Kadi K.
Origin of the Neoproterozoic Zircon Inheritance in the Arabian Shield
Jeon H, Whitehouse M & Kadi K
Kadik A.
Redox Conditions of Formation of Osmium-Rich Alloys from Dunite and Chromitite of the Guli Massif (Maimecha-Kotui Province, Russia)
Malitch K, Kadik A, Badanina I & Zharkova E
Role of Hydrogen and Oxygen Fugacity in Incorporation of Nitrogen in Reduced Magmas of the Early Earth’s Mantle
Kadik A & Litvin Y
Magmatic Transport of Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Carbon Constituents from Reduced Planetary Interiors
Kadik A & Litvin Y
Solubility of H and C in Reduced Melts at fO2’s in Area of the Fe Alloy Stability
Kadik A & Litvin Y
The Dissolution of Hydrogen and Carbon in the Reduced Silicate Melt
Kadik A, Pineau F, Litvin Y & Javoy M
Formation of Carbon and Hydrogen Species in Magmas at Low Oxygen Fugacity
Kadik A, Pineau F, Litvin Y, Jendrzejewski N, Martinez I & Javoy M
The Oxygen Budget of the Earth and the Oxidation State of the Archean Upper Mantle
Kadik A
Kadil'nikov P.
Ediacaran Magmatism in the Evolution of the Transform Active Continental Margin of the Siberian Craton: Geochemistry, Geochronology and Geodynamics
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Kadil'nikov P, Li Z-X, Wilde S, Romanova I & Travin A
Late Ediacarian Adakites from the Yenisey Ridge Orogen, Western Framing of the Siberian Craton: Petrology and Tectonic Setting
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Kadil'nikov P & Romanova I
Kadilnikov P.
Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Tectonic Setting of Late Neoproterozoic Adakites and Gabbro-Anorthosites from Zimovey Massif (Southwestern Framing of the Siberian Craton)
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Kadilnikov P, Matushkin N & Romanova I
Kadimesetty H.S.
Hydrocarbon Biodegradation and Bacterial Succession in Surface and Seafloor Pressure Incubations
Lincoln SA, Valladares Juárez AG, Schedler M, Kadimesetty HS, Müller R, Macalady JL & Freeman KH
Kading T.
Using Thallium Isotopes to Trace Slab Fluxes in the Aleutian Arc
Nielsen S, Kading T, Blusztajn J, Plank T, Prytulak J & Yogodzinski G
Mercury Species and Thiols from GEOTRACES Cruises in the North and South Atlantic Ocean
Bowman K, Kading T, Swarr G, Lamborg C, Hammerschimdt C & Rijkenberg M
Kadioglu S.
Displaying the Internal Structures of Midas Monument Remained via GPR and Determination their Petrographic and Mineralogical Properties via Confocal Raman Spectroscopy: Central Anatolia, Eskişehir, Turkey
Kadioglu S & Kadioglu YK
Determination the Step of Karst Formation Using GPR and Raman Spectroscopy Methods, South East Anatolia, Turkey
Kadioglu S & Kadioglu YK
Kadioğlu Y.K.
