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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Katzir Y. (2022) Magmatic Volatiles Episodically Flush Oceanic Hydrothermal Systems: Evidence from the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
Katzir Y, Fox S, Bach W, Schlicht L & Glessner J
(2022) The Timing of Migmatization in the Northern Arabian-Nubian Shield: Evidence for a Juvenile Sedimentary Component in Collision-Related Batholiths
Elisha B, Katzir Y & Haviv I
(2020) Sediment-Hosted Cu Mineralization and Dolomitization by Deep Basinal Fluids in the Timna-Faynan Ore Deposits, S Israel and Jordan
ElIyahu A, Katzir Y & Muchez P
(2020) From Roots to Vents: Magmatic Fluids Episodically Flush Oceanic Hydrothermal Systems
Fox S, Katzir Y, Bach W, Schlicht L & Glessner J
(2019) Examining 87Sr/86Sr Isotope Ratios Using LA-MC-ICP-MS in Biogenic and Hydrothermally Derived Minerals: Analytical Challenges and New Insights
Glessner J, Willmes M, Griffin J, Zierenberg R, Fox S, Katzir Y, Montanez I & Lesher C
(2019) The Origin of Oceanic Granites: A View from Zircon of the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
Katzir Y, Morag N, Golan T, Coble M, Kitajima K & Valley J
(2018) Syn-Metamorphic Fluids as Sources of Rare Element Pegmatites: B Isotopes, Fluid Inclusions and U-Pb Petrochronology of the Late Pan-African Elat Metamorphic Complex, S Israel
Elisha B, Katzir Y, Vapnik Y, Williams L, Kylander-Clark A & Dvir O
(2018) The Influence of Exsolved Magmatic Fluids in Back-Arc Crust: Epidosites and Base Metals
Fox S, Katzir Y, Bach W & Schlicht L
(2018) Hot Early Intra-Oceanic Subduction beneath the Troodos Ophiolite: Rutile Petrochronology of the Agia Varvara Formation, Western Cyprus
Katzir Y, Golan T, Haviv I, Elisha B & Kylander-Clark A
(2017) Tracking Crustal Melting with Monazite and Xenotime: Migmatites of the Northern Arabian-Nubian Shield
Katzir Y, Elisha B, Kylander-Clark A & Eyal Y
(2017) U-Pb Ages of Fault-Related Calcite from Mt. Hermon: Prominent Mid-Miocene Faulting along a Newly-Formed Plate Boundary
Oren O, Nuriel P, Haviv I & Katzir Y
(2016) Rutile (U-Th)/He Thermochronology Constrains the Initial Emplacement of the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
Golan T, Haviv I & Katzir Y
(2013) Syn-Variscan Anorogenic Volcanism in Northern Gondwana: SIMS U-Pb Ages and REE Patterns of Zircon from Deep Borehole in Coastal Israel
Golan T, Katzir Y & Coble M
(2013) B and O Isotopes as Tracers of Serpentinization along Fossil Oceanic Detachments, Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
Elisha B, Katzir Y, Abelson M, Agostini S, Valley J & Spikuzza M
(2012) Anatexis in K-Poor and Si-Rich Migmatites
Anenburg M & Katzir Y
(2011) The Origin of Naxos Migmatites: SIMS U-Pb and O Isotope Analysis of Zircon
Katzir Y, Be'eri-Shlevin Y, Wooden J, Valley J, Kitajima K & Grimes C
(2010) Oxygen Isotope Ratios in Mantle Xenoliths (Mt. Carmel, Israel): Implications for Thermometry and Sources of Alkaline Mafic Magmas
Kaminchik J, Katzir Y, Spicuzza MJ, Valley JW & Segev A
(2009) A Fossil Oceanic Core Complex in the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus: Field and Isotope Evidence
Katzir Y, Nuriel P, Abelson M, Valley JW, Matthews A, Spicuzza MJ & Ayalon A
(2008) Oxygen Isotope Evidence for Diverse Origins of Post Pan-African A-Type Granites in Southern Israel (Arabian Nubian Shield)
Steinitz A, Katzir Y, Valley J & Spicuzza M
(2007) Single-Grain Bulk Hf and in situ O Isotopes as Indicators of Crustal Recyling in Magmas of the Northern Arabian-Nubian Shield
Be'eri-Shlevin Y, Katzir Y, Blichert-Toft J & Whitehouse M
(2002) Oxygen Isotope Variations in Cycladic Eclogites: Assessing the Significance of Zircon Ages
Katzir Y, Bröcker M, Valley JW & Spicuzza MJ

