peralta S, Kah L & Gaucher C
(2014) Trace Elements in Carbonates as Tracers of Earth’s O2 Evolution?
Liu X-M, Hazen R, Kah L & Sverjensky D
(2014) Challenges of Modeling the Marine Sulfur Cycle in Deep Time
Kah L
(2014) Trace Element Proxies for Oceanic and Atmospheric Chemical Evolution: Deep-Time, Data-Driven Discovery
Hazen RM, Liu X, Sverjensky DA, Downs RT, Golden J & Kah L
(2012) Mercury Isotopes in the Precambrian
Bergquist BA, Ghosh S, Ono S, Hazen RM, Sverjensky D, Papineau D, Kah LC & Joel B
(2010) Sulfur Cycling in an Early to Middle Ordovician Greenhouse Climate
Thompson CK, Kah LC & Harrelson K
(2005) Using the Multiple Isotopes of Sulfur to Constrain Microbial Processes in the Proterozoic Ocean
Johnston D, Farquhar J, Wing B, Lyons T, Kah L, Strauss H & Canfield D
(2004) Carbonate-Associated Sulfate as a Paleoceanographic Proxy: An Update
Lyons T, Gill B, Shim M, Frank T, Hurtgen M, Saltzman M, Gellatly A & Kah L
(2002) Reduced Sulfate Concentrations in the Mesoproterozoic Ocean
Lyons T, Kah LC, Gellatly AM & Frank TD

Kah M. (2017) Transformation of Copper-Based Nano Materials in Soils
Laycock A, Gerstmann B, Tepe N, Kah M, Hofmann T & von der Kammer F
(2013) Evaluating Possible Risks and Benefits of Nanopesticides Application
Kah M, Beulke S, Tiede K & Hofmann T
(2011) Influence of Humic Acids on Pyrene Sorption by Carbon Nanotubes
Zhang X, Kah M & Hofmann T

Kaheni S. (2005) Genetic Model Formation of Bimetasomatic Skarns from Australia
Mazaheri SA & Kaheni S

Kahil K. (2016) Molecular-Functional Insights into Biomimetic Pathways
Kababya S, Gal A, Kahil K, Weiner S, Addadi L & Schmidt A

Kahit F.Z.

Kahl M. (2022) Linking Diffusion Chronometry to Geophysical Indicators of Volcanic Unrest – Insights from the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Eruption
Kahl M, Mutch EJF, Maclennan J, Morgan D, Couperthwaite F, Bali E, Thordarson T, Guðfinnsson GH, Walshaw R, Buisman I, Buhre S, van der Meer QHA, Caracciolo A, Marshall EW, Rasmussen M, Gallagher CR, Moreland W, Höskuldsson Á & Askew RA
(2021) Magma Storage Dynamics in Off-Rift Volcanic Systems in Western Iceland: Insights from the Snæfellsnes Volcanic Zone (SNVZ)
Kahl M, Bali E, Guðfinnsson GH, Neave DA, Ubide T, van der Meer QHA & Matthews S
(2019) Constraining P-T-X-T Paths of Magma Storage and Migration in the Snæfellsnes Volcanic Belt (SVB), W-Iceland
Kahl M, Bali E, Guðfinnsson GH & Neave DA
(2013) Characterizing Magma Migration Dynamics beneath Mt. Etna Using Combined Kinetic and Thermodynamic (MELTS) Modelling
Kahl M, Chakraborty S, Costa F & Pompilio M
(2009) Tracing Magma Mixing Under Mt. Etna Using Combined Thermodynamic and Kinetic Modeling
Kahl M, Costa F & Chakraborty S
(2007) The 1991-1993 Eruption of Mt. Etna: Timescales and Nature of Magma Recharge and Mixing
Kahl M, Costa F & Chakraborty S

Kahl W-A. (2020) Crystal Surface Reactivity Analysis Across Scales: Combined Experimental and Numerical Insight
Fischer C, Kahl W-A, Yuan T, Bollermann T & Bach W
(2020) Microbially Mediated Alteration of Basaltic Tephra from Surtsey Volcano, Iceland
Türke A, Jørgensen S, Bach W, Kahl W-A & Hansen C
(2017) Upscaling of Dissolution Rate Contributors from the Atomic Scale to the Macroscopic Scale
Fischer C, Kurganskaya I, Kahl W-A, Bollermann T, Prüße F, Bach W & Luttge A
(2014) Low-Temperature Serpentinization Produces Abundant Hydrogen within the Temperature Limits of Life
Klein F, Bach W, Humphris SE, Kahl W-A, Jöns N, Moskowitz B & Berquó TS
(2013) Rocky Constraints on Catabolic Energy Supply in the Subseafloor
Bach W, Kahl W-A, Jöns N, Türke A & Plümper O
(2011) Polyphase Serpentinization History of Mariana Forearc Mantle: Observations on Ultramafic Clasts from ODP Leg 195, Site 1200
Kahl W-A, Jöns N, Bach W & Klein F

Kahle D. (2018) A Re-evaluation of Paleosol Elemental Proxies for Climate Through Cross-Validation and Machine Learning
Lukens W, Stinchcomb G, Nordt L, Driese S, Kahle D & Tubbs J