Late Mesozoic Intrusives and their Nature in the Evolution of Eastern Europe: Strandja Massif, NW Turkey
Ulusoy E & Kadioglu YK
Type and Formation of Cancrinite within the Alkaline Intrusive Rocks: Özvatan (Kayseri)–Turkey
Deniz K, Kadioglu YK, Koralay T & Gullu B
Multispectroscopic Applications for the Determination of Serpentine Minerals from Different Geologic Environments (SW-Turkey)
Koralay T, Deniz K, Güllü B & Kadıoğlu YK
Nature of Mafic Intrusions in Central Anatolia, Turkey
Kadioglu YK, Deniz K, Koralay T & Gullu B
Displaying the Internal Structures of Midas Monument Remained via GPR and Determination their Petrographic and Mineralogical Properties via Confocal Raman Spectroscopy: Central Anatolia, Eskişehir, Turkey
Kadioglu S & Kadioglu YK
Petrogenetic Implications of Yörükkaracaören Sub-Volcanic Rocks (Eskişehir-Turkey)
Gullu B, Kadioglu YK, Deni̇z K & Koralay T
Petrology and Origin of Yozgat Intrusive Complex: Central Anatolia, Turkey
Akçe MA & Kadıoğlu YK
Petrology and Raman Characterization of Leucitites within the Ultrapotassic Rocks: Afyon, NW Turkey
Deniz K, Kadioglu YK, Koralay T, Gullu B, Akce MA & Kilic CO
Determination the Step of Karst Formation Using GPR and Raman Spectroscopy Methods, South East Anatolia, Turkey
Kadioglu S & Kadioglu YK
Origin of High-K Ignimbrite in the Miocene Volcanism Surrounding Uşak Region (Western Turkey): Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd Isotopic Evidence
Koralay T, Kadıoglu YK, Jiang SY, Deniz K & Güllü B
Geochemical Characteristic of Felsic Dykes within the Karakaya (Kaymaz) Granite Eskişehir, Turkey
Gullu B, Kadioglu YK, Zoroglu O, Koralay T, Deniz K & Kilic CO
Diamond Bearing Mantle Xenoliths in Alkaline Basalts: Karacadağ Volcano, South East Anatolia, Turkey
Kadioglu YK
Monitoring of Plagiogranite of the Yeşilova Ophiolite: Geochemistry and Confocal Raman Spectroscopy, Southwest Anatolia, Turkey
Koralay T & Kadioğlu YK
Geochronology of Cenozoic Intrusive Rocks of NW Anatolia: Topkaya-Eskişehir, TURKEY
Güllü B & Kadıoğlu YK
Differentiation of Ophiolitic and Nonophiolitic Gabbros Using Confocal Raman Spectroscopy: Central Anatolia Turkey
Kadioğlu YK, Koralay T, Zoroglu O, Gullu B, Akce MA, Deniz K & Yildirim B
Confocal Raman Spectroscopic Characteristic of Pseudoleucite in Alkaline Intrusive Rocks: Central Anatolia, Turkey
Deniz K & Kadioğlu YK
Integrated 3D Visualization of GPR Data and EM-61 Data
Kadioglu S & Daniels J
Petrogenesis of Tahir (Beypazari) Granitoids: Ankara- Turkey
Ugur M & Kadioglu Y
Nature of Beypazari Granitoids: Ankara – Turkey
Kadioglu Y
Silisified Calcalkaline Volcanic Rocks Indicator of Gold Occurrences: Western Anatolia – Turkey
Bayram A & Kadioglu Y
Petrological Features of an Ignimbrite Flow Unite: Incesu Ignimbrite Turkey
Koralay T & Kadioglu Y
Petrology of S-Type Granites and Gabbros of Yozgat Batholith: Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex
Akce M & Kadioglu Y
Nature of Listwaenite: Eskisehir (Yunusemre) Turkey
Recber A & Kadioglu Y
Amphiboles as an Indicator of Granite Genesis and their Enclaves: Oymaagac- Ankara/Turkey
Zoroglu O & Kadioglu Y
Kadir S.
Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of the Tirebolu (Giresun) Bentonite Deposits, NE Turkey
Abdioglu E, Arslan M, Kolayli H & Kadir S
Kadirova G.
Usmonkulova A, Shukurov N & Kadirova G
Kadınkız G.
Some Organic Geochemical Characteristics of Oil Shale Deposits in the Ereğli-Bor Basin, (Konya-Niğde), Central Turkey
Erdoğan MS, Korkmaz S, Kadınkız G & Kara-Gülbay R
Kadıoglu Y.K.
Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd Isotopic Composition of Toygar Volcanics in Alaşehir Graben (Western Turkey)
Koralay T, Deniz K, Jiang S & Kadıoğlu YK
The Nature of the Early Cenozoic Alkaline Mafic Magmatism: Implications for Mantle Source
Deniz K, Kadioglu YK, Stuart FM, Ellam RM, Boyce AJ & Barfod D
Kadko D.
Atmospheric Deposition of Bio-Essential Trace Elements in the Southwestern Indian Ocean: Results from the 2021 Swings Research Cruise
Landing WM, Morton PL, Stephens M & Kadko D
Aerosol Deposition and Fractional Solubility of Trace Elements in the Remote Ocean
Buck C, Landing W, Aguilar-Islas A, Marsay C & Kadko D
Kadlag Y.