Katzlberger C. (2011) 129I as Atmospheric Tracer
Jabbar T, Steier P, Wallner G, Kandler N & Katzlberger C

Katzman D. (2023) Do Polymer-Based Adjuvants Reduce Airborne Pesticide Drift and Mitigate Human Exposure Risk?
Dubowski Y & Katzman D

Katzmarzyk J. (2018) Quantification of Mineralogical Heterogenity in Peralkaline Complex Hosted Rare Metal (REE-Y-Zr-Hf-Nb) Deposits and the Impact on Mineral Processing
Gronen L, Sindern S, Katzmarzyk J, Hellmann A, Bormann U, Wotruba H & Meyer FM

Kaucha K. (2021) The Impact of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) on the Distribution of Selected Radionuclides in the Sediments of Two Pit Lakes in the Muskau Arch (Western Poland)
Sekudewicz I, Matoušková Š, Rohovec J, Kaucha K & Gąsiorowski M

Kaudse T. (2011) Noble Gases Used as an Indicator of Groundwater Mixing in Azraq, Jordan
Kaudse T & Aeschbach-Hertig W

Kauffman R. (2016) Two-Stage Exhumation of Greater Himalayan Rocks: P-T-t-D Results from Mid-Crustal Rocks of Central and Eastern Bhutan
Gordon S, Zamora C, Kauffman R, Long S, Agustsson K, Gonzales-Clayton B & Kylander-Clark A

Kaufhold S. (2010) Ca-Isotope Fractionation during Interaction with Clay Minerals
Ockert C, Teichert B, Kaufhold S & Gussone N

Kaufman Alan (2020) Redox Changes Across the Hangenberg Event (Devonian- Carboniferous Boundary), Bakken Formation, North Dakota, USA
Sahoo S, Kaufman A, Gilleaudeau G, Bowman A, Hlava K, Hallam V & Hart B

Kaufman Alan J (2023) 13CH3D and 12CH2D2 Clumped Isotopes of Air as a Tool for Understanding Atmospheric Methane Sources and Sinks
Haghnegahdar MA, Sun J, Hultquist N, Hamovit N, Yarwood SA, Kaufman AJ, Bouyon A, Magen C & Farquhar J
(2023) Eustacy, Euxinia and Extinction during the Devonian-Carboniferous Transition
Sahoo SK, Gilleaudeau G & Kaufman AJ
(2022) An Insight into Atmospheric Methane Sources and Sinks Using 13CH3D & 12CH2D2 Clumped Isotopes
Haghnegahdar MA, Hultquist N, Sun J, Dickerson RR, Magen C, Kaufman AJ, Hamovit N, Scott JG, Yarwood S, Chowdhury TR, Bouyon A & Farquhar J
(2022) Clay Mineral and Isotopic Evidence for Widespread Restricted, Evaporitic Conditions during the Deposition of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation
Han S, Löhr S, Abbott A, Baldermann A, Voigt M, Cui H, Chen B, Farkas J, Shields GA & Kaufman AJ
(2021) Neoproterozoic Carbon Isotope Positive Anomalies: Primary or Secondary? Global or Regional?
Cui H, Kaufman AJ, Warren LV, Uhlein G, Okubo J & Liu X-M
(2021) Using 13CH3D & 12CH2D2 Clumped Isotopes for a Better Understanding of Atmospheric Methane Sources and Sinks
Haghnegahdar M, Hultquist N, Kaufman AJ, Yarwood SA, Bouyon A & Farquhar J
(2021) Probing the Ediacaran Shuram Excursion by SIMS: Depositional or Diagenetic? Global or Local?
Cui H, Kitajima K, Orland IJ, Xiao S, Kaufman AJ, Baele J-M, Denny A, Spicuzza MJ, Fournelle JH & Valley JW