Kahle E. (2017) Continuous, High-Resolution Measurements of 17O Excess of H2O from Ice Cores
Steig E, Schauer A, Kahle E, White J, Vaughn B, Jones T, Morris V & Thayer A

Kahmen A. (2017) Hydrogen Isotopes Link Plant Waxes to Rapid Atmospheric Transfer and Deposition
Nelson DB, Ladd SN & Kahmen A
(2015) Constraining Source Water and Biosynthetic Hydrogen Isotope Effects in Leaf Waxes on a Continental Scale
Nelson D & Kahmen A
(2014) Biochemical Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation during N-Alkanes Biosynthesis in Higher Plants
Cormier M-A & Kahmen A
(2014) Ecophysiological Mechanisms that Determine the Leaf Wax N-Alkane δ2H Values of C3 and C4 Grasses
Gamarra B, Sachse D & Kahmen A
(2014) A Dual-Biomarker Approach to Quantitative Paleohydrology
Sachse D, Rach O & Kahmen A
(2014) Quantification of Relative Humidity and Isotopic Composition of Precipitation Using Combined δ2H and δ18O Analyses on Lipid and Sugar Biomarkers
Tuthorn M, Zech R, Ruppenthal M, Oelmann Y, Kahmen A, del Valle HF, Eglinton T & Zech M
(2014) Variable Concentration and δ2H Values of N-Alkanes in Different Organs of Grasses from Alpine and Temperate Grasslands
Gamarra B & Kahmen A
(2013) Towards Quantitative Paleohydrology: Reconstructing Changes in Relative Humidity from Lipid Biomarker δD Values
Sachse D, Rach O, Kahmen A, Wilkes H & Brauer A

Kahn B. (2012) Kinetics of Rb Isotope Equilibration in Savannah River Site Soils
Elliott WC, Krogstad E, Wampler JM, Kahn B, Kaplan D & Zaunbrecher L

Kahn R. (2011) Smoke Aerosol Emission Source Analysis from Satellite and Airborne Measurements
Ichoku C, Gatebe C & Kahn R
(2009) Aerosol Indirect Effects from Satellite: Skeptics vs. Optimists
Remer L, Kahn R & Koren I
(2009) Possibilities and Challenges in Using Satellite Aerosol Data for Surface Air Quality Studies
Chin M, Yu H, Kahn R, Remer L, Diehl T, Prados A & Leptoukh G

Kahng S. (2022) Raman Analysis of Hawaiian Octocoral Mg-Calcite Lattice Disorder along a Natural Depth Gradient
Conner K, Sharma SK, Uchiyama R, Tanaka K, Sugihara N, Shirai K & Kahng S
(2021) Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Octocoral Skeletal Mg Dynamics along a Natural Depth Gradient, Kona Coast, Hawai'i
Conner K, Sharma S, Uchiyama R, Tanaka K, Shirai K & Kahng S
(2020) Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Precious Coral Mg-Calcite Geochemistry: Kinetic Effects and Natural Gradients
Conner K, Kahng S, Egan M & Sharma S
(2016) Geochemical Study on Precious Coral Skeletons: Effects of Biomineralization and Environmental Variation
Tanaka K, Ishida A, Takahata N, Dueñas L, Shirai K, Watanabe T, Kahng S & Sano Y

Kahou Z.S. (2019) First U-Pb LA-ICP-MS in situ Dating of Supergene Copper Mineralization: Case Study in Chuquicamata Mining District, Atacama Desert, Chile
Kahou ZS, Brichau S, Poujol M, Duchene S, Campos E, D'ABZAC F-X, Riquelme R & Carretier S

Kahru M. (2018) A Story of Decoupling: A Synthesis of Export Processes in the California Current Ecosystem
Kelly T, Kahru M, Kranz S, Georicke R & Stukel M

Kahya A. (2013) Geochemical and Mineralogical Properties of Harzburgite and Dunite in Margı (NE Eskisehir) Area
Kahya A & Kuscu M

Kai H. (2006) Organic geochemistry of a potential precursor for petroleum generation: Devonian Liptobiolith in Luquan, southwestern China
Liu W, Lu X, Qin J, Zhiming L & Kai H
(2004) Organic Geochemistry of FanKou Super-Large Pb-Zn Deposit, North Guangdong, South China
Su J, Kai H & Kuang L
(2004) Characterization of Organic Matter Associated with Gold Mineralization of the Jinshan Gold Deposit, Jiangxi Province, South China
Kai H, Chensheng Y & Jianping Z

Kai Z. (2023) The Crustal Filter in Magmatic Distillation Columns Across Tectonic Settings
Bachmann O & Kai Z

Kaiden H (2006) Did aqueous alteration reset radiometric ages of shergottites?
Misawa K, Kaiden H & Noguchi T

Kaiden Hiroshi (2016) Ages of Pre-Mare Magmatism Recorded in Zircons and Baddeleyites of Lunar Meteorite NWA 4485
Arai T, Misawa K, Tomiyama T, Niihara T, Yoshitake M, Yokoyama T, Kaiden H & Irving A
(2013) Influence of Surface Condition on Data Quality of U-Pb Zircon Dating
Takehara M, Horie K, Hokada T, Kaiden H & Kiyokawa S

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