The Effect of Early Irradiation and Volatility on 54Cr and 53Cr Abundances in Components of EH3 Chondrites
Kadlag Y, Hirtz J, Becker H, Leya I & Mezger K
Chromium Isotope Variation in the Components of Unequilibrated Ordinary Chondrites
Kadlag Y & Becker H
The Silicon Isotopic Composition of the Silicate Earth: Revisiting the Enstatite Chondrite Connection
Becker H, Kadlag Y, Tatzel M & Frick D
Siderophile Volatile Element Fractionation in the Solar Nebula
Becker H, Kadlag Y & Wang Z
Origin of Cr Isotopic Variations in Physically Separated Components of the Unequilibrated Chondrites Allende and Murchison
Kadlag Y, Harbott A & Becker H
Origin of Siderophile Element Fractionations in Components of Unequilibrated Ordinary Chondrites
Kadlag Y & Becker H
HSE and S-Se-Te Fractionation in Components of Enstatite Chondrites
Kadlag Y & Becker H
Kadobayashi H.
Phase Changes of Hydrogen and Deuterated Hydrates Induced by Guest Orientational Ordering
Hirai H, Kagawa S, Kadobayashi H, Hirao N, Ohishi Y, Yagi T & Yamamoto Y
Experimental Study on the Stability and Decomposition Mechanism of Methane Hydrate Under High Pressure and High Temperature
Kadobayashi H, Ohfuji H, Hirai H, Ohtake M & Yamamoto Y
Kadokura M.
Study on Geochemical Mechanisms for Acid Mine Drainage Generation by Kinetic Modeling and Petrological Analysis of Sulfide Cores
Fuchida S, Suzuki K, Kadokura M & Tokoro C
Kadono T.
Impact-Induced Winter Caused by Sulfuric Acid Aerosol Made from the K/Pg Bolide
Ohno S, Sakaiya T, Kadono T, Kurosawa K, Yabuta H, Shigemori K, Hironaka Y, Matsui T & Sugita S
Impact–driven Ocean Acidification as a Mechanism of K–Pg Mass Extinctions
Ohno S, Kadono T, Kurosawa K, Hamura T, Sakaiya T, Shigemori K, Hironaka Y, Sano T, Watari T, Otani K, Matsui T & Sugita S
Kadosaki G.
Spatio-Temporal Variations of Winter CO2 and CH4 Fluxes along a Alaska Pipeline
Kim Y, Enomoto H, Kimura S & Kadosaki G
Kadosh D.
Can high-resolution marine and land records resolve Atlantic vs. monsoonal system signals in the Eastern Mediterranean region?
Bar-Matthews M, Ayalon A, Almogi-Labin A, Schilman B & Kadosh D
Kadoshima K.
Geophysical and Litho-Mineralogical Investigation on the Seafloor Massive Sulfides (SMSs) Mound
Lee S, Asakawa E, Sumi T, Kadoshima K, Kose M, Murakami F, Tsukahara H, Koizumi A, Koizumi Y, Ikeda M & Higashi M
Kadoya S.
Hydrogen Escape, Earth’s Irreversible Oxidation, and the Great Oxidation Event Revisited
Catling DC, Kadoya S & Zanhle KJ
A Cold and Alkaline Ocean on Hadean Earth Caused by Impact Ejecta Weathering
Kadoya S & Catling D
Atmospheric Redox Evolution and Life
Catling D, Kadoya S, Nicklas RW & Puchtel I
Upper Limit on H2 Levels in the Archean Atmosphere Based on Detrital Magnetite
Kadoya S & Catling D
Kaduri M.
Precipitation and Texture Effects on the Weathering of Young Mauna Loa Basalts, and the Early Stages of Soil Formation
Zaarur S & Kaduri M
Kadyshevich E.
Solar System Formation Hypothesis: Why the Chemical Compositions of the Planets are so Different?
Ostrovskii V & Kadyshevich E
Kądziołka K.
Mineralogy and Cu Distribution in Historical Slags Issued from Processing of the Zechstein Kupferschifer Formation
Kądziołka K, Kierczak J & Stolarczyk T
Kądziołka-Gaweł M.
Biogenic Sphalerite and Galena Formation in Peatlands Polluted by Atmospheric Deposition
Smieja-Król B, Pawlyta M, Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł B & Kądziołka-Gaweł M
Zn-Cd Sulfides Formation at the Contact Zone between Organic-Rich Wetland and Alkaline Wastes
Smieja-Król B, Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł B, Kądziołka-Gaweł M, Siepak M & Liszka B