Kaufman Alan Jay (2017) Understanding the Interplay between S Source and Metal Availability in the Archean: An Example from the Jeerinah Formation
Gregory D, Olson S, Large R, Zhukova I, Kaufman A & Lyons T
(2017) Deciphering the Carbonate Record of Mesoproterozoic Biospheric Oxygenation: Insights from Chromium and Uranium Isotopes
Gilleaudeau G, Frei R, Kaufman A, Luo G, Romaniello S, Zhang F, Klaebe R, Sahoo S, Kah L, Azmy K, Bartley J, Chernyavskiy P, Knoll A & Anbar A
(2015) Chromium Isotopes in Carbonates Constrain Mesoproterozoic Atmospheric pO2 Levels
Gilleaudeau GJ, Frei R, Kaufman AJ, Kah LC, Azmy K, Bartley JK & Knoll AH
(2014) Ni Isotopes in the Archaean Mount McRae Black Shale
Spivak-Birndorf L, Wasylenki L & Kaufman AJ
(2011) Marine Redox Conditions and Sulfur Cycling during the Deposition of the 2.3 Ga Timeball Hill Formation
Diekrup D, Kaufman AJ, Kendall B & Strauss H
(2010) Boron Speciation and Isotope Systematics in Seawater, Biological and Inorganic Carbonates
Klochko K, Kim S-T, Foster GL, Cody G, Tossell JA, Farquhar J & Kaufman AJ
(2009) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Measurements from the 2.4 Ga Old Seidorechka Formation
Reuschel M, Strauss H, Lepland A, Melezhik V, Cartigny P & Kaufman AJ
(2008) Re-evaluating Boron Speciation in Biogenic Calcite and Aragonite Using 11B MAS NMR
Klochko K, Cody G, Tossell JA, Dera P & Kaufman AJ
(2008) Light Mo Isotopic Signatures in Chesapeake Bay Sediments
Scheiderich K, Dolor M, Helz G, Walker R & Kaufman AJ
(2007) A Whiff of Oxygen Before the Great Oxidation Event?
Anbar A, Duan Y, Lyons T, Arnold G, Kendall B, Creaser R, Kaufman AJ, Gordon G, Garvin J & Buick R
(2007) Isotopic Evidence for Mid-Archean Anoxia
Farquhar J, Peters M, Johnston D, Strauss H, Masterson A, Wiechert U & Kaufman J
(2007) Late Archean Biospheric Oxygenation and Atmospheric Evolution
Kaufman A, Johnston D, Farquhar J, Masterson A, Lyons T, Bates S, Anbar A, Arnold G, Garvin J & Buick R
(2005) Ion Microprobe Carbon Isotope Analysis of Archean Microfossils?
Kaufman A, Xiao S & Yin L
(2005) Reconciling Isotope Effects of SO<->2<$> Photolysis with the Archean Record of Sulfur Multiple Isotopes
Wing B, Lyons J, Ono S, Farquhar J, Jonasson I & Kaufman A
(2002) D33S, δ34S and δ13C Constraints on the Paleoproterozoic Atmosphere during the Earliest Huronian Glaciation
Wing B, Brabson E, Farquhar J, Kaufman AJ, Rumble Iii D & Bekker A
(2002) Significance of Sea-Floor Barite Cements in Marinoan-Age Post-Glacial Cap Carbonates
Hoffman PF, Van Dusen A, Halverson GP, Saenz J, Kaufman AJ & Schrag DP
(2001) A Potential Constraint on Proterozoic CO2 Levels by in situ Carbon-Isotopic Analyses of Organic-Walled Microfossils
Kaufman AJ & Xiao S
(2000) Variation of Palaeoclimate in the Eastern Mediterranean Region – as Derived from Speleothems in Various Climate Regimes in Israel
Bar-Matthews M, Gilmour M, Ayalon A, Vax A, Kaufmann A, Frumkin A & Hawkesworth C

Kaufman D. (2015) Clumped Isotope Systematics in Lacustrine and Fluvial Carbonates: A Tool for Paleohydrology, Paleoclimate, Paleoenvironment, and Paleoaltimetry
Tripati A, Mering J, Petryshyn V, Mitsunaga B, Wilson J, Eagle R, Kaufman D, Cohen A, Dunbar R, Russell J & Oviatt C

Kaufman J. (2014) Unique Sulfur Isotope Signatures in Neoarchean Carbonates
Zhelezinskaia I, Farquhar J, Kaufman J & Cliff J
(2014) The Effect of Particle Size on the Supercritical CO2 Extraction of Hydrocarbons from the Marcellus Shale
Jarboe P, Candela P, Zhu W & Kaufman J
(2013) An Abrupt Change in the Nitrogen Cycle and Redox Conditions of Surface Environments in Ediacaran-Cambrian as Recorded in Carbonate Associated Nitrate (CAN)
Prokopenko M, Corsetti F, Gaines R, Loyd S, Kaufman J & Berelson W

Kaufman M. (2023) Respiration Partitioning Across the Yakima River Basin
Kaufman M, Delgado D, Barnes M, Boehnke B, Chen X, Cornwell K, Forbes B, Fulton S, Garayburu-Caruso V, Goldman A, Gonzalez B, Grieger S, Hammond G, Jiang P, Laan M, Li B, Li Z, McKever S, Mudunuru M, Muller K, Myers-Pigg AN, Otenburg O, Pelly A, Peta K, Regier P, Renteria L, Roebuck A, Scheibe T, Son K, Torgeson J, Hall R, Zheng J & Stegen J
(2019) Cascading Disequilibrium: A Glimpse into Dynamic Hydro-Biogeochemical Processes in Hyporheic Zones
Cardenas MB, Liu X, Chen X, Ferencz S, Munoz S, Kaufman M, Li B, Turetcaia A, Zheng L, Brown J, Graham E, Mohrig D, Neilson B, Stegen J & Wang L

Kaufmann Andreas B. (2020) In situ Determination of Sb Isotopes by fs-LA-MC-ICP-MS
Kaufmann AB, Lazarov M, Weyer S & Majzlan J
(2019) Compositional Transition in the Shallow Eifel Plume: Evidence from Pb Isotope and Elemental Variations
Kaufmann AB, Galer SJG & Mertz DF

Kaufmann Andreas Benjamin (2023) Antimony Release and Isotope Fractionation during Leaching of Stibnite (Sb2S3): An Experimental Study
Kaufmann AB, Lazarov M, Majzlan J & Weyer S
(2022) Antimony Isotope Signature of Hydrothermal Ore Formation and Weathering of Antimony Ore Deposits
Kaufmann AB, Lazarov M & Majzlan J
(2021) Antimony and Cu Isotope Variations in the Sb-Au Orogenic Deposit Dúbrava (Slovakia)
Kaufmann AB, Lazarov M, Weyer S, Kiefer S & Majzlan J

Kaufmann Anne (2018) Element Partitioning at the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition in a Shallow Plutonic System
Kaufmann A, Pettke T & Baumgartner L

Kaufmann Anne K.C. (2021) Investigating the Contribution of Atmospheric Sources to the Mo Surface Cycle
O'Sullivan E, Nägler TF, Waber N, Pierret M-C & Kaufmann AKC
(2021) The Fate of Ore Metals with Progressive Magma Evolution
Kaufmann AKC, Pettke T & Baumgartner LP

Kaufmann B. (2004) The Numerical Age of the Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary Based on U-Pb Ages of Single Zircons
Trapp E, Kaufmann B, Mezger K, Korn D & Weyer D

Kaufmann Felix (2019) Stable Isotopes Constraints on Crystal Mush Processes in Layered Intrusions: Crystal Growth vs. Diffusion?
Albert C, Williams H, Kaufmann F, Hecht L & Jenner F

Kaufmann Felix E.D. E.D. (2021) Oxygen Isotope Variability in Unmelted Micrometeorites from the Sør Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica
Van Maldeghem F, Soens B, Kaufmann FEDED, van Ginneken M, Hecht L, Claeys P & Goderis S
(2021) Tracing Magma Emplacement Processes by Microstructural and Mineral Compositional Variations: An Example from the Unit 7–8 Boundary Zone of the Rum Layered Intrusion, NW Scotland
Kaufmann FED, O'Driscoll B & Hecht L
(2021) Connate Brine Incorporation into the Bushveld Magmas as Evidenced by Hydrogen and Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Phlogopite from the UG2 Chromitite
Zhou H, Trumbull RB, Veksler IV, Bindeman IN, Glodny J, Kaufmann FED & Rammlmair D

Kaufmann L. (2020) Analyses of Extraterrestrial Samples Using Quadrupole ICP-MS
Wombacher F, Braukmüller N, Kaufmann L, Abouchami W, Münker C & Bischoff A

Kauker F. (2019) Pacific Water Pathways Through the Arctic Ocean
Dodd PA, Hattermann T, Karcher M, Kauker F, Summates H & Stedmon C

Kauko H. (2016) Observations of Arctic Sea Ice and Ocean Biogeochemistry in the New Thinner Ice Era: The N-Ice2015 Drift Ice Expedition
Granskog M, Assmy P, Duarte P, Fernandez-Mendez M, Fransson A, Kauko H, Mørk Olsen L, Chierici M, Nomura D, Mundy C-J & Steen H

Kaukurauee K. (2020) Winter and Spring Trace Metals at the Antarctic Marginal Sea Ice Interfaces
Menzel Barraqueta J-L, Samanta S, Loock JC, Cloete R, Viljoen JJ, Mahieu L, Krisch S, Kaukurauee K, Bernhard W, Fietz S & Roychoudhury A